The Night Life: Exodus of Evil

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The Night Life: Exodus of Evil Page 15

by Natasha Davis

  “Whoa, whoa, now just wait a minute. You and everyone else in this house know that I came for only one thing, and that is to save Ava. If it so happens that we’re able to destroy this town, then we’ll do it. But, I refuse to allow you to put such pressure on me.”

  “I know it’s a lot to ask of you Jess. I know that you can do it, especially after Dalton teaches you all that you need to know. He’s a very smart man Jess. You should listen to him and willingly learn everything that he has to teach you.”

  “I plan to learn whatever Dalton has to teach me, but that doesn’t mean squat. We don’t even know if I can learn the magic.”

  “What do you mean Jess?”

  “Well I was thinking the other night that I may not be able to learn from Dalton because, my powers may have died with my human body, or have you forgotten that I’m a vampire now?”

  “Son, I have not forgotten that huge detail, believe me. But you have to understand that you were born into the alchemy family. You are meant to learn magic, and you can and will, only if you choose so.”

  “I choose to learn many things, but right now all I want to do is eat, and get some rest, while I still can. I don’t mean to be rude, but if you don’t mind giving me a little time to adjust here is all. These last few years, have been difficult, and as I can tell, there not going to get any easier. “

  “Okay, I’ll give you some time to eat and rest, but if you need anything, I’m just upstairs; all you have to do is yell for me, or come and talk. I love you Jess. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “I love you too mom, sleep tight.”

  “You too son.”

  After my mother left the room, I did as I told her I would. I ate my food which was a breakfast delight. The plate was over flowing with eggs, bacon, pancakes, and even a side of biscuits and gravy. My mother could always cook the best food, and it seems she still can. After I finished my meal, like it was going to be my last, I washed my plate off and set it on the small counter to dry. Once I finished that task, I went into the bathroom to straighten that up as well. I don’t want everyone here to think that I’m a slob.

  Finally, I thought to myself its time for bed. I’m so beat from the daily tasks, that I just want to rest. So, that way I’ll have plenty of strength tomorrow, for whatever it is that Dalton’s going to be teaching me.

  I lay my head down on the soft feathered pillow, stretched my limbs out to relax, and drifted off to sleep.


  I slept hard. I woke up feeling just about as tired as I did when I went to sleep. But as we know it time is running out, and I need to start learning quick. I didn’t even know I had company, until I got up and went to the restroom. I saw Dalton and Damon just sitting there waiting.

  “I’m sorry; I didn’t even hear you two come in. How long have you been here?”

  “Not long. Don’t worry about it. Go and wash up and we’ll talk a little when you come out.”

  “Okay. I’ll just be a minute.”

  I went into the bathroom to do my little routine. I washed my face off, and smoothed out my clothes a little, and once I was finished I went into the laboratory to see what this was all about.

  “So, what’s going on?”

  My grandfather cleared his throat “Well, Damon came to me and told me the conversation that you both had last night, and it really got me to thinking. We are a family here, and we really could use Damon’s’ wisdom and expertise as well. As we know it, I’m not getting any younger, and it would be nice knowing that I have two grandsons that share my wisdom. And not only that, we all know I’m a little old school. There’s a lot of today’s technology that I don’t know about, and I could use some of your help in that area as well.”

  “Well you should know grandfather; I’ve been in a cave for ten years. I know little information about today’s events.”

  “Well that may be true, so hopefully Damon can tell us a few things. After all he has been taking some classes at the college. Even though, things are highly monitored there, I’m sure he’s learned a few things.”

  “Yes, I’ve learned a few things. I could help the two of you learn.”

  “Then it’s a deal, first things first though. Jess, they’ll not be a whole lot of learning for you if you don’t know the basics. I’ve set a board for you to write on and some books for you to read on the table. Once you’ve gone over them then we can begin the real lessons.”

  I looked over at the table and there were two thick books sitting on the corner of the white large table, and a chalk board and stick of chalk beside the books.

  “Why can’t you just tell me what’s in those books, it would be much faster?”

  “I can’t tell you everything that’s in the books Jess and you will learn much more from reading them, than me telling you about them. It’s not that bad, I expect you to go through them both today and tonight, tomorrow we will meet and I will quiz you on what you’ve read. Once, I’m confident in your knowledge then we will put that into further training, but it is very important for you to know the information in those books; otherwise I can’t teach you anything else.”

  “Why not? What is so important about that information, that you wouldn’t be able to teach me more?”

  “Jess, this is not up for debate. You must read and learn, as we know it son, time is running out. You need to learn all that you can, so that you can save Ava safely. And I’m going to teach you how, but first you have to trust me and do as I say.”

  “Okay, I won’t argue with you any more about it. I just was hoping for a faster way, that’s all.”

  “Well you can stop wasting time and just do what I tell you, and then we can get the ball a rolling.”

  “Okay, leave me to it then.”

  Damon and Dalton turned around and walked out of the room, before anything else could be said about the topic. I’m not too happy about this, but like Dalton said, just do it and stop wasting time.

  I unfolded a metal chair and set it in front of the long white table before me, I positioned the chair, books and chalk board so that I was as comfortable as possible. I don’t think I’ll be able to read these books, though considering I haven’t read anything since I left this place. I’ll just have to do the best I can, and if I still fell then so be it.

  I grabbed the first book and started reading. It really isn’t all that bad. The book starts out explaining alchemy and the history of it. This surprisingly goes farther back than I had expected it to. After I made it past the history, it started going over the basics of the alchemical compounds and elements, which they’re a lot of them.

  I’ve learned that Alchemy refers to both an early form of the investigation of nature and an early philosophical and spiritual discipline. Alchemist’s combine elements of chemistry, metallurgy, physics, medicine, astrology, semiotics, mysticism, spiritualism, and art, it has been practiced in Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Persia, India, and China, in Classical Greece and Rome, in Muslim civilization, and then Europe up to the nineteenth century in a complex network of schools and philosophical systems spanning at least twenty five hundred years.

  And after all this time, I just thought that it was a made up name for someone who was a scientist and a witch. And only those people were familiar with it. I’d never had thought, that it was a world wide known practice.

  I guess there are more to Alchemy than just blowing things up, and moving people out of sight. There’s a lot more to it, I even read that planetary glyphs, the four basic elements, time periods, seasons, the twelve core alchemical processes, measures, equipment and terms, gold, other metals, mundane elements and other elements and substances were involved. There were a whole lot of memorization in the first book, but once I was comfortable with the first book, I moved on to the second one. I have a feeling that it’s going to be much harder than the first one.

  But, as determined as I was to learn this information, I didn’t even stop for a break. I kept on reading and memorizing the things I n
eeded to know. Because, I know that when Dalton says he will not continue until I know the contents in the book, he’s not lying. And I have this need to fulfill, in honoring him. I want him to be proud of me, not the opposite. I’ve waited years to get my family back, or at least a part of it. Now I have that chance and I’m not going to mess it up, at least not if I have anything to say or do about it.

  I picked up the second book and took a long sigh before I opened it. Once I opened the book, it read congratulations on completing the first lesson of alchemy. You’ll find in this book a series of compounds and elements that you need to be very familiar with. Once you’ve familiarized yourself with the information enclosed you’ll then find some spells that will put your mind at ease and help you to concentrate a lot better. Once I got through the introduction, I moved on to learning what I needed to know. The information itself isn’t that hard, I just have to be willing to learn it and familiarize myself with the content. The content was much the same as the first book. It talked about the different metals and elements, except it was much longer and more in-dept than the first book.

  I found that I enjoyed learning this material. My favorite part of alchemy was learning about the metals. There are seventeen different types of gold’s and forty three different metal symbols that I had to memorize and learn the meaning to each one. After that step had been completed, the book went into a very detailed explanation as to why these gold’s and metals were important. It told me about the ones that could be bended and used as a weapon, and the ones that couldn’t and were only used to make things.

  I still can’t believe that my grandfather had to learn all of this information at some point, and that he’s making me learn it now. Which, I’m glad that he’s making me learn it. As always he’s right, I’m learning more by reading these books, and then I would have if he just told me about them. I know that after becoming a vampire, I’ve developed a lot of space in my mind, I just hope that once I go to sleep, I don’t forget it all.

  Once I went through all the basic information and the detailed information that I needed to know, the book explained that at some point I would be able to call to the elements of the earth to do my bidding. That just made me think about grandfather, and how he always uses hand motions, and mumbles so low that no one else can hear him. I just wonder if he’s calling to the earth, to bend its ways to do his bidding. If I remember tomorrow, I’ll make sure to ask him.

  Now, that I’ve finally finished reading the books, I’m going to take some time to myself. I’m going to go and grab a bite to eat and sleep for a while. Before I know it, it will be daylight and Dalton will be here to wake me up. I’m beginning to get a little anxious, now that I’ve went through the material he gave me, tomorrow he can show me some of the awesome things he knows. I’m sure it took him a lot longer to know this stuff. I just hope he doesn’t throw some more books at me tomorrow. I guess it won’t be all that bad, but I’m just ready to get this show on the road. I’m missing Ava desperately, and I’m just scared that if I waste too much time, that it will be a little too late at rescuing her. That is if she decides to come with me because, I will not make her come with me, not if she’s happy where she’s at. I’d understand if she was.

  I’m starting to feel this need to stay here with my family, but as we know time again will cause us to go our separate ways. And I guess I can say that getting a little revenge on my family’s behalf wouldn’t be so bad. After everything that they’ve been through, it actually sounds nice.

  Tired of pondering nonsense thoughts, I walked into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator, and surprisingly there are five bags of blood. Taped to the first bag of blood was a note.


  I know you’ve been through a lot, and it was wrong for me to ask you to seek revenge on my behalf. I’ll completely understand if you choose not too. I went to the hospital and got you some blood today. It wasn’t all that hard actually, since I’m the manager over the department. I say that so you won’t worry about me. I don’t want you to worry about me Jess; I can take care of myself. Just do what you need to do and know that I’ll stand behind your decisions one hundred percent of the way. I love you. And I know becoming a vampire was your last resort, and for that I don’t blame you. I’m glad to have you back, even though it may only be for a little while. And remember one bag a day. I don’t want you going through the blood, faster than I can get it. If you need to talk you know where I’m at.



  I hadn’t expected this from her, nor do I expect us just to pick up where we were before I was taken. I know she loves me, and I her. I guess I’ll just have to tell her where I stand on things; I at least hope it will make her happy. But, before I do that, I need to see if I can even use alchemy with magic. Learning the material may be all too easy, but actually performing it may a different story completely.

  I reached into the refrigerator and grabbed a bag of blood and quenched my thirst. Once I empty the plastic container and disposed of it properly, I went and laid down, to get some sleep. I’ve always enjoyed this part of the day, but at earlier times was because I had Ava to comfort me. Now all I have is a soft blanket and pillow. If I don’t learn something new quick that will help me, then we all may be in trouble, because I’m going to go and get her either way.


  I woke up to the smell of breakfast and all of its glory. I love morning time, or at least I did when I was a child, for this very reason. I’ve never had breakfast as good as my mother’s. She’s the absolute best cook ever. Maybe, one day in the future she can teach Ava how to cook as well. I know human food really doesn’t do anything for me, but I still enjoy the taste of it. And besides it doesn’t make me sick, so I’m going to continue to eat it, until it does.

  I ran my hands through my hair to fluff it up, and went into the laboratory to see what’s awaiting me. And there it is a nice full plate of food. The smell alone is very enticing. My mother was sitting in a chair waiting for me. Once I entered the room she just smiled at me and said, “Good morning Jess. Did you sleep well?”

  “Actually I did. Thank you for the blood. I hadn’t expected that. How are you doing this morning?”

  “I’m good. Thank you for asking. And the blood is the very least I could do. But I brought you some food and I hope you like it.”

  “Mom, I’ve always loved your breakfast. You make the best, I was just thinking about that actually.”

  “Well I’m glad you like it. Have you given any thought about what we’ve discussed the other night?”

  “I’ve gave some thought about it, yes. And I’ve decided that if I can learn to use alchemy with magic then I will do my best to seek revenge for my family. But if I can’t do what I need to with the magic, then I refuse to put your life in jeopardy.”

  “I can come to terms with that. Well, I want hold you up much longer. You go ahead and eat and I’ll let Dalton know you’re up. He’s been waiting on you, and I told him to let you sleep a while longer, while I made you something to eat. He should be down here in just a minute. So, enjoy your meal, because knowing him, you’ll be very busy the rest of the day.”

  “That sounds good to me. At least being busy keeps my mind off of Ava for a while. Thank you for breakfast mom, I love you.”

  “I love you too, and you’re welcome. I’ll talk to you later son.”


  Once my mother walked out of the room I started shoveling the food into my mouth. For one, I know that Dalton will be down here any minute, and whether I’m finished eating or not, he’ll want to get busy. And I don’t blame him for that. And who knows what he’s giving up, just to spend time with me. I just hope it’s not something that will get him in trouble.

  The food was absolutely mouth watering to say the least. Sadly I wasn’t able to enjoy it, how I’d liked too. Once I finished eating and rinsed my dish off, Dalton had come down, for our daily lesson.

  “Good morning Je
ss, did you get through the material last night?”

  “Good morning grandfather, I did get through it surprisingly. I learned a lot actually. What do you have in mind for me today?”

  “Well I thought, I’d quiz you like we talked about last night. And once I’m satisfied with what you’ve learned, we’ll continue on to the next step.”

  “What is the next step that you keep talking about?”

  “There’s no need in you to worry about that right now. You don’t need to think about what’s ahead of the road your on, you just need to think about what’s in front of you.”

  “Alright grandfather, shall we get started then?”

  “Yes, grab a seat Jess; we’re going to be here for a while.”

  “Okay. Where’s Damon at today?”

  “He’s at the college learning as much as he can, so that he can teach us some new things. We’ve got to try to keep up with modern times. If we don’t, then before you know it we’ll be so far behind, we won’t be able to see straight.”

  “So, what now?”

  “Jess, I need you to pay close attention to me okay. I’m going to go through centuries of information with you today. I say centuries, because that’s how long it took me to learn what I now know today. It may take some time for you to adjust, if so then I understand. I just want to teach you as much as I can, while I can because, I have a feeling that in a day or two, crap is going to hit the fan.”

  “Alright grandfather, I’m ready when you are.”


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