Ring of Madness

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Ring of Madness Page 64

by Royden Labrosse

  The second reason is much less metaphysical. They say the claw is stuck - the whole bird is abyss. I'm already stuck up to my ears in a swamp with vampires. There's nowhere else to go. And if I can get out, my grandmother said... And that's from another swamp. And two of them are diametrically opposed?! I don't know what the IPF will do to me for contact with vampires, but what will vampires do to me for contact with the IPF? Neither Danielle nor Miecislav gave me any guarantees like, "This is the end and you won't see me again." Although I didn't know if that would be a good thing. I didn't want to lose Danielle. Even if he did treat me like an asshole. And as for Mieczysław, I don't think he's going to let go of what he's already got. Especially a power as mad as mine. They won't get away from me. They won't get away from me. And now I have to climb into another swamp? Something told me the IPF was no better than vampires. Especially when it comes to their interests. The hide of the home organization is closer to the body, and it is dear to the master. And then there's something to connect me to vampires. I'm not sure if it's worth it, but I'm going to have some fun with the same Daniel. I unwittingly remembered our only morning, and I almost licked myself. I'd really like to do it again. And the more, the better. And communicating with Mieczysław gives me joy. I know very well that he can even look at Aunt Klava's three-quarters janitor, but it's nice to feel like a beautiful and desirable woman! It's nice, damn it! Whether these dubious pleasures are worth what vampires ask of me is a different question. But at least I'll get something in return. But if I get in touch with the IPF, I'll get a lot of compliments there, develop a terrible complacency, and I'll have a dubious sense of moral satisfaction from the fight against evil. Honestly, is it worth it to get into a tough fight? In my opinion, no! There's enough vampires in my eye!

  The third reason... My family. They shouldn't be involved in this. And knowing the church... they'll get their mother and grandfather involved, and bargaining with them... you can't fight the system. You can argue with singles and individualists who are fangers, but the churchmen's machine will blow up and crush everyone.

  I looked Konstantin Sergeyevich right in the eyes.

  - I always stick to the saying, "The claw is tied - the whole bird is abyss." Believe me, I've given your offer serious consideration, but I can't accept it. I won't list my reasons - and there are a few other good arguments against you -. If I have any information important to you, I will help you. But I won't use my psychic powers to hunt paranormal life forms. I'm sorry, I don't like the Inquisition. I'm sorry. I don't like the Inquisition.

  I wanted to get up from the table, but Konstantin stretched out his hand to me. Not holding it, but just asking for a delay. I stopped for a second. He took a big black folder out from under the table and opened it. Colored photos came to my eye.

  - What's that? A pickup from the disassembly sites?

  - Jane, you don't understand what you're saying!

  - But I'm well aware the Office is far more dangerous than a guillotine.

  - That's a stupid prejudice, Jane. It's the truth, though. Look at what your so-called paranormal forms are doing to people.

  On the table in front of me lay a few pictures of the fan. I picked them up, flipped them over. Um, it's a good thing I didn't eat anything today. Or maybe it wasn't good. Whether I threw up or not, that's what my grandmother said, but what I'm having a hard time keeping up is for sure. But Vadim must buy something to eat. The photos were perfectly matched. And they all had bodies on them. Human bodies. Some of them were completely naked, others with minimal clothing. Some of the bodies had bite marks. The photographer did his best to capture the tusk marks. They were the best in the photos. Bright, scarlet, frighteningly alive on the dead white skin... I automatically noted that the bites were mostly in the artery area. The carotid artery, then the vein under the collarbone, the vein in the elbow bend, on the hip bend, closer to the groin ... There may have been other bites, but I did not try to look and remember. I've had enough nasty as it is today. But I've noted one detail. Common to all the pictures. Even the photographer couldn't grease her.

  - And then what?

  I quietly passed the pictures back. I didn't drop it, I didn't push it back. And my hand didn't shake. Five points to me for the stamina and coolness that no one expected. And least of all, the IPF.

  Konstantin Sergeyevich looked at me in surprise.

  - Jane, you're perfectly calm.

  - I'm really calm. So are these people. In case you haven't noticed, everyone's got the same expression in their photos. Calm and, sorry, like during an orgasm. They died, hey, not the worst death. If I was allowed to choose, I'd choose something like that myself. Leaving with a smile and not seeing death.

  - It's vampire hypnosis! - The Bostick fell off. - These creatures subjugate your consciousness... Jane, you were almost subjugated by the Prince of the City! It's...

  - And this, and this and that. He couldn't subdue me anymore. I'm sorry for the cynical truth, but whoever can survive must live. And whoever can't survive, don't let him die and clog the genetics. Ever since medicine has learned to save lives for unviable people, we have had a huge population of sick people. The physically ill, which is not so terrible, and the mentally ill, which is fatal to any society. That's not who you are. I am not like that. And everyone has a right to life. - I deliberately omitted the word "people". Everything is really everything from amoebas to vampires. My voice was more calm and cold than ever. For a second, I even thought I had small crystals of ice on my lips, so I swung my hand over them to erase the ice. Nothing happened. But it felt like it was still there. - Anyone who lives on earth can die. These people died from a vampire bite, but what if bricks had fallen on them? Would you be just as angry? Would you also show me these pictures? I resisted hypnosis. If they'd stood up to it, they'd still be alive. I checked it out on me. And, believe me, I wouldn't have had to do that kind of test. And I don't want to feel sorry for anyone. What else?

  - Sorry, Jane, but you amaze me!

  - I amaze everyone. Why?

  I'm tired of pretending to be a pretty girl.

  - Jane, you must understand - your powers can and must be used for the benefit of people!

  The slogan was sincere, convinced, IPFovets really believed what was said. It's a pity.

  - I don't owe anyone anything," I cut it off. - Are you going to the party?

  - I'm on my way.

  - Okay, great. Well, goodbye, then.

  - Goodbye.

  I stood up from the table with determination.

  - Jane...

  I turned my head irritably.

  - Well, what else?!

  - Would you like to take some pictures with you? You should see what these creatures do to people. They only look like us, Jane, but they are evil creatures! And they need to be destroyed!

  I rolled my eyes. He spoke quite convincingly, honestly, from the heart. And something moved inside me. But not by a response, but by a warning. This man is dangerous. I took a closer look at him and threw the last card.

  - Hitler, without any vampires, ruined so much that no fang man could ever dream. And the revolutions? Wars? Hiroshima and Nagasaki? No, Konstantin Sergeyevich, you're hitting the wrong target. Before you protect people, make them human. So that no one can think of what I told you. About life and genetics. That's when people become like that, then I'll use my best to serve and protect. Until then, if you'll excuse me.

  I turned around abruptly and came out. Soon I put on my jacket and jumped out on the street. Vadim and I agreed to meet two hundred meters from the bar. I hoped to run them for a couple of minutes and not to freeze, but an icy wind hit my chest - and I realized that I was hot. I tried to smell my jacket, but the lock was jammed. I rushed across the street.

  The brakes snapped, a huge silver jeep pulled up next to me, and the door swung open, almost cracking me in the body. I was aiming for a fight, but...

  - Jump! Come on!

  I would recognize Vadim's voice from a
thousand others.

  I stuck my cat in the car and took off in the seat.

  The car broke off so that I almost flew back, and I had to grab a vampire sitting behind the wheel with two hands.

  - Easy," Vadim threw me, wrapping the jeep in a steep peak so that my door shut without any help.

  - Oh! - I flew away from him in the opposite direction and cracked my elbow. - Are you crazy?!

  - No. I'm rubbing my tail!

  I immediately calmed down, shut up and started looking for a seat belt. If Vadim says we're being followed, it means someone's really tied up. A vampire is far from suicidal and won't die a second time. Let him save our hides, and I won't let him get in the way. After all, I don't have to try! Do I have to pay back the good or not?!

  The car wagged and hinged like crazy. I almost got smashed all over the walls while I was buckled up. Threw a couple of times on a vampire, but Vadim sat like a rock. We flew in a red light, cut off other cars, almost hit two women. True, they crossed the road in the wrong place. The vampire managed to leave them unharmed, but our jeep went on the opposite lane for a few minutes. Well, at least nobody was on it! Otherwise, it would have smeared us on the asphalt - and no Power would have helped.

  Finally, the vampire turned in some alley, drove a few meters and parked in a small courtyard, among a dozen other cars. The vampire turned off his headlights and turned to me.

  - I won't turn on the light. Now the jeep is going to notice the snow and no one will find us. Even if they pass by, they can't tell us from other cars.

  I nodded.

  - Do as you like. By the way, where did you get the lumber?

  - Get out of the way, Vestimo," Vadim said, leaning on his headrest. His blonde hair shone in the shade. I, too, got comfortable and relaxed.

  - What if you're more specific?

  - It wasn't a big deal! I was walking, I saw some drunk guy get in the car. I couldn't let him out on the street like that! He could have hit somebody!

  - And you couldn't now? - I couldn't help it.

  - Me? Ninety percent on something I wouldn't hit. Vampires have a slightly better reaction than humans.

  - Yeah, I know. What about the owner of the jeep?

  - And he's over there in the backseat.

  Vadim answered my questions so calmly that the last fool would have suspected something wrong.

  - Have you tried it yet?

  - There's still Danielle left. Are you mad?

  I was thinking. Three seconds. Am I mad? You're not. I can't be mad at Vadim. He killed me if I had to. He killed to save his life. Not for fun and not for pleasure. And then... I saw what condition he was in three hours ago! What a blame! What's with the "angry"?! And yet...

  - Does it bother you?

  Vadim turned to me. His blue eyes were shining in the twilight.

  - You are the surname of my protector and creator. Your word is as valuable as his. I obey you as he obeys you - until Mechislav gives another order. Your will is his will. Speaking to you now, I speak to my protector.

  I scratched my eyebrow.

  - Vadim, do we still have time before we meet with Daniel?

  - It's about an hour, then we've got to get out of here so we don't be late. Why?

  - I wanted to talk to you - I didn't know how best to start a conversation. The vampire helped me. He smiled, and his fangs shone distinctly in the vague light of the windows. But that sight didn't scare me. On the contrary, it calmed me down. It wasn't a threat. Vadim put his hand on my forearm. His fingers were pleasantly warm. Is it because he was drinking blood today? Or was I so cold?

  - Your hands are very cold. I'm gonna turn the stove on now.

  He clicked some kind of lever. The car started to heat up.

  - Is that better? You're still very fragile. Even in spite of all the Seals. Jane, you must take more care of yourself.

  Listen to a vampire lecture on health? A walking dead man? That's funny! But everything in my life is wrong!

  - I know that myself. It's all over today, and I'm going home. I'll soak in a hot bath for a long time, then drink wine, or better yet vodka, and go to sleep in my own bed. How I want to do that! It's crazy!

  A vampire friendly squeezed my fingers. There was no desire to touch. It was just the way you pet your favorite cat. Calm down, show your approval, relax. There was not even a hint of sex in that touch - and I did not resist.

  - I hope that's how it goes. Do you love your family?

  - Yes.

  I was also amazed at how much emotion I was able to put into these two sounds. But it's always like that. The real feelings either fit into two or three words dragged to holes, or stretched into sheets and volumes. Do I love my mother? Your grandfather? How do I describe the feeling I have? Those who love know what it is. It's when loved ones are ready to go to torture and a painful death. Or a painful life. When it is not a pity to even walk barefoot on fire as long as the people you love live! Even if it isn't for you. Vadim understood that.

  - My parents died a long time ago. I miss them. I really miss someone who would accept you for who you really are. If my mother found out I became a vampire, she'd think I was cursed. And my father would have tried to kill me. I didn't tell them anything. They thought their son was missing.

  I didn't say anything. What is there to say? That I'm sorry? It's no use being sorry! Zero whole, zero tenths! The only thing I could think of:

  - I accept you for who you are. I don't care if you're vampire or human. I'd like to consider you my friend.

  - The name of my tread has honoured me," Vadim smiled in the twilight.

  The words were official and the voice had a questioning tone.

  - It's just Jane. We're friends, right?

  - We're friends for as long as we're allowed.

  I sparkled with my eyes.

  - Nobody's gonna stop me from talking to a friend!

  - But they can forbid me," said the vampire.

  - Mecislav?

  - He is my protector and master.

  - Vadim, this is what I'd like to talk to you about.

  - Am I listening?

  I was amazed at how easy it was to move from personal to business. And I reminded myself once again not to relax. Even if Vadim doesn't want to hurt me, he's still a vampire. And a few centuries older than me. That puts its mark on character.

  - Could you tell me what a surname is?

  The astonishment on his face was quite human.

  - Didn't they explain that to you? You agreed to the Seal - not knowing anything about them?!

  I moved my eyebrows.

  - They explained it to me, but everyone has their own way. I do not expect the truth from those who are interested in my Power.

  - But you expect her from me? I'm only a subordinate!

  - And you said yourself that when you talk to me, you talk to Mieczysław. Until he gives another order. Am I right? Well, that's great. Now I'm officially ordering you to tell me, quietly and without hiding, everything you know about the family members. Seals, overlay methods, the consequences of their installation, both positive and negative. Have I listed everything?

  - That's it. But it's gonna be long.

  - And you're in the middle of it. So I know which chair the buttons are on.

  Fangs sparkled in the smile.

  - As you know. The surname is the name of the man on which the four Seals of the Vampire stand. There are three in total, by the number of components. The Seal of Body, Mind, Spirit. You already seem to know that. The Fourth Seal seals your vows forever. But no one has ever been able to break the bond of even one Seal. Are you interested in the order in which they are staged?

  - I know him. And why exactly is that order?

  - Because the body is easier to touch than the mind, and the mind is easier than the soul. It's like steps. You climb one, you climb the second, and the second is easier to climb the third.

  - It's more or less clear.

  - When all four Seals
are set, the surname starts to change. The longer he lives, the more he will change. He'll become more like his master and his master.

  - Start hiding from the light and drinking blood?

  - It means pure spiritual unity. And the changes taking place in soul and mind. Say, if the master is a cruel scumbag, then the surname is unlikely to be a light angel.

  - Mm-hmm. And if I live two hundred years with a gentleman like Mecislav, will I start seducing everyone?

  Vadim smiled the most charming smile. The tip of his fangs showed up.

  - Probably. As far as the chief is concerned, there's always some chicks hanging around him like bees at honey. And he didn't run from them either. Monogamy isn't his thing.

  - And homosexuality? - I specified. Why the hell would you do that. The curiosity of cats is ruining!

  The vampire didn't lead with an eyebrow.

  - Sometimes, depending on the mood. You call that a bisexual?

  - It's about that.

  Somehow it's got me down. Although it is clear to the horse that after living even two hundred years, you will lose your innocence in every sense of the word. And Mechislav lived a little longer. Three or four times more. And the devil pulled my tongue again.

  - Didn't you have anything with him?

  - And my personal life shouldn't touch you," the vampire took it away.

  - Okay, I'm sorry, motherfucker. I shouldn't have asked.

  - Apology accepted, let's leave my tread, back to the Seals.

  - Yeah, I agreed. - Vadim, did you not guess anything to buy something to eat? Cause I'm hungry...

  - There's a bag in the back seat.

  I bent over the seat and took it. Yeah, it felt like a vampire hadn't eaten human in a while. Lots of fruit-- bananas, oranges, mandarins, apples. And bread, cheese, a stick of sausage, a box of chocolates... And a bottle of red wine in addition. There was no water at all. I thought about it and decided to start with an apple.


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