Werewolf Kisses & Vampire Bites

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Werewolf Kisses & Vampire Bites Page 1

by Marilynn Fae

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  Werewolf Kisses & Vampire Bites

  Public Humiliation | Exhibitionism | MFM

  Marilynn Fae

  Copyright 2018 Marilynn Fae

  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental. All characters depicted in sexual acts in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older. No part in this book may be reproduced, transmitted, stored, or distributed without permission of the author or publisher.

  This standalone story contains scenes of an innocent young virgin’s first time with a dominating vampire. It also contains scenes of exhibitionism and voyeurism, werewolf knotting, vampire werewolf MFM threesome (no MM), domination & submission, and bondage.

  Look Inside

  “Charles?” she asks timidly, brushing hair from her eyes. “You’re looking very serious,” she says from where she is rinsing the plates at the sink.

  “Merely thinking about our future together,” he says. He grins and reaches out, cupping her neck and reeling her in, letting her lean against him. She’s such a small thing, barely reaching his chin. She tilts her head to the side, offering him her neck. He had already fed from her the night before and isn’t feeling particularly hungry, but he sees the werewolf boy looking at them and decides to give him a show.

  He bows and runs his lips along her neck, fingers working on undoing the tie keeping her apron up to render her naked. She gasps and wraps her arms around herself. “Someone might see,” she says.

  “Let them see how lovely you are. My lovely little mate.” He closes his fingers over her breasts and pinches her nipples, drawing sharp gasps from her lush lips that makes him do it again and again to hear her soft moans. She makes such lovely little noises for him, the innocent thing. She doesn’t know any better, really. No one’s ever taught her to keep her lewd noises to herself, so she offers them readily, crying out when he twists her nipples.

  “Hurts, Charles!” she whimpers, and he eases his grip on her nipples, positioning his hold a little lower to pinch just beneath her perky nipples.

  “You’ll look lovelier with child, darling,” he says. It is a sore subject for them, at times. He is a vampire and therefore incapable of siring any children with her. Still, the idea of her pregnant appeals to him. “Your breasts will fill with milk. I wonder if it would be as sweet as the rest of you,” he murmurs, licking up the side of her neck. She trembles meekly in his grasp, leaning back and trusting him entirely to keep her safe, even exposed as she is like this.

  The scent of arousal fills the air. Somewhere in the garden next to theirs, he hears the werewolf groaning as he touches himself at the stolen view of her exposed breasts. He decides to be generous. “Really, darling, you shouldn’t be embarrassed,” he says, picking her up and lifting her up the counter.

  She is flexible enough that he is able to stretch her legs to do a split up on the counter top. She gasps, covering her wet pussy lips immediately. “Charles!” she gasps, outraged by what he is doing. She tilts her head back to look up at him, eyes dilated and very much aroused despite her protests.

  He pries her hands away easily, uncovering her. “You are so wet, darling,” he says. “You like this, don’t you? Like exposing yourself like this. What a dirty little slut you are, my little mate. What would the neighbors think of you?”

  “Charles,” she whines, face flushed prettily as he keeps her legs spread and her pussy lips exposed.

  He pinches her pussy lips with both hands and spread them open, letting cool air brush against her small opening. Already, he sees slick building up between them, dripping slowly down her slit. “Perhaps I would allow that one day, have Liam come in and watch while I fuck you, hmm?” he whispers in her ear and his suggestion is rewarded with an even brighter blush. He notes that she doesn’t protest the suggestion.

  Perhaps he will tell her about her werewolf stalker one day, but not today. He would rather enjoy her for himself first before sharing her.

  That’s not to say he can’t talk about it. “Have you fantasized about that? About letting Liam fuck your pussy? I would let him breed you, fill you up with his pups so we can have children in the house. Wouldn’t you like that, little love?” Poor thing doesn’t know the proper answer to the question, eyes filling with tears at the thought. “You would look so lovely with cubs, darling, your belly round and filled with life.”

  He hears the werewolf grunt, and then the tell-tale sign of him reaching his orgasm as the scent of cum fills the air. Eager werewolf, so young that just the sight of her pussy is enough for him. Oh, he will have so many things to teach him.


  Look Inside

  Chapter One: In Sickness

  Chapter Two: Stranger on a Train

  Chapter Three: Payment

  Chapter Four: First Time (Cunnilingus, Public Sex)

  Chapter Five: First Time (Public Sex)

  Chapter Six: Vampire

  Chapter Seven: Exhibitionism & Voyeurism

  Chapter Eight: Domination and Bondage

  Chapter Nine: Punished (Voyeuristic)

  Chapter Ten: Offered (Exhibitionism)

  Chapter Eleven: Undressed

  Chapter Twelve: Temptation (Stripping, Groping)

  Chapter Thirteen: Threesome (Double Penetration)

  Chapter Thirteen: Knotting


  Chapter One: In Sickness

  It is one of those perfect mornings when the sun and the skies appear in perfect harmony with each other, neither too bright nor too hot. Even the animals are behaving as I go through my morning routine. I collect the eggs from the coop, milk the cow, sweep away the leaves that seem to have blown in while we were sleeping the night before.

  The garden blooms beautifully. Everything me or my mother plant grows perfectly, regardless of the season. I suspect the land is a little magical, but my mother has always just laughed when I suggested it. I have been thinking about starting an herb and vegetable garden, something that could help bring in a little income, but that will have to wait until after I come back from my journey.

  A cool breeze catches my cheeks and ruffles my hair as I cradle the basket against my chest. I lift my head and breathe in the cool, clean air, letting my gaze linger on the bright blue sky and smile at the gently swaying trees in the horizon. The neighbors are up and awake as well, going about their morning duties. I wave at Liam, who stumbles over his feet for a second before waving back eagerly. Steeling my heart, I head over to his side of the farm to talk to him. I need a favor and I know he will be willing to help.

  He is seventeen this year, a year younger than me, but somehow have managed to grow five inches taller already. He has also gotten much bulkier, probably because he and his family does most of the construction work in the area. He has seven older brothers who are all married and living with their own newly constructed houses now out of the town. His nearest brother is two day’s travel away. Their parents have been dead for a few years.

  It is a peculiar tale. They went into the forest one day with their sons in order to hunt for fresh meat and only the sons returned. They were in mourning for a long time after that and the brothers all moved away shortly after, as though their parents were the only thing that kept them here. The houses have since been taken over by the other residents. They’ve always built the sturdiest houses.

  I am glad that Liam stayed.

  Mother used to say that he fancies me but he is too young. The other men in our town are too old. Mother worries that I would have to marry elsewhere and leave her. I have never considered such a thing.

  Until now.

  “Good morning, Delilah.” He smiles brightly a
nd openly at me. His voice is so much deeper. It’s difficult for me to reconcile the man he is quickly becoming to the young boy I used to roll in the mud with. “Is your mother better?” he asks with a downturn of his lips. He turns to the house and his nostrils flare, as though he can smell the sickness from where he stands. It is a ridiculous notion.

  I shake my head. It’s not looking good. Sickness never does, but is it particularly dangerous around these parts because we do not have a town doctor and the sick never seem to heal. They just slowly fade away until they pass and we have a funeral. My heart clenches at the thought of burying my mother, but I am prepared for that outcome nevertheless. Mother was very old when she had me, almost in her fifties despite looking much younger.

  “She is not looking well,” I admit quietly and his attention falls back to me. I brush my hair over my ears and hope to look slightly less distressed. “I have a favor to ask of you,” I say carefully. Already, the kind boy is nodding, ever-so-eager to help. “I haven’t even told you what is it yet,” I smile weakly at him.

  He looks embarrassed, but his skin is too tanned to tell if he is blushing.

  “I’m going to go fetch a healer,” I confess. “I need you to help me take care of my mother while I’m gone,” I tell him, hoping that he would be willing to help. It will not be an easy task, taking care of a sick person. And I would understand if he would rather not take the risk of catching whatever illness she has.

  Immediately, he does not look pleased. “You can’t leave,” he says.

  I puff up. “Why not?” I demand to know.

  “It’s not safe out there,” he says. “I could come with you,” he suggests quickly.

  “No,” I say. “You’re needed here.” It’s true. Not just for my mother. After his family left, he is one of the few good men in town who knows how to fix broken roofs and leaky pipes. He is the strongest hunter among us and if something were to happen, he can be counted to keep the townspeople safe. “And I won’t be going far. Just on the train and straight to collect the doctor to get him home,” I add quickly. Two days is a pretty far journey for me, but I know he has travelled even further.

  “You’ve talked to your mother about this?” he asks.

  I nod and lie, “Of course.”

  He looks conflicted for a moment, before conceding with a slow nod. “I’ll take care of your mother while you’re gone,” he promises but there is an odd look on his face, like he knows something I don’t.

  “Thank you.”

  “It’s going to be alright,” he says. “I’ll be here for you.” He reaches out and presses the palm of his hand to my cheek. I lean into his touch instinctively and his expression softens into one of fondness.

  “Thank you,” I answer easily. He’s right. He has always been here for me. Perhaps mother was right about him having feelings for me.

  “Come back quickly,” he says, his tone soft. He looks handsome up close. I has never really paid much attention to his face before. We’re usually running side by side, fingers interlinked as we run through the woods and explore the forests together.

  “I’ll be back before you know it,” I say, taking a step back. I miss the touch of his hand on my cheek immediately.

  His expression hardens and the light appears to reflect in his eyes, making them glow. His nostrils flare and his hand lingers in the air for a second. It must be a trick of the light when I see that his fingers suddenly grow sharper, more like claws than nails.

  “Liam?” I start, my voice shaking. I blink and the illusion fades as though it was never there to begin with.

  He smiles and the flash of his perfectly even white teeth dispels the demons I had seen in his eyes. “You’re going to see Doctor Horner, are you not? He will need the least convincing. Tell him that I sent you.”

  “I wasn’t aware that your name carried so much weight,” I tease good-naturedly but the truth is that I am relieved beyond words. I had been worried about how I would convince the good doctor to come and help. We have money saved up from my mother’s work with taking care of children in town, but it is not much and some of the parents do not pay anything at all. I wasn’t sure if I had enough to convince someone to leave for a few days.

  He flashes a grin. “I’m a popular man,” he says. “But it’s mostly Alastair and Augustus,” he continues, bringing up his older brothers. “He had a problem with bears in that town and hurting the animals and people near the edge of town. They managed to chase them off.” He shrugs like chasing off bears isn’t a big deal. “And my brothers help build his clinic.”

  I bite my bottom lip to keep myself from asking about his family. It always make him have that faraway, somewhat tragic look. “Would you like me to bring anything for them?” I ask.

  He starts to shake his head, and then rushes back into his house and returns with a basket full of fruits. “If you could bring this to Alastair, that would be wonderful. His wife is pregnant and he has been whining about how difficult it is to find peaches there.”

  I nod, grateful to be useful, and then give him some instructions on what to do with my mother while I’m gone. It’s not much, really. I have cooked enough provisions to last for a week even though I should only be gone for five days. Two days to get to the town and talk to the doctor, a day to convince him to come back with me, and two more to come back. It would be shorter if I’m lucky.

  We part ways with a lingering hug that warms me all the way to the core and I watch him set towards Mr. Coffey’s half-finished house.

  In the house, I can hear the crackling of the fire. I step inwards and immediately the sour smell of sickness fills my nose.

  I leave the morning’s harvest at the door and hurry to my mother’s bedside. I replace the dirtied pail with a clean one and head outside to clean the sickness. She has been vomiting for the past several days.

  “Mama’s still sick?” Faiz calls from over the chicken coop. He is chewing on leaves that smell foul and stain his teeth orange. It does not escape my notice that he is only talking to me now that Liam is no longer in sight. He is nearly fifty but looks sixty with a gut that causes his shirt to stretch thin in the effort to keep it all contained. A noble effort.

  I grimace when he spits the chewed leaves at the ground beside my chicken coop. I make a note to get rid of it later. “Still sick,” I say, wishing he would go away. Faiz is an unpleasant old man who had been coming onto my mother ever since father passed, insisting that a woman like her would not be able to take care of herself in a place like this. Never mind that like it’s namesake, Porthaven is one of the safest places in the world. The biggest threat to our town is the occasional fox that breaks into our chicken coops and Liam always manage to hunt the offender down.

  “I knew it,” he says. “Told your mama she’s not gonna last on her own out here.” He nods sagely, like he has foreseen the answer and I refrain from swinging the pail over his head because it’s not a proper thing to do, even if he’s being an ass. “Doctor’s not coming around these parts for another fourteen days,” he tells me with a look that suggests she’s not going to last till then.

  “I know,” I say, unable to keep the ire from my voice. He has been counting down the days for me as though I am unable to tell the days apart. “Thank you,” I add dutifully and turn away, hoping he would understand it for the dismissal it is.

  “Do you need any help in the house?” he continues even though I have my back to him. I know better than to mistake it for kindness. Already, he is thinking of what I am going to do if my mother passes. He had been making hints the past several days about ‘taking care’ of me.

  I am young, not stupid. Even if he were not more than twice my age, I would not consider him as a suitor. For one, he is already married to a woman who is more lioness than human. Once, I saw the older woman trampling her cabbage because it wasn’t perfectly symmetrical. There doesn’t need to be a second reason, really.

  I ignore him and hurry into the house, locking it shut beh
ind me.

  Mother is beautiful, even in sickness. I am glad that I inherited that from her, if nothing else. She is strong and independent where I am more cowardly and wholly dependent on her. It is only out of necessity that I learned to take care of myself.

  “I’m sorry,” she murmurs when I wipe the corner of her mouth with a warm, wet rag.

  “How’re you feeling today?” I ask.

  She manages to curve the corners of her lips up. It turns quickly into a grimace as she starts to cough.

  “I’m going to go fetch a doctor for you, mother. The train will come by this afternoon,” I tell her softly. I have been thinking of it for a few days now but only tell her now because I didn’t want to hear her protests.

  “I’m getting better,” she says and then begins coughing straight away.

  “You’ve convinced me, mother,” I deadpan.

  She rolls her eyes. “It’s not safe out there, Delilah,” she says and elaborates on how dangerous the entire world is for people like us. She says things like this the entire time she’s sick, cryptic things that suggests supernatural forces are involved. The only unnatural thing that has happened in the town is how Faiz convinced his wife to marry him.

  “I’m sure the world isn’t as terrible as you think it is, mother,” I wipe her forehead with a towel and take her temperature. She’s still much too warm, but she has been complaining about the cold so I have been piling all the blankets in the house on top of her. It’s a wonder she hasn’t been completely buried underneath it yet.

  “It’s not the world I’m worried about. It’s that they’ll find you.”

  My hands freeze at her cheek. “Who’ll find me?” I ask but she has fallen back to sleep.

  Chapter Two: Stranger on a Train

  I almost miss the train simply because the motorman isn’t used to picking people up from town. I manage to get on though and he deposits me in one of the carriages and tells me not to open the door for anyone.


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