Lady Cannibal

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Lady Cannibal Page 8

by Tim Miller

  “Fuck dude! A warning would be nice!” She said, but Lawrence just lie on the table sobbing. She walked over to the front and waved the blood soaked dildo in his face. Chunks of his asshole were still clinging to the shiny blades. “Ok Lawrence, time for the climax!” She said as she thrust the dildo into his eye socket.

  He screamed once again as she felt his eyeball pop as thick, mucous ran onto the dildo and blades. She held his ears like pistol grips as she fucked his eye socket with the dildo from hell. More blood gushed from the socket and after a few minutes, he’d stopped moving. She pulled out and there were chunks of brain stuck to the tip of the dildo. Lawrence was dead. She looked over her handiwork and smiled. He had suffered greatly and she was satisfied. Looking over at Ezra, he still lie there looking up at the ceiling.

  “Ok Pops! You’re next!”

  Chapter 22

  She walked to Ezra and looked at him staring off into space. The guy was a tough old nut, that was for sure. That just made Bailey want to crack him even more. She looked at his face, but he just stared right past her.

  “You still in their Ezra?” She asked. “You didn’t leave me already did you?”

  “I’m here.” He said without moving.

  “You are! Great! I didn’t want you to miss any of the fun.” She grabbed a large knife and proceeded to cut his clothes off. He was in far better shape than Lawrence had been. As she tore his clothes away, she noticed he was gritting his teeth and biting his lower lip.

  “Damn Ezra. You really got the tiny old man dick thing going on down there.” She said as she flicked his shriveled penis. He didn’t reply or even flinch. Bailey picked up a scalpel and ran it along his leg, and then up his stomach.

  “So? Where should we start? Any body part giving you trouble, something you’d like to see removed first?” She asked, but no reply.

  She took the scalpel and walked back by his feet. Lifting it up, she jammed the blade under his big toenail. He finally screamed as she sliced it back and forth, cutting through the sensitive flesh beneath the toenail. She continued slicing away until the toenail was off completely. Blood oozed from the cuts as Ezra struggled against her.

  After working on several other toes, she used the scalpel to slice through each big toe. Both times, she had to saw away for several minutes and cut through the joint before the toe fell free. More blood gushed from the fresh stump as she moved up to his knees, running the blade along his kneecap.

  “I’ve always wondered what these looked like,” She said as she began cutting through the patellar tendon as Ezra grunted, and then screamed as he thrashed against her. The tendon snapped like a thick piece of rubber as she cut away the flesh over the knee, carefully peeling it away. From there she cut the top of the tendon and cut away the muscle, pulling the kneecap bone free.

  She held it up and looked at it closely before tossing it aside. Ezra had stopped screaming for the time being.

  “That was much less remarkable than I had hoped,” she said.

  Ezra lay silent as she made an incision down the middle of his stomach. He grunted again as she pulled him open exposing his intestines. She walked over to her table and grabbed the bottle of rubbing alcohol. Standing over him, she poured the rubbing alcohol into the hole. His intestines twitched and jiggled as he screamed and howled. She poured even more, eliciting even more screams from him.

  Setting down the bottle, she reached in and pulled out a handful of his guts. They were sticky and slimy in her blood soaked hands as she cut through them. Clumps of bile and shit oozed out of both halves. She wrapped both hands around one of the pieces of intestines and began to pull, ripping them free of his abdomen as he yelled and screamed.

  She stopped after a pile of his entrails were lying on the table and drooping onto the floor. She looked at Ezra who finally glared at her.

  “You having fun?” He said, grunting. “You feel all big now?”

  “Fuck you,” Bailey said. “Like you’re one to talk anyway. After what you guys did to me?”

  “Lawrence did that to you. I just watched, remember?”

  “You were enjoying it.”

  “It’s a fucking job. It’s all a job. They pay me to help them in whatever sick shit they are a part of, and I help. I take no enjoyment whatsoever in it.”

  “And you think that is ok? To just torture and kill people for money?”

  “If it isn’t me, it’ll be someone else. I’m just making a living off the inevitable.”

  He was so cool and calm. It was too bad she had to kill him. Ezra was a much bigger sociopath than she was. She could have learned some things from him.

  “You’re a sicker fuck than I am,” she said.

  “Oh I doubt that,” he said. “Just finish up. Make it quick.”

  She went back to work on him, this time cutting off each of his fingers with a bolt cutters. He yelled with each crackle of the snapping bones. Soon both his hands were nothing but two large, bloody nubs. She still wasn’t satisfied as she walked his face and began cutting around the top of his head. She sliced through the flesh from the top of his head, just around his ears and along his jawline.

  He screamed as she pulled the flesh away, fat and tissue ripped and snapped. Once it was off, his face was now a red lump of blood and tissue with two eyes looking up at her. She turned to the table and looked at the flesh mask of Ezra’s face as she adjusted the strap on. Making sure the blades were straight, she pressed the bloody mask of flesh to her face as it stuck against her skin.

  She turned walked over to Ezra who was lying there now moaning. His eyes were wide as a trail of bloody drool ran from his mouth. As he looked up at her, his eyes looked like they were about to jump out of his head, to see his own face staring back at him, from a naked woman’s body. She reached up and sliced through his scrotum, removing his testicles as he let out another scream. This one was more of a loud, airy gasp but his eyes never left her.

  “Open wide Pops!” She said as she stuffed his testicles into his mouth. He gagged and screamed as she held his mouth shut to keep him from spitting. Finally, she let him spit them out, but through his open mouth she thrust the dildo and blades inside. She thrust away repeatedly, feeling the dildo bottom out against the back of his head. He gagged and gurgled as she thrust over and over again. Despite his mouth being filled with the deadly dildo, he finally began screaming and crying as his body thrashed as if it were having a seizure. She had finally broken him.

  Chapter 23

  Bailey had left the bodies, but took her tools with her to a cheap hotel. Once checked in, she went to her room and took a long, hot shower. This ordeal was over, and at the same time, it was just beginning. Looking in the mirror, she smiled at herself. It was amazing to her how much she’d grown in such a short time. Just days ago she was Bailey the lawyer. Now she wasn’t a lawyer, or even a person for that matter. The Wendigo was a transition, but she had evolved into something else entirely.

  “Goodbye Bailey,” she said knowing she had one more person left to kill. Leaving her old life behind both frightened and thrilled her at the same time. No more pretending she was something else. It was time to become the woman she was always meant to be.

  Taking out a pair of scissors, she began cutting her hair, watching her blonde locks fall into the sink, she cut away until she had a nice, pixie haircut. She cleaned the hair from the sink and flushed it down the toilet. Next, she removed the hair coloring from her bag and began dousing her blonde hair with the jet black coloring. Finally, she had the look she wanted. Satisfied with her new look she skipped out of the bathroom.

  She packed up her things and put on clean clothes, which consisted of a black Slayer t-shirt and a pair of jeans. Grabbing her bags, she headed out of the room and down the street. After taking a cab to the bus station, she boarded a bus. Which bus? Any bus. She was any girl and she was headed anywhere and everywhere. Bailey Hart was now dead. Was the world ready for this new girl? Ready or not, Isis Raine was coming.
r />   The End

  About the Author

  Tim began writing at a very young age. Even in grade school he'd sit around with his notebook, writing stories for himself and his friends.

  As an adult, Tim's writings have evolved into darker realms. He released his first horror novel, "The Hand of God" in 2011. Since then his books have become progressively more violent and gory. With the release of "Family Night" in 2013, Tim had moved into the world of extreme horror where he continues to push the boundaries of human suffering.

  Tim is now an international best seller as well. His book, "Hell, Texas" has recently ranked high on Amazon sales charges since its release in Germany under German publisher, Festa-Verlag.

  Tim is very active on social media and loves interacting with his readers. You can find him at his website at

  Also follow Tim Miller’s Amazon Author Page to be notified of each new release!




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