Ring of Madness

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Ring of Madness Page 121

by Royden Labrosse

  - Yeah. That's where his last name came up.

  - And Diego promoted this catavasia?

  I didn't believe it. Not even for me. Not the right figure. And Peter said they were getting orders from somebody. So who was sitting in the pond?

  - Ramirez, - just said Sashka. - If it wasn't Ivan Tulsky and Ramirez, you can rip my legs off.

  - They'll do it without us, too," said Mieczyslaw. - If there's anything.

  - But everything fits," said Lenka. - Look. About six months ago, Miecislav became Prince of the city. Julia, our dear Fluffy, - his surname. That's when Leoverenski's surname lights up. Ramirez is a friend of Diego's and probably shares his plans with him. Or at least he mentions Julia.

  - The second is more likely," agreed Mieczysław. - Kudryashka has made a lasting impression on Ramirez.

  - It doesn't matter. What matters is what Diego found out about the Leoverenes. Four months ago he was sent to Tula. That's where he meets Clara, and he stays late.

  - She seems to be his type, and just a masochist. The more she gets beaten up, the nicer she feels, I've already put in my five kopecks.

  - And she knows how to lie in a way that no one feels a lie. We interrogated her, and everybody got punctured.

  - Almost," I smiled crookedly. And I took out a drawing from my purse.

  The one made a long time ago, it seems, in another life, before Slavkina initiation.

  Clara was depicted sitting on it... not even like that. In the centre of the image was a chair, almost a throne, on which sat a dark figure wrapped in a cloak. It was not too painted, marked with several pencil strokes, but the meaning was already clear. Master and lord, and all here. It was much brighter to see the paddy herself sitting "at her feet". For some reason, she appeared half-naked, wearing a spiky collar and bracelets, something like a corset. Her whole body was wrapped in a complex interweaving of belts. One hand rested on the floor and the other touched the edge of the cloak sitting on the throne. Next to the cloak was a whip.

  Clara's face was raised, and her infinite adoration and submission were read on it.

  Something was not fully drawn, something had failed, but the overall impression of enthusiastic submission and admiration was correct.

  - I drew," I confessed when the drawing went through my hands, "and how the fool had forgotten everything. I put it in my bag, wanted to see it later, and it all went to waste. Dresses, werewolves, children, an argument with Mieczysław... too many distractions.

  - Even if we'd seen this drawing then, it's unlikely he could have made anything clear," Alexander sighed. - It would have justified itself. In fact, you can't sew the drawing into the case.

  - Neither can the aura. I then noted that she had a bad aura, that there are no white, yellow, pink tones that appear in lovers, but again, I did not pay attention.

  - You were trying to hint, and I said she wasn't lying about her love," Valentine recalled. - Fluffy, sorry, I'm an idiot.

  - We're both good.

  - We're all good," sighed Mechislav. - There was a lot of circumstantial evidence, but we're too used to relying on magic. And we did not understand when she refused.

  - She didn't say no. It's just that for every action there is an opposition," Lenka corrected.

  - That's a lesson for us: you can't be overconfident. Go on, we interrupted you.

  - Okay. Where was I?

  - Clara and Diego.

  - Here you go. They went and Diego... stayed in town or just ran into a fox that he liked?

  - Delayed," Sasha put in, breaking away from the company for a moment. - I was told that he wanted her in his possession. And he was in negotiations with the Prince of Tula. And with Alfonso.

  - It's a long procedure. Obviously, he was delayed.

  - And then Stanislav Leoverensky somehow falls into Diego's sight. He informs Ramirez, and his buddies sit down for the action plan. Two months ago Stanislav gets to the hospital - and Clara is carefully brought to him.

  - So Ivan Tulsky might not have known what was going on?

  - Yes, he could have. Clara could have been chosen for her talent. Prima, who knows how to fake a fall, and quietly lies in the eyes of vampires - it's rare. We don't have any.

  - Okay. So far, all I can see is that Ramirez wasn't missing," I summed it up.

  - While you were asleep, we checked our assumptions, - Lenka finished quietly, staring at Mieczysław. - If they are true, today Clara will try to avenge the death of her lover. I don't know who it is, you or Julia Evgenievna, but the attempt will be obligatory. We've twisted her up well. Valentin did his best.

  - We didn't have to try hard," Valentin swung away.

  - An ambush is sitting in the third boxing. We're watching from the monitors. You can see for yourself.

  - Well, let's wait, - summed up Mechislav. - I will go to the third boxing. Ah yes, a minute...

  The vampire took the cell phone out of his pocket and ran his fingers through the buttons.

  - Vadim, come see me right now. And grab Boris.

  Two minutes later, a couple of aides grew up on the doorstep.

  - Guv?

  - You paged me?

  - Yes. Ramirez is on you. Where is he now?

  - He's at breakfast," Boris reported. - Then he wanted to take a ride around town.

  - That's great. Let's get on his tail and control every move. You have to make sure that he doesn't get under his feet and doesn't show up in the basement for the next hour or three. Well, at least the vampire habitat and sleep areas are far enough away from the boxes with... guests. But we have to get him out of here. It's an emergency.

  Vadim rubbed his forehead.

  - Take him to the tigers," Lenka said. - To our headquarters. He'll be interested. And tell him they want to report on the progress of the investigation into that shooting on the road. I'll contact mine now, they'll give him such noodles...

  - Get in touch, - ordered Mechislav. And has translated a sight at Boris and Vadim. - What, are you still here?

  It's like the wind blew the guys off.

  Leonid apologized and went out to talk on the phone. Sashka stumbled into the computer. I looked at the monitors.

  - Shh.

  - It's quiet for now.

  Valentin was outwardly calm. Yeah, he was. That's how Duke trained them during his reign! Step right, step left - escape, jump in place - provocation. Swordsmanship is much better in this respect. He's a bastard, though.

  I jumped up and walked into the room.

  - And if we're wrong? What if everything goes wrong? If we're wrong?

  Mecislav skillfully twisted, caught me by the hand and pulled me towards him. I lost my balance and stuck my nose in his chest. I wish I had a runny nose. I couldn't stand to do that to snotty girls.

  - Fluffy, don't worry. There's nowhere else to go. Whatever happens, you'll still be safe. And so will your family.

  - Will you?! - I'm trying to get out of this. - That's if I can still survive the Seal Break. Two isn't one! And I was barely pumped after one! And what do you mean, "safe"?! If it's exactly as you say it is! If we got it right! And if we didn't?! What if this is a war of destruction?! If we didn't see someone?! Didn't we?! You don't get it?!

  - You're the one who's getting nervous before the case," Leonidas said authoritatively. - Slap a sedative. Would you like some valerian?

  In my grandfather's favorite words, I suggested that a werewolf take a valerian himself by anal. Mecislav pressed me tighter with his right hand, and his left hand shattered my hair.

  - Calm down, my little one. Everything's going to be all right. We'll be fine. Look, there's a lot of us. Me, my vampires, all the foxes, all the tigers, they're all behind us now. And we will all fight. No one can beat us as long as we're together.

  I sighed. Now the vampire wasn't trying to seduce me. He just supported me, calmed me down like a child, tried to share a piece of confidence. Even his scent became less aggressive and kind of... native?

couldn't fight a Swordsman like that. It was possible to respond with anger to attempts of seduction, aggression to aggression, but how to be angry at the person who just tries to be your support?

  - Let me go," I asked. - I will be calm.

  Mechislav did not argue. He loosened his hands, led me to the sofa and sat down. Then he poured something red from the decanter and handed it to me.

  - With one sip, like a cure. Well?

  I nodded and drank a volley. It turned out to be some kind of red wine. It's strong, you bastard.

  - If I get drunk, it's your fault.

  - I will. Val, get me some sandwiches.

  - In a moment. It's really not good to drink babies.

  - Who's a little girl, you shitty collar?! - I started, but the werewolf giggled and jumped out the door.

  Mechislav went to the monitors and began to watch closely what was happening in box number seven.

  But Vadim came back.

  - For some reason, Ramirez didn't want me," he sobered, "I'm upset! I will suffer and weep!

  - It's just that you're blond and not his type," I said. - If only you were a natural Spaniard...

  - But he agreed to take Boris as a chaperone. So Boris took him straight to the tiger's lair! Maybe they'll eat him up there.

  - They'll poison him.

  - Chief, can I be ambushed? May I?

  Mechislav smiled.

  - You're allowed. Let's go hunting...

  And he looked like this... If a tiger was humanized, that's what it would be. A cat of prey by a mouse mink. In an ambush, lurking, stalking prey...

  The muscles are tense, the body is squeezed into one dense lump, the tip of the tail shakes a little, giving out excitement...

  God forbid he should touch it, he'll tear it to shreds.

  And he won't give up his prey right away. He'll play. He's kidding me. He tortures me.

  - What about me? - I asked.

  - You didn't. You're gonna sit here and not take any chances.

  - Only if you tie me up. But then I'll get out, too.

  - Fluffy, you will sit here and wait for us to come back with the trophy.

  - There's no way! I opened it, tracked it down, came up with a scheme - and I'm suspended?!

  - Generals don't attack themselves.

  - The general here is you.

  - It's a mistake. I am the Prince of the city. And you're in charge of this operation. The boss has nothing to do on the front line.

  Valentine came back with a plate of sandwiches. I immediately scratched a three-layer ham and slammed his jaws. But I couldn't stop arguing.

  - I said I wanted to, so I will! And you can't talk me out of it! I can hide in the closet. But I have to be there! I've been attacked by this virus! I mean, her brother!

  - More about her brother. We still have time.

  I'm in trouble. But I can't get the words out of the song. I had to tell you in detail about the day's abduction, smacking and licking my fingers. I'm not a pig, I'm just out of harm's way. Get some vampires out, let's not point the finger! Mechislav listened without interrupting. And he reached a short verdict.

  - Now do you realize how dangerous the connection with ordinary people is? They don't survive in our games.

  - Katka, Nadya...

  - Rare exceptions. However, if this Seryozha was a woman - and beautiful - he would have a slightly better chance. But not much.

  - How do you imagine it?

  - It's not hard to kidnap any of your friends. An ordinary man is rarely defenseless at all.

  I snorted a snort. Yeah, well, if you remember Lenka, my classmate... Nice girl, short, slim, pretty. You'll never guess she's got a black belt in karate. Plus sport shooting. Any hooligan who decides to reach out to her will just reach out to her feet. She tried to join me, too, but I told you, I'm not athletic. Only werewolves can risk themselves trying to teach me how to fight. Everything heals quickly on them.

  - I'm not that defenseless.

  - But I'm not taking you into an ambush anyway.

  - Without a chance and an attempt to negotiate?

  - Perhaps for a bribe I will think," the vampire stretched out, lazily looking up at me from head to toe. His gaze waved slowly and confidently through me, taking off and throwing aside both my old jeans and my shirt, tightened hastily to tighten something," he caught a strip of plaster around my neck.

  - The IPF wasn't asked?

  - They thought I'd been bitten when I was kidnapped. The bite is fresh.

  - That's lucky. Or did they...

  preferred .

  to think so?

  - So far, I owe them. To that goat.

  - Sweetheart, be careful with them. They may have an opinion. And don't go anywhere unprotected.

  - I'll think about it later. So what did you say about the bribe?

  - In nature? - I was interested in a vampire.

  - There's no such thing as natural!

  - Shall we negotiate the terms?

  - No question about it. If you take me in an ambush, I'll take Vanechka from Tula.

  - You're taking him anyway. Like my last name.

  - And I was kidnapped today. And even poisoned," I snidely reported. - I have a headache. I have a pain in my butt. And in general, I've got critical days! My fragile delicate addition, the subtlety of my nervous organization...

  - So we're gonna check it out now. I guess a dozen slaps won't be superfluous. Did I warn you not to go anywhere without bodyguards?!

  - Winners don't get judged!

  - That's right. I'm gonna spank you without a trial!

  Mecislav got off the couch and headed towards me.

  - I don't play like that! You're going to the meeting! - I'm scared.

  - Chief, don't give in, Vadim shaken up. - She's not going anywhere, she's going! She has a very developed sense of responsibility!

  - I'll strangle him for such an occasion," I retreated to the table. If anything, I'll fight back with the stationery to the last paper clip.

  - As long as you fight, we'll miss them," said Leonidas, who had returned. - Hurry up and make your arrangements. Our ward came out of the bathroom.

  Mechislav glinted at me with his eyes.

  - You sit under the bed until I allow you to come out. Or I'll lock you in here now. What's your decision?

  Of course I was willing to go under the bed!

  * * *

  Clara was sliding slowly down the hall. Slava tried to ask where she was, but one short blow was enough. A broken spine crunched, and the guy's body fell to the floor. Well, he chose his own destiny. Shouldn't have stopped her from taking revenge on the one she loved. If he can cure a broken spine in the cervical section, he'll live. If he can't, what does she care?

  Clara knew that she wouldn't leave alive. Well, she's one of the primates of the Tula pack. And she can always order herself to die. Quickly and painlessly.

  A long time ago, when a pretty girl was accidentally bitten by a werewolf, she was terribly frightened. She seemed terrified of vampires, she did not understand their power and their beauty... How stupid she was then! It's funny to even remember now!

  She knew for a long time that she was strong now. That she could do anything to her enemies. To cripple. Just disfigure. It's the same with werewolves. Kill.

  And she gladly gave herself fair revenge. Until she was caught by the Prince of Tula and punished. So at the time, she thought she was being punished. The pleasure of having painful sex with elements of BDSM...


  she started to find much later. With Diego. Now she understood. She should have been more careful about her revenge. But now you don't have to talk about caution.

  Diego's killers only deserve to die. A slow, painful death.

  How she'd like to kill all three of them!

  The gentleman who invented this game.

  Mecislava. For everything that was directed against him.


  That shit she'd love
to cut into pieces for years. She would cauterize it without letting it die, wait for the wounds to heal, and start over and over again.

  If she hadn't fought back, Diego would still be alive.

  And instead... what did she care who she served?

  Clara wasn't in bed with Mieczysław, but the master invited her several times. And he was as good at something as Diego. And that bitch decided to resist!

  How dare she?!

  She can't kill all three of them.

  Clara slipped easily into the master's room. It's not locked. Well. Here's his dagger.

  It will be an exquisite revenge. By killing Leoverenskaya, she will pay for Diego's death. She'll pay more than that. The master's plans will be frustrated. He will receive neither this filthy creature nor her.


  . Not only that, he'll be charged with murder. Everything he wanted would be destroyed. And it's not a pity. Her life was ruined? Yes! Why should someone else be happy when she's not feeling well?!

  Clara was wickedly grieved. Here comes the third boxing.

  She pushed the handle slowly, so she wouldn't squeak anything. It was dark inside. She could hear calm breathing. It smelled like Leoverenskaya. A little weaker, vampires. She must have had a visit. And now that bitch is asleep. Well, the less noise. Where the bed is, Clara remembered it that way. But she didn't need a memory. In the dark, you could see the contours of the bed and the figure with dark hair lying on it. Clara slipped inside and stabbed her - one, another, third!

  The point of the knife entered the figure as if it were oil.

  But instead of the dying rattle, there was a mocking laughter and a light flashed.

  * * *

  - So, - sang Mieczysław coming out of the bathroom, - comes the last act of our comedy of regulations.

  And the light flashed.

  Clara swept away, not knowing what to do and where to dive. At the door? No! There are vampires already standing there! Out the window?! But there are no windows! In the closet?! The closet wasn't even there. But there was Mecislav, elegant as a piano, and I'm under the bed. The vampire was very insistent that I get in there for my safety. I resisted that there was strength (dusty, dark, disgusting, you can't see anything - maybe I'll sit in the closet?!) and agreed only when he promised to tie me up and roll me in the carpet. And the rug is still locked in the closet for safety. In my office. I'll get rid of the ropes. And the rug will definitely keep me in one place for at least half an hour. One word, fangbanger!


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