Ring of Madness

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Ring of Madness Page 167

by Royden Labrosse


  But it won't be interrogated anyway! We have to live! Especially since the poet turned out to be even a pessimist. And he didn't know vampires!

  But I'm an optimist. Which means you can't wait!

  We should stop by Nastia's.

  A friend dug into one of the rooms on the same floor. And she wasn't going to leave the couch. Definitely not.

  - What are you, morally trained?

  - It's immoral.

  I sat down next to him and took a werewolf's hand.

  - Don't be nervous. I'll be there for you. No one would dare touch you. I promise.

  Nastia took a breath.

  - It's still restless at heart. I don't trust them.

  And who trusts?

  It took half an hour to calm down the Rotten Soul of Pastin. Then I spat, summoned her to Constantine's company - let the daddy calm his wife - and went downstairs. To the hall.

  It was already crowded and vampire. I mean, vampire and reverse. Both of them were walking around the club. There was some nasty singing onstage. Dosya Shiny. Alfonso was looking at her with a clear male interest. Mechislav sipped something red from his glass and smiled mysteriously. Come on, you bastard...

  * * *

  I'm hungry!

  The first victim is an abominable pussy!

  The second one's a little more pliant, but not enough!

  But somebody destroyed my trap! I need to find that lead! And destroy it before it gets to me!

  Destroy, smear, drink too much...

  But I'm still too weak. I've got to get my pussy back first. If that man pissed off the trap so I'm sorry, he pissed off, he pissed off. Very pissed. And I'm pissed! If we meet, whose side will we win?

  I don't sleep. But I won't be in a hurry. First you have to drink a few more people, get some more pussy...

  I used to have three people enough to recover.

  But I waited a long time.

  And people are too pissed.

  That being the case, I would have to wait a long time and make a lot more human sacrifices. That's too long. And my host might get caught.

  But by luck, my fellow officer ran into a nest of vampires and werewolves. Vampires are pussy. I am more psyched and much more psyched. I used to be able to order any vampire to piss me off. Pssiachasse...

  Ssseychass his pussy will give me my bearer. I'll order the vampire, he'll come and my bearer will sssoover the ritual. Then I'll piss the pisser. If I don't...

  There's one more option. I can give the pussy I saved up. And I can try to make it happen. I want to live! To have the freedom of action and movement! Feed! To dominate! Sweeten me with fear and death!

  And ssshkoro, ssshkoro, ssshkoro, I'm gonna make it to sssvoboda!

  A little earlier or a little later, one way or another, but the sooner the better... I don't want to wait! Sssvoboda! I want to be free!!!

  It's a good thing I got that man.

  Alcoholism, greed, immaterialism, the thirst for power is what my cow needs.

  When I'm free, I'll even keep him alive. And I'll even give him a little pussy pussy pussy.

  We know how to be thankful, too... in a pissing way.


  And you have to look at the sssssey and tasty vampire or werewolf. But better a vampire. They're pissed close to mine, and it'll be much easier to absorb.

  A good, appetizing vampire.

  I want to break free and make it happen!

  * * *

  Mecislav entertained Alfonso da Silva. And he tried to show himself as a hospitable host. After yesterday's, and after today's Julia's behavior it was a bit difficult, but we had to make a good mine with a bad game. While both vampires were playing along, there were no problems. On the contrary. They treated each other like baskets of rotten eggs - no shaking, no pulling, no sighing, and ... well, this is from Julie's vocabulary.

  What a lousy guy! Sometimes Mieczysław wanted to have an obedient, polite and, most importantly, a deaf and dumb-blind surname.

  But maybe now, scared, she'll behave better. Isn't it not for nothing that he put noodles in her ears today?

  Mechislav himself did not particularly believe in provocation. What are the lousy tests!? Vampires get used to obeying and bending from the moment they are "born". Even the most perverted and abnormal wishes of their creator. To provoke them with such triviality as murder... Ha!

  From a vampire perspective, what happened yesterday was quite logical. Alfonso decided to show his teeth. Well, he would. Knocked down a couple or three werewolves and vampires. And he'd quietly ask the rest of us about Ramirez's death. Scared the hell out of everyone.

  The original method of conducting an investigation?

  So it's from the perspective of the different democracies there. The vampires didn't see anything terrible about it. Nor did they see anything horrible in torture. And Robespierre's heirs, of course, want to live safely. And without such methods of interrogation. Otherwise, imagine a picture of an oligarch breaking into a house or a minister dressed as a rifleman. He puts everyone in their faces on the floor, shoots a couple of haloes, and the "master of life" himself pulls out a couple of nails and knocks out ten teeth without talking. And only after that is he interested: "And what do you, a bad citizen, have to do with plundering the national treasure? Or the death of a citizen of NN? »

  It's a great interrogation technique. And without any truth serum, lie detector or anything stupid.

  And to check the correctness can always be sliced from a fellow belt. Or you can hang it on a rack.

  Among vampires, almost everyone had suffered the worst injuries in their day, so they treated methods such as inevitable evil.

  And people wouldn't understand that. Modern people do.

  Of course, Julia snapped. She got hysterical. And she didn't hurt one of the Council members.

  But to Alfonso's credit, he took it calmly. The vampires of the Council were different. Evil, cruel, half mad, indifferent, but they tried to be fair. Because fear alone can't hold you back for long.

  That's right. I showed his strength, realized that his strength was superior, and now he will try to get it at his disposal - or at least make it not hostile. And Charles...

  Mechislav frankly did not hope that Julia would part with her new acquisition. Her attitude towards those who were unfairly offended, he knew very well. And he took advantage of it himself. Now everything has turned against him. I'm sorry. But there's no perfection in the world.

  The vampire sat lazily watching Dosu sing on stage and sipping blood from a high glass. Heat it up to 37 degrees, hook a piece of lemon, put a colorful umbrella in the glass - and you can walk with it even among the delegation of pops. It's no different than a regular glass with a cocktail.

  The milking, as usual, shone and twirled in the ass, while quietly falling between the notes. From a vampire's point of view, she could only sing with her mouth closed. But her butt and legs were above all praise. And that's what Alfonso said.

  Alfonso was the first one to start the conversation.

  - Your surname impressed me...

  Mechislav deliberately shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

  - She's still too young and stupid.

  - But it has considerable power.

  - Absolutely.

  - It's a pity she got a very inexpressive appearance. Well, it's a fixable case now, though.

  Mechislav raised his eyebrows a little.

  - Of course, Julia's not pretty. By the standards that are now accepted. But at another time, she would have been a success. However, I don't care. The main thing about her is not her appearance, but her mind.

  - I didn't notice my mind yesterday.

  "But I noticed the claws well," thought Mieczysław. - "It's a pity that Julka held back last night - and so little aura has swelled up for you. We should have done it harder."

  Alfonso has already healed yesterday's wounds, although it took the blood of two werewolves. And he jus
t looked... like the hero of a Spanish melodrama. A lot of people were throwing interested looks at him from the stage. And Alfonso also paid attention to her, burning with a passionate look, raising a glass in her direction, then applauding loudly.

  - I suppose today you'll see that Julia is a very reasonable and serious man," the vampire falsely assured. He himself doubted it very much. Of course, Julia could have been reasonable. But she couldn't stand Alfonso. And at what point her true defiant nature would get out of control, no one could have foreseen. Not even she herself.

  Mechislav remembered her words very well.

  "Cuts me off with this fascist... dragging, ivy, sausage, sausage and sardelite! »

  And I was just hoping that she could hold herself together. Otherwise...

  - Good evening," said a gentle voice nearby.

  And Julia, charming in all white, sent him a gentle smile.

  - Sweetie, would you give me the stool? Or is it a high chair? No, a chair sounds almost like a chair! I mean, it's gotta be one letter, and there's a difference. Sweetie, do you know why this happened!?

  And the vampire realized that the problems were just beginning. If Julia decided to "turn on the blonde"...

  It was impossible to stop her. Therefore Mecislav quietly exhaled, relaxed and prepared to watch the reaction of Alfonso da Silva.

  What else was there to do? If Jule wants to make an idiot out of himself, he won't dare disturb her. Let her be ashamed of herself for once.

  * * *

  - You're not gonna let her get away with this humiliation!?

  - Never! Honey, this is just impossible. After this, we'll stop respecting everyone...

  - I agree. И


  asked that we sort this out...

  - I think we'll figure it out today.

  - When?!

  - During the inspection of the werewolf. And until then, keep it together. Okay?

  - I don't have your temper. But I will try.

  - Try, sweetie. You're the smart one. And if you're not, remember how much...


  she promised us...

  - I'll do my best, brother.

  Two vampires almost simultaneously smiled at each other, exposing their fangs. And that smile did not bode well for the object of their joy.

  * * *

  I wasn't having any fun. I knew very well that if I showed up downstairs, Alfonso would somehow start talking about Charles. And here's how to avoid that...

  Turn him down right away?


  Stall it?

  Honestly, I'm not even a punk next to vampires. Okay, slipper infusion. So I only have one way out. To stall. And there's either Alfonso, or padishah, or ishak...

  Just not our company! But I was hoping for Hodge Nasreddin's experience.


  So, the fanfares come in. The stage... and the number doesn't matter, participation matters. On the stage - the Academy, the Miecislav and Alfonso, watering me with such views that I want to humbly dissolve and flow into the sewers. But this is too good for some dentists. It's gonna break. Especially since he doesn't look too good yet. If I didn't know what happened, I'd say the guy on the hedgehog's face was down. Twice. In the background, Vadim and Vladimir. And everyone's waiting... what are they waiting for? Oh, they'll do it anyway. I wasn't going to pump my license today. The force was shown yesterday - today we'll be nice. Like all the winners. So I sent Alice (how else to cut Alfonsik? Alka, Fonsik, Nosik?) a charming smile. Let him feel bad, too.

  And she started cracking about all kinds of nonsense. Well, that's a good way to talk. It's a good way to try and pass genetics.

  Realizing that I'm as trivial as the eyes, you can not break through, and something more substantial to use until you can not yet, Alfonso sparkled eyes harder, squeezed out a nice smile and strained through his teeth:

  - Yulia Yevgenyevna, I'm happy to see you too.

  - Oh, how happy I am," I chatted at 80 words per minute. I wasn't afraid of him at all today. And I was perfectly calm to act like an idiot. You won't believe it? Well, don't! Just let him suffer like that! - I've been thinking about you all night. You see, literally I didn't sleep at night, the pillow was lying down... I mean, I've been lying down even earlier, and I can't sleep at night for so long, that's how I met Slava, so I started to stay awake... But I thought and thought, decided and decided... we have to help you!

  - With what?! - I was genuinely surprised at da Silva.

  Yeah, I'm not doing harakiri, right.

  - Well, you gave me Charles...

  - And I would like to...

  I know what you'd like!

  - So I can take good care of him? I promise you that! Actually, I'd like to give you a return gift! I really don't have any animals, but I do have a great ficus. Will you take it?

  - No!

  - Why? It's good!

  - I don't like... ficus...

  - And the cactuses?

  For the next fifteen minutes, Alfonso consistently fought back against attempts to give him a ficus, cactus, jasmine, diffenbahia and dragoon. And also tried to explain to me that vampires do not drink tequila, they do not need salt for life, he personally does not like the flavor of jasmine, jasmine was not brought to Spain from Australia, and the dragoon he would gladly pass through the meat grinder. And better yet, with me.

  I looked at the vampire with innocent big eyes. And I walked around like a demented grinder.

  - Oh, you know, I get it! You poor people can't even drink tequila! Why can't you drink tequila? Blood is salty, and they drink tequila with salt! If a man can't drink, what kind of a man is he? I firmly believe that all vampires are so madly harmful to the hemoglobin diet! If I had been fed pickles for a hundred years, I'd be mad at you!

  - What's this got to do with pickles!?

  - Come on, they're salty! And the blood is salty! Somehow human blood is like brine! Or a brine? It's salty! And there's a lot of things floating in there! I know, we taught! Erythrocytes, white blood cells, platelets, tell me, does the percentage of blood matter to you? If a person had leukemia or leukocytosis? Does it taste different? And the benefits to the vampire body are different? It's kind of like hemoglobin that's most important to you...

  Alfonso looked like a sick penguin - all black and with a painful face. He could have asked Charles back. Theoretically. But it took time and opportunity to open his mouth. And I wasn't going to give him that chance. Mecislav didn't interfere. But I'll still remember that for him. The invisible Godwin intervened. Careful in the middle of the phrase about hemoglobin.

  - Julia, good evening. You're absolutely charming tonight.

  - Oh, I don't care where you are! You reign and shine at all! - enthusiastically rounded my eyes. - You just shine so that the cone chopsticks shiver in ecstasy!

  Godwin, all green as a big Mr. Toad, took my compliment with an aristocratic, calm face, Glorianne, dissatisfied as a freshly combed cat, but without pimples, murdered her face, but kept quiet. That's right. To be honest, I didn't like them. All the way!

  It's not at all clear why. Maybe it's because I got hit last night. Insidiously, quietly and without warning?

  Or maybe because they were too clear about their superiority?

  I was about to do something to save my image as an idiot, but Godwin was ahead of me.

  - I apologize for yesterday.

  - It's no big deal, I waved. The vampire took a swing. And today, I'm not even silver.

  - And yet, I shouldn't have tried to subdue you...

  What kind of sensible people become like they'll get punched in the face! It's just a touch of propitiation!

  - Yesterday, it didn't stop you.

  - I was wrong and I have already apologized," the vampire filtered.

  I innocently slammed my eyes.

  - Did you bring it? Put them there, in the corner.

  - – А?

  - What, did you apologize without packing? Ay-yi-yi-yi, that's no
t nice. You could have at least wrapped it in paper. It's thin material, you'll tear it up on purpose, you won't tear it up!

  Godwin relaxed and smiled.

  - I start to understand when you're joking.

  - Yeah? You're gonna need this very, very much in your future life.

  All the sour smiles. And I got to the point.

  - Godwin, Glorianne, you wanted to see Nastia? Well, that's great. You and I are going to go to the room where she's waiting. You know, this club is no place for a pregnant woman. You examine her, and I'll put her in the car.

  Godwin obediently nodded his head. Glorianne's nose got wrinkled.

  - Can't she come here? She's just a werewolf...

  - This is the first pregnant werewolf in centuries," I snapped. - So either Mohammed lifts her ass and walks to the mountain, or she waits for the fall, sitting still.

  - What!? - Glorianne's swooning.

  I was prepared to fight, but Godwin beat me. He picked up his relative under his arm and slightly ran his finger on her nose.

  - Gloria, calm down. The health of a pregnant woman is more important than our ambition.

  Wow, a vampire, do you understand? I wonder if there's anything hard to knock on a vampire to cut through. I wouldn't mind finding out exactly what and where!

  Glorianne ashamed him for a few seconds with an angry look, but then she broke down and took her eyes away.

  - Okay. We're here to visit. Let's go.

  I waved my hand inviting vampires to come with me.

  * * *

  Nastia was waiting for us upstairs in one of the nice little guest rooms. At the sight of Godwin (by the way, how is it shortened in Russian? A year? Or easier - Gad?) and Gloria, she tried to get off the sofa, but I immediately stopped the unnecessary initiative.

  - Down, relax. There's a lot of vampires going around, and children are more important.

  О! One phrase to outrage everyone who was in the room at once! I am a talent! And talents are often beaten.

  Nastia got up and tried to bow down. It turned out to be bad - seventh month with a ponytail. I immediately put her back on the sofa.

  - Feeling okay? Don't you feel nauseous? Are you not dizzy?

  - It's okay.

  Godwin and Glorianne asked Nastia to lie down on the sofa and began to move their hands over her stomach, slightly moving their fingers.


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