Ring of Madness

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Ring of Madness Page 38

by Royden Labrosse

  I thought about it and got out of bed. You feel too helpless when you lie down and two vampires look down on you.

  - Let's say this: I'm going to wash up now, and you'll decide between yourselves what exactly you want to lie to me!

  I think I hit the eye, not the brow. Danielle had his eyes down. Mecislav wasn't embarrassed, but I didn't expect him to. It's more likely the sun will go out.

  I wasn't in a hurry to wash my face in the bathroom. There were some voices from behind the door, but I decided not to overhear. I'd better give them some more time to talk. I took off all my rags and wrapped myself in a long purple robe hanging from the door. It fit me, and it was just the way I loved it. To the floor, with lots of small buttons and a shallow neckline, fat and warm. Then I brushed my hair and went back to my room.

  - You look good, curly.

  - Jane, you look beautiful.

  I was glad to hear that, but not so much as to forget about everything in the world. I went down to the chair. Danielle sat down across the street. Mecislav remained on the bed.

  - You still haven't told me what you want from me.

  Danielle looked up at me with his transparent eyes.

  - Jane, do you know what a surname is?

  - You've already told me. But it's too short. What did you forget to mention?

  Danielle smiled confusedly.

  - Very much so. Vampires, as you well know, are completely helpless during the day. And they need helpers and protectors. And a surname is a human embodiment. The incarnation of the vampire who created it. His eternal and irreplaceable companion.

  I didn't understand anything.

  - Not a battery for extra power?

  - And this too. If you're lucky. Or just a nice person, a loved one... The last name remains a person. He doesn't grow fangs, he doesn't drink blood, he sunbathes quietly on the beach and even goes to church, if he wants to, he can't be distinguished from ordinary people, but he is the surname.

  - His horns are growing, aren't they? - I moved out. How I'm sick of them all with their vampire tricks and misunderstandings!

  - No! It's not like that at all!

  - The surname acquires all the qualities of its master, the curly one, - Mieczysław's voice was silkwoven through the skin. - It is a very close connection. Body, mind, soul, Power - the vampire and his family name share everything. Even life. The surname lives as long as its creator. He does not grow old, he easily heals wounds, diseases are forever in the past for him, he becomes much stronger, and often acquires magical abilities.

  - So what?

  I didn't understand anything anyway. Or was I just afraid to say? Or was I afraid to ask?

  - Tell me, what does a vampire have a family name for?

  - That's the right question, Curly. A vampire needs a surname to enhance his magical powers. But that's if the chosen person has magic powers. The last name is needed as an assistant. And often also as a companion.

  I didn't understand anymore.

  - What the hell kind of assistant?! Vampires have a kind of magic, but humans do not.

  - Wrong, curly. People are much stronger than you think. I've seen a lot of magicians among people. Although the Inquisition has thoroughly weeded them out.

  - Yeah, you bet. What good can be expected of them. But what does that have to do with me?

  - We have a fight tomorrow, curly. I have a fight. And I want to win. I want you to be my last name.

  - WHAT?!

  For a moment, I got sick. The room was shaken, everything floated in my eyes. What does this fang bastard even offer me in the light of all that's been said? Hand, heart and soul, is that it? Then why do I not like it all so much?

  I translated the look at Daniel.

  - There's something I don't understand. Why do I get these offers?

  - You're very strong, curly. There's no surprise in my desire to put that power into my service.

  I wasn't surprised by my desire to turn away from such proposals either.

  - I'm not at all sure of my strength. And then, can't I just share it with you? Well, is that how Boris is? Or with Daniel?

  - That may not be enough.

  - Oh, really?

  Distrust was just soaking up my words. Mecislav felt it, but did not back down.

  - Andre is older than me. And in some ways, he's stronger.

  - And what's that?

  - He is the Prince of the City. And during the fight, he will be able to gain power from all his vampires. I only have Boris and Vadim. Well, so do you. But that's not enough. That's why I'm asking for your help.

  - That's not convincing. I feel like you're lying to me somewhere, but where?

  - I didn't lie to you in one word, curly.

  - If I still believed you!

  I was going over what the vampire said in my head. I wasn't lying. But...

  - Wait a minute! Let's say I'm becoming your last name, or whatever... Can we tear this up? After you win?

  The green eyes were just as honest and innocent.

  - No. This is forever.

  - Aha! And you're willing to tie yourself to me for the Powers? Forever?

  Just a tiny pause before you answer.

  - Yes.

  - But I'm not ready! And then what did you say about body, soul and mind? Am I going to be your human hand? And you can control me?

  - It's not exactly like that. It's... different. I'm not going to control you, and neither are you going to control me. It's a partnership, but not a bondage.

  - Yeah, that's how I believed it!

  - You can trust me, Curly. I don't want to hurt you.

  The voice of Mieczysław walked through my skin like a silk shred - and I trembled. What's happening to me? Why is my body so drawn to it? I don't want to! I turned my eyes on Daniel. The vampire looked unseemly happy. I thought for a second he'd smile and say, "I told you, I told you, I told you! ».

  And I didn't like it very much.

  - Danielle?

  - Yes, Jane?

  - I have a little question for you. Why did Andre call you a spy?

  Grey eyes blinked.

  - Because that's what I was.

  - Oh, yeah? Came and found like the last son of a bitch?

  - Daniel really spied for me - Mieczysław's voice was warm and cozy, like my robe. I wanted to wrap myself in it and never look outside. I wanted to believe and trust. Yes, to all of you pioneers!

  - Then why did I have to hang my noodles on my ears?

  Daniel had the conscience to put his eyes down.

  - I was afraid you wouldn't approve.

  - Yeah, well, one thing is an innocent victim, and the other is an exposed spy, who's basically a rapist! No, Duke is a bastard, but he didn't lie to me! Even though you call me your friend, I can't believe a word you say! - I laughed, but it turned out badly. It's like a mask was pulled off my face.

  - It's not true, Jane. You can believe me in everything I say and paint. But I didn't swear allegiance to Andre. And I didn't have to love or respect him.

  - And you couldn't tell me everything right away?

  - I didn't know you at all then. And how would you react then, if even now...

  I was thinking. Well, how would you? Well, yeah, I trusted Daniel, and he started by lying to me about why he hit the torture table! And I, the poor idiot, comforted myself with fairy tales about him being an artist. And we shouldn't forget that he's also a vampire! Anyway, who says artists aren't bastards? Take the same Benvenuto Cellini. In his name alone, half of Europe must have had heartburn! Who said Danielle was the other one? Me? Just because I wanted to? It's sad...

  On the other hand, I initially assumed that Danielle was lying to me about something. It's now confirmed. And why would I be angry? In a society of grey rats, which are vampires, you just can't survive being white and fluffy. Danielle is a brilliant artist, but alas, weak in character. If you put a human being under difficult circumstances...

  Danielle... I love him, but wha
t is love? Love is to accept a man for who he is. Weak, cruel, with flaws and virtues. And there's no other way. And... I can't do it without him...

  When I made my decision, I reached out to Daniel.

  - You know, next time, try not to hide anything from me.

  Grey eyes flashed with joy.

  - Jane, you...

  - Yeah. Me. I can understand and forgive you this time. Although I do hate that you don't trust me. Think about it, I'd have made a Duchka forshmaq the first time I met you. And the fact that you spied on him and got hurt on the case wouldn't change my attitude. But next time, I just won't believe you. And I'll never believe you again. So think about what you want to hide from me and what you can hide. Because I won't accept any more excuses.

  - And my offer?

  Mecislav didn't miss an opportunity to put his five kopecks in. You bastard. I cried out for him. If Danielle's just... who he is, then Miecislav's a sly, smug bastard. Self-righteous and cocky. And I won't give him a chance.

  - No, sir good! Fuck you, not my Power. And I won't be anyone's last name either! You're gonna overdo it! And if you get hurt, I won't cry!

  At that moment, I was fully confident in my decision. I eerily didn't want to be connected with Mieczysław for the rest of my life. You'll ask for the death itself. And as for the partnership, it doesn't happen. There's always a leader, a slave. I can't be a leader. At least in age, in intelligence, in ability, in... in... So the vampire will be in charge. And he'll be pushing me all the time. No, you're naughty, good gentleman, so give you a finger and your jaws will go up your shoulder!

  - You will, Curly. Danielle, get out.

  - No!

  - Get out.

  Mechislav didn't even raise his voice. But Daniel suddenly moved in and walked to the doors. And he came out, tightly covered the sash behind him. And his last words made me feel as if I had been poured ice over the door. I didn't even dare to object at once. And then it was too late. Mechislav easily got out of bed, came to the doors, looked out, then closed the doors again and turned the key in the lock.

  - And what are you doing, may I ask?

  I wasn't even particularly worried. Who would have told me, you stupid fool, to jump out the window and run to the city without stopping! Nobody said that! Goddamn it!

  - Do you know how to become a family name, curly? It doesn't happen overnight. Vampires have a concept like Seal. If I put it on you, it's the first step.

  - Really? I couldn't squeeze anything else out.

  - It only takes four Seals. The first three are put by the vampire himself. The fourth can only be put by you and only by good will.

  - Why are you telling me this?

  - Because once again, I ask your permission for the first seal.

  - No!

  I think that's becoming my favorite word. But Mechislav didn't even think to be upset about my rejection. Only a predatory smile. And I fell in love with him again. What a beautiful thing... These graceful movements, incredibly beautiful face, honey-colored skin...

  Jane! As much as you can! You've got your brains going to the left again! I cried out the face, showing that they hadn't seen them, and they'd sent them too.

  The vampire realized that his appearance wasn't working, so he went off the other card.

  - I didn't say it in front of Danielle, but there's a chance I'll lose.

  - And what is she like?

  - Fifty-fifty. I understand that you almost don't care about my life. Okay. I don't insist on any more. But do you care about Danielle that much?

  - What do you mean by that?

  - You're mad at him, curly, but you won't let anger get the better of you. If I die, so will he. Slowly and painfully. And as for you, you will live. Andre seems to have promised you a place in the entourage already?

  I'm stuck.

  - What is this, blackmail?!

  - No, curly, it's a request.

  The voice was so soft, so comforting, so... dear! Green eyes - impermeably dark. They were charming, they were soothing, they persuaded you not to resist. But I didn't give up!

  - And how much better would your chances be if I let you put the Seal?

  - Thirty or forty percent interest. You don't know your power either.

  - Have you found out yet? That's very nice!

  - Tonight, Curly. When you shared the Force with Boris and me.

  - But you said yourself that I've been saving this up for the rest of my life?!

  - I really thought so at first.

  The vampire went up and walked into the room. Then he turned around and looked at me at point-blank range.

  - Then I realized another feature of your Power. You don't just accumulate and give up the Force, curly. What happens to you later is a lot harder. I bet you've never been jealous of anyone. And you're more of a gift giver than a gift recipient.

  I swallowed my suddenly dried up throat and nodded.

  - Right on the spot.

  - I know, curly. It's your power. It'll always be like this with you. You will be happy to give your energy to another person or vampire, but as soon as you get rid of it, the Energy, the Power, will flow to you again and it will be even more. By giving it to you, you increase your potential. How many times have you shared the Force with vampires?

  - It was the third time with you and Boris," I answered.

  - That's what I thought. I have no idea what would happen to your Power if I forced you to get rid of its excesses regularly. You're gonna be a terrible opponent, Curly. Or you'll be a great source of Power. And I want you.

  The confession was frank. Looks like my strength is like muscle. If you use it, you'll get pumped. Sounds like the truth. First time I felt bad, second time better, third time I didn't sneeze. Maybe the vampire isn't lying. And that brings me back to his last confession. So what does he really want?

  - Me or my Power? - I tried to dot the "i".

  - It's both.

  The green eyes didn't come off my face. I thought for a moment, and then I raised my head.

  - Let's make a deal like this. Either the Force or my body and mind.

  The vampire slammed his eyes. And what did I say that was so confusing?

  - Excuse me, baby? I don't quite understand you.

  - I can agree to your game on one condition. No intimacy will be required of me. Power, yes! I'll give you everything I can. I tell you, all I do and will do is not for your charming eyes. It's only for Daniel. Because he's the only vampire I trust. And maybe even a little more than I do trust. The first harm done to him will tear any agreement we have to go to hell.

  - You don't trust me, Curly.

  It wasn't a question. It was a statement of fact. And I didn't think it was necessary to answer.

  - If I accept the position of your surname, you will not drag me into your life! Whatever happens, I'll be free from you. That's my condition. Strength and mind - but not body or soul.

  - Are you sure that's what you want, girl?

  One look at a vampire makes me feel like I've passed the current through my skin. How madly attractive he is!

  - Yes! - the word came out with all the conviction of despair. Yes, because I couldn't afford any relationship with Mecislav. Nothing! Only business and only as a last resort. Otherwise, something inside me would break. I knew what I was afraid of. Mieczyslaw in my imagination was equal to heroin. At first, it was an incredible high. Then it was just high. And then it was a life necessity. The need to see it, to hear it, to touch this incredible golden skin, to kiss bright red lips, to love, even without getting anything in return... And if that happens to me, it will be more terrible than death. The vampire stretched his hand out with his palm forward.

  - Okay, honey. I'm gonna take your power and not drag you into my life. I promise you that.

  - How much can you believe that vow?

  - Exactly as much as you can trust me. Or are you gonna demand a triplicate agreement?

  - Tell me more, notarize it.

nbsp; Oh, really, what guarantees do I have? No, you don't. But I know for a fact that I'm being persuaded right now. And then they'll try to take me by force. Blackmail, threats, just violence... I'm human and I don't pull on a vampire... So should I be especially careful? It's not gonna change anything, anyway. I just have to survive.

  - And leave one copy in a safe place.

  Mechislav didn't push. I think he was aware of all my moves. And he gave me time to save a good mine for a bad game.

  - Why did you kick Daniel out?

  - So he doesn't interfere with our conversation.

  - He didn't like the Seals idea?

  - Resolutely. He'd rather make you his. And a woman and a family name.

  - For the same reason as you? - I took an aggressive interest.

  It's like a vampire didn't even notice my anger.

  - Don't underestimate our dear Daniel, Curly. He can talk about high art for weeks, but in a quiet frenzy, you know, the devils do.

  - Are you saying that he could have used me against you?

  - I don't know.

  The green eyes were looking right at me. And were so sincere, I couldn't believe it.

  - There's another way, right? You kicked Daniel out so he wouldn't bother you hanging up my noodles. He said something about meanness...

  - I can say beautiful words, too, curly. But you won't believe me, will you?

  The vampire slipped to me and knelt down next to the chair. His hands rested on the armrests, placing me in a ring, and his head was at the same level as mine. Too close.

  - I won't believe it.

  - Then believe in another. If they kill me, you and your family and Danielle will die. You're not afraid of death, but you're afraid of becoming a vampire. You don't want that for your family. And you don't want to lose our artist. So why don't we increase my chances of winning?

  I was strong enough for one more question.

  - What if I say no? Will you still leave this room?

  - No.

  The green eyes were right next door.

  - A choice between good will and violence? Is that right?

  - I'd hate to offer it to you, Fluffy.

  - Because you know I'll choose good will.

  - So you agree?

  Yeah, I'd rather get my ears kicked out than talk to you! You bastard! You bastard in honey!


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