The Night Life: Exodus of Evil

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The Night Life: Exodus of Evil Page 12

by Natasha Davis

  The man just acted like I wasn’t even there. Man, Misty is good at this. She knows how to play her cards that’s for sure. I just couldn’t help but admire her tactics. She’s most defiantly going to give me some pointers later.

  Misty turned around and looked at me and smiled. I don’t know if she could read my mind or not, so I just shook my mind clear and followed them through the town. The town on the inside isn’t so creepy after all. I would actually say it’s quite beautiful.


  The town is surrounded by a tall black iron fence that has sharp piercing tips at the top of each post. Along the fence line holds beautiful Bradford pear trees. From the outer perimeter of the fence and trees to the beautiful surroundings of the town is about a distance of two miles, to allow as much privacy as possible.

  There are ten store shops lined up side by side on both sides of the street. There’s just enough space in between each shop to place two small garbage containers at the end of the alley. The store shops are set up in an old fashioned style. There designed to look more modern, with the finishing touches.

  Brown sand colored cobble stone side walks run adjacent on both sides of the streets. The roads are covered with sand colored pebbles to guide the way. There’s a concrete enclosed island in the center of the road that’s planted with the most beautiful wild flowers. The flowers produce a lovely color and essence to the town’s surroundings.

  After we passed the store shops we saw a brick style building that had huge bold letters on the front that read, “Deerneck Community College”. And underneath that, the letters read, education at peace. The college is located on the right hand side of the road.

  Around the college forming a circular illusion were tall apartment buildings. If I’m exact then each building has thirty rooms that would be an estimate of three hundred students. I arched my eyebrows with amusement.

  The apartments started at the right side of the college and circled around the back, until it met up with the other side. In between the back side of the college and the apartments held an impressive water fountain garden. There are cobble stone benches placed all around the fountain. I’m guessing that’s for the students to go and, “study”.

  I turned my head to focus on the left side of the road to find another large brick building that read, “Deerneck Hospital.” This building was three stories tall and had an underground basement. I couldn’t help but wonder what that’s all about. Sure when a town has people, then you need medical treatment, but it still surprises me that they need a facility this large, for a small town as this.

  After we passed the main towns vicinities, we came across the town houses. The houses are neatly designed in an artistic Victorian style. All the houses are painted a light tan color, with dark brown trim and shutters. Looking at the town at this point of view seems so beige and boring, but we all know that, that is just a cover.

  The houses are all lined up in a spider web effect. Each street starts at the ending of the town’s border and zips out into a wide straight line. Each street has ten houses with a cull-de-sac drive; this explains the meaning, only one way in and one way out.

  As I was gazing at the neatly boring homes, I spotted a beautiful cabin house sitting on top of a hill, overlooking the town. That has to be where Ava is. It would be just like Patty to have a huge house on top of the hill, so that she could keep her eyes on the town at all times. I can see that approaching the home without being seen is going to be just about impossible. But, as I remember my mother use to always say, nothing’s impossible.

  It wasn’t until the man that we were following said something to Misty that I’d remembered that we’re on a mission. The town is so mesmerizing at this moment, it seems almost impossible to not look around. I shake my head at the big picture, and followed a little closer to Misty. She glanced in my direction, but didn’t say anything.

  I almost wonder if she hypnotized the man that was leading us to my grandfather’s house. He doesn’t seem to notice that I even exist, still yet. Knowing Misty, she probably did. I know we’re not out of the wood work just yet, but I can feel my limbs loosen up a little, when the man leads us to a small Victorian house to the left side of the town. The man, I didn’t really catch his name, lead us up the porch steps onto the porch, and slowly opened the front door. He stuck his head into the house and yelled, “Is anyone home?” We didn’t hear anyone answer, so we all walked into the house. The man turned around to face Misty, whom just waved me towards the hallway.

  “Well, here you are. I hope your grandfather is very happy to see you. I must get going, if they find out that I left the front gate unprotected, the mistress will have me killed.”

  “We don’t want that, now do we?”

  “No ma’am we don’t. I do hope I get the pleasure of seeing you again, before you go, that is if you decide to leave our town.”

  “Me too, and I’m sorry; I didn’t catch your name.”

  “No you didn’t, did you?” And then he walked out.

  Misty waited a while before coming to find me, just in case that man was to come back for me. After about twenty minutes had passed, she walked down the hall to find me. I could hear her footsteps against the oak wood floor.

  “Jess, where are you?” Misty whispered.

  “I’m at the very end of the hall,” I whispered back.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Why do you ask that?”

  “Well, you were awfully quite on the way here.”

  “I didn’t know if I should have spoken. I thought that maybe you had that man under a spell, and I didn’t want to break the spell.”

  “I’m very fortunate that the spell worked. I hadn’t used that kind of trance on anyone in a while.”

  “I’m glad you did. I still can’t believe that we were able to make it this far. You’re going to have to show me a few things, if we ever get an opportunity.”

  “Sure thing.”

  We heard some voices approaching the house, and decided to get very quite. Two men and two women came into the house, talking about how it’s very unnecessary to make us sign a contract like that. Apparently, the meeting wasn’t what everyone was expecting, from the sounds of it.

  I heard a man start sniffing the air, “Do any of you smell something different.”

  The others started sniffing the air as well, “No, what is it that you think you smell?”

  “I don’t know. I know I haven’t smelled this in a long time, I’ve smelled this scent sometime in the past, but I can’t quite put a finger on where.”

  “Do you think someone has been in our house?”

  “Well that’s a definite, but the question is, are they still here?”

  The women gasped, I could hear their quite voices trailing down the hall.

  “If someone’s here come on out, there’s no need in fearing us, we’ll not hurt you.” The man said with a raised voice.

  I looked at Misty for recognition, and hopefully an answer on what to do. She just looked back at me and shrugged her shoulders. “It’s up to you,” she said.

  I wiggled my way out of the narrow closet and walked into the living room. Where, Damon my cousin, Dalton my grandfather and two women set anxiously on the edge of the couches.

  Damon stood up and studied me with intent eyes, “I know you- you’re Jess. How did you get into the town, without being noticed?”

  “I had a little help.”

  A woman stood up and gasped, “Jess, is that really you?” I nodded at her with disbelieving eyes.

  “Mom, is that you?” She nodded and then ran to me and wrapped her arms around me tightly.

  I just couldn’t believe my eyes. I could have sworn that she and my father had been killed years ago. I’d managed to live with it, and now I find out that it was all lies. I don’t know what’s worse, thinking your parents are dead and never coming back, or finding out their alive, and didn’t even bother to come looking for you.

�How can you be alive? I could have sworn you died years ago.”

  “It has been a long time son. I wanted so badly to come for you years ago, but I wasn’t allowed. I was told that if I tried, then I would be killed. So I’ve waited all this time, hoping that you’d finally find out and come looking for me. I will say that your father is truly and sadly deceased. I wanted to die that day as well, but your grandfather had talked some sense into me.”

  “Why haven’t I’ve ever met you before? I’ve been told that I have a grandfather named Dalton, and that you’re an alchemist, but I learned that from those that aren’t even family. And you knew where Ava and I were. Why didn’t you come for us?”

  “Because we weren’t so sure that, that was where they had you held. And we didn’t want to jeopardize everything.”

  “Damon knew that the cave is where we were.”

  Dalton looked at Damon, “Is that true Damon? Did you know that the kids were at the cave all along?”

  “That’s only partly true. I didn’t find out that they were really there, until a month or so ago. So, it wouldn’t have made that much of a difference.”

  “Well I guess its not.” I looked at him.

  Damon looked at me through narrowed eyes, “why did you come here Jess? You’re only putting us in danger. The mistress will find out and order us killed, or is that what you’re hoping for?”

  “What is it with you Damon? I’m only here for one thing, and that’s to save Ava from this forsaken place. I can really care less with what happens to you.”

  Damon charged towards me with so much anger. I can smell the stench of it, lure off his body. The foulness of it made every muscle in my body tighten with tension, but before Damon could get close enough to physically attack me, our grandfather Dalton intervened.

  “Stop this nonsense,” Dalton demanded.

  Apparently, Dalton’s words didn’t have any effect on Damon. He was pacing around Dalton, contemplating his next move. I could see it so clearly through his honey glazed eyes, strategizing, how to get around Dalton’s restraints. Damon started mumbling words that I couldn’t quite make out.

  Damon walked around our grandfather with ease, taking his opportunity seriously. Damon raised his hand towards me and a series of blinding lights started to release from his hand. I could feel the power of darkness swirl around my body, causing me to bend over and wretch with sickness.

  “I told you to stop boy,” Dalton said.

  Once, I heard him speak, I took a moment to look at the scene before me and couldn’t help but smile wide at the picture that I now see.

  After years of defending myself, it actually felt nice to have a little backup. Dalton had his hand held up at Damon, leaving him dangling high up, off the floor. I’m starting to see a trend here, with all the hand motions. I’m most defiantly having him teach me a few things as well. Well, that is if the opportunity of using magic didn’t die along with my human form.

  “Have you not noticed Damon, that I’m centuries old and can out do any tricks that you may have up your sleeve. I don’t even know why I continue to waste my time on you. I’ve told you over and over again, that if you continue to dabble with black magic, that it will eventually consume you, but you refuse to listen to me. Jess, is a guest in my home, and until he decides to make his move to save Ava, I’ll see to it that you’ll not be in our way.”

  Before anything that was said actually registered with my brain waves, Damon had vanished into thin air.

  “What did you do?”

  “Don’t worry about it Jess. Damon will not bother you nor I, during the remainder of your visit.”

  “You say that like I’m going to be here for a while, why is that?”

  “You don’t think you can seriously just run up to the cabin and rescue your girl do you?”

  “Well, I know it wasn’t going to be simple, but those were my intentions.”

  Dalton just shook his head at me. “Son, you have much to learn about this life, for starters, how to compel the minds of others. I can sense a great power, compelled within you. And I will teach you how to use those powers, if you’ll allow me a few weeks to do so. I’ll teach you what you need to know to survive.”

  “Well, it doesn’t really look like I have any other choice.”

  “No. I agree, it doesn’t seem like there’s any other way.”

  “What about the town? Damon’s right.”

  Dalton cut me off, “Damon’s a selfish little brat. He only thinks about himself. And I truly wish that I’d stop wasting my time on him. He doesn’t see the beauty of magic, not the way you do Jess. He only sees the power it holds, and what he can gain from it, that’s all.”

  “You can’t possibly think it’s safe for me to stay here with all of you, at least not in this town.”

  “I most certainly can, and do. Jess, don’t underestimate my powers. I’ve been practicing alchemy for centuries now. I can assure you I’ve learned a few things that will be useful for shielding your presence.”

  “I do not doubt your skills or abilities grandfather. I’m just concerned about everyone is all, and that reminds me, have you seen my friend Misty?”

  “We haven’t seen her, but I can feel her presence. Who is she?”

  “She lived with us in the cave. She was the one who helped me get this far, and if she wants, I’d like to help her get out.”

  “Well, tell her it’s okay to come out, and we’ll go over the details with her.”


  I walked to the back room to where we were hiding earlier, to let her know the coast was clear. Once I entered the room, something just didn’t feel right. The air was thick with darkness and anger. I eased over to the closet where we were hiding earlier and slowly opened the door and peeked inside. She wasn’t there. I know she’s in this room somewhere because I can sense her fear and anger stirring around my body lashing at me like a whip, stinging at the sensation of it. The sensation was trying to take over my body, but I wouldn’t allow it, at least not willingly. I push myself a little farther, struggling with its force. I’m in desperate need to help her.

  Once I pushed the evilness away, and walk into the bathroom, I find her pinned down to the ground. The man that had helped us get here from the gates was on top of Misty. She was fighting him, trying to get him off of her. He had his knees pressed down firmly on top of her arms, his left hand was holding her wrists together, and his right hand covered her mouth. She wasn’t in a position to do anything. And the red headed man kept telling her that she would pay for what she did. My guess, he figured it out and came back for revenge, just like anyone else would. I don’t want anyone in my head, reading my most private thoughts, and apparently neither does he.

  I’ve learned that in this culture if you read a vampires mind and they find out about it, it’s like the equivalent of being raped, and the victim doesn’t take it too lightly. I’m just thankful that I got here before any real damage was done. I called out to my grandfather mentally for help. I don’t know how valuable this man is to the mistress, and I most defiantly don’t want to risk endangering our lives, by killing him.

  Dalton came in quietly, I didn’t hear him approach, but could sense him. His powers are very alluring and peaceful, the complete opposite from Damon’s. Dalton looked at the scene before us and looked back at me for an answer.

  Dalton shoved past me, “What’s this all about? Why do you have my guest pinned down to the floor like that?”

  “She mind raped me and I’m here to teach her a lesson.”

  “And what exactly does this lesson consist of Ange?”

  “Oh, it’s nothing for you to worry about.”

  “Like I said Ange, she’s a guest in my house, if you want your revenge than you’ll just have to get it some other time. Until then, you will show her respect while you’re in my house. Are we clear on that?”

  “I guess I don’t have a choice in the matter, do I?”

  “No. You do not.”
br />   Ange got off of Misty and left through the window that he had once entered through. I looked at Misty once I knew that Ange wasn’t any longer a threat, and other than being a little shaken, she was okay. You could see the imprint of his fingers that were so tightly wrapped around her wrists and mouth.

  “Misty, are you okay?”

  “Yes, I’m fine. I guess I didn’t control his mind so well after all.”

  Dalton knelled down next to her and raised his hand and pressed it against her cheek, to examine her features. “Child, hasn’t anyone told you that you can’t control a mind behind these walls completely. And even if you do succeed, they always remember what you’ve done. You have to be more careful next time.”

  “Next time, please. There aren’t going to be any next times. Once I get the opportunity to leave this town, I’m taking it. And what took you so long to come back for me Jess?”

  “I’m sorry Misty, but we kind of had our own problems too.”

  “I really doubt that you guys had any problems, especially with your grandfather’s powers.”

  “I’m sorry to tell you Misty, I may have a lot of power, and many skills that I can use. But, at any time against someone that uses black magic, even I have a little struggle.” Dalton said with a smile.

  “You should have seen him Misty, he was awesome. And listen to him being so modest, talking about struggling. Yeah right. He didn’t even break a sweat, but I can say that he did put Damon in his place.”

  “I would have loved to seen it Jess. But, I was kind of in the middle of protecting my own behind at the moment.”

  “Please don’t be mad at me Misty. If I’d known that you were in any kind of trouble, I would have been here helping you no matter what. After all that you’ve done to help me, I can at least do that much.”

  “Don’t worry about it Jess. I’m still a little shaken up about it, that’s all. But, you can at least help me get back out of here. I helped you to this point, but I’m sorry to say, I refuse to go any farther. It’s just too risky. And besides, you have all the powerful people you need to help you right here.”


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