Finding Forever: Band on the Run Part Two — A Rock Star Romantic Suspense

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Finding Forever: Band on the Run Part Two — A Rock Star Romantic Suspense Page 13

by Lara Wynter

  Joss steps back, and a woman with long dark hair enters the room. She smiles nervously at me and takes another step closer.

  I look over her shoulder for an explanation from my head of security, but he’s gone. What on earth is he thinking, letting some random stranger in here… My thoughts trail off as I look closer. Can it really be her?

  She smiles again, tucking a glossy lock of hair behind one ear. “Hi, Joss.”


  She laughs. “Uh-huh. I can’t believe I’m really here. That this is real. I’ve missed you little brother.”

  I push myself up off the bed. I need to be standing for this. I take her in. She looks good. We stare into each other's eyes, taking in the changes and the familial resemblance that, in essence, remains unchanged. Now that I’m this close, there’s no doubt that this is my long-lost sister. I pull her in tight to my chest.

  “I can’t believe you’re here. I’ve missed you so much, Jules.”

  She lets out a choked sob. The heartfelt sound causes my own throat to swell with emotion. We clutch tightly to each other as we let all our long pent-up emotions out. After several minutes, Julie pulls back.

  “Are you alright? I heard you were shot in a random shooting.”

  “I’m alright. Well, I’m getting there, anyway. If you don’t mind, I might just lie down for a moment.”

  Julie looks stricken. “Oh, gosh. I’m so sorry if I hurt you.” She helps adjust my pillows and fusses over me until I’m settled comfortably again.

  I sigh. “I guess we have a lot to catch up on.”

  Julie sits beside me on the edge of the bed. “I couldn’t believe it when I first saw you on TV. Whoever thought my grubby-fisted little imp of a brother would become a world famous rock star.”

  I chuckle. “I’m not sure I believe it either. It’s not quite the usual career, I know.”

  “Adam and I listen to your music, you know. I actually think he might be a bigger fan than I am.”

  I take her hand and look at the diamond glittering on her ring finger. “Is he a good man? Does he treat you right?”

  Julie smiles and her eyes grow misty. “He’s incredible. He’s really helped me make a home in Michigan, you know? I can’t wait for you to meet him.”

  “Is he here?”

  “No, he couldn’t get time off work on such short notice. But you’ll meet him soon. I know you two are going to get along great.”

  “When is the wedding?”

  “In the spring. I hope you’ll be there… maybe even give me away?”

  “I’d love to, but what about Dad? I’m sure he’d want that honor.”

  Julie wipes a finger under one eye, catching the tear before it falls. “Do you honestly think he’d want to?”

  “Of course he would. After Mom left and took you, he was devastated. He spent years trying to track you down. Around the time you would've turned eighteen, he got real sad and stopped looking. Guess he figured you’d find him if you wanted to.”

  Julie sniffs. “Oh, Joss. I would have except… Mom spent so many years telling me one lie after another… I guess I eventually started to believe her. Tell me it’s not true. Tell me our father isn’t really an abusive drunk?”

  “What!” I sit forward. The sudden motion makes me cough, and I fall back against the pillows, wheezing. When I can breathe again, I continue. “Dad is the kindest man I know. He never hurt Mom. I can’t believe she told you that.”

  “I had no memory of it either. But we were just kids, Joss. After a while, it was hard to separate my real memories from what I’d been told. When you became famous, she cautioned me against trying to contact you too.”

  I shake my head, a deep sadness filling me. “So, she wants nothing to do with me, huh?”

  “I’m so sorry, Joss, but even if she did, I’m afraid it’s too late.”

  “She’s dead?”

  Julie nods. “Her heart gave out a few months ago. They say it was from all the cigarettes and drinking. If nothing else, it made me want to live clean. I don’t want to follow in her footsteps, that's for sure.”

  I breathe in deeply and close my eyes. As much as Julie’s recount all sounds negative, the woman still gave birth to me, and was the only mother I ever had. Knowing I can never have any closure, can never hope to put things right, fills me with a deep aching sadness.

  “Do you want me to go?”

  I look up at my long-lost sister. “Heck, no. You’re staying here with me for as long as you want. We have a lot to catch up on.”

  Julie smiles and squeezes my hand. “I can’t wait.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  I sit up and rub the sleep from my eyes. The glowing numbers on the clock say 3:24. My mind feels slow, as if it’s filled with cotton. Is it the middle of the afternoon or late at night? Sliding my sock covered feet onto the floor, I go into the adjoining bathroom and splash cold water on my face. What day is it? The days run into each other here. I only have my jailers to speak to, and they ignore me most of the time.

  After the last safe house was discovered, we move around a lot. I never get to see much, just the back of an enclosed van and then another dark, dingy bedroom in another nondescript house. The most shocking thing was finding out that the last attack was by men that work for Jimmy Dubois and not Rudy. What Rudy’s nemesis wants with me, I’m not sure — but it can’t be good.

  My best guess is that whatever Rudy stole from Jimmy, hidden in Joss’s violin case, must have something to do with it. But how does kidnapping, or killing me help with that? Some days, I wonder why I even agreed to testify against Rudy. Maybe I should have just bought a plane ticket to Australia or somewhere else far away from all this.

  Perhaps it’s not too late. If I just slipped out my window and took off…

  I sigh, knowing that would never work.

  More than anything, I miss Joss. I long to feel his arms wrapped around me, telling me everything is going to be okay. How is his recovery going? Did he make a full recovery after being shot in the back? Was it enough for him to be done with me and all my drama? Is the new album going well?

  I stomp down the stairs and into the kitchen. I need answers to at least some of my questions.

  Malcolm, my usual night time babysitter, looks up from the newspaper he’s reading at the kitchen table. “What’s up, Willow?”

  “I need answers.” I fold my arms across my chest. “And this time, I’m not accepting any excuses.”

  Malcolm folds up the paper and sets it down on the table. “You know Rudy continues to evade arrest. Really, there’s nothing more to tell you.”

  I stamp my foot. The thought that I'm having an adult tantrum almost makes me giggle, but I force my expression to remain stony. “Not about that. About Joss. You can at least tell me what news there is of him.”

  Malcolm leans back in his chair. “I haven’t heard anything about Joss. Sorry,” he adds, sounding about as sincere as a politician making election promises.

  I gesture impatiently. “You have a phone — just google him!”

  Malcom’s brow furrows. “I guess it couldn’t hurt.”

  I lean over his shoulder as he types in Joss’s name.

  “Joss Reid shot in bizarre circumstances.”

  “Chasing Forever frontman, Joss Reid, still refusing to comment on recent shooting.”

  “Chasing Forever’s new album remains at number one after four weeks.”

  “That one,” I point my finger at the article about the album.

  The article comes up, and I scan it impatiently, desperate to take in as much information as possible.

  It’s good news. Even with the tour being postponed, the album is doing better than they could have hoped. At least I haven’t ruined their careers. I’m sure once Joss is fully recovered, the tour will go ahead, and everything will go back to normal for them.

  “Happy?” Malcolm asks.

  “Thank you.” It’s not like it was that h
ard, was it? They act like anything they tell me is doing me some huge favor. I’m the one that’s doing them a huge favor. Putting my life at risk to help put Rudy behind bars for good.

  Trudging back up the stairs, I go back to my room like a good girl and flop on the bed. Letting my mind drift to Joss and seeing the band up on stage with thousands of screaming, adoring fans. I picture myself standing in the crowd somewhere, taking it all in. It’s so vivid I can almost taste the sweat in the air, feel the hum of the music, the warm bodies moving to the pulse of the beat.

  Sleep comes with a smile still playing on my lips.

  My eyes snap open as a rough hand covers my mouth. A shadowy figure looms over me. I struggle and kick, but the blankets and the pressure of the man holding me down hamper my efforts.

  “Mmm eewehn,” I force out.

  “If you don’t stop struggling,” a deep raspy voice growls. “I’m gonna have to knock you out. Your choice.”

  The fear suddenly leaves me as a detached sense of calmness overtakes my body. Somehow, I knew this would happen. I knew Rudy would come for me. If this is the end, I can at least face it with dignity. I let my body go slack on the bed and nod, indicating my understanding.

  “I’m gonna remove my hand. If you so much as blink wrong, you’ll regret it.”

  As my eyes adjust, I take in the shadowy form of my attacker. He’s tall and built with angular features and several days worth of stubble.

  I get to my feet. “Can I at least get dressed?”

  He scans the room before throwing me a pair of jeans and a long-sleeved, stretch-cotton shirt. I shove my feet into the jeans and pull them up over my sleep shorts. No way am I getting undressed in front of Mr. Thug. I pull on the top and grab a hair tie from beside the bed, putting my hair back into a messy ponytail. He watches me with dark hooded eyes as I put on my shoes.

  “Are you new? I don’t believe we’ve met,” I say calmly.

  “Zeke.” He grabs me around my elbow and tugs me forward. “Let’s go.”

  He gives me no choice as he jerks me around like I’m a rag doll.

  I keep my eyes up as we enter the kitchen, refusing to look at the crumpled body on the floor, or the one we step over to get out the front door. It’s dark outside. The nearby streetlights have, not so mysteriously, failed.

  A black van waits on the street with the motor running. Zeke lifts me up and into the back of the van. Surprisingly gentle this time. Maybe he thought I was going to try something before? But I intend to bide my time. There’s no point taking out some minor player. If I’m going to try something, I’m going to cut off the head of the snake.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  The van careens around the bend. My shoulder slams into the metal wall. Without windows it’s impossible to predict which direction we’re going to go next.

  “We’ll be dead before we get there,” I mutter.

  Zeke, sitting opposite me, thumps his fist against the partition. “Watch it, Mace. We’re getting slammed back here.” He places a hand on my shoulder to steady me.

  “Where are we going, anyway?”

  Zeke laughs. “You’re a calm one. Guess Jimmy underestimated your nerve. Thought I’d have to gag and tie you.”

  “You work for Jimmy Dubois?”

  “Yeah. Of course. Did you think I worked for Gadsden?” Zeke runs a hand back through his brown hair, revealing a jagged scar across his forehead.

  “How’d you get yours?” I push the hair back off my own, almost matching, scar.

  “Broken bottle. Some little thug thought he could take me.”

  “Huh.” I would have thought Zeke’s size and muscular appearance would have put most people off attacking him.

  “How’d you get yours?”

  “Not exactly sure.” I shrug. “Someone left me for dead in the street and took my memories with them.”

  “That would suck.” Zeke unconsciously rubs at his own scar.

  “Pretty much. How about you? Did you always dream of growing up and getting into the thug business?”

  Zeke throws his head back and laughs. “That’s priceless. I might recommend to Jimmy that he keep ya ‘round for amusement value.”

  I swallow. “He’s going to kill me?” I clench my fingers so hard the nails bite into my palms. No way I’m letting him see me cry.

  “Well,” he says slowly, drawing the words out. “Guess that all depends on your father.”

  I grit my teeth. “Rudy is NOT my father.”

  Zeke just shrugs irritatingly, as if my lineage is of no importance.

  “Hopefully, he feels a little more for you than you do for him.”

  The pieces start to fall into place. “You’re going to exchange me for something he has?”

  Zeke grins slyly. “That's right. You think it’ll work?”

  I shrug, trying to play it cool, while inside, my heart thumps painfully against my ribs. “Depends what he wants.” My mind whirls. “Of course, that thing from the stupid violin case. It all comes back to that, doesn’t it?”

  “Clever girl.” He eyes me quizzically. “You don’t know what it is?”

  I shake my head. “Rudy never told me.”

  “You know, I think I actually believe you.”

  “I’m not lying — why would I?”

  “Trying to keep that pretty head on your shoulders?”

  I look away. At least, whatever happens next, it’ll all be over. My heart feels somehow lighter at the prospect. Whatever part Joss had in this, he’s out now. Safe. A small smile plays on my lips.

  Zeke’s eyes narrow. “You are one weird chick. You know that, Mea.”

  “It’s Willow,” I correct absently, my mind still on other things. I scan the back of the van. Apart from the bench seats that run along the sides, it’s pretty much empty. Zeke is heavily armed, but it’s not like I can just reach over and take his gun out of the holster. I eye him speculatively. He’s bound to have other weapons secreted on his body somewhere. His dark pants cover the top of his black, army style combat boots. Could he have a knife somewhere? Hmm ... if I can just distract him for a moment…

  “Are we going to the exchange now?” I ask. I could try flirting, but I’d rather not humiliate myself when he laughs at my painfully pathetic attempts.

  “Soon enough, soon enough.”

  I raise my eyebrows. “You don’t actually know, do you?”

  Zeke scowls. “Course I know.”

  “They left you with the dirty work. Guess you’re not that high up in the ranks, are you?”

  Zeke leans back and crosses his legs on the floor in front of him, leaving them beside my own feet. Perfect. Now I just need another big corner.

  “High enough. I don’t know what you’re playing at, but it won’t work. I’m loyal to Dubois. He rewards loyalty above all else.”

  “You sure about that?” I smirk, hoping to at least cause him to wonder what I’m playing at.

  The van comes to a screeching halt, and we both crash into the dividing wall. I use my momentum to bounce back and onto the floor. Grabbing hold of Zeke's ankle, I push myself back onto the seat. He pulls his leg away sharply as if my touch is poison.

  I tuck a lock of hair behind one ear, hoping for nonchalance. But my plan worked. I now know Zeke carries a knife strapped to his ankle. When the time comes, I only hope I can put that knowledge to good use.

  Zeke looks at me, his eyes narrowed into slits.

  Someone bangs on the partition from the driver's side.

  “Showtime. Have the girl ready.”

  “She ain’t going nowhere,” Zeke replies.

  “Anywhere,” I say softly.


  “She isn’t going anywhere.” I shrug. “Didn’t you go to school?”

  Zeke's eyes flash. “You trying to make me mad?

  I shrug. “Well, it’s not like we’re going to be besties, is it? Given this whole situation and everything. I may as well teach you something
before I leave this world for good.”

  Zeke’s mouth gapes. He snaps it closed. “You don’t think Gadsden will trade, do you?”

  I look down at my lap and fold my hands together. “Probably not.”

  He leans forward and lifts my chin so I’m forced to look into his eyes. “What about your fiancé?” He spits the word as if it leaves a dirty taste in his mouth.

  Joss? My mind goes numb. How does he know about Joss? And he’s not even my boyfriend right now, not really, even if he does hold my heart.

  “You don’t think Vance Pagett wants you back enough to part with some information?”

  “Oh.” I try to hide my shock. I haven't even given my supposed slimeball fiancé a thought for weeks now. “Maybe?”

  Zeke eyes me suspiciously. “What were you thinking just now? You got a piece on the side? Been sleeping with the stable boy or something?”

  Despite my best intent, I laugh. He doesn’t realize how accurate he is. I met Joss in the stables, and he has a whole stable full of horses that he loves. “Not sure when I’d have had a chance to run around on Vance. It’s a pleasant thought though.”

  “It’s not true love then?”

  I snort. “Hardly. Vance is a pig.”

  Zeke chuckles. “I’d have to agree with your assessment. I wouldn’t mind putting a bullet right between those squinty eyes.”

  I shrug. “Be my guest. I’d hate to have you restrain yourself on my account.”

  “Sorry, darlin’. Like I said, I'm loyal to my boss. I won’t shoot before he asks me to.”

  “Worth a try, I guess.”

  The rear door of the van is jerked open, and Zeke wastes no time in hustling me out.

  My eyes take in the large warehouse. Boxes and crates line the walls, but a large space in the middle has been left clear. Two other cars sit beside the van and thirty yards away, two almost identical black cars sit in the gloomy space. Several of the large, overhead lights are on, keeping everything in part shadow. It’s like something out of a midday mystery movie. Guess those things have more basis in truth than I ever realized. Who knew?


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