The Night Life: Exodus of Evil

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The Night Life: Exodus of Evil Page 6

by Natasha Davis

  “What are you talking about Jess?”

  “I just asked you a few moments ago if you’ve seen Ava, and you said no. Well she was out here sleep walking, some man was telling her to come to him. That he knew where her parents were, that they’re not dead, he told her that they were alive and well. Now Davie, I think it’s time you start doing some talking, don’t you?”

  Davies’ eyes were wide with shock; he was searching the woods looking for the danger. When he came up short he looked Jess straight in the eyes.

  “Jess, I think we better go in the cave and hash this out. At least there are five more of us in there. I don’t know what’s going on, but we’ll all do our best to protect her. There have only been a small handful of vampires who’ve mastered the mind manipulation or at least that strong anyway. We all have some mind control, but not like this.”

  Davie turned to look at me, “I’m sorry, Ava. I didn’t know what we were up against or I would’ve had both entrances guarded just in case, but now we know. And I’m thankful you’re not hurt. So, can we please go back inside?”

  I looked at Jess and he was looking at me. He looked like he was searching my face for an answer, but I guess whatever he was looking for, he found it.

  “We’ll go back in, but Ava and I are going to our room to be alone so that we can talk. There have been some things brought up that has disturbed us both and I think only we can discuss and hash it out.”

  Davie nodded at us, gesturing us towards the cave’s back entrance. I feel so violated that someone can control my mind and body in such a way. I got out of bed and followed the man’s every command without even realizing it, until Jess smacked me across the face to get me back to reality. Which, by the way my face still stings from the impact.

  Jess, Davie and I walked into the Cave and all the others were there waiting for us. Davie shook his head in a negative way at the others. Kim looked grief stricken, but I was in no shape to console her just yet. Like Jess said we have many things to discuss. Jess and I walked past the others to return to our room. I know it may seem rude, but oh well, we’ll just have to discuss things with them later. I can hear them whispering to one another trying to figure out what happened, and how I got out of the cave without them knowing, and why their other vampire buddies hadn’t notified them of any intruders.

  I have this awful feeling like this guy really knows me. He has to, to know some of the things he said. I kept wondering who this man might be, but I just keep coming up short. My parents didn’t introduce us to many people; they didn’t want us to be in danger. I guess I can see why, since I’m a one of a kind, and the council wants me dead. How can someone want you dead, without giving you a benefit of a doubt? They don’t know me, I thought to myself. Oh, man do I ever have a headache; all of this thinking is hurting.

   9

  “Ava, are you okay? Whoever that man was didn’t hurt you, did he?” Jess asked.

  “No he didn’t hurt me; I just have a horrible headache is all. Jess I’m scared. I have never thought that someone else could do something like this, but I guess after being here for so long; there would be a lot of things we don’t know about. And Davie and Kim hasn’t mentioned a lot of things to us, I just can’t help but wonder if what that man was telling me could be true.”

  “Ava, you couldn’t believe that, what would make you think such a thing?”

  “Jess, sometimes I wonder if this whole situation isn’t sabotaged. After me and you had that conversation the other night about me showing you my fangs, I dreamed about it, but the dream was different. There was a man in the dream; he was in the bushes behind us. After you had left me up in the tree I heard some rustling behind me, when I turned around a man had stepped out and flashed his teeth at me. It scared me, but that’s when my father came to help me down. I hadn’t seen this man before; I don’t know who he was, or what he’d wanted.”

  “Even so Ava, I don’t think that had anything to do with Kim and Davie. They’ve been good to us. They’ve done exactly what our parents had wanted them to do. Kim and Davie has spent the last decade protecting and providing for us. You should be grateful.”

  “Jess, I am grateful for everything they’ve done for us, but sometimes I have second thoughts about them. I know I can’t justify them, or even prove them to be right, but something in my gut tells me something is becoming very fishy.”

  “Well, I hope your gut is wrong. I wouldn’t say anything to them. They only have a few more days left and then it will be just you and me, but is the dream the only thing that has gotten you worried?”

  “No. Not exactly, the story that Kim told us about our families didn’t seem right either.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well you know how our parents were protective over us?”


  “Well when Kim told us that they had watched us for a while and then come out of the woods to yell at them, they talked as if our parents weren’t worried about them. Well I know for a fact that if someone was to jump out of the woods and yell, “hey there” at our parents that our fathers wouldn’t have just ran up to them and become trusting. They always worried about our safety Jess, if strangers would have approached them whether friendly or not, they would be defensive.”

  “Yeah, I can see that. What else did you find to be suspicious?”

  “Well my family told me about our heritage along time ago. I acted like I didn’t know anything about it. So, if our families told them to keep us safe, they would have told them about me, and the fact that I know who I am. I didn’t know how I became this way, but I did know that my parents were vampires. I just think that Kim would’ve been told that big detail if our parents trusted them.”

  “I can agree that if our parents wanted them to keep us safe, they may have told them about you. If your parents didn’t tell them, then who do you think did?”

  “I don’t believe anyone did, I think they watched us for a long time, and decided they wanted us for themselves, so they tipped the hunters off to our whereabouts. Because if they watched us long enough, they would have seen who we were and put the pieces together themselves. I’m not saying that their entire story seems bogus, but most of it has flaws.”

  “What do you think we should do about it then?”

  “I don’t know that’s why I’m telling you about it, I don’t know what to believe really, I’m just confused and tired.”

  “Would you like to talk to Kim and Davie about it?”

  “NO! If we talk to them and my suspicion is right then they’ll get really mad, and no telling what will happen.”

  “What do you suggest then?”

  “I think we should let them teach us what we need to know, after all they only have a couple of days left, but what makes you so certain that they won’t survive?”

  “Oh come on Ava, they’ve been trying the potion out for years, and no one has survived.”

  “I was just trying to be positive I know the odds are against them, but what will we do if they die?”

  “We’ll protect each other.”

  “Do you want to continue living here?”

  “Well, where do you suggest we go? This is the only place we know. We’ve been here for so long, I think that if we decided to leave now with that man trying to get to you, it won’t be pretty and I don’t want to risk it.”

  “What if he’s right? What if my mom and dad are still alive? I want to find out the truth, don’t you?”

  “If whoever he is can be trusted, then yes. We don’t know him, and we don’t know if he’s being honest. I think we should just learn our skills, and later on we can decide if we want to leave or not.”

  “Okay, I guess it’s settled then.”

  “We still have a few hours left of night time, do you want to go find Kim and Davie and learn a few things?”

  “Sure, why not?”

  Jess got out of bed and walked around to my side of the bed and reached down to help me up. I took h
is hand and rose up out of the bed. We are still fully dressed from earlier, I can see all too clearly now. Even though, the cave is pitch black with darkness, I still can see my way around. I continued to allow Jess to lead the way, I know it makes him feel good, knowing I’m safe when he’s the one protecting me.

  Jess and I went to Kim and Davies' room, but they weren’t there. The cave is dark and quiet, we don’t hear anyone moving around or talking which is weird. At this time of the night everyone is usually winding down from the days events, but there is always some type of noise echoing through the cave. I don’t hear the slightest peep.

  “Jess, can you hear anything?”

  “No, why?”

  “Usually, we can hear something such as, talking, someone pacing around, but I can’t hear anything. Something’s not right Jess, lets go see if anyone is at the meeting room.”

  “Okay, let’s go.”

  Jess threw me up on his back and with vampire speed we zipped through the cave like we had done this a million times. I felt very exhilarating, adrenaline rushed through my body and I couldn’t help, but giggle. Heck this is really fun, I can’t remember the last time I got to have this much fun. Even though, that wasn’t what Jess had intended, he just wants us to get there quickly and carrying me is the only fastest way, since I don’t have speed like he does, unfortunately. I can say being a half breed so far really sucks, I don’t have the speed, or quite the strength as the others, but all of the other senses seem to be working. I can smell far away, see and the sensation of touch is phenomenal.

  We made it to the meeting room and no one was here. This is really odd, something is wrong I can sense it, no one being here is not normal. There’s usually always someone here guarding the entrance at night.

  “Jess, can you hear the others nearby?”

  “No, I can’t hear them, but I can sense them in the woods, their chasing someone.”

  “Who would they chase?”

  “I don’t know, but let’s go find out.”

  “Jess, you can’t carry be through the woods, it will drain you of your energy, and plus the sun will rise soon, and we need to be close to the cave. I don’t want us to get stuck out there and end our existence.”

  “Ava, you worry too much. We’re just going to find Kim and Davie and find out what’s happening. If they need our help we’ll help them, if they don’t then we will come back.”

  “I hope no one is hurt.”

  “I can’t be too sure of that, but we’ll find out soon enough. Just hang on tight okay.”


  Jess took off so fast that it took me a few seconds to register that we were even moving. One thing is for sure he moves very gracefully. I clenched my hands tightly around his neck, I was so afraid that I was going to go flying off of his back if I loosened my grip.

  “Jess, am I hurting you.”

  “No, but you can loosen your hands a little, I can barely breathe.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry, I was just afraid that I would fly off of you if I did.”

  “Don’t worry Ava, I’ve got you. If you did fall off, I would catch you before you even realized what had happened.”

  “Well, I’m glad you’re confident in yourself.”

  I could tell by the creases at the corner of his eyes he was smiling. I can tell he was having just as much fun as I was. That or he was being conceited. We were flying past trees I tried not to turn my head sideways because it made me a little nauseous earlier when I had done it. I could just hear everyone now laughing at me because I got a little motion sickness being carried on Jess’s back. Worse of all, I didn’t want to vomit all over Jess, I’m sure he wouldn’t be too happy about that either.

  After what seemed like five minutes had passed by we finally found someone in our group. It looked like Misty, she was jumping from tree to tree, and from the expression on her face she was scared.

  “Jess, there’s Misty. It looks like she’s running from someone; let’s go see if she needs our help.”

  “I’m on it.”

  When I thought we couldn’t go any faster, Jess had proved me wrong. He went into full force, pulling us forward with much speed, we met up with her in no time.

  “Misty, what’s going on? Is someone after you?”

  “Get back to the cave now!! I’ll be behind you.”

  “Where’s everyone else?”

  “I don’t have time to explain, just do what I said. Get back to the cave.”

  Jess turned us around quickly and started running back at the speed he was running earlier to get to Misty. I could feel my heart beat quicken with fear and my body start tingling all over, the adrenaline was coming back with full force, but something else was happening, I can’t explain it, but my body feels weird. My eyes are burning like a match has struck them with heat, my heart feels like it has grown twice its size, power has surged through my body, and I feel stronger, lighter and angrier.

  “Jess, I think you should let me down.”

  Jess slowed down some, so he could talk to me.

  “What’s wrong Ava?”

  “My body feels funny, I can’t explain it, but I think you should let me down.”


  Jess stopped immediately and set me down. He turned around to face me and gasped. I don’t know what he sees, but I can tell it’s nothing good.

  “What’s wrong Jess?”

  “Your eyes are blood red, your skin is paler and it seems like you have this electric current flowing through you. Are you in any pain?”

  “No, my body just feels weird. I’m angry and I don’t know why.”

  “Well we’re under attack maybe that has something to do with it.”

  At that instant a man came charging through the woods at Jess. Without any warning, I raised my hand towards him and a charge of light came pouring out sending the man sailing through the air. I’ve never felt anything like this before, but one thing is for sure, no one is going to hurt my Jess, not if I have something to say about it.

  “What was that?”

  “I don’t know, but I think we should get back to the cave now, before others like him come charging out of the woods.”

  “I agree, jump on and I’ll carry you.”

  “I don’t think that’s such a good idea. Not until my body returns to normal, I wouldn’t want to hurt you.”

  “I don’t think you’ll hurt me Ava, but I know we can run faster if you let me carry you.”

  “I’ll be fine.”

  Jess didn’t say anything else. He tried to hold my hand, but I pulled it away quickly. I didn’t want to risk hurting him. After all I don’t even know what just happened. Now I have even more powers that I’m sure no one at the cave will be able to explain. I don’t even want to mention it to them, but I’m sure Jess won’t let it go. I really wish my parents were here to comfort me. Don’t get me wrong I’m glad I have Jess, but sometimes a girl just wants her mommy and daddy.

  Surprisingly, I was able to keep pace with Jess. I’m sure it’s not his fastest speed, but all in all I can’t believe I’m able to do that much.

  “Ava, will you slow down a little. You act like a stampede is trailing us.”

  “What are you talking about Jess? I thought I was holding you back.”

  “As much as I would like to say you are, well your not. I feel like I’m going to collapse at any moment.”

  “I’m sorry Jess, why didn’t you say something sooner?”

  “Its okay, were almost there. I still would like to know what it is exactly you done back there.”

  “Well when you find out, let me know because, I have no idea what just happened. To be honest, I really don’t want to talk about it with the others.”

  “I had the feeling you wouldn’t want to talk to them about it, but they may be the only ones that can tell us something about what just happened.”

  “I know your right, it’s just that we’ve been through so many changes lately, I was kind of hoping that
the worst has been put behind us.”

  Jess ran over to me and put his arm around my shoulders and screeched out in pain.

  “Jess, are you okay? What happened?”

  “I’m fine. Dang that hurt. You know that really wasn’t necessary.”

  “What are you talking about Jess?”

  “You just sent a searing pain throughout my body, with whatever power it is that you’re possessed with. I know I may make you mad at times, but even I don’t deserve that.”

  “Jess, I didn’t intentionally do anything to you. I’m sorry if I hurt you, you know I wouldn’t do anything to harm you. That’s exactly why I pulled away from you earlier; I didn’t want to hurt you. You have to believe me.”

  Jess let out a breath of air and started to put his arm back around me, but he thought otherwise and pulled away. Once we made it back to the cave Misty was there waiting for us with Kim and Davie by her side.

  “Where have you two been?” Kim asked.

  “Jess and I went looking for everyone. Once we finished talking we went to find you in your room and when you weren’t there we realized we didn’t hear anything in the cave. We got worried and rushed to the meeting area to see what was up, but when we got here no one was around so we went out looking for you. So, what’s going on?”

  “Two men came up demanding we hand you over. So, Davie and Peters went after them, but after a while we got worried and the rest of us went looking for them. Davie and Peters couldn’t find them, but when Misty was on her way back she ran into one of the men, that was when you guys had found her, she was running from one of them.”

  “Well you don’t have to worry about one of them, Ava took care of it.”

  Kim gasped, and clenched her chest. “What do you mean, Ava took care of it.”

  “Well it’s hard to explain actually, she got really mad and then the man came charging out of the woods at me, that’s when Ava raised her hand and sent him flying through the air. I don’t know if she killed him or not, but at least he knows not to mess with her, and maybe he will go back and tell the others.”

  “Are you okay, Ava? Can you explain to us what you felt before that happened?”


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