Ring of Madness

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Ring of Madness Page 8

by Royden Labrosse

  Ah, the barn burned down, the fire and the hut! No respect? So I'll scare you to a stutter and teach you to respect young people! You're gonna give me a stuttering about Leoverinski!

  I raised a glass of water and started to look at the light.

  - What do you even want from us? Why Katya? Are there not many others? You'll be offered - they'll give it to you, and you'll torture yourself to fight back... Why suddenly Katya? Do you want to drink blood or make her a vampire?

  - A vampire. And very beautiful. I have, you know, a weakness for blondes. And your friend is very good-looking. And very stupid. It's perfect.

  - Why?

  - She's beautiful and pleasant, but she'll never riot.

  I nodded. Yes, Katya's not smart enough for that.

  - You didn't ask for her consent.

  - What for?

  - Really, why would you do that? To take a bite, and it won't be long. Well, there you go! She doesn't want to be a vampire. And I don't want her to have that fate!

  - It's not up to you here.

  - Probably. But isn't it easier to buy perhydrol at the drugstore and repaint your dolls?

  - It's easier, of course. But it would be a fake!

  That's right. As soon as Andre got a little distracted, I immediately threw a whole glass of holy water at him. And I got him, oddly enough. I hurt my chest, face and a little arm. But the hand was bigger from the glass. And the rest...

  I was under the impression that Duška was just flowing where the holy water was. Like wax from a burning candle. I grabbed the second glass and threw it in Katka's face.

  - O Lord my God, who art in heaven, thy word be done, thy will be done, thy kingdom come...

  I didn't go to church for nothing, because I also bought a book of prayers there. I just remembered, I guess it wasn't like that. But Duchka was already twisted. And Katka slammed her eyes. I gave her a crack in the head.

  - Wake up, you holy martyr! Run!

  But I couldn't escape. Next to the bent Duchka, three more materialized. A girl and two guys. Same pale, smoothly moving and fanggy. Only dark-haired. Oh, your zoology... I can't handle three alone, I found the terminator! But I'll try.

  I won't kill you, I'll hurt you like that!

  - Sir, what's the matter with you, sir, all three of you have slammed over Duchka.

  I put my hand under the sweater, pulled out the flask and unscrewed the cap.

  - Get them, the vampire wheezed.

  And trinity threw itself at us.

  I inadvertently splashed holy water out of the flask, but the two dodged, and one swept toward Katka and seems to have cracked her on the head. I think it's because I just didn't look. The girl rushed to me and grabbed my left hand.

  How strong was she...

  She would have ripped my hand out, but I cracked it on my forehead with my other hand.

  And there's a bracelet with crosses on it.

  Now we've both yelled. And she was just screaming, and I...

  And I got a sudden reading in some book today:

  - Lord, give rest to those who are not in the night...

  Let them forget hunger, gold and swords...

  Give them death at last, give them a way to heaven...

  Let your lost children rest, let...

  I wouldn't have remembered what and where it came from. The crosses on my arm burst into a little sun. And the vampire squealed even louder - and suddenly crumbled to the floor with gray ashes.

  And then my luck ran out. The third bastard just blew me in the corner and put me back against the wall. My consciousness was clouded, I swam somewhere in a bluish fog, and the last connected thought was: "That you all poisoned me, parasites! »

  * * *

  - Jane! Wake up!

  Something extremely disgusting has been brought to my face. It smelled like it was making my jaws go down. The aisle? Or something more corrosive? Did they take Duchka's socks off after a century of socks, sorry about the tautology? Crap! I swollen up and opened my eyes. And I pulled in a lot of nasty scent. It started to make me sick, but my mind was clear. Where am I? What's wrong with me? Everything that happened, I remembered surprisingly quickly. That's right! I was at the club. And there I had a big fight with vampires. Like the last scumbag. My grandfather would have been happy with me, though.

  I'm not a terminator. I wouldn't risk my life. It's just that no one would have let us out of there - alive and well. All I had to do was sell my life at a higher price. And also to remember my grandfather's stories.

  And my grandfather always told me that if you fight, you die. Either you win or you get killed. Either... There's also a third option. And my grandfather told me about some old people. Nomads or something? That's how it was done with strangers. With a fight.

  If a stranger was stronger than a tribe warrior, he was not only left with life and freedom, but he was already considered his own. As a full nomadic as those born in the steppe. And our ancestors - the Slavs - had similar customs.

  So I fought to the death, but soberly. If they don't kill me right away, maybe they'll try to turn it over. And if it's not death, it's a chance.

  If his grandfather hadn't mocked the Nazis morally in his time (they had learned many new things about the origin of the Aryan people), he would have simply been shot. You don't twitch and run with bullets. But his fascists decided to torture him. And they let him down into an ice-hole. And his grandfather survived.

  And that's exactly what I was calculating for myself. Brutal? Well, I'm going to stay alive. And my family may not be touched. They may be, but either way, I have a better chance of making a difference.

  Even if you've been eaten, you always have two choices, not to mention a peptic ulcer.

  A bucket of water fell on my head.

  - Are you awake?

  It's already Andre. What bad words! And it's in the presence of a gentle, fragile, sensitive woman, a girl... Hum tram, a vampire for nothing. Well, there's no point in pretending anymore. But to open your eyes and look around is more than that. Another bucket of water made me shake my head (it hummed like a whole apiary of hornets) and look around.

  I was sitting in a big chair, in a completely empty room. Well, not completely empty. I'm the one who hasn't weathered my sleeping pills yet. My brains were gradually returning to normal, and I was taking more and more details. The most important item in the room was the bed. It was huge and luxurious. It was a sexodrome. Dark blue underwear, break through the white pillows in the shape of different animals. And carpets on the floor and walls in blue and blue tones. The mirror on the wardrobe wall. There are small nightstands next to the bed. The closet has a table on which - yay! Yay! - My goodness is folded. And my chair is soaking wet. And underneath it, there was a big dirty puddle.

  I looked at myself. My hands were tightly tied to the armrests with a thick rope. But the legs were free. That's good. And my shoes weren't taken off. It's nice to be underestimated! But I lost the bracelets. And so did the cross. So is the holy water supply. I wonder if they found the wire. Well, let's hope they didn't. I'd hate to.

  Two people came out from behind the chair. Duchka. And Katya. The friend walked like a puppet on strings. Sharp, twitching movements, unnatural smile, wide, puppet-like, open eyes, split hair, which she had not even corrected. Duchka was beaten and hungry, too. By my, by my efforts! I felt genuine pride in myself. Not everybody gets to rub a healthy man like that, and if he's also a vampire...

  Duke looked like I watered him with royal vodka. Half a muzzle, shoulder and part of his chest were just eaten like potatoes by a Colorado potato beetle. (There's a natural American diversion from the state of Colorado!) And we're all: spies, scouts, cold war, economic sanctions! I can't say for the whole country, but only my neighbors from the Colorado potato beetle have a hundred times more problems than all NATO combined.) And Duška looks at me as an enemy of the people. Well, I'm not used to it! But I'll surprise him now!

  - What, are you happy, ass
hole? - Rude, but completely in line with my feelings. - Did you cope with the snotty girl and decided to hang a medal for combat services? Damn you! You bastard!

  The vampire swooped like a dentist's dream, wisdom teeth - and they showed.

  - I'm not happy yet. For now... But by the end of this night I'll have much more reasons to be happy!

  - What, are you gonna do some plastic?

  Oh, I shouldn't have done that. Or shouldn't I? But Dushka was worse than a salad of radish, shit and black pepper.

  - I will," he whispered. - You know, vampires don't have to heal their wounds long. I can do it very quickly. With human blood. With your blood. And your friend's blood. You destroyed one of my maids, and you're taking her place.

  - In my dreams," I whispered. - If I became a vampire, I wouldn't take your place any less, understand, cheese melted?

  I'd add more, but why? He's got it all figured out!

  - Alas... - Duke grabbed my sweater and lifted me up. Along with the chair. So that we could be eye to eye. The sweater grabbed me, but it held. Quality, however! - You're gonna ask me to die a hundred times, bitch...

  He may have wanted to say something else, but he didn't.

  Don't lift anybody's breasts unless they have legs tied. I didn't even have to swing hard. That smack was a good one. Gently sock your shoe on something soft. And I made sure that vampires' sensitivity wasn't diminished.

  I'm not flattering myself - I wouldn't get there on purpose - in a year. I was aiming for the knee and hoped to knock out the joint. And instead of the joint, I whipped an omelette. Um...

  A vampire dropped me with a chair on the floor, and I almost shrieked with joy - one of my legs clearly cracked. Although I would have squealed, it wasn't even there with his yelling. The vampire bent down to three deaths, and so, whining more quietly, the stack on the carpet. Watch out for my shoes.

  And I couldn't help it. My tongue is my enemy. If it were shorter, life would be longer.

  - Now kiss my shoe, sweetie... I'll slap you on the ass again... if I get caught!

  Duke caught up and flew off the carpet like a stung one. And why didn't he kill me?

  And I knew the answer. If I killed him right away, he wouldn't have had any pleasure. It's like with those Germans. Grandfather then said they didn't just want to die, they also wanted to torture him. And so did Duška. It got cold and disgusting in his stomach. And I didn't ruin the chair just because there was nothing. But - die, hussar, but you can't lose your honor.

  Grunkle prudently no longer touched me with his hands. Instead, he whispered somewhere over my shoulder. And his voice was sweet and sweet, like honey and poison.

  - You will bow before me and obey my words completely! I'll be very entertained by that. And then, when you get over it...

  The word "humility" had as much effect on me as a whip. Even the fear has gone somewhere. I am Leoverenskaya! I'm not some fool in the alley! I'm a Russian woman! Well, I'll show you humility! I turned around and tried to bite his nose. The vampire ducked, only his teeth came out. That's a shame! I'd love to see if his nose would grow back or not. But it was good enough as it was.

  - Come on, you bastard! - The willpower was only enough for short lines.

  Blue eyes flashed with real rabies.

  - All right, girl, say goodbye to life...

  - Sir, I beg you, sir," said a frightened man's voice over my shoulder.

  - What?! - barked to Andre. That's a good bark, I almost peed myself.

  - Don't kill her now, sir! We need to know how she killed Michelle!

  Duchka shook even harder and made a sharp hand gesture. From somewhere behind, he heard a groan of pain.

  - You're letting yourself go too much, bitch!

  - Punish me, sir, but she still has to be asked first! You will not forgive yourself later!

  I wouldn't forgive you if I got killed! I wonder if there are vampires. Are there ghosts? Cause I've got a good chance of ruining Duška's whole life. Every night I'll show up and whine!

  - Good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good. - Just ask her yourself, or I'll break her neck.

  - As you command, sir.

  An unknown voice came out from behind Duchy's back and turned out to be a cute young guy in his twenties. Sort of a "sweetie" and "darling." It seems to be nothing special: shredded dark hair color ripe chestnut, blue eyes, chicken nose, slightly protruding ears, funny bristles between the teeth - probably, he once loved to chew the seeds. It's a teddy bear. Usually these faces make a stunning impression on all women. And even I had to remember that this teddy bear has two-finger fangs. And in fact, biologists know that the most dangerous animals often look the most harmless - you can't scare the victim away...

  - My name is Alex," the vampire introduced himself. - And you're Jane, right?

  - You know, I shrugged my shoulders.

  - And what is your full name?

  I didn't see the point in hiding it.

  - Leoverenskaya Julia Yevgenyevna.

  - Leoverenskaya? Konstantin Sergeyevich Leoverensky - your grandfather?

  - Savelievich, - I corrected. - And how do you know him?

  - Jane, this is where we ask the questions.

  Naive. I was also scared.

  - Sasha, are you sure I'll answer them?

  - Where will you go, Jane? My lord... The vampire looked back at Duška, but "lord" showed no interest in us. He stood by the mirror and focused on himself and his burns. - And so he could hardly hold himself back. If you don't answer, you'll be dragged to the torture chamber. Do you want this? And even if you're not afraid of pain, your friend is afraid of it. Would you bear it if the innocent man for whom you're involved in this adventure got stripped in front of your eyes?

  You bastard. But I thought of the answer in advance. I did not rule out that the question would appear even during peace negotiations, and now... Now it was my only salvation.

  - Sasha, you're asking a completely wrong question. I'm very afraid of pain. It's hysterical.

  - Then all the more...

  - Let me finish my thought. If you start torturing me - or torturing Katka in front of my eyes - I'll get hysterical. And I'll tell you anything. But I'll try to mix the truth with the lies in such a way that you'll never know what and where. Sooner or later you're gonna crack me up, but alas, you won't even know it happened. Cause I'm gonna make you noodles a lot sooner. I won't win anything, but I won't lose anything. You think I have no idea what's gonna happen to me?

  - You're not gonna tell me your guess?

  I'd shrug my shoulders if my shoulders were tied.

  - At best, they'll kill me right away. Worse case, I'll be killed slowly and painfully. The worst case is I'm gonna be made a vampire and mocked until I open my neck or strangle myself. Did I miss anything?

  Duchka turned from the mirror.

  - And thinking so, you came anyway?

  - And I can even explain why I did it. But first, let's talk about the case. Where's my friend?

  - In the next room.

  - I want you to let her go and never touch her again. Then I will speak to you willingly and honestly," I made a condition. And I added a sweet candy. - Is that vampire really dead? I didn't expect to succeed!

  - But you wanted to kill her?

  - And you want to let my friend go?

  Duchka quickly crossed the room and stood next to me. On the side, so I can't reach anything for sure.

  - I'm gonna take you down, you thing... Your friend and I are gonna make love. It's a good night to have a new vampire, isn't it? You'll be looking at it. And then you're gonna take her place. In the morning, you'll be dead. And in three days, you'll rise from the dead to serve me faithfully and forever. And you don't even have to say anything. In three days, you'll be chasing me and begging me to listen to you.

  I've got goosebumps on my skin. I think it's a game-over! But there's no one to complain about. You asked for it!
You're still a pervert! I wonder what he thinks about it himself. We don't match him here. Yes, we do. And how good it would be if we didn't match anywhere at all! In life. Only now it won't work. What could happen? No, there's got to be some way to attack him! You should have eaten pickled garlic or something! Or fresh garlic? But I didn't want any! What's more, I don't like garlic myself. The first thing that would have made me sick. And the holy water and spirits were already washed off me. Oh, damn his tail! I was really scared. As scared as I was when I was a kid when I saw a rabid dog. She couldn't reach me, I was far away from her, but in her eyes she had such... Madness, doom and mortal longing. I imagined that I could look with the same eyes, and I shuddered. And the vampire felt my fear. He laughed again, then leaned over me, and licked my neck. I got caught up in it. No, it's not still lost! Maybe it'll turn me right on him. And I have to wash up before I have sex? Actually, that's an option worth considering! I'm not gonna be washed with the chair!

  - What, no one gives without coercion? - Something I squeezed out. - That's right! I wouldn't be high with slugs either.

  The words were barely squeezed out of me. It was disgusting to feel like a victim. Now I understood my grandfather, who broke through to the front in spite of everything and everything. And he was killing. And I never suffered from remorse. Just because the fascists were the first to start this game. They decided to make the Russians victims, and we were never victims. Anybody, but not victims or slaves. They tried to subdue us many times, but when we understood what was going on, - and Russia stood on its feet, so that the kings flew into the bushes, losing their tail and head on the way! And the vampire is no better than Hitler! Rabies increased, replacing fear. But what good did it do? Because of the historical tour, I only had one question. How do I get up on my own? If the chair is heavy and I've never even pulled a dumbbell.

  - Bring the other one," Duke threw himself to Alex and leaned against my ear again. - This is a down payment.

  And he used his fingernail around my neck. I snapped. It was loud. From the bottom of my heart. It hurt, actually. And I felt a trickle of blood on my skin, too. Duke put his head down and licked it. He's a bastard. Wait a minute, you...


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