The Night Life: Exodus of Evil

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The Night Life: Exodus of Evil Page 19

by Natasha Davis

  I was almost out of the shadows of the trees when I saw two guards approaching. I stepped back and cloaked my self with call shadows. I know they were mainly used at night time, but hopefully they’ll help me now. The guards slowly walked past where I was standing and headed out of view. Once I couldn’t see them anymore, I ran out of the path of the trees and into a well hidden alley. After moments had passed and I had a chance to catch my breath, I leaped out of the alley and started to make my way into the nearby thinly woods, but that’s when I ran into trouble.

  Once I leaped out of the alley, the two guards that I had seen earlier had spotted me. One guard blew his whistle and the other had yelled, “Hey you there, you better stop. Don’t make us call for backup.” I kept on running anyway and watched them chase me. I thought it was funny, and very exhilarating. It really wasn’t all that bad, once I knew that I was being chased. It’s a lot better than waiting to be found. And with my speed, it was very hard for them to even catch up with me. I ran like I’ve never ran before, trying to escape. I finally, made it to the thinly woods and stopped to wait for them. I jumped up into a nearby tree, hoping that I could jump out of it and onto my enemies. It had easily worked before; hopefully I can use it again now.

  I sat their anxiously waiting for them. They seemed so slow to me now, but finally they came into view. The guards stopped just steps away from where I was hiding and was gasping for air.

  “Where do you think he went?” One guard had asked the other.

  “I don’t know man, but Patty isn’t going to like this at all.”

  “Well who said that Patty has to know?”

  “You know she’ll read our minds later, especially if he makes it to Ava. And besides if I’m going to die, I’d rather it be by him, than her.”

  “Well either way, I’d hope I don’t die at all. I may not have the life I once had, but I do have a wife and children to think about.”

  Listening to them just kept making it worse for me. I’m not a killer, and don’t want to start today. But Dalton, told me that this would be the only way. Don’t look at yourself as a killer, look at yourself as a hero, and a survivor. You have to think about yourself first, because if you don’t then you’ll never make it. I gulped real hard after that thought had passed through and leaped out of the tree. The men didn’t even hear my feet touch the ground. I ran up to the guard that was closest to me and wrapped my arms quickly around his neck and twisted hard. I heard his neck pop and then he limply fell to the ground. By the time the other guard, realized what had happened it was a little too late. He was about to scream for backup, but before he could manage a little squeak, he was lying next to his fellow co-worker.

  That was two easily put down, now no telling how many more to go. I dragged, the bodies into the woods and covered them up the best that I could with leaves. I know that it’s kind of pointless, considering that vampires can sniff out just about anything, and my scent will be all over them and this area. But hopefully, by the time they realize it, I’ll be out of this town. Once, I finished that exhausting task, I moseyed my way farther up the path, continuing to watch over my shoulder and all other angles manageable. Once, I got a little farther ways up the path I decided to climb a local tree to see if I can get a better view of my surroundings. But once, I made it up the tree I realized I couldn’t see anything from all the other trees blocking me from seeing. I guess, I’m just going to have to go by senses alone. And sometimes they did me very little good.

  I climbed out of the tree quite gracefully if you were to ask me. And got back on the path, trying to be careful and dodge leaves and other limbs that have fallen over the last months. I’m trying to be as unnoticeable as possible. So far, I haven’t had any trouble, but I can hear someone approaching in the distance. Whether or not their coming after me, he doesn’t care about being heard. I got off the path that lingered in between the trees and cloaked my self with darkness between the shadows of the trees and the call shadows. I scurry of speed and wind had blown past me, not even slowing down to search the scent that I’m sure I’m leaving behind. It looked like a woman in a mad hurry to get somewhere, but where that somewhere is I don’t have a clue. I just hope she keeps on moving and doesn’t back track. Because, a woman that can move that fast and is able to stand sunlight, only tells me one thing. She’s a very powerful vampire.

  I swallowed hard, once I realized that and decided to take my time. I’m really not ready to fight no three hundred year old vampire, and a woman vampire at that. Man, I’m glad no one can hear my thoughts, because in my head, I’m starting to sound like a real wussy.

   3

  Seeing my mother stand before me, the one person who’s behind it all just made the blood within start to boil to the surface of my skin, stinging with its presence. I use to never be one to let my temper get to me, but, today that just isn’t going to happen. I can feel her strong power and lightly taste its presence, but her power has no match for mine. In a way, I just can’t believe that she’s doing this to me, but on the other hand, why not? She’s never been there for me, and probably never will, unless it serves her best. I see that now, why I’d been so blind before, I just don’t know. I love her for the fact that she’s my mother, but even that, doesn’t mean she gets to control me forever.

  “Why are you doing this to me? Why don’t you just let me make my own decisions? You do know that I’m an adult now, and can take care of myself don’t you?”

  “You’re just barely an adult Ava, and I don’t think you’re ready to make these kinds of big decisions just yet.”

  “Then that just goes to show that you don’t know me at all. If Jess were here then you’d know that I don’t like anyone telling me what to do, not even the likes of you.”

  “You just need to forget all about Jess. He’s not going to slip through the eyes that I have around here. There are many more things in life that you need to experience Ava, and Jess is stopping you from doing that.”

  “NO. That is where you’re wrong. Jess doesn’t stop me from anything that would be you. You feed on the need of power, and if anyone including my self don’t bow down to you, then you take control over them. Well I’m telling you right now, that isn’t going to happen much longer. And the sooner you realize that, the better it’ll be for us all.”

  “No child, the sooner you realize that I don’t like being sassed and I always get what I want, the better it’ll be for you and this town. So, I suggest you continue your lessons the way I want them to be taught to you, and do what I say, or you’ll soon learn why this town really fears me.”

  The thought of someone threatening me just made me that much angrier. Before, I could stop it the demon inside called out before us. Patty was turning around to leave the room, when the power escaped from my very being. Energy stretched out, filling the gap that was between us, and touched Patty with as much force to take down an elephant. She screamed with agony as the power had seared the skin that touched her body. A smile stretched its way across my face, at what I’d done. She’s done nothing but kept me locked up in that cabin with guards watching over me, and having me to only leave for these lessons. I had more freedom in that cave and I refuse to be treated like this.

  After a few minutes, I felt that my warning would be clear enough, I channeled the beast to return within. I stood there wide eyed as I watched Patty climb to her feet and with vampire speed rush over to me. She clasped my neck in her hands and pinned me up against the wall, squeezing hard to allow only slow gasping breaths to enter and escape my body.

  “Don’t underestimate my powers Ava. I’m well over three hundred years old. You may believe that your powers are stronger than me, in which they are, but my strength can overtake anything that you dish out. I’ll let this one go, because I too have been in the same position your in today, nor did I like it, but if you ever try something like this again. I’ll kill you, daughter or not. Do I make my self clear?”

  “I hear you loud and clear, but don
’t think for a minute that if push comes to shove, that I will just lie down and take it. Do you understand that, mother?”

  She nodded at me with amusement flashing in her eyes. “You’ll make such a good guardian one day?”

  “And what do you mean exactly by a good guardian?”

  “I cannot answer that for you Ava. In time will tell you what you need to know about this place, our history, and what’s in store for us all.”

  “And what makes you think that I want anything to do with any of it?”

  “Well that dear one, you have no choice in the matter. If it were up to me, I’d let you run off into the sunset, with the man you love, but unfortunately I’m out numbered my self. Although, many people believe that I’m the one creating all the mass destruction in this town, but fools they are. They’ll too understand one day, what really awaits us, and if they fear me now, then they’ll surely piss their pants when they see what’s to come.”

  “You’re not making any sense right now. It’s almost like you’re talking a foreign language. What’s really going on?”

  “Like I said before, I can’t answer that. You’ll have to wait and see for yourself, with what’s going on.”

  “Fine then, do you mind letting me go. I may be strong, but even I need to breath full air every once and a while.”

  She loosened her grip and slowly eased me to the ground. After my feet touched the ground I stood there with my back pressed up against the wall for support. Patty had taken a few steps backwards, carefully, not allowing her back to me. She studied me for a while, and god only knew what she was thinking. I could almost see sadness in the depths of her golden honey brown eyes.

  “I think you should go home Ava and get some rest. You can continue your lessons tomorrow. I know you may think that you’re not learning anything during these lessons, but one day you’ll see why they are so important.”

  “Why can’t you teach me what I need to know?”

  “Because, I’ve been forbidden to teach you, the one’s above me think that I’ll teach you more than you need to know. It’s stupid if you’d ask me, you’re my daughter, they should know that I want you to be as prepared for what lies ahead, more than anything. That’s life in a nutshell; you don’t always get what you want.”

  “Is there a way to persuade them otherwise?”

  “I’m afraid not, and the less attention they spend on you the better, believe me.”

  “Why is that?”

  “It’s nothing that you should worry your pretty little head about, at least not right now. We can continue this conversation later; I have some things that I need to tend to right now. Just do as I said and go home and rest, and please don’t wonder the streets any longer than you have too. It really is more dangerous than you realize.”

  “Well if that’s all the crappy answers I’m going to get, then I think its best that I go home. And if you or someone else don’t start supplying me with some answers, then living here much longer will not be likely.”

  “I’ll see what I can do with supplying the answers. I’m only allowed to tell you so much at this point; anything more than that, could trouble us all.”

  “Sure, whatever you say. I don’t know how stupid you think I am. We all know that you’re willing to say and do whatever it takes to get me to believe you. Well I don’t and so far you haven’t given me an excuse to feel otherwise. Until you’re ready to start treating me like your daughter instead of some rodent you’ve picked up somewhere, then you can just leave me alone.”

  I pushed my way past her and the others. Once I got into the hallway I ran down the stairs and out the building as fast as I could. I didn’t allow much time for anyone to stop me, or at least I like to think that anyways. The town is still as creepier as ever. I know Patty wants me to trust her, but I can’t and don’t. And after everything that she’s done, she wants me to think that someone else is behind this town. She may be able to pull the wool over dad’s eyes, but I won’t allow it. I’m quite frankly not that naive.

  There’s nothing like a good family feud to get me to thinking about everything.

  Walking the streets in town is like always, empty. I’ve only seen a few people out and about over the last month that I’ve been here. And even then it hadn’t been pleasant. It made my body tremble with unease. I could smell the fear seeping from their bodies. And if I tried to acknowledge them, they didn’t bother to respond. The men and women just kept walking with their heads down to the ground. As to see nothing or hear nothing. And they were walking at a pace that made my own muscles ache in protest. I don’t know what has them so frightened, and hopefully I never find out. A part of me likes to think its my mother, but if anything she has said today rings of truth, than that possibility is close to nothing.

  I didn’t waste much time pondering around town, like my mother had insisted. Instead, I made my way home quickly, wanting a nice hot shower to take away my aching muscles, and a nice big plate of food, and blood to quench my thirst. If someone was to tell me a few months ago that I’d one day be drinking blood, I would have probably laughed in their face. Unfortunately, it’s true, I’m now a full fledged monster, and will always continue to be one. It’s in my very nature to want blood, even though the thought of it still makes me quiver a little, it’s just something that I have to get use to.

  I’ve finally made it to view of the cabin, looking at it just warms my very soul. The beautifully light oak wood, illuminating its presence underneath the suns glow, this is my home now. I thought to myself, and oh how I wished Jess was here to share it with me. A small part of me hates the fact that my mother could be right, maybe Jess has tried to come and visit, and maybe my mother had him stopped. Even if that could possibly be true, a part of me thinks that Jess could accomplish anything, if he wanted to. If his love for me is anything that I feel for him, then he’s here somewhere. I’ve shared his blood, and I can feel his presence. I don’t know where at exactly, or what’s taking him so long, but I know I’ll see him eventually.  4

  I stood frozen at my current position, sensing eyes on my back. I turned to look towards my right and saw nothing standing in the shadows that are present near the line of trees.

  Even though I can sense a presence, but yet to see whom or what the threat may be, I decided to continue my mission in the direction I’ve been traveling. There’s still no sign of the speeding woman that had passed me up earlier. Yet, given there’s really no where to disappear out here just makes the hair on the back of my neck raise in response.

  I continued walking north on the tiny trail I’ve been, “trying” to walk on for sometime and finally reached a very old cemetery, that

  had once held the remains and reminders of passing loved ones. I’m standing before the abandoned cemetery that holds blank tomb stones. Just staring at the plots makes my body quivers with the thought of emptiness, and loneliness that I feel when looking at this awful place.

  I can understand the rest of the town and why Patty would want it uprooted, but I just can’t grasp reality as to why she’d want to leave this eerie place behind.

  After my sudden burst of thoughts, I heard some leaves rumble from movement, in the same direction that I felt an eerie presence watching me. With that, I decide now would be a great time to get a move on it.

  I called to the shadows and cloaked myself. Although, it’s not dark out, I decide to do this to provide as much protection as possible. This may not help me in the greater sense of things, but if I’m to get captured then I can at least say, I gave it my all. I can hear the soft foot falls of a woman get closer. The unease of danger prickling at my skin, I begin to push forward even harder and faster.

  Trying to be as discrete as possible, I decide to use the tomb stones as stepping stones. I’m sure if my father were here he’d surely kick me in the rear for this one. I’m truly not meaning any disrespect on their behalves, but a safe retreat is the only thing I have on my mind at this time. I’m not at all sure wh
at’s lurking around here, and I sure don’t want to stick around to find out.

  Once, I’ve ran across the crunching leaves and the snapping twigs I leapt up on top of the first tomb stone and paused for a moment to listen for the footsteps that I heard earlier. Relief consumed me, once my ears had registered no sounds, but the thought of a trap has prickled my senses, and anger begins to boil to the surface of my skin, causing a trickle of sweat to release at my brow line. I thought about swiping it away, but I didn’t want to move and give my current position away.

  Considering, the threat wasn’t making its presence known I continued to move across the tomb stone tops to make my retreat as quietly as possible. I was almost to the end of the cemetery, when I heard a loud creaking sound, a sound that resembled a very old door that hadn’t been used for sometime. I turned around swiftly, but cautiously, so not to topple over. Surprise at what I now see has shaken me. One of the tomb stones and the out line of the plot had swung open, exposing a secret passage. I swallowed hard, and slid off the top of the tomb that I was standing on. I then crouched into an attack poise waiting for someone to exit the passage way to attack me, but once I realized no one was coming out, I decided to go in.

  I crossed the empty space between the tomb and myself. I peered down through the opening and could only see darkness. Well that and the beginning of concrete steps, but knowing that nothing other than darkness waits didn’t really help my nerves all that much. I listened intently for any sounds of movements from below and around me. Once again, I found silence to follow. I thought about the possibilities of this being a trap, but, could only come up with coincidental and sheer “bad” luck.


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