Ring of Madness

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Ring of Madness Page 41

by Royden Labrosse

  - I am. By the way, is Danielle with you?

  - Absolutely!

  - And how are you doing with him?

  - Details when we meet. Okay?

  - Okay. But did you even take my advice?

  - Yes.

  - Jane, how is he in a horizontal position?

  - I liked it.

  - For a long time to come! All right, come and have a chat!

  - Apartment 12.

  - That's right.

  - Nadia...

  - Well, what else?!

  - Bring something to eat with you, eh? And some liquor. Cause I'm gonna get pneumonia in this life soon. I'll give you the money!

  - What tenderness in our poverty!

  - Nadia, you're incorrigible!

  - Who'd say! Okay, see you later!

  - Arivederci! Ciao!

  - Coffee, cognac, cocoa!

  With those words, Nadia passed out. Mechislav turned to me and didn't look well.

  - And what is Danielle like in a horizontal position, curly?

  I had the nerve to cry back.

  - It's magnificent.

  Green eyes slipped towards the vampire in the rearview mirror.

  - Aren't you wasting time, buddy?

  - Why wouldn't I?! - Danielle spoke up in a scrappy way. - You can bet on Jane thirty-three Seals, but she'll only love me! And I will love her!

  - Pity has ruined a woman, hasn't it, Curly?

  - I would have slept with you out of pity," I snapped. - If there were no other men left on earth!

  - And you're a little cheeky, little girl.

  - You don't bring me up!

  - Why not, given my age? And given my seal.

  - Why, does the Seal require loyalty?

  - No, - Danielle immediately responded. - The last name can be either male or female. Homosexuality and lesbianism are possible, but loyalty is very rare.

  - All the more reason.

  - And yet the Seal is much more intimate than sex, - did not give up Mechislav.

  I rolled my eyes.

  - Boys, how about we figure this out later? When do we win?

  - I agree," Danielle answered immediately.

  Mechislav was silent for several minutes. And then he didn't smile well:

  - After the victory, Curly, we will have a very long and serious conversation.

  - I promise you, I said it right away. You bet! I promised to take the sun away as long as the rows were intact. How's that Tolkien? "Our weld will only make Mordor laugh"? That's right! But our Mordor will do without laughing.

  - Going where? - asked in a few minutes, Mecislav.

  We were just entering the city.

  - Stop, please, I asked.

  A vampire obediently slowed down in some yard. I took out some receipt and a pen from the glove box, dug out Konstantin Sergeyevich's business card in my purse and rewrote all the phones from it. And the business card itself was aimed at the trash can. She got into the snowdrift next door and nodded.

  - It is, just in case.

  - And what's that? - specified by Mečislav.

  - I.P.F.'s business card. Do I have spy?

  - It's possible. But it's for the best.

  - You think they weren't the ones this morning?

  - I know. I recognized the local werewolf leader. And the IPF has one conversation with all of us. It's either a stake or a bullet. At least it's holy water.

  - That's disgusting. And sadists.

  - If there was more, and they realized it...

  - It's not bad to dream.

  I put a piece of paper in my bag. It's under the lining. It's better that way.

  - So where to next? - Mechislav reminded me of himself.

  - Let's go to Lenin Square, and I'll show you there. And you'll tell me about werewolves later?

  - Of course, curly.

  I smiled pretty good. I'll get some information. Which is better than nothing.

  We made it to Nadine's house without incident, and then the question arose. How do we get our feed out of the car? You mean the vampire feeder? But it was a simple question. Mechislav once again looked closely into the eyes of the man - and the kid obediently followed him.

  - Danielle, drive the car away and come back as soon as possible, - ordered Mecislav.

  I raised my eyebrows, and the vampire just explained it to me.

  - Excess time is an extra risk. And I'm the only one who can control the boy. Daniel doesn't have the strength.

  I frowned and nodded. Okay. Okay.

  Nobody seems to have noticed us.

  The door of apartment 12 swung open before the bell. And Nadia threw herself at my neck.

  - Gapeka! Well, you just bloom and smell!

  - Yeah. I stink and decompose! - I supported it. - Nadia, is there water?

  - Got it.

  - Then I'll get in the tub first thing.

  - And who's that with you? And where is Danielle?

  - Nadia, meet Miecislav. Miecislav, this is Nadia.

  Even disgustingly dressed and disheveled, the vampire killed women.

  - Nice to meet you.

  The vampire slightly leaned over Nadia's hand and touched her lips.

  - I had no idea Julie had such a charming friend.

  I smiled at Nadine's answer. And my friend didn't disappoint me.

  - You'll blind Julie's eyes first, and then you'll talk about me.

  The vampire smiled at his girlfriend.

  - Your friend looks a lot like you, Curly.

  - Curly? - Nadia was surprised.

  - Yes. That's what Mecislav called me.

  - How does Danielle feel about that?

  - And who asked him? - The vampire was surprised. - His job is to obey.

  - What a confidence!

  We've already had time to go to the apartment to talk.

  Mechislav cleverly dragged Nadjushka into the kitchen - and she did not see how Daniel dragged the hypnotized boy into the apartment and tied up the poor man. Then I thought, put a sleeve from his own sweater instead of a gag and stuffed the poor guy into the closet.

  - Jane, go to the tub. Then let me in there.

  - How about we take her in together?

  And I was surprised at myself. And where did that come from? But Danielle, to my great disappointment, shook his head.

  - There's enough sword for the indignation of the condom. Yes, and I need to drive the car somewhere far away. Don't worry about me, I can go out during the day. Do you remember?

  - I remember. Just be more careful. I love you.

  - And I love you, too.

  Daniel gave me a short but passionate kiss, which stabbed me in the bottom of the stomach and suddenly wanted to go to the bath together. And disappear this Mecislav! Let the car drive away... as a prevention of heart disease.

  But it was too late. Danielle skillfully turned around, pushed me to the bathroom door, and he left the apartment.

  From the kitchen, the voice of Mieczysław, who was spitting something on Nadiaška, was heard.

  I stood on the doorstep for a few seconds, then shook my head and went swimming. Really, it's gonna be an extra cold right now. I put some boiling water in the bathroom and could hardly wait to dive. There was coniferous extract on the shelf. I dripped a couple of drops and stretched out in the water. It's a pity there wasn't a bolt on the door. Oh, come on. So Nadia would let someone come into my bathroom? Even Daniel? Oh, never!

  I shouldn't have thought so.

  A few minutes after I reached out in hot water, someone knocked on the door.

  - Who's there?

  - It's me, curly.

  I slammed my eyelashes.

  - What do you want?

  - I brought you a glass of vodka. It'll be good for you now.

  I wouldn't bet. Except...

  - Can't Nadia give it to me?

  - I hypnotized her.

  I almost jumped out of the water from such revelations.

  - WHAT?! How dare you?

  Mecislav quietly opened the door.

  - Don't worry, girl, it won't be long. She'll be back to normal in a few minutes. But our prisoner will be completely forgotten.

  - Oh, really? - I didn't trust it, forgetting somehow that even the curtain didn't stick. However, Mechislav behaved in such a way that I had no complaints. He went inside, closed the door behind him and handed me a glass of vodka with a smile.

  - She ran into him, and she wasn't as calm about it as you were.

  - I feel uneasy about it, too.

  - But you don't run to the police and call the IPF.

  - That's right, too. But I'm the one who's so stupid.

  - On the contrary, Curly, you made the right choice.

  His eyes slipped through my body. I, suddenly for myself, trembled.

  - And now you're standing there staring at your purchase?! - I came to my senses.

  - Does it freak you out that much?

  - No, I honestly confessed. - I'm excited about it.

  - That's very nice to hear, baby.

  - Now do me a favor. Get out of here!

  The vampire smiled, and his smile almost slipped through my body. I forced myself to lie still by force of will. What the hell! He's not gonna see anything new from me. And if I squeal and throw sponges, it'll only amuse him. Although it's not a bad idea in itself. Do vampires have soap in their eyes? Two more minutes, and I'll check it out on the nearest copy. I'll just soap it up.

  Mechislav did not wait.

  - I made sure once again that I'm not wrong. Warm up, curly. And then you and I will talk about werewolves.

  And he politely closed the bathroom door behind him.

  I had a glass of vodka and smelled the coniferous elixir. The heat was spreading over my tortured body. All the muscles would depart in hot water and whine eerily. It was getting worse between my legs too. I blushed, remembering everything that happened between Daniel and me, but I didn't regret it for a second. Yes, I did! And it was very good! Except...

  There were two almost inconspicuous holes around the neck. I wonder when they're gonna drag on? And will I become a vampire after death? Oh, come on! I had my doubts about that. I didn't get out of the tub until half an hour later, washed to squeak, warmed up, a little drunk and therefore happy with life. I found a warm terry robe in the bathroom, I wrapped myself in it and brushed my hair. There was dusk in the living room. All the windows were curtained with thick blankets. Danielle was still not back. And Nadia and Miecislav sat opposite each other and had a highly intellectual conversation.

  - I don't understand a damn thing. You're obviously lying to me, but why the fuck would you do that?

  The vampire was clearly preparing to hypnotize Nadushka again, but I intervened.

  - Mecislav, if you dare, I will rip your head off. Nadia has a right to know everything. She risks her life for us.

  - Really? - girlfriend didn't even bother. - Why would she be? Why don't you tell the truth for a change? Cause I don't have any noodles in my ears anymore.

  - You don't give in to his charm either? - I swayed toward Mieczysław. - By the way, where is Danielle?

  - I went to drive the car away. He'll be back soon. I'm too visible, and it's hard for me outside during the day. If it wasn't for you, I'd be asleep right now.

  - Why? - It's already Nadia.

  And I made up my mind.

  - Nadia, Mecislav and Danielle are vampires. They sleep during the day and go hunting at night. Homo sapiens.

  A friend was defiantly picking her finger in her ear.

  - What's that? Jane, have you been hit in the head?

  - Well, you should," the vampire twisted. - Or up his ass.

  - In my dreams, I snapped. Even my grandfather never punished me. You can't whip your mind. If only because there's no place to think at all. - Nadia, I am not lying and I am quite healthy. Mecislav, please show her your fangs.

  - Okay, curly.

  The vampire blatantly sobered so that his fangs reached down to his chin. It didn't make any impression on Nadia.

  - You got a good plastic surgeon. So what?

  I scratched my nose. Really, what? How do you tell a vampire from a normal human. If I'm not confused, the same Dracula wasn't reflected in the mirror and he had some sort of shadow problem. Which is what I said. Mechislav only shook his head.

  - Jane, if we had been so easily distinguished from humans, we would have been caught during the Inquisition.

  That makes sense, too. And what else. Drinking blood? Some sick people do that. I think anemic people drink cow's blood. And it doesn't make them vampires.

  - How do you even tell a vampire from a human?

  - Your friend can try to get a pulse and listen to my heart.

  - That's a good idea. Nadia, you want to try it?

  - No way. I have no sympathy for that Playboy bunny.

  Mieczyslaw froze with his jaw falling off. I wanted to laugh in my voice.

  - The second woman doesn't find you incredibly attractive. You're losing your qualifications, my friend, Daniel's voice was heard. I shrieked and hung from a vampire's neck. Danielle was not confused and kissed me firmly. It took me five minutes to acquire the ability to speak, and immediately I took advantage of it.

  - Is everything okay? I was worried about you!

  - It's all right, baby. I bought some clothes and some groceries. Do you like pizza?

  - With sausage. Or seafood.

  - I got the assortment. But no vegetarian. And some fruit. I'm sorry if something's not enough, but it won't be long. Until the third fight.

  - I'll put up with that.

  - Hey, couple in love, stop hugging around here! - Nadia ruthlessly broke all our raspberries. And Mecislav was watching somehow... sour. - Danielle, Jane's trying to rub some laboose on vampires for me. What, did she hit her head?

  - No. Jane, are you sure you want to tell your friend everything?

  - She must know what she's gotten herself into," I said again.

  - Well, you can see that. Nadia, but I have to warn you that if one word, one sound goes out of this room, you could just get killed. Or it's not that simple. It's slow and painful. So think about whether you want to know the truth.

  A friend rubbed her forehead.

  - Jane, please tell me what you got yourself into. Details.

  It wasn't hard for me. I couldn't choose my path. At least let Nadjushka know what she got into, and if she asks us to leave later, I'll leave. She has a right to do that.

  - Nadia, only you try not to kill me later. Four days ago I got a call from Katya. Remember when I told you?

  - Mathematician blonde?

  - Yes. She really needed to talk to me. I guess I got brainwashed, but she and I went out of town to the country cottage so we wouldn't be disturbed. That's where she said she was bitten by a vampire.

  - I woke up at five o'clock, no underwear rubber, because I was bitten by a vampire... A friend was singing.

  Danielle had a snort.

  - Why would a vampire bite you so you wouldn't have a pair of underwear elastic bands?

  - I suppose, for ass, - did not embarrass Nadia. - But it's a question for the songwriter, why he was bitten there. And the blonde, by the way, was his ass bitten?

  - To the front. She had a very neat bite on her neck. By the way, this one.

  I walked up to my friend, leaned over and showed a bite on her neck. Daniel's fangs stood out quite clearly. Nadia widened her eyes.

  - What is that?

  - That's it.

  - And where did that come from, curly? - Mecislav was clearly not happy. But I didn't care. It's none of his fucking business who, where or with whom. You give him a finger like that, and he'll hold a candle later. Or worse...

  - I'm not your daughter, mistress or wife to give you a report on demand. Whoever I want, that's who I'm flying with, okay?

  - It's quite clear. Is it clear to you that I will not tolerate disobedience from my name? You can
only share blood with someone with my permission!

  Mecislav stood up from the table and came close to me. I smiled charmingly.

  - Bo... more than that.

  The short word break had to be taken for technical reasons. I stepped on a vampire's foot with a stiletto, and I gladly listened to the loud and outraged scream. I think I'm great with his... Ow!

  Mecislav brazenly wrapped his arms around me so that I was pressed against him. I was struck in the nose by the smell of honey and some exotic flowers. The vampire's shirt was unbuttoned and a strip of copper skin appeared before my eyes. I could barely resist licking his neck like candy.

  - You're my last name. And I don't want you to give blood to anybody without my permission. If you don't listen to me, I will find a way to make you.

  - Let her go, Danielle's voice was angry. - It's my fault, so ask me.

  Mechislav seems to have gotten angry for a reason. His eyes burst into green fire, and his face was pulled into a fixed mask.

  - I'll ask you, too. But first, Curly, you'll remember that...

  What I should have remembered is unknown, because at that moment I was thrown aside, on the sofa, and Daniel tried to hit Mieczysław in the jaw. It seems that he failed. Because of the vampire super speed, it was difficult to watch. The men grabbed together and rolled on the floor. Oh, shit! How am I gonna break them up?!

  - Calm, just calm...


  Nadia was holding a large seven-liter bucket. It's empty. The contents of the bucket are now leaking from vampires. It's good to have water, not... waste of life. Girlfriend wouldn't be shy about spitting them out either. The vampires froze like two dreaded cobras.

  - Calm down, idiots? They found a relationship to find out. Get off each other and stand up. Danielle to one corner, Mecislav to the other. Or should I get some more water?

  - Don't, - Mieczysław and Daniel obediently caught a gentle embrace and spread out into the corners. Yes, three in the corners, not counting Nadjushka.

  - Jane, is it just me, or are they really healing so fast?

  I shrugged my shoulders. And how - quickly?

  - On vampires in general, wounds heal in minutes if they are not inflicted with silver, aspen or blessed objects," Danielle explained.

  - Talk to me again," mechislav roared from the corner. I looked at the vampire like a soldier in louse.

  - I'm not your property, okay, tyrannosaurus? If you try to command me again, I'll send you the hell out!


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