Fated Loss (Red Rose & Black Ash Book 1)

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Fated Loss (Red Rose & Black Ash Book 1) Page 11

by Claudia Caren

  “Logan, you're tired. You need time to rest,” I said quoting him.

  He looked like wanted to protest, but his wings momentarily gave out, and we set down in the clearing. Ariel and Skylar joined us, and we ate a late lunch.

  Skylar took out the map of the Fifth Petal. “We are doing good, but we need to cover at least five hundred more miles today so we can make it to Ash's castle on time,” she said. “What's our supply status, Ariel?”

  I looked to Ariel's seat, but she was gone just like that. One second she was here—gone the next. There wasn't even a sound.

  “Where did Ariel go?” I asked, hoping that what I thought might've happened didn't.

  “What do you mean?” Skylar looked up from the holographic map.

  She and Logan stared at where Ariel was sitting. Their spines straightened, and they became tense and alert.

  “Do you think she went into the woods to you know?” Skylar suggested.

  I shook my head, ignoring the throbbing. “No, she would've told us if she was going anywhere.”

  “Ariel!” we called.

  No answer.

  So what I thought happened did happen. Ariel was taken by something with Dark Magic. That is the only explanation. Nothing else could've been so quiet and fast.

  I walked over to Ariel's seat and saw humongous, weird animal footprints in the snow that lead toward the forest. The two front feet were the talons of a way larger than normal bird. The back feet, however, did not match the front. Instead of talons the back feet was like a big cat's footprint, only much bigger and had claws at least three inches long.

  I pointed them out to Logan and Skylar. Without a word to each other, we knew what we had to do. There wasn't any option. We just have to go after Ariel even if we risk encountering a freak combo animal. She was our friend, and we won't stop until we find her.

  We gathered our packs and trudged through the thick, dense forest on foot, following the footprints of a massive creature.


  Chapter 26

  What happened if Ariel is… No, stay positive. She's fine, I thought.

  I batted away a branch of a tree. But the more we walked, the more something doesn't feel right. A thing that has Dark Magic can definitely cover its track if it wanted to. So why didn't it?

  We followed the footprints out of the forest and toward another enormous mountain that was taller than the rest. A loud roaarrr echoed from the summit and filled the air. I swallowed hard. I really didn't need to meet another bear or worse. But trap or no trap, we have to find Ariel.

  We climbed a relatively smooth path up the mountain. The path may have made our climb easier, but it made my anxiety grow. The whole trail was made up of black ashes like it had been burned.

  The trail ended at a circle of pine trees. We squeezed through the trees and came to a large, flat clearing. Behind the line of evergreens to the east, there was a cliff. To the west, there was a mountainside. And on the other side of the glade, there was Ariel, who was gagged and bounded to a tree. When she saw us, she paled or got even paler if that was possible. Ariel and Logan were practically paper white already. She made a muffled sound and motioned with her head for us to get out. I scanned the area. There was no sign of danger, so we started to walk toward her as quietly as we could.

  We were halfway across the clearing when a massive black dragon head dropped in front of me. I froze and stared at the living mythical creature.

  The dragon opened its mouth, and an orange glow appeared in its throat. At the sight of impending fire, I got over my shock and just barely managed to jump sideways and avoid the brunt of the flames. When I looked back up, I saw the whole body of the animal.

  “What the hell?” I said loudly without meaning to.

  What was in front of me was so weird, bizarre, and out of this world—and I don't mean that in a good way—even in faery standards. The animal had the head of a black dragon, but the neck, front legs, and wings were from an eagle. That was already a mix of two animals, but it also had the torso and back legs of a lion. On its back paws, there were not three but six-inch claws. If that wasn't enough dangerous components add an arrow-shaped dagger on the end of its black dragon tail.

  “That is my new invention,” said a voice.

  The Griffgon stilled and looked toward the source of the voice. A middle-aged man flew down from a high ledge on the mountainside. He was donned in regal violet robes with a golden crown on top of his curly, brown hair.

  “The Griffgon—half griffin, half dragon—designed by me, Devin, and with a little help from Ash's Dark Magic. Hope you like the extras,” he said.

  I wonder what his definition of like meant. Lions don't have knives for nails.

  “Let my friend go,” I demanded.

  “I have to follow my orders or give up these.” Devin twirled, and his robes flared out showing off the white trimming that was studded with sparkling gems. But since he was flying above us, I also got a good look at his royal underpants. “So no. Let's get this over with quic—”

  “Wait!” I said. “Why do you want to follow Ash anyway? She is going to destroy all faeries.”

  “Bah! With her Dark Magic, she can make me survive even without Astella. As for the other faeries, they always treated me like an outcast. Why should I care about them?”

  I took a step back toward Ariel. “What do you mean?”

  He let out an over dramatic sigh. “You see I have no powers. Even after I turned sixteen, my powers didn't find me. People treated me like a weirdo. I guess you can say I have a bit more than a grudge. So when Ash took over the kingdom, I readily served her. In exchange, she gave me everything I wanted—” Devin's eyes narrowed when he noticed I was almost to Ariel. “But what am I doing? We don't have time for chit chat. Attack!”

  The Griffgon pounced toward me, and I rolled out of the way. It lashed its tail in a circle, slicing trees in half. The branches scattered all over the place making running without tripping a lot harder.

  Skylar shot an arrow at the Griffgon, but it bounced harmlessly off its hide. Logan and I worked together to encase the Griffgon in ice. For a second there was a large, scary ice sculpture. But the Griffgon just shook its body, and the ice coating shattered.

  Soon it became clear that we couldn't capture it as easily as we did with the bear, so our plan became rescue Ariel and run.

  While Skylar distracted the Griffgon, I sprinted to Ariel. A large burning pine tree fell in front of me, and I jumped back. The Griffgon heard the noise and turned around. Its cold black eyes narrowed in on me, and the Griffgon bared its teeth. It would be really nice to know how to use that secret to defeating Dark Magic right now.

  “Nice genetically mutated animal,” I said.

  I slowly backed up until I hit a tree, but the Griffgon also advanced toward me. Smoke curled from its nostrils. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Logan creeping toward Ariel. I just needed to keep the Griffgon distracted long enough for him to free her.

  “You really are…”

  Should I say scary or a beauty?

  “Extraordinary,” I decided since it could mean both.

  Crraaacck! The Griffgon's head snapped toward Logan, who accidentally stepped on one of the numerous twigs on the ground. The Griffgon swung its tail, and in a millisecond, Logan was sent crashing through the trees and tumbling over the edge of the cliff.

  “Logan!” I cried in a warning that was way too late.

  The Griffgon turned its attention back to me and opened its mouth to shoot flames. I sidestepped and darted toward the cliff edge, praying Logan was ok. But before I could get there, a dark shadow passed overhead. I looked up and saw the Griffgon flying above me. I ran faster, but it easily caught me. The Griffgon grabbed my waist in its sharp eagle talons and carried me into the air.

  As the Griffgon swooped higher and higher, I caught sight of the cliff. But Logan wasn't there. My heart sank. No, it can't be…
/>   “Rose!” Skylar called. “We could use some help!”

  But Skylar didn't need to yell. I already noticed that the top of Ariel's tree was on fire, and Ariel was still tied to it.

  Thanks to a very rigorous gym teacher at my regular school who made us do push-ups and rope climbing every afternoon, I could haul myself up the Griffgon's feet and climb onto its back. As soon as I got on the eagle portion of the Griffgon, it noticed and tried to throw me off. I grabbed the feathers and tried not to fall, but the plumage fell away when I pulled at them, so I had to cling to the Griffgon's neck and hang on for dear life.

  When the Griffgon was unsuccessful in shaking me off, it started to spiral to the ground so fast that I left my stomach twenty feet behind. It crashed through the line of trees that was left while still spinning as I was slipping. Finally, I couldn't hold on any longer. I slipped off and took a hard hit against the ground.

  Skylar came over and helped me up. “Enjoy your joyride?”

  “That was anything but enjoyable,” I replied out of breath. “Is Logan—”

  She shook her head sadly.

  So this is what the prophecy meant. But this isn't the final battle, is it? Or do I have to lose more friends along the way? I wanted to break down and weep, but right now Ariel needed my help.

  I ran across the clearing to her, but then a black tree materialized out of smoke in front of me. Then it happened again and again until I was surrounded by a very dense forest.

  So Ash was participating in our little battle as well.

  The trees burst into flames as if a woodland blocking my path wasn't bad enough. I waded through the burning forest, trying to find Ariel. After a few minutes, the smoke turned thick, and I felt dizzy.

  “Ariel!” I called, but I got a lungful of poisonous gas and choked.

  Everywhere looked orange and red, and I didn't know where I was. I blundered around until I saw the cliff edge a few feet away. I was about to turn around and go in the opposite direction when a blur of blue caught my eye.

  “Logan, are you there?” I asked.

  But there was no reply. I will grieve later, I thought. Right now, I needed some clean air quick because the trees started to look like they were transparent and dancing.

  I plunged back into the forest and saw something moving a few feet ahead. My hopes soared, and for a split second, I thought it was Logan. But the object was dark and fast…wait is that a tail? Too late I realized it was the Griffgon's tail.

  The tail passed through the trees that had turned into smoke and slammed into me before I could move. I shot across the clearing and crashed into the mountainside. I hit my head again, and it felt like an egg cracking. My eyesight immediately failed. Everything sounded miles away, but I could still hear Skylar yelling my name, the Griffgon's hair-raising roar, and Logan's voice…Logan's voice!

  But before I could celebrate, Ariel let out a sharp, high pitch scream that jolted me to action. But as soon as I moved, sharp pain flared in my side indicating that I had broken a few ribs.

  After a few moments of excruciating agony, I succeeded in getting to a kneeling position. My sight returned, but I could only see through a haze of red with black spots dancing around. Logan was dodging fire and trying to get the Griffgon to focus on him while Skylar was trying to untie Ariel's bonds.

  Logan was fine other than a few rips in his jacket and slightly battered wings, but he was obviously exhausted and was responding slower to attacks. Other than untying the cloth gag, Skylar was having no success in freeing Ariel from the black band around her waist. (What did Devin use to tie her up?) A few broken arrows, which Skylar was using as knives, lay scattered at her feet. The fire was racing down the tree trunk. An ember landed on Ariel's back, and she let out another yelp.

  Watching the whole thing was Devin. He was sitting on the mountain ledge fifty feet above danger and was smiling cruelly like this was his idea of fun entertainment.

  If anything else could possibly go wrong, it did. While my friends were distracted, the Griffgon grabbed Skylar and Ariel—who was still tied to the tree—in one claw and Logan in the other. It opened its enormous mouth, preparing to have a tasty snack.

  I love my friends. We've been through so much together. If I let them get eaten, I would never forgive myself.

  I turned a patch of snow beside me into water and tried to splash it into the Griffgon's eyes. But I missed, and the water landed on its back instead. How is that going to help? I thought. But it was the only thing I could do. I couldn't run to them—I would black out if I took just one step, and then what? Let the Griffgon eat me too? That is not going to save my friends. But how is a little water going to either?

  Then something extraordinary happened. As soon as the water contacted the Griffgon's skin, the Griffgon started to melt. In seconds the monster dissolved into a black puddle of liquid.

  I glanced around to make sure my friends were ok. After confirming they were fine, I keeled over, and the last thing I saw was Logan's hand reaching out to me.


  Chapter 27

  “Rose!” I called.

  I sprinted over to her. She lay crumpled at the foot of the mountainside. Pine needles and twigs were sprinkled throughout her hair, soot and ashes covered her face and neck, and a few ribs were broken, judging by her partly concave chest. But the invisible damage was what I was worried about. This is the second head injury she had today—

  The beating of wings broke through my thoughts, and I looked up. Devin was trying to escape. No way was he going to get away with all the trouble he caused.

  I flew up and caught the hem of his robes. “You are not going anywhere.”

  “Please mind the cloak. You will tear it,” Devin said. Though he yanked on it harder than me.

  “Least of my worries,” I replied.

  “Unhand me right this instant!”

  “First help us.”

  I flew down through the air and dragged Devin behind me, who was making lame excuses and struggling to get free. After a few minutes of playing tug of war with some sort of expensive fabric, I managed to pull him back to the ground.

  Devin crossed his arms. “What do you want?”

  “First let Ariel go. Then tell us how to heal Rose, or at least find us shelter,” I replied.

  Devin grumbled under his breath and walked to Ariel. He threw black powder onto the bond, and it dissolved.

  “There that's one,” Devin said, “but I can't heal that nasty concussion Rose got. I'll be surprised if she even makes it through the day.”

  Panic crashed down on me.

  “There has to be a way to save her,” I insisted.

  “Sorry, can't help you. You will have to figure it out yourself.” Devin bolted into the air, hoping to get away.

  I caught the fringe of his robes again, and this time I heard a rip. “Not yet. Tell us where we can find a safe place to rest.”

  “If I tell you, will you set me free?”

  “Yes, but it has to be absolutely safe with no traps or trickery, and you must promise to leave us alone and not send another Griffgon or any other monster after us.”

  “There is a small mountain a few miles from here with a cave, and it is completely safe I swear.” Devin placed his hand over his heart.

  I didn't trust this guy at all, but it was our only choice. I let go of his robe, and he immediately flew off.

  I gingerly picked up Rose. She lay limp in my arms like a rag doll.

  “You are going to be fine. I will make sure of it,” I whispered to her even though I knew she couldn't hear me.

  She was the only one who managed to break through my walls. I can't let her die. If it comes to using my secret, I will do it.

  “Let's find this cave then…” Skylar drew a deep breath, trying to calm herself. “Then we will figure something out, right?”

  She looked toward Ariel and me. Nobody answered.

  We took of
f and searched for the cave Devin mentioned. When Devin said a few miles, I didn't think he meant fifteen. It took us thirty minutes to find the cave—relatively quick actually—but with every second, more sand was trickling down Rose's hourglass.

  The cave was so small, and the ceiling was so low that we had to stoop. For four people it was a tight squeeze, but it was better than nothing. There were no monsters at the entrance and no obvious sign of traps. We walked in. Nothing happened. We were safe for now…maybe.

  I laid Rose on a makeshift bed of blankets and tucked the edge of a quilt under her chin. My fingers brushed against her cheek, and I drew back, surprised at how cold her skin felt already. I have to do something quick. Rose only had a few hours to live. I just wish I could trigger my secret…

  I spoke too soon. My head exploded in sharp pain like a bunch of knives were stabbing my brain. My knees buckled, and I used the cave wall for support. Scenes of the future flashed before my eyes. I saw myself trudging through a familiar-looking forest and coming to the base of a volcano. The image fast forwarded, and I was kneeling beside a small bubbling spring. Then the pictures stopped.

  My heart hammered against my chest. I recalled one history class at Ether a while back. Mr. Howard was teaching us a faery legend about the Healing Elixir, a magical water that can heal just about any injury or sickness hence the name. The Healing Elixir is said to be in the middle of a volcano on the Fourth Petal.

  Sadly, the Fourth Petal was no man's land. Even though it was the petal honoring fire faeries, fire faeries rarely go there. Besides, there was nothing to see other than black rocky terrain and constantly active volcanoes. But how did a forest get into the Fourth Petal? Then my brain kicked into gear. The forest didn't get into the Fourth Petal. Part of the Fourth Petal must've got rebuilt here, assuming the vision is correct. If I can get some Healing Elixir for Rose…

  Ariel shook my shoulder. “Logan, are you ok?”

  I opened my eyes and found myself on my knees and clutching my head. Ariel and Skylar looked at me with concern.


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