Ring of Madness

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Ring of Madness Page 62

by Royden Labrosse

  - Where to?

  - It's the same dacha. You can't leave him here, can you? Who's going to come down here?!

  - That's right, too. What time is it?

  I looked at my watch.

  - It's fifteen to four. Why?

  - In about an hour, the sun will set and we can move it.

  - Can't you personally?

  - Me personally? Where are you going?

  - Sell your soul to the devil.

  - I don't understand.

  I wasn't eager to explain.

  - Danielle, believe me, it's safe.

  - Knowing you, it's hard to believe.

  I shrugged my shoulders. Maybe he's right. On the other hand, you can tell a vampire half the truth.

  - Duška prepared us a warm meeting at Carnival AC. So why can`t I send there some determined guys who will snap at him? He will surely send there a couple of vampires, and you told me that if you kill a vampire or torture him, his creator will also feel pain. By the way, what about the tread?

  - So is the tread.

  - Here we go! All the more so! Let the guys knock down everyone who gets there. This way, I'll keep a good relationship with them, and if Duška scrapes up, I'll tell him it's in return for Boris and Vadim. Do you mind, boys?

  The vampires were silent for a few seconds. They could hear the wheels spinning and the gears ticking in their turtles.

  - Actually, as the surname of my protector, you have the right to retaliate for his injuries. And for the grievances he's inflicted on us, Vadim was finally born. - And you're sure it'll be safe for you?

  - No, I honestly confessed. - If I'm suspected of sympathy for vampires, it'll be sad. So you two better move Boris to his dacha and then come back for me.

  - No!

  - No way!

  Two protests merged into one, and vampires stared at me with equally angry bright blue and light grey eyes. I put my hands up.

  - I'm not even arguing. But if I have the right to revenge, I want to use it now! Danielle, can you move Boris alone?

  - I can do that. Where are you going?

  - Well, I don't know yet. I'll make a call and I'll make a deal.

  I got out of the basement, took my cell phone out of my pocket, took out a paper with IPF's phones and started dialing. They called me back almost immediately.

  - Yeah?

  - May I speak to Konstantin Sergeyevich?

  - I'm listening to you.

  - Don't you recognize me? Leoverenskaya, Julia Yevgenyevna. How's your psychic doing?

  - Still not back to normal, thank you so much. Why, have you decided to apologize?

  Sorry... what?! If I do apologize to these freaks, it's not until after they're dead! What an insolence! But you can't give in to it. And I clenched my teeth!

  - Konstantin Sergeyevich, I have some interesting information that I would like to share with you. Would you like to meet with me? Somewhere in the city center.

  - And where is that?

  I figured out where I'd get the easiest way out of here and in what time. It's a good thing we're near the main highways. Although should we take a vampire on the bus? Definitely shouldn't.

  - Like the Wave Bar. In an hour. I'll take a table and wait for you.

  - Me alone?

  - I'd hate to hurt any of your people. Konstantin Sergeyevich, I was recently given a lecture about my Power. As it turns out, I was equated to a monkey with a grenade. And I wouldn't want to blow up that grenade in the middle of town. Chechens are better at this kind of thing. So you can take any of your men, but if I mutilate any of them, it's on you.

  - My conscience will get over it.

  - It's up to you. But I swear on my mother's heart that I don't want to hurt you, that this is not an ambush and that I just want to share information. This vow is serious to me.

  - Can you also swear that you don't know any vampires?

  - I can't. And it's about a vampire I know who I want to talk to. For some reason, I don't think you'd mind a couple vampire bodies.

  - That makes sense. Okay, I'll be at the Wave in an hour.

  - Okay, great.

  I turned off the phone and looked at Vadim.

  - How can you - can you accompany me?

  - Yes, I can. What's it gonna look like?

  - It's very simple. You're a surveillance specialist, right?

  - Yeah, I know a little bit.

  - Well, there you go. I go to the Wave, I talk there, and then we meet somewhere nearby and get off the possible tail. Is that possible?

  - If you're sure you won't get kidnapped right out of the bar.

  I was thinking. No, of course I'm cool, but three drops of sleeping pills in the juice and take it out like a blackout. Or a shot. And the same result. Then it's gone.

  - I don't know. I'll try to be careful.

  - It's not enough. Did you see what happened to me?

  - Saw it.

  - And Mechislav will make it even worse if something happens to you.

  - If he survives my death.

  - That's right.

  I bit a fingernail on my thumb. Patent situation. I have to go. I can't guarantee safety. I mean, it's better not to go in there. But HADO! What's it gonna be? Why am I the only one who breaks my head? I have two grandfathers sitting here. And they've both been through a hundred years. Well, let them offer something.

  - So, what do we do?

  - Do we have the money?

  - There's something.

  Daniel and I empty the pockets of everyone we found in the house. About $3,000 was found on me, a vampire and 15 corpses. It would have been a lot less, but we found a fancy coat in the house and a wallet with money in the coat pocket. Vadim slipped two thousand bucks in his jeans pocket and nodded.

  - That's enough.

  Daniel and I split the rest equally. There's not much waiting for us. Vadim draped himself into a werewolf coat, put a scarf over his head, and we went outside. The sun had almost gone beyond the horizon, the sky was all in clouds, but when we went out into the fresh air, the vampire eaten and wrapped tighter in the fabric.

  - Are your ears cold? - I did.

  - No. The sun hasn't set yet. We should go to some store and get me a hat and a badger.

  - And dark glasses wouldn't hurt," I supported.

  Vadim looked at me gratefully. I wasn't kidding, I meant it. First of all, the image has to be designed in the same style. And sunglasses in this case are a necessity. A vampire's eyes are very sensitive to light. Fortunately, we were not far from the city center with his boutiques (I would like to say - boots). And we talked about it the first time we got caught. Now Vadim wearing a long black coat, black hat, black glasses, and white scarf looked like a gangster from Chicago in the 1930s. We thought, so we bought him some decent shoes and jeans and a sweater. After that, we were five hundred dollars depleted, but Vadim started looking like a movie star. And then he talked me into buying a bright red leather jumpsuit that I wouldn't have worn under a gunshot any other time. But now that the vampire said to shine tonight, all I had to do was obey. But I chose shoes that were not chic, but comfortable. Black suede shoes with a lock, small heel, light and warm. Vadim whined that under such a suit you need scarlet boots on a heel, but I barked that the last thing I need to break my leg - and the vampire untied. We ended up three hundred more dollars short of money and went to a cute, lyrical James Bond store. The store justified its name. Vadim had a little chat with the salesman and bought two bugs and a beacon in the form of a cross. I immediately put the beacon around my neck. I was a little shy. The neckline on the suit was such that I could see a scar under my collarbone and most of my chest. Vadim waved at my protests and said I didn't understand anything. On the contrary, this scar should be emphasized and exposed in every possible way, because it speaks about my courage and my character. I didn't agree, but I decided not to object until the vampire's arrogance crossed all boundaries. Alas! Vadim was polite, persevering and adamant. The bugs were also
pinned on me, and Vadim put his headphones in his pocket.

  - I'll listen to you. If you need help, just say, "I had a headache all day today." I'll come to you the same moment and your abusers aren't feeling well.

  I nodded obediently.

  - As you command.

  - I didn't mean it like that, the vampire was a little embarrassed. - Jane, you know, I know better than you about all this, so...

  - Vadim," I interrupted him, "and who were you in life?

  - He was engaged in a favorite profession, - confessed Vadim. - I was spying at the French court in favor of Nikolai Pavlovich! Well, the one who is still Palkin.

  I slammed my eyes.

  - You're lying!

  - Never! I served as a groom there and at the same time carried out delicate tasks. You know, Jane, servants in those days were like furniture. And they weren't too shy. You could learn a lot of interesting things. And then I failed. I thought I'd keep an eye on Mecislav.

  - So he's your creator? - I checked.

  - That's right. And I'm very grateful to him!

  - And for what? - I was surprised. - He killed you, didn't he?!

  - I would have died anyway. It's just a lot earlier. Look on the bright side - I live! Not like you, but I live. And I'm happy to do what I love to do.

  - Is that why Mecislav took you with him?

  - And that's why, too. Anyway, I was lucky to have a creator. Mecislav is a smart guy. He's not sugar or honey, of course, but next to the same Andre is a heavenly angel. You just have to listen to him. He's not gonna set any of his own up. No, he won't. It's different if he comes out like this, but the chief's innocent.

  - He'll be very grateful to you for saying that, I couldn't help it.

  Vadim responded ironically.

  - The chief will understand me. And he'll be happy to be called that. He's a great creator and he's a very good protector!

  - You're attached to him," I noticed.

  - I don't want to change it for Andre," Vadim simply answered. - I'm not strong enough to become a ronin myself, let alone a protector, but I know that when my time comes, Mečislav will let me go without arguments. And I will definitely go back to him. Even in a few centuries. I'm not too strong. Even if I live another thousand years, I'll be stronger than I am. I'll have to serve someone. And Mechislav is not the worst gentleman.

  I was quietly jealous of Mieczysława. No matter how bastard he was, he was worth something for his own, both in fire and water. And his vampires appreciate it. If a man is treated like Vadim about his boss, then this man isn't full of shit. But one question I wanted to ask you.

  - Vadim, did Mechislav punish anyone like he did to you now?

  A vampire wouldn't twist his soul.

  - I did. And worse. But this isn't about him, this is about necessity.

  - The need for torture?!

  - If he were soft, he wouldn't be recognized as Prince of the City. But he made everyone reckon with him. And after that, he didn't punish anyone more necessary.

  I moved on. Still, I don't accept torture. Not for any reason. Although... Who would kick vampires in the evening and cut a werewolf in the morning? It's not a crooked mirror, it's a distorted face.

  - He might be right.

  - There was no other way, Jane. You can believe me," Vadim said quietly.

  I shrugged my shoulders. There was a way out or there was no way out, but torture is torture and vampires are vampires. And nothing can change that simple truth. Neither will the fact that I'm closer to the beast than I used to be. I can't give up what I've done. And if there's a terrible judgment, the people I've killed will look me in the eye. And they'll ask me: "Was there really no other way, Jane? " What can I say to them?

  - Jane! Don't fall apart!

  Vadim took me by the shoulders and gently turned me face to face.

  - Honey, there's hope for you now! Don't, please! Hold on! We can't do it without you! And it's gonna happen that four of your friends are gonna die, and you're gonna...

  - And I'll either die or be a vampire. Brilliant prospects.

  For a moment, I pressed my cheek against the vampire's chest, rubbed myself against the soft cashmere. Under my clothes, Vadim's heart was deaf and rarely beats. Blood was dispersing through the body, nourishing dead cells. Knock. Knock. Knock. For a few seconds, I stood still, hugging the vampire over my shoulders. Then I pulled away and smiled.

  - Agent Leoverenskaya is ready to fight the enemy!

  The vampire sprayed in a smile, showing his fangs.

  - Well, that's a long time ago! Or we'll cry right away!

  - No tears! - I made a vow. - Not a step back, not a step on the spot, but only forward and only together!

  - Now I like you, Vadim's blue eyes glistened from under his glasses.

  - Now I love you, now I praise you! At last, you dirty, Moydodir liked you," I mocked.

  - At least so!

  - It will be like this! Let's go!

  Chapter 9

  Same as the IPF.

  I went to the bar ten minutes later. Konstantin Sergeyevich was already there. He sat facing the entrance and sipped something out of a tall glass. I suppressed my desire to look back. I really wanted to see another fang smile. But Vadim couldn't have been here. Not reaching the bar 100 meters away, he kissed me on the cheek and whispered: "I'll be there", dissolved in the coming twilight as easily as only vampires can. Okay. Let's get through this. I threw my jacket in the hands of the wardrobe guy, took my number, and went to the table.

  - Good evening, Konstantin Sergeyevich.

  - Kind, Julia Yevgenyevna.

  - It's just Jane. We had a deal with you.

  - Yes, but you didn't have it then, he pointed at my collarbone with a nod.

  - It wouldn't have happened if I had listened to you from the beginning.

  - Very interesting, - said IPFovets. - This is the place for more details, please.

  I nodded obediently.

  - This story started three days ago. At the time, I sat at home in peace and didn't even know there were vampires in the world. In fact, I thought Dracula... - fiction for the girls of the eighteenth century.

  - In the twentieth century, girls can also easily catch canines and black capes. Get to the point, Jane," Bostick laid siege to me.

  I measured it with a humiliating look.

  - Don't put any pressure on me. You think it's easy to admit your stupidity?!

  Now I got to something human in his soul. There was a sparkle of laughter in the eyes of the IPF. He masterfully controlled his face, but he was not a vampire and could not control his eyes like the same Danielle. Although vampires have more time to practice.

  - I think it's very difficult. But sooner or later it will. It's better sooner than later.

  - Better," I agreed. - By the way, let your psychic sit down at our table. It's hard for him to feel me from a distance.

  The bone got into me with a cold and tense look.

  - How did you feel him?!

  Now it's my turn to laugh.

  - No," I confessed. - It's just that I was sure you wouldn't come to me without a psycho. Well, let him sit down, and I'll start laying out the cards on the table.

  Konstantin Sergeyevich waved to someone behind my back. I heard steps and tried not to turn around. I was waiting for one of the men who were full in the bar to sit down, but a girl sat down at the table. For a few seconds, we evaluated each other and measured our views. She was tall, slender, even skinny. The black skin clad to the bony figure like a condom. Her collarbones were protruding so that no vampire could bite her in the vein under her collarbone. Poor bloodsucker would just get his teeth stuck in the bone. She had practically no breasts, two pimples to squeeze out and cauterize with green. Although her waist was impressive. Good for a bone lover. The dream of a yard dog. Soup set. Her black straight hair was scattered around her face. Definitely used to be dark brown, but then it turned black with paint. And she was wearing a cool black vinyl
jumpsuit like the one the Catwoman from the Batman movie was wearing. It made her skin look completely white and lifeless. What, was she trying to achieve vampire beauty? Or at least vampire style? But vampires, on the other hand, made themselves similar to humans. That same lady was trying to make everything human out of herself. And I suddenly realized what exactly happened to her. Either the Seals worked, or life experience decided to raise its head. She was just like me. The fool who woke up with the Force at the wrong hour. She woke up, and the IPF was there. Then it was as simple as two fingers on the tarmac. "Darling, you have talent! "You're incredibly strong! Do you know that talent is incredibly rare?! You must use it to benefit the community and its best representatives (list of representatives attached)! We will help you! We will give you the opportunity to learn (list of institutions and disciplines attached)! You will develop your gift and improve it! And use it to fight nasty bloodthirsty monsters (list of monsters attached)! No, we do not insist that you work in the ranks of our organization! But where else will they be able to appreciate your uniqueness, your genius, your gift (the list of merits is enclosed)?! "Tell the woman that she is the only one in the world, no matter whether it concerns magic powers or pickle salting, and she will adore you in any weather. The same girl was fed with praises for her talents. Is she really that strong? I stared at her face with interest.

  Well, what can I say? Baked pancakes. Non-expressive, as if erased by an eraser features of the face, not too clean skin, nose, no outstanding, thin lips, hidden by bangs (under Cleopatra?) Forehead, some smeared liquid and light whitish for her face eyebrows and eyelashes, now densely stuck (another word can not pick up) cosmetics. The only thing that caught her eye was, sorry about the pun, her eyes. They were big, dark grey, so dark that they seemed black on a pale face. Like two raisins in a flapjack. In them you wanted to look and see, sleep, food and other delights of life. Even I wanted to. But I expected something like that and subconsciously kept myself tense. And what happens to unprepared people? It's probably the only way they swim. In the soft grey water flowing through the cool grey valley of shadows... I shaken my head. It's tight, you bitch! Wait, let me tell you who Hu is and where he lives.

  - Not bad for a start," I said. - Is she alone, or have you brought anyone else?


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