Lady Cannibal

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Lady Cannibal Page 3

by Tim Miller

  “I’m going to kill you,” she said. “But I’ll eat your insides before I do.” And she kissed him on the cheek as she walked out. She didn’t have to look back to know that Dirk was no longer smiling.

  Chapter 7

  Today’s trip to Home Depot was different than her usual. On a normal weekend trip, she’d be buying stuff for the yard or window shopping over ways to redecorate her bathroom. Today, it was a wide variety of equipment. Plastic for one, yards and yards of plastic roles. She’d left way too much of a mess in Graves’ apartment. Once they actually started looking there was no telling what they would find, though she was certain she’d cleaned up well enough.

  She bought all kinds of tools including pincers, pliers, icepick, a hammer, nails and a blowtorch. She also bought a workbench and other miscellaneous items. Thankfully no one gave her any weird looks at checkout, even though she was buying a Dexter Morgan starter set.

  Once she finished up, she loaded the things into the back of her new Tahoe she had just bought. Probably not the best idea to buy a new car when you are recently unemployed, but the Beemer just wasn’t going to cut it. After loading it all up, she headed to her next destination. On the north side of Austin, she’d rented a large storage unit. The thing was big enough she could store the Tahoe in there along with almost everything else she owned and still have room. She’d paid a full year on it too, so no one would come sniffing around.

  Parking the Tahoe just outside, she went in and began to set up. Included in her purchase had also been several large rubber trash cans, and dozens of boxes of trash bags. Once she perfected her new craft, she’d need to find a more eco-friendly means of body disposal. In the meantime, trash bags would have to work. It took several hours to get the place set up to her satisfaction, but she was happy with the result.

  The workbench and table were at the center of the unit, with plastic lining the floor all around. She hung additional sheets along the walls just in case of any splatter. The tool box sat on the work bench and the Wendigo head was safely stored in a large trunk she’d brought from home. Once it was all set up, she stood back and admired her handiwork. She even brought a case of hand sanitizer and a portable shower.

  She didn’t plan on wearing any kind of apron or coveralls during her work. There was something very raw and almost erotic about killing while naked. It was like she felt closer to nature or something. She’d never felt close to much of anything, so whatever gave her a little bit of a thrill was something worth pursuing. Hopping back into the Tahoe she drove home figuring she had time for a nap.

  Dirk’s house wasn’t too far from hers. It might be too soon to kill him, since she had just been fired. That was why she had never chosen him as one of her dating targets. He was too close to home in case something went wrong. Now she just didn’t care. The guy was a sack of shit and she wanted to see him suffer. Up until yesterday he had only been annoying. His coming out and gloating over her being fired, well, that was punishable by death.

  She parked in her garage and headed inside. Lying on the couch, she figured getting a couple hour nap in would help her stay alert for the night. When she awoke, it had been almost three hours. It was dark outside and time to go see Dirk.

  As she pulled up to his house, the lights were on so she was glad to know he was home. Looking in her mirror she checked herself out one more time. She’d done herself up as if she were headed for a night on the town. Dirk only thought with his dick, so she figured it would be easy enough to draw him out. She climbed out of the Tahoe and up to his door and rang the doorbell.

  “Bailey?” He said when he answered the door. “Holy shit. What are you doing?”

  “Well, I felt bad about what I said to you yesterday. That was really fucked up of me to threaten you like that. So I wanted to make it up to you.”

  “Well shit. I mean, yeah it was pretty fucked up. I guess I was kind of a dick to act that way after you’d just gotten fired. Um, come on in.”

  He seemed weird, not his usual cocky self. Maybe he was in the middle of something already. The living room was small, with a single couch and big screen TV at the center.

  “Go ahead and have a seat. I’ll be right back.” He walked out of the room as she sat on the soft couch. After a few moments he returned with a couple of beers. Both were opened and after the last time a guy brought her a drink, she wasn’t about to touch this one.

  “What is this?” She asked.

  “Well. I’m not really in the mood to go out. But we can have a drink together here.”

  Are you fucking kidding?

  “You serious? You’ve been trying to get me to go out with you for ages.”

  “I know. It’s just…” he said as he scooted closer to her on the couch. This wasn’t going how she planned at all. “I thought since you’re here, we could think of some other ways to, you know, make up.”

  “Yeah, I didn’t have that in mind.” She scooted away.

  “What? You don’t think I knew why you came here? All dressed up like you’re ready to hit the club? Why not just skip the club part and go right to the after date festivities?” He leaned in to kiss her, but when she pulled back he grabbed her arm.

  “What is your problem?” He asked. “You come here just to fuck around with me?” Now he was sounding angry, unlike his usual smug routine. She stood, but he grabbed her arm and pulled her down.

  “Hey,” he said. “Not so fast.”

  “Dirk. Let me go ok? I’ll just go.” She didn’t want to go, she wanted to club him over the head and drag him back to her storage unit, but that wasn’t quite feasible at the moment. The idea had been to lure him into her car first.

  “I’m not hurting you. This is what you wanted. Why else would you come over here?”

  “I’m warning you. Ok? Just take your hand off me.”

  He just smiled and squeezed a little tighter.

  “I think you like it rough.”

  “I said stop!” She yelled as she punched him in the jaw. He let go and stumbled back. He looked at least as shocked as she did. She wasn’t prepared for or expecting a head to head physical confrontation, but it looked like she was about to get one.

  “Oh you do want it rough, huh cunt?”

  He lunged at her, but she grabbed the lamp and swung it at him. It struck his face with just enough force to knock him to the side. He stumbled past her into the TV and knocking it over as the screen cracked like a spiderweb. He got onto all fours, but Bailey kicked him with her heel in the face. Dirk grunted as he rolled to his side while Bailey kicked him at least a dozen more times in the face and stomach.

  She grabbed her purse and jumped on his back while dumping her purse out onto the floor. Thankfully she brought one roll of duct tape in with her. The original plan was to tape him up in the car, so her purse would be in easy reach. The tape rolled out of the purse and she grabbed it, immediately taping his hands together behind his back.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” He said, struggling to get free, but she was already taping up his feet.

  “You wanted to know why I really came? You’re about to find out.”

  “You fucking psycho. Cut that shit off me!”

  “Nope. We’re going to play my way tonight. You wanted a date, you wanted to fool around? You got it lover boy .”

  He struggled as blood ran down his nose. Her dress was partly ripped and her shoes had flown off. Now how was she going to do this? She had to get him into the car without being seen by the whole neighborhood. She dragged him to the doorway as he continued kicking. She didn’t like the way the tape looked around his feet, so she wrapped more around both his hands and feet until he was satisfied he wasn’t getting loose. As she finished, footsteps sounded from down the hallway. She looked up to see a tiny silhouette standing in the doorway a little boy’s voice called out.


  Chapter 8

  “Daddy? The fuck? You have a kid?” She asked.

  “He’s my son. I h
ave him a few months out of the year.”


  “What are you doing to my daddy? The little boy asked.

  “It’s ok honey. Me and your daddy are just playing a game is all. It’s like wrestling.”

  “Why is he bleeding?”

  “It’s ok Tommy. We’re just playing,” Dirk said.

  The last thing she had planned for was a kid. Her first thought was to call the whole thing off and just cut Dirk loose, but that wouldn’t work. Dirk would just run to the police. The little boy stood there crying, but was walking up closer to his dad. Looking around the room, she spotted a wastebasket next to the couch. She grabbed the wastebasket and pulled the liner out.

  Tommy was standing just a few feet away looking at his dad. Bailey walked up and wrapped the liner around his head, squeezing it into a tight seal around his neck.

  “No!” Dirk screamed as he began struggling and thrashing about. Tommy wiggled against Bailey as she held his body close with her one arm while holding the bag in place with the other. The little boy kicked and thrashed for almost a minute before going limp.

  “Shh,” she said to the boy. “Just sleep. Just sleep.” She continued holding the bag in place for another minute before lying the boy’s body onto the floor.

  “Tommy! No! Why! Why did you kill my little boy?”

  “Shut up!”

  “You fucking bitch! I’m gonna kill you! I’m gonna fucking kill you!”

  His screaming was getting too loud. She grabbed the tape and wrapped the duct tape around his mouth and head several times until his sounds were only muffled grunts. He continued to cry and sob while flailing, but at least he wasn’t as loud. She went out through the garage and opened the garage door. The neighborhood was rather quiet as she got into the Tahoe and backed it as far up to the garage as she could.

  Heading back inside, she wrapped the boy’s body in a blanket and carried him out to the Tahoe, placing him in back. She rolled Dirk up in a blanket as well and had to drag him through the house and into the back of the Tahoe. He was heavier than she suspected. It took her several tries, but she got him into the back of the Tahoe. She threw another blanket over them as she closed the tailgate. She took a moment to catch her breath as she closed the garage door and climbed into the Tahoe, heading to her storage unit.

  The drive there had been mostly uneventful, until she ran a red light; though, she didn’t run it outright. It was yellow and she tried to make it through, but it turned red at the last minute. Red enough for a cop to pull her over. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! She had to stay calm. She had a dead child in the back of her fucking car and the kid’s dad all taped up and squirming. If she stayed cool, she could get out of this.

  As the cop approached in her mirror she looked down at her dress and pushed her boobs up while pulling her dress down enough to show a bit more skin. She dug her license out of her purse as he reached the window.

  “Good evening ma’am,” the cop said. He was about her age and not real tall. “You know you ran a red light back there?”

  “I’m sorry,” she said while leaning forward. “I was trying not to.” She could feel his eyes on her cleavage as she pressed her boobs against the door.

  “Yeah, it happens. License and registration please?”

  She handed it to him as he walked back to his car. So far, so good. After a few minutes, he walked back up to the car and handed back her license.

  “Ok. You got a good driving record. I’m gonna let you off with a warning this time. Just try to…” Something banged against the back seat causing him to stop and look toward the back of the Tahoe.

  “What was that?” He asked. “You got something back there?”

  “No. I picked up some groceries earlier. Mostly canned stuff and it must be shifting around. I put the blanket over it to keep them from getting too hot. I didn’t go straight home.”

  “You went to the grocery store dressed like that?” He asked.

  “Well yeah, figured I’d grab what I need at the store than just go out after shopping. Save me a trip.”

  He smirked as he looked her up and down.

  “Ok I guess. Just be careful,” he said as he walked back to the squad car. She didn’t move until he was completely gone.

  “Holy fucking shit!” She called out once he drove away, resting her head on the steering wheel. “Fuck me. Fuck!” She’d need to be more careful if she made it through tonight. Nothing had gone the way she’d planned at all. The rest of the drive was uneventful and finally she arrived at the storage unit. She opened the door and pulled the Tahoe inside, closing the overhead door behind the big vehicle.

  She rolled Dirk out, who was still crying, struggling, and blubbering and placed him onto the table. The boy she placed in one of the rubber trash cans to be dealt with later. She strapped Dirk’s hands and feet to the table using zip ties. From there she cut his clothes off him and finally removed the duct tape. As he lay there screaming, she removed her dress, cleaned off her make up and walked to the large stand and put the Wendigo head on.

  Turning to face him, she was now wearing nothing but the Wendigo mask and exposing her naked body. She walked over to Dirk and stood over him as he looked up at her, his eyes widening.

  “Oh my God!” he cried. “What are you doing?”

  She looked at him through the mask. Lying there on the table he looked small, distant. Inside the mask, she was someone else, something else. Her most basic instincts were now taking over.

  “It’s dinner time.”

  Chapter 9

  It almost felt as if the Wendigo mask were a filter of some sort. Filtering out all reality and making it her own as she sees it. The Wendigo was something she’d heard of years ago but never thought much about. Unlike werewolves, vampires and witches, the Wendigo never got much air time.

  The creature is a Native American legend, usually along the Atlantic coast, but are often associated with winter and coldness. So, it seemed odd Graves had latched onto the myth here in Texas. Yet, he was gone and she was carrying it on. The Wendigo was a half human, half beast demon. In many drawings and depictions, it has the head of a deer or elk with the body of a human, and is always associated with cannibalism. Tribal legends believed that a person who ate human flesh could turn into a Wendigo. Once they ate human flesh, their hunger for it became insatiable. The more they ate, the more they craved, and the more powerful the spirit grew within.

  So there she was, looking down at Dirk as the Wendigo and he begged for his life.

  “What the fuck? You’re fucking insane!” He screamed. Once he saw the scalpel, he immediately stopped crying over the loss of his little boy. All he cared about now was the intense suffering he was about to go through. She started with his arm, cutting around his elbow and along his forearm and to his hand.

  Once she was satisfied with the incision, she peeled the flesh off like a long glove. He screamed as the skin ripped from the muscle. She tossed the mass of flesh into a bucket next to her and went to work on his other arm, doing the same thing, ripping it free as Dirk howled once again. Tears streaked his face as she tossed the flesh from his arm into the same bucket.

  She proceeded to remove the skin from both of his legs as well as his chest. Once she was satisfied with skinning him, she held the blowtorch into the bucket, cooking the pile of flesh. It popped and sizzled as the smell filled her nostrils. It actually smelled quite good as Bailey’s mouth watered while she took in the aroma. When it was nice and brown, she picked up a piece of skin and tasted it. The meat lacked a little flavor, but she could improve. She planned on taking the bucket with her for cooking later on.

  Dirk lie on the table, coughing and gurgling.

  “Just kill me. Kill me you fucking cunt. I hope you choke on my flesh.”

  “Oh, that’s not going to happen,” she said as she stood over him. The fear in his eyes emboldened her. It made her want to hurt him even more. She dug into her tool kit and pulled out the ice pick. She held it ove
r his right eye while forcing his eyes open with her fingers.

  “Fuck! No! No my eyes! Please!” He screamed as he tried to wiggle away, but he was too weak and her grip was too firm. She pushed the ice pick into the surface of his eyeball. He yelped as it went in slowly, until she felt something pop. White fluid poured out from his iris as she pushed the ice pick the rest of the way through. Giving it a twist to an angle, she popped the eyeball right out of the socket, then using the scalpel to cut the optic nerve. She looked at the eyeball which was now turning flat, like a deflated basketball due to the hole she’d poked through it. Fluid was still oozing from it as she tossed it into the bucket.

  She poked out the other eye as Dirk continued to scream.

  “There, now you can’t stare at my ass anymore,” as she laughed.

  “Why are you doing this? So, I was an asshole to you. I admit it. None of that is worth this. You’re fucking sick!”

  “Yeah, I know for a long time something was wrong with me, but now, I’m thinking the problem is more with everybody else.”

  She picked up the pincers and looked at his feet. Despite the flesh being ripped off his legs, his toenails were still intact. That is until she ripped each one off with the pincers. One by one the toenails tore away from their toes with a crunching, ripping sounds. Dirk cried and twitched each time. She tossed the discarded nails aside and moved on to his jaw.

  Using a series of tools, she cut away at the flesh and muscle around his jaw as he screamed and even tried to bite her in several instances, but wasn’t fast enough. She cut through and using the blowtorch, pulled his jaw free. He shrieked as the blowtorch melted his flesh away around his neck and chin. Looking at the removed jaw, she noticed he had a few filings.


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