Ring of Madness

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Ring of Madness Page 84

by Royden Labrosse

  - Well, yes, I change my sewer for soap, but if in your case I don't have any guarantees and you have already failed me once, Ramirez can fulfill his promises. Well, I don't really care. That one bloodsucker, that the other...

  I tried sincerely to believe that. And I almost convinced myself. Almost. And then Mechislav quietly laughed. A short light laugh ran through the room, and I ate. It was nice, but I don't like it when vampires start honing their tricks on me.

  - You're not going to do that, Julia.

  - Oh, yeah?

  - Alas, Curly. You really want to break up with me, but there are a few good reasons not to leave the team. You don't know what Ramirez is like. And changing from known to unknown evil is not your style. You're rational to the bone. It's how you were raised. You know, it's a pleasure talking to your grandfather. I mean, it's just a walking calculator! That's who I would love to make a vampire. But he doesn't want to get in touch with us himself. Well, that's too bad. That's the kind of mind that goes away! And you calculate all the possibilities, too. Badly, unsurely, but the dashing of trouble has begun. For a girl like you, it's unbelievable. Millions of others would fight hysterically if I were you. And you act. You know, sometimes I just admire you. But let's just leave it at that for now. Let's get back to our bastards. Anyway, Ramirez isn't right for you because you don't know him. And then, you want to live here, in this town. You're sentimental, my love.

  This time I wasn't twitching anymore. I just looked at it with my evil eyes.

  - Don't you dare call me that! I told you! And I don't belong to you at all!

  - Sorry, Julia, I forgot about your request.

  - So try not to forget anymore! Or do you have the nerve to say that you're in love up to your ears?

  A slow, lazy smile slipped on your beautiful lips, opening your fangs.

  - Oh, no, Curly. I wish for you. But I don't love you. I don't love you yet.

  - It's mutual.

  - My beauty, you give me hope!

  - Go to hell!

  The smile disappeared as if it had been erased with an eraser.

  - Maybe I'll be there. Doesn't matter. What matters is that you don't want to part with your family. And if you suddenly decide to stay with Ramirez, you'll have to go to Europe. And live among strangers, strangers' lives. You can do it, I know you can do it, but, Curly, what you get won't cost you! Your loved ones, alas, are mortal. And they don't get any younger over the years.

  - That's right," I sighed.

  Mecislav was completely right. Ever since I realised that I had a long enough life to live - a couple of thousand years, unless, of course, they kill me earlier - I've started to appreciate every minute spent with my family. And it was one thing to live in the next doorway, knowing that you could call or come to them at any moment, and quite another thing - the hell with horns, knowing that you would see them once a year. And knowing Ramirez, I bet he'll be looking for excuses to keep me in check. In that respect, Mecislav is the best option.

  - And the third reason?

  - Third, Curly?

  - You said there were several reasons. A few is a minimum of three. And you only listed me two. I really don't want to leave town, and I think there's more to lose than profit from the alliance with Ramirez. In both material and spiritual terms. And what's the third?

  Mecislav was smiling at me. And I thought once again that I had never seen a more beautiful man. It's a pity we'll never have anything.

  It's nothing personal. I can give both soul and body, but in return I want no less. And Mecislav will take everything, and I'll stay in the void and darkness. I don't want to love a vampire who's long since parted with all human feelings.

  - The third reason, Yulenka...

  The voice of the vampire, soft, ingratiating, caressing, filled the room with images and evoked a sense of silk sheets on the skin.

  - It really is. You don't love me. I admit it. But you're drawn to me. Pulled so hard, you run anywhere you want to go.

  I didn't even notice when he was around. Suddenly warm hands slipped on my shoulders.

  - You wish for me, Curly. I can feel your desire at the tip of my tongue. And I promise you that the sex will be amazing. There can't be anything imperfect between us...

  The black curtain slipped on my face. The smell of honey and exotic flowers drove me crazy, intoxicated, made me forget everything in the world. Tender lips pressed against my cheek and temple for a moment, against my desperate beating vein... So simple! Turn around and answer the kiss. And there will be no more bad, no more scary, no more ugly... My world will be beautiful and peaceful. I won't have to be strong or decide anything anymore. Everyone will do for me... It's so simple and beautiful...

  Yulia! Wake up, damn you!

  I flew out of my chair like the devils were chasing me. Mecislav didn't even think of stopping me. He leaned on the back of the chair and looked at me with an impenetrable expression. Beautiful gold mask. How I wanted to move it in my eye now! But to get into hand-to-hand with this vampire?! Oh, never! Don't I care about life?! And yet I must somehow respond to his prank.

  I quietly picked up my jacket off the floor, folded it on the chair, picked up my bag and put it next to me. I wanted to put it on the table, but the old principle worked: do not put a bag, keys and a hat on the table. The table! Aha! There it is!

  I slowly came to the table, took the vase in my hands - and I threw it at the head of a vampire.

  Of course, he ducked. The vase crashed against the door and shattered into hundreds of sparkling glass stars. The roses were scattered on the floor. The water splattered with a large untidy stain. The vase was followed by an ink device and a book of some kind. I sincerely hoped that at least something would hit the vampire, but Mieczysław dodged all the shells and now stood much closer to me, as calm and perfect as I had done five minutes earlier!

  - Did I make myself clear?! Don't you ever dare do that!



  If Mieczysław took my warning seriously, he didn't give it to me.

  - Curly, you're just charming when you're so angry.

  - And now you're going to make me angry every day so that I can be perfect?!

  - Do you agree to see me every night?

  The voice of a vampire, soft, a little ironic, warm as a light summer breeze, enveloped me from all sides. It was like in summer when you leave the house - and all your skin feels soft, gentle, sunny warmth. Mieczysław's voice has always been one of his best numbers. He would perform with him in the circus! And as always, I replied with a joke to a frank offer.

  - Every night?! Well, no! I'm an honest girl!

  - And what does that mean, Curly?

  - I can't work heroin for vampires," I said. Mecislav bent twice in a fit of wild laughter.

  - Julia, you are inimitable!

  I looked sourly at the sides, pretending to crack more. Alas. Couldn't that damn vampire have gotten a couple more vases?!

  - Okay, well, my inimitableness was twisted. - Is the concert over?

  Mechislav bowed down before me in a joking bow.

  - As you command, my queen. Do you wish to go home or do you want to rest right here?

  I slammed my eyelashes.

  - How could it occur to you that I would willingly stay close to you for longer than necessary?!

  - What an awfully long and brooding phrase.

  I rolled my eyes. It's not for me to compete in wit with a seven hundred year old vampire. I'm not that kid at all. Too serious and disconnected from the world. The poems of the same Esenin are much more interesting to me than real life, especially since recent times.

  - I want to say goodbye to my brother and his girlfriend and go home.

  Mechislav stopped having fun and nodded.

  - As you command, Curly. Vadim will take you.

  - I'll call a taxi.

  - No, you won't.

  - Why the hell not?! - I don't get it.

  Mechislav rolled his eyes, de
picting the terror of my stupidity.

  And he explained:

  - Because it's still a long way to dawn, because walking the streets at night is not safe for a lonely girl, because you are my surname, finally, and I do not want to lose valuable property because of a stupid accident.

  - I am not your property!

  - I'm sorry, baby, I misunderstood.

  - Yeah, I believed it.

  - Come on, I'll walk you out and give Vadim orders. - Get Vadim in here and don't follow me around! I'm already tired. I've had a long day, a long night and hard conversations. The thing I wanted most was to fall into bed and pass out. But will they?

  - Your brother and sister have already been transferred to another room.

  That one is for questioning.

  - However... What does the torture room look like?

  - Would you like to take a tour?

  - In my next life.

  - Okay. We'll postpone that question temporarily. Shall we go?

  I lifted my jacket and bag off the floor.

  - Let me, ma'am, the vampire took the jacket from my hands and shaken it like he was beating dust out.

  I dutifully slipped my hands up my sleeves. Warm fingers slid down my neck, making my skin goosebumps.

  - Do you really want to get out of here, Curly?

  I squeezed my fists so my fingernails would slip into my palms. Я! Mistress! My own! The body!

  - I wish and go!

  The voice was a little more husky than usual, but who cares?!

  Mecislav bowed a little. More like he even indicated a bow.

  - The lady's wish is my law.

  - When it coincides with your wishes, I snapped at you.

  - And that's the true truth, Julenka.

  I took the bag with determination.

  - Walk me out, or shall I find my own way?

  - May I? - Mechislav took me under his arm.

  At first I wanted to pull out my elbow, but then I changed my mind. It's late to drink Borjomi when my kidneys fell off. I've already agreed to more, what's the point of arguing about the little things now?

  - Do I have to come back here tomorrow night?

  - I don't know, Curly. Maybe not tomorrow, maybe not here. It all depends on Ramirez. But we'll meet him at Wolf Fight.

  - No!

  The word came out of me with almost a moan, but the vampire got it. He stopped, gave me a big hug and pinned me down. No hints of sex, just for comfort. Just like the last bear in the woods died. A vampire - and human feelings? Nonsense!

  - I'm really sorry, Curly. If I could, I'd get you out of it. But my club is the safest place in town. We're not safe here yet, and if anything happens to Ramirez on our property, I'll hang myself right away.

  - If hanging had worked for you, I'd have soaped the rope for you," I twisted as I stuck my nose in his shoulder. Swordsman gently stroked my hair, fingering it, his other hand resting still on my back.

  - I know what that means to you, little girl. If there's any chance, I'll spare you the pain.

  And I believed the vampire. I guess I shouldn't have. Although... why shouldn't you? A good master takes care of his possessions. And I, by all means, am his family man. It's like a table or a chair, but it's more expensive. And I can't change anything yet. I'm sorry.

  Slava and Clara felt quite decent sitting in a big room, decorated in black tones. The black carpet, the strips of black wallpaper with white lilies interspersed with the negatives, the ceiling was also painted black, and the lamp in black lampshade flooded the room at dusk. The big bed is covered with a black blanket and white pillows are scattered all over it. The same as on the carpet. The small table is painted white. There are white lilies in a black matt glass vase. The smell was just intolerable indoors.

  Although... It's not for me to suffer here, and Slava has not earned enough for all his idiots!

  - How cozy! - I'm the one who took it. - A stormy flight of imagination!

  Indeed, the room was rarely uncomfortable. Stylish - yes, elegant - maybe in this room you could have sex, but just sit on the carpet with a bag of chips - I could not imagine it. Although Padi wasn't exactly there, but she was. And I think Slava didn't care where or how, as long as she was there with Clara.

  - If you don't like something, Kudryashka, set up this room in your own way," suggested Mieczysław, distracting my attention. That's who looked at this place in his own place.

  - What else is missing! - I snapped at you. - You were decorating these rooms to create a decent frame for yourself. I have nothing to do in a vampire's lair!

  - Words, words, words! - Vadim muttered, standing at the door in the position of a tin soldier.

  As far as I know, he could have stood there all night. Not even breathing. And if I had come to listen, I'm sure his heart wouldn't be beating either. Vadim himself once explained to me this peculiarity of vampires.


  People - warm-blooded -

  he said, looking at his fingernails and a living statue freezing for a moment. –

  They need to breathe, run blood and oxygen through their veins. We don't need that. And we can afford to rest. Do you know how snakes freeze in the sun? They get warm. And we relax in body and soul. Just a few seconds before we're swept up again by the outside world. It can be very, very cruel... Alcohol doesn't work on us, neither does drugs. So how do you relax poor bloodsuckers? Only by meditation!


  Of all the vampires I know, only Vadim made jokes about it. He was always joking, though. We turned out to be very similar in that respect. Always ready to make fun of God, even if he shows up at a party. Only Vadim's laughing always made some kind of kick. So have I in the last six months. So I haven't judged him. We laughed so we wouldn't cry. Who prefers to play in public, snotting causing pity, - throw a stone at us. And don't cry when he flies back with an extra.

  - What kind of interlocutors, such words," I parried.

  - I still remember with emotion how you communicated with that alcoholic," Vadim agreed.

  I snorted a snort. Well, I talked to him. So what?! When at half past two in the morning a drunken neighbor in the stairwell breaks down and the doors get mixed up, you'll find words so convincing that Cicero never dreamed. Though I didn't look for them for long. I had Vadim and Boris at the time. They twisted up the alcoholic in two minutes, took the door to his apartment, kicked him out properly, everyone there was broken and left the carcass on the doorstep. In the morning the neighbor didn't remember anything, but he was sure that he had smashed it all by himself. The repair isn't over until now. But the neighbor stopped drinking.

  - Did you like it? I can teach you! I'll take it for cheap!

  - And the old friendship discount?

  - What about the hazard pay?

  - Julia... - My brother decided to pay attention to himself. Vadim and I turned to him with equally dissatisfied faces.

  - Well? - Vadim opened his mouth.

  - Are we staying here? - I'm sure Vadim's brother did.

  - And where will you go, I sighed. - The Prince of the city has kindly agreed to provide you with food and shelter for the next few days until your problems are resolved.

  Mechislav smiled so that it became clear: no kindness is being spoken of.

  - And what will we owe for that? - Clara's voice came through.

  - You've been paid for. Generously, -Mecislav measured it with a mocking look.

  - Julia?

  I rolled my eyes. They've made idiots, there's no one to shoot! Would you like to take up this case yourself? You'll go mad at the third thousand!

  - Why, did I have a choice?! You, Slavik, are the last one, and your girlfriend's problems don't concern me at all, but Grandpa wouldn't approve that I leave you where you can be saved without much damage.

  I was counting on either my brother or Clara to pose and say, "If it's so hard for you, don't burden yourself with our worries!" Then I'd get out of here faster than a crazy gazelle. But can't you
expect them? The pride was beaten out of Slava during the years of wandering, and as for Klara... Proud people don't live long. They didn't even apologize for the inconvenience, lousy people!

  - Vadim, now you go and find Boris and send him here to guard these adventurers. You'll change him in four hours. And order Vasily to replace you one hour before dawn. Have them guard in half with Andrei. By the way, Lyudmila came to the club today.

  - Who's Ludmila? - I came in right away.

  - This is my favorite snack, - said Vadim immediately. - You should have seen her breasts! And her legs... And a damn seductive artery in her groin.

  - If you introduce her, I'll see.

  - I'll introduce you to her.

  - And this Ludmila, is she human?

  - A werewolf tiger.

  Vadim looked so innocent... If I'd known him a little worse, I'd have thought they were reading Omar Khayyam under the blanket. At night. In the original.

  - Yeah, well...

  - My werewolves share blood quite willingly, Curly.

  - Voluntarily?

  - You insult me, Julia! Do I look like a tyrant?

  - No, - I snapped. - You look like a porn star!

  - I take that as a compliment, sweetheart.

  I wanted to snap again, but what's the use?! I can't win the fight with Mieczysław.

  - Are you still here? - the vampire looked at Vadim with sincere surprise.

  - He's afraid I'll bite you with anger, isn't he, Vadik?

  Vadim chose to disappear. Only the dust had a pole in it.

  - Curly, I'm ready to let you do whatever you want. By the way, do you have a habit of biting? What I'm asking, though. With this explosive nature, you should be just a wildcat in bed.

  The vampire undressed me with his eyes so blatantly, it was embarrassing. And at the same time, I was drawn to him! Well, that's it! I know that being connected to this particular vampire isn't going to do me any good, that he's a bastard and a bastard last, but once he looks at me, I melt as well as cheese in a frying pan.

  - I've got a habit of kicking particularly persistent morons in the balls!

  - Fi, how rude! That's what a young girl says...

  I delighted to remember all the relatives of the vampire and to look through all their connections with humans and animals that I could only remember.


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