Ring of Madness

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Ring of Madness Page 97

by Royden Labrosse

A gentle and squeaky voice slipped through your skin like another wet towel, relieving pain and fatigue.


  I remembered everything and twitched. Where? Doesn't matter. Somewhere. Just to get away.

  - Lie still. I won't hurt you.

  The heated towel changed to a cooler one.

  - You scared me, Curly.

  - I... you...

  I just didn't have enough for more. My throat was drooling like I was chewing chili peppers. But Mecislav understood everything very well.

  - We didn't have anything. Whatever you think of me now, I don't rape helpless women.

  - Only when can they defend themselves? - I tried to snap at them. It was illegible, but the vampire figured it out.

  - Stay still. I'm not going to apologize. You got what you deserved. Yeah, I could've chosen another way to punish you, but at your age, women don't get whipped up. Unfortunately, that is now considered a perversion.

  The voice of a vampire changed intonations from annoyed to intimate and dark, and I shuddered, though I knew very well that Mecislav was just provoking me. Everything was useless. His voice alone made everything at the bottom of my stomach begin to make me cramp.

  - Although, if you have a desire, my joy, we can try this too. Imagine you, completely naked, lying on my lap with your charming ass upstairs...

  I pulled off the couch. I also didn't have enough S&M here to be happy! To hell with it! At least let them eat Slava! I'll talk to my grandfather, and in an hour we'll be all family in Polynesia... at least! And we won't be back until a month later. They'll be eating each other up in the meantime.

  - Get down!

  Mecislav pressed me back in.

  - No more games. You just don't understand what position you put me in. You really have to whip me for this. Year has not passed, as I became Prince of city, my authority while more on a paper - and what?! I have problems with tigers and wolves! Some of André's vampires are frankly unhappy. They do not dare to revolt, but to keep them in obedience, you have to do everything possible! Ramirez is coming here with an inspection, as if my grief wasn't enough. My surname has been running from me for six months, like the French aristocrats of the guillotine. I'll soon be a laughingstock because of you! What's more, as soon as you come here and just talk to me, the next day you find yourself in bed with a jerk who's even disgusting to kill!

  - But it's not nasty to sleep!

  - That's not like you. What did you do?

  - Do you want me to describe all the poses? - I pretended I didn't understand. - Oh, I'm so shy, so shy... Better watch the Kama Sutra, it's more detailed.

  - "Kamasutru", Curly, I know better than you. And I even know its creators. I've known them. I wonder why you ended up in the same bed with him. What really pushed you to do it.

  - In fact, we didn't get to bed," I corrected with a badly hidden gloat. And immediately I got it in my ears.

  - Yes, you were having fun in the living room. I hope there were no semen stains left on the carpet. They don't hatch very well.

  I clenched my teeth and smiled.

  - We used condoms. Where did you get that knowledge about carpets? Have you ever worked as a maid and cleaned them? Think about it!

  To a vampire, it was like a pellet elephant.

  - Oh, sweetie, we're getting off the subject. Okay?

  - I had several reasons, I confessed. - First, after we met at night, I was less in control. Secondly, I was experiencing a certain sexual hunger. Six months is a good time. Third, I wanted to know how I would feel with a normal person who only fucks my body, not my brain. And finally, that punk was easier to give than to explain. Happy?

  - Yeah, I'm fine. It's a nice set. Only I didn't expect you to make that kind of selling logic.

  - Well, where's your logic? Selling it to you is good. And just giving up is bad?

  - It's not for me to give up, it's for another man!

  - Did I step on your ego? - I guessed it. - Poor man! If you want a kiss, it'll all go away?

  Shit! You asked for it. And Mechislav didn't miss the chance.

  - Kiss, Kudryashka.

  A surprisingly beautiful face was next to me. It smelled like honey and wildflowers again. Gods, how can I hold on and not hold on to this vampire with my whole body?!

  I can do that!

  I snorted and gently punched a vampire in the tip of my nose! He didn't even duck! Hooray!

  Still, I'm just a smart girl. The green eyes widened for a second, and then they became calm and expressing nothing.

  - You can always surprise me, baby. Never thought I appreciated your unpredictability in addition to your other talents?

  Yeah, I'm all fluffy and unpredictable. Ejidna. It's a mutated variety.

  - Honestly, I try not to think about you at all," I cried. - But I suppose you just decided to tie me to you not with cruelty, but with affection. It's a pity your charms don't work on me.

  - And why did you decide that, Curly?

  - Because I haven't experienced anything with this boy," I admitted frankly. - You might as well have put a wooden doll in my place. If I had felt anything! I'm sorry! It feels as if all my glimpses of femininity had been buried with Daniel.

  - He wouldn't be happy about it, Julia. - Now the vampire is very serious.

  - I don't know. I think he'd be glad that I remember him and love him still and even further and longer.

  - And then: are you so sure it's all about you?

  - And you're gonna assure me it's all this boy's fault? I picked the wrong partner?

  - That's right. Well, what does he know about women? What does he know about you, girl? He doesn't even know what treasure he's got in his hands.

  The vampire's lips touched my hair. Breath, light as a breeze, lighter than the most gentle touch, moved the hide on my temple. The smells of honey and flowers filled me, fought in my whisky, became simply intolerable.


  Danielle never smelled like that. Danielle's smell was different. Cool and fresh, light and almost ghostly. Unobtrusive. Real. Favorite.

  The smell of Mecislav was sexy. Daniel's scent was native.

  Danielle, my love...

  I had a fun vampire smile. It hurt my lips to move, but okay, let's put up with it.

  - Tell me, what kind of cologne do you use? Or perfume? Vampires don't have to shave, so I'm not talking about aftershave, but are you suffocating with something? It's not your natural scent.

  - Nothing, - shrugged Mecislav. He suspended himself from me temporarily, knowing that seduction is postponed indefinitely - for about three minutes.

  - But a man can't smell like that. Your smell is just cutting your eyes," I insisted. - It's too much.

  - Sweetheart, it really is my scent. It's kind of...

  - Protective discharge? Like a skunk? Or just to attract the right female? Like animals during their prenuptial period?

  Vampire wince.

  - Why are you always trying to puncture me, Curly? I just want you to like me...

  - Because you always try to submit me to your will. Since the first time I met you. Subjugating and liking are two different things.

  - You've become more cruel and judicious.

  - I had the time and the strength to do it.

  - I wish you'd had time to think about the consequences of what you did. The boy has to be killed.

  - Kill?! - I was horrified to breathe out.

  - What did you think?! In the eyes of all the paranorms of this and other cities, you are my family name! Part of me! My will is your will. My words are your words. And vice versa. That's why every move you make will be worth as much as an old usurer's gold! Before you came here, I could say you were sick. That yours...


  needs to be normalized and calmed down. That you should rest and accept your new position. It's hard to believe, but you can't object either. But you come! And then what?!

  - I didn't mean to...

  - What didn't
you want?! To come?! Fool around with that puppy?! What in the name of all Gods?! You came and put new problems on my mind. Your problems, mind you. You can't get away from Ramirez now. He'll be here in just a day. Not even in less than a day, so what?! You're exhausted to the limit! How will you go to the meeting tomorrow?!

  - In silence.

  - Yes, you're not strong enough for anything else. Now, about that little brat of yours.

  - Seryozhe.

  - Cheeky face! Shut up, woman! Do you have any idea with your big ear that I should kill him?!

  - I don't!

  The towel flew to the side, and I tried to straighten up on the couch. Mecislav walked around the carpet like a jaguar in a cage. Or a black panther. Same green-eyed, beautiful and deadly to others.

  - As Prince of the city, I must protect my property. These are not my sadistic tendencies, but just rules. And if I don't abide by them, I'll be scraped into powder by my own subjects. I can't get what this boy got in one day for six months. So I have to kill him.

  - I don't!

  - Think of something else. You should have thought before you went to bed with him! You think Ramirez doesn't have his spies here?! And Ivan Tulsky?! Explain to them why I showed weakness!

  - You can just let me walk on the side. Wouldn't you?

  - No. You wouldn't want to end up in bed with one of the vampires who came. Ramirez and Prince Tula don't have as simple tastes as I do.

  - Doesn't he?! - The irony came back to me. I ran my finger over my eerily swollen and aching lips.

  - You asked for it yourself. I don't usually do this to women if they don't like it. But Ivan Tulsky likes to hurt women. Break something or cut it off. Whips, whips, punches, hot iron - everything goes. He's turned on by the role of the executioner, you know. Don't you want to hang on the rack for a couple of hours while they drive needles under your nails and rape you without paying attention to the pain in your twisted joints? You don't? That's weird. Too often, you provoke even me to the beat. When our guests arrive, I was planning on telling them you were only mine. And I won't share it with anyone. In the next fifty years, until the first euphoria of possession, if not longer. And how do I say this now?

  - But nobody knows!

  - Nobody? After that dummy left your apartment looking like he's had enough honey?! After he sang on the stairs, "The groom wanted, so she got knocked up..."? Oh, and this!

  A vampire waved a leaf from his notebook in the air.

  - What's that?!

  - I'm writing to you about the pain...

  - Such a fool's share," I automatically continued.

  - That's right! He thanks you for a wonderful evening and hopes for many such evenings. Do you like it?!

  - No, he doesn't.

  - Neither do I! If you decided to act like a cheap whore, why didn't you at least choose a better time?!

  Oops! Really, why not? What's gotten into me, anyway?

  - And I'd like to know that.

  - Am I talking out loud?

  - Your face is too expressive for a surname. You used to be more discreet.

  - But since I became a family name, I can't! I want to kill somebody," I snapped at them. And then it came to me: - But this boy came to me the morning after meeting you ... And the emotions that I felt were not peculiar to me ... So ... cold and distant ...

  - You think I influenced you?

  - I don't know. Did you? Just don't lie to me!

  I got my eyes in a vampire's face. It wasn't right. Can you read anything on that gold mask? Never! But then a shadow of thought slipped through.

  - I knowingly did nothing. But the very nature of my power is such that you might need to have sex. It's like blood.

  - Yeah. I didn't want you. That's the kid I jumped.

  We didn't talk. Mecislav walked around the room the same way. There was nothing left to fight about. It's your fault. We didn't count on it, we didn't check - and in the end I act like I don't know who, and I also look for completely ridiculous excuses. And Mechislav is raking up all the consequences of his carelessness. It's sad, but a fact. I didn't even know what to expect, and he might have thought with his head.

  - And now I just have to kill that punk. And tell everyone that you were raped.

  The voice of a vampire burst into my mind. I'm sick of it.

  - Don't! Nobody's gonna believe this anyway.

  - Well, they can't even argue about it. What do you suggest we do with it?

  I didn't say anything. What do you suggest we do about it? But to kill?! Why would you do that?! For trying to rip off my collar?! Then you'd better kill me!

  - Okay, - Mechislav spoiled, sitting next to me on the sofa. - I'll order the guys. Let them just break his legs. A couple of months in an emergency room is what he needs. And he's grounded, and away from events.

  - Just don't die!

  - Boris will do his best. But I'm not gonna save your next punk, okay? I'm just gonna order him killed and leave his head on a bench in front of your house.

  - That's a lot clearer.

  - That's good. Let's move on. Tomorrow I'll send you a hairdresser, beautician, makeup artist and tailors. My surname shouldn't look like a poor relative, and you can't dress yourself.

  - What?! Who says you're a playboy bunny!

  - We spontaneously switched to "you"? Well, that's good.

  I'm stuttering. Why do I always lose to this vampire?! You bastard, you bastard!

  - I'd still have to get used to it when those perverts get here.

  - Yeah. That's what we found out. Tomorrow at 3:00 p.m., be home. It's gonna take them a long time to make a human out of cinderella.

  - A princess.

  - I don't even hope for the princess, the vampire laughed like shards of glass on his skin. An unpleasant sensation. Even the goosebumps ran. - What else did you want to talk to me about?

  - Aura. And her colors.

  - What's so hard about that? Aura is a series of interpenetrating reflections of the human soul and body. of a person's physical and spiritual condition. The most detailed description of the structure of the Aura is in the Eastern philosophies of Hinduism. In different schools, five to seven "shells" or "bodies" are marked. The most frequently marked are the following: etheric, it is an astral body; emotional - the world of human emotions; mental, that is, the world of thoughts;

  causal, causal, or karmic; Buddhist - the soul itself; and atmospheric - the highest or true "I" of the body. Violations of the integrity or form of "shells" lead to the emergence of diseases, and the methods of their elimination are breathing exercises, meditation and in general ...

  I shaken my head.

  - I don't understand anything. What if it's simpler?

  - It couldn't be simpler. When this whole story is over, I'll start lecturing you on the theory of magic. It's a shame to have such a huge...


  and not be able to use it. A monkey on a tank.

  There was a shy knock on the door.

  Mieczysław, even without taking aim, threw a water carafe at her... No, with vodka, judging by the smell. The liquid spilled out while still in flight. Shards of sparkling rain crumbled down.

  - Get out of here! We can't be disturbed!

  Vadim's head came through the door.

  - Chief, Valentin asked me to tell Julie that everything went well.

  And immediately he slammed the door, saving himself from a plate of fries.

  - He is worried," Mechislav stretched out. - And he does it right. One day, I just can't stop and rip your head off. And then I'll regret it for a long time.

  - Not for long.

  - What?

  - Do vampires get over their names?

  - A contagion like yours is a must. And you're not fluffy at all. You're a real thorn. You're also poisonous.

  - Well, let it be. What do the different colors in the aura mean?

  - It's different in different schools. For example, red is the first basic color and in ancient
times it symbolized body, earth and hell. The earth was considered a real world where the soul came down from heaven. The body was the cell in which it languished. The sky was blue, and the spirit was also considered blue. The mind was associated with yellow. It is funny, but even before astronomers and astrologers in some metaphysical schools the present color of the sun is considered blue. We were thought to see the sun yellow because of its refraction in the atmosphere. Accordingly, man's most powerful weapon, his mind, became associated with the color of the sun as we see it on earth. In short, the colours of man's aura are the colours of the rainbow. Every hunter... and so on.

  - Can't you at least tell me briefly about each color?

  - Curly, be merciful! I don't have 24 hours for that, and it's 3:00 in the morning.

  - Is that a hint that I have to go home?

  - You'll be home at four in the morning, asleep at five, and by twelve you'll be strong and ready for action.

  - The age of knights is over.

  - And the age of beautiful ladies will never pass. Mecislav gallantly brought my hand to my lips.

  - My beauty, I will send you home with Vadim. Today we've come a long way towards mutual understanding.

  - I hope this path won't be too long.

  - My joy, I will study you all my life.

  A low and gentle voice streamed me with streams of melted honey. It's a pleasure. I shaken myself.

  - That's enough. I'm tired of it. I'll see you tomorrow?

  - Yes. Tomorrow they'll pick you up, and you'll go straight to see Ramirez.

  - Will there be a booklet for students?

  - What?

  - Valuable instructions.

  - Not yet. In critical situations, you're doing a great job on your own. And you can even hold your tongue. If you need anything, send it to me for advice. That's it.

  - Well, if that's it, then ciao.

  I crawled off the couch, sizzling in all my muscles. And it was so bad, and then the fangbanger added bruises with his "demonstration of male superiority." Now wait until the muscles stop whining. I was already at the door when a mocking and languid voice caught me:

  - And the kiss on the road, beautiful?

  - That's enough for today," I cut it off. And I slammed the door behind me.

  Vadim picked me up on time, pretending to be just holding the lady. Well, a little. In fact, the lady was all over him.


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