Just a Little Flirt

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Just a Little Flirt Page 5

by Renita Pizzitola

  She named a few guys, but the one who mattered was Luke. We’d kissed before, but never made it further due to us being beyond drunk that night. If memory served though, he was a good kisser and very attractive. He’d be an easy target for tonight’s hookup.

  My phone rang and I plucked it off my bed.

  Mom. Hopefully she hadn’t stumbled upon my grades.

  I rolled my eyes. “I have to get this real quick then we can head out.”

  Brinley nodded and disappeared down the hall.

  I wedged the phone between my shoulder and ear. “Hi, Mom.”

  “How’s the internship going?” No hello. How are you? Just cut to the real question: Have you failed yet?

  “It’s going great. I love it. And I’m very happy.” My voice came out too pitchy and forced, but it was unlikely she’d ever notice.

  “That’s good. We’ll have to get busy planning your visit home.”

  Dad had agreed this internship was too important to pass up. Mom eventually came around but insisted I come home for a visit when it was over. A part of me hoped she’d just let it go. “Yeah.”

  “So Amber was off at cheer camp this week.”

  And the conversation was no longer about me. Typical. But, hey, at least she didn’t know about my close call with academic probation.

  I tossed my mascara into my makeup bag, plopped onto the bed and stared at the ceiling as Mom rambled on.

  “She gets back tonight.”

  And this was important, why? Oh yeah, because Mom enjoyed mindless small talk.

  “Cameron is bringing her home this evening.”

  I bolted upright. “What?” Why was my ex-boyfriend driving my sister anywhere?

  “Didn’t I tell you? I could have sworn I did.” Her mock surprise was more like a punch to the gut. Was that the true purpose of this conversation?

  My stomach somersaulted. “Tell me what?”

  “Cameron and Amber are dating.”

  The ringing in my ears drowned out anything she said following those words.

  No. Fucking. Way.

  My seventeen-year-old sister was dating my ex-boyfriend. The guy I’d dated for three years. The very asshole who’d convinced me to have sex with him before I left for college because we “loved” each other. The same guy who then broke up with me two months later because I was going away to college and he “loved” me too much to see me go.

  “Fallon? Are you there?”

  “I’ve got to go, Mom.”

  “Did I say something to upset you?” She knew she had. “You aren’t upset about Cameron, are you?” And she knew I was. “It’s been a year since you broke up.” Like that mattered. “Things were completely over between you two, right? You can’t help it if your sister and he fell in love afterward.”

  “Love?” As much as I’d enjoyed her pitiful defense, anger got the best of me. “She’s seventeen, Mom. What does she know about love? Oh, but don’t worry, Cameron will teach her all about love. Just like he did me.”

  “Don’t be hateful.”

  “Hateful? This isn’t hateful this is—Just forget it. Congratulate the happy couple for me.”

  I hung up, jerked a pillow over my face and screamed.

  Brinley poked her head inside the door. “Everything okay?”

  “Fan-fucking-tastic.” I stood, adjusted my dress and checked my hair in the mirror. “I’m getting shit-faced tonight. And laid.”

  She stared at me a second, a slight crease between her brows and I prepared myself for the inevitable attempt at a heart-to-heart, but then she smiled. “Well, what are we waiting for?”

  I was seriously starting to love this girl. The best thing about Brinley: She accepted people, flaws and all. Never even tried to change them. It’s like somehow she saw past all the crap and found the good buried underneath. Of course, she might still be searching for mine but she seemed to genuinely enjoy my company, and the feeling was mutual.


  The Box was the college bar and every time I stepped through its doors, a buzz washed over me. Music pumped through my veins, the dance floor enticed me, couples pressed together heated my flesh. This was the excitement I craved. It was everything I’d missed out on while dating Cameron in high school. While my friends went to parties, made out with random guys and endlessly chattered about it Monday morning, I went on movie dates, cuddled with the love of my life and felt sorry for them because they didn’t have what I had. I felt sorry for them. Stupid.

  But now was my time. And I’d spent every moment of my college life ensuring I did whatever the hell I wanted. All the focus and pretense of work this week had taken its toll. Time to break free.

  I dragged Brinley to the bar, sought the youngest and least attractive male bartender, flashed my ID along with the most flirtatious grin I could muster and ordered us two shots. Each. The ID I used hardly looked like me, but I had the drill down.

  “Drink up.” I tapped my shot glass against Brinley’s.

  She hesitated then threw it back. She’d gone from non-drinker to social drinker, but I still sensed her internal conflict with drinking.

  I offered her the second shot really not sure if she’d go for it, but to my surprise she threw it back.

  She handed me cash. “On me. For rocking the first week of your internship. And for whatever your mom said to piss you off.” A smile flashed. “If there’s one thing I can relate to, it’s shitty mom drama.”

  “Thanks. On both accounts.”

  “Glad to finally return the favor. Want to talk about it?”

  Thanks to my high school years being dedicated to a loser boyfriend, I didn’t really do the girl chat. But Brinley and I had developed the closest thing I’d ever had to a true girl friendship. We’d somehow bonded. Wasn’t really sure how or when it even happened, but it had. Unfortunately, talking about stupid family shit would ruin my night. Which wasn’t in the plans.

  “Maybe later. We’re gonna have fun tonight.”

  She grinned. “Speaking of fun. There’s Leena and Mel.”

  Mel slipped up next to me and bumped my hip with hers. “There’s my working girl.” She grinned and hugged me. “How’s it going?”

  “Fantastic.” I slid free of one hug and into another with Leena. “But tonight is all about…him.”

  Ryder had walked in with Luke and two other guys.

  The girls followed my gaze.

  “Yum.” Leena nudged me. “Let me know if he tastes as good as he looks.”

  “I can already assure you he does. Now I just need to know if that body is as rocking in bed as it is in that shirt. Damn.”

  Truth be told, I was talking him up. Sure he was hot, but nowhere near as sexy as Cade. Though the hair was almost the same color. And the height close. Huh, he actually had quite a few similarities from a distance.

  Luke made eye contact with me and smiled.

  “Time to shake our asses.” I grabbed Brinley’s hand and dragged her toward the floor; she latched onto Ryder who stumbled along. I glanced back. “Hey, Luke, you aren’t really just going to stand there, are you?” I ran my tongue over my bottom lip, then pressed my teeth into it.

  He cocked a sexy smile and followed.

  It was just too damn easy sometimes.

  Ryder wrapped his arms around Brinley’s waist as she pressed to him, leaving Luke and I just standing there.

  He reached out and took my hand, tugging me against him. And there was the guy I’d remembered. Confident, not scared to go for what he wanted.

  My body relaxed into him. Tonight was about escape. A distraction. I had no plans to chase some guy down.

  Luke’s hand slid down and settled on the small of my back.

  I pushed my hands up his chest then slid my fingers behind his neck.

  “How have you been?” he asked.

  Conversation. Not a part of the plan. He was getting lucky; no small talk necessary.

  I looked up and found him watching me.

doubt, he was cocky. Ryder tended to attract that kind of guy. It’s like they all bonded over inflated egos. Or maybe it was the confidence that drew them together. Who knew? But right now, as Luke awaited my answer, I saw a normal guy. Just a person being friendly. But I wanted a slightly arrogant asshole who I could take great pleasure in kicking out of my bed later. Nice guy didn’t work well with that.


  I pushed all those thoughts aside and grinned up at him. With a shrug, I said, “Been okay, but I know what would make it better.” Fisting a handful of his shirt, I tugged him toward me and pressed my lips to his.

  His grip on my back slid to my ass and tightened, pulling me into him. His other hand pushed into my hair as he slipped his tongue into my mouth.

  I bit his bottom lip and pulled back slightly, then smiled up at him. “Shot time.”

  After hitting the bar, Leena and Mel joined us on the dance floor and I danced with them a bit while Luke watched. His gaze scorched my skin as the alcohol warmed my body, and I’d glance at him, tossing the occasional smile, just to be sure he didn’t lose interest or doubt my intentions for him. Once nice and buzzed, and all danced out, I pulled him to me. His lips instantly connected to mine. My plan had worked. He was as ready as I was.

  “Let’s get out of here.” My lips brushed against his as I spoke. “We can go to my place.”

  “Sure,” Luke said, his hand lowered, taking hold of mine, ready to lead me out of there.

  Brinley had Ryder to give her a ride home and she wouldn’t mind me leaving, but this was the first time I’d brought a guy back to the new apartment. Of course, my real concern wasn’t bringing a guy home; it was bringing Ryder’s friend home. “Hang on. Let me tell Brinley we’re leaving.”

  He nodded and glanced at Ryder, like suddenly remembering he was there.

  I walked over to Brinley. “We’re taking off.”

  She looked at me then at Luke, standing a few feet behind us. “Ryder drove. We can leave together if you want.”

  I’d kind of hoped to just take a taxi back and avoid awkwardness. “Um.” I glanced at Ryder.

  He studied me then said, “He’s a big boy. He makes his own decisions. If you’re cool with this, so am I.”

  I looked away. My decisions were always my own to make, so why did I suddenly feel like a kid needing permission? Of course, there was always one way to regain control of a situation: Make everyone else more uncomfortable than I currently was. I slid my gaze back to Ryder and grinned. “So he’s a big boy, huh? Like how big are we talking?” I gestured with my hands. “Because I like them big.”

  Brinley’s lips parted, though I had no idea why she was surprised I’d gone there. She should be used to me by now, and come on, the joke was right there. Set up for the taking.

  Ryder smirked and shook his head slightly.

  I patted him on the chest. “Now you got me all excited. No way can I wait for a cab. We’ll ride home with you.” I turned to walk away and called back. “Better not just be getting my hopes up.”

  But no matter how much I acted like I didn’t care, there was still an awkwardness between us as we drove home. Of course, it could have had something to do with the fact that, thanks to me, everyone was now wondering what Luke was packing.

  After the painfully quiet car ride back to the apartment, Brinley unlocked the front door and stepped inside. She and Ryder tried their best to act casual, but I wasn’t drunk enough for the situation to be anything less than uncomfortable.

  Brinley glanced at me. “Um, ’night.” She smiled quickly at Luke then headed down the hall with Ryder trailing behind her.

  He paused and turned to Luke. “If you, uh, need to get home or anything, you can borrow my car. I’ll get it from you tomorrow.” Ryder tossed his keys on the counter.

  When the door to Brinley’s room shut, Luke puffed out air and leaned against the back of the couch. “Holy shit, that was awkward.”

  Laughter burst from my lips. “Oh my God, it was, right?”

  “Reminiscent of my parents driving a date and me to our first dance. Like really. That painful.”

  With a smile, I rounded the corner into the kitchen and pulled out two beers. “Here. I think we could both use this.”

  He took the can. “Thanks.” He looked around the apartment. “Nice place. How long have you been here?” The can hissed as he pulled the tab.

  “We moved in the last week of May. Right after we had to be out of the dorms.”

  “Cool. I live pretty much down the street at University Oaks.”

  “Oh, wow, that’s really close.” The area we lived in was basically a strip of college apartments right off the university shuttle route, so it never surprised me to find out someone from school lived nearby, but I hadn’t expected him to live so close. Though it may seem convenient, I preferred not to run into guys I hooked up with on a regular basis. Not to mention this was already getting a bit too conversational for my taste; next thing he’d be wanting my number or something.

  I pushed off the counter and nodded for him to follow me. We stepped into my room and I closed the door behind us. When he turned to face me, I pressed myself to him.

  No hesitation. No chance for discussion. Just my mouth on his.

  His hand went around my waist while the other reached out to place his beer down on the dresser.

  I fumbled with a lamp then flipped the room light off as his hands slid under my dress and drifted up my thighs.

  While guiding him back to the bed, I pushed his shirt over his head. He tugged it off then sat on the bed. Or maybe sort of fell, since I may have shoved him a tad.

  I pulled one dress strap over my shoulder and slid my arm out, then did the same with the other side. The dress slipped down my body, puddling at my feet.

  Luke stared, looking a little surprised. Like maybe a small part of him hadn’t really expected sex. Which was weird. Why would he even bother coming to my place if he didn’t anticipate it?

  I straddled him then guided him back onto my bed. As we kissed his hands slid up and down my body, warming my skin. He was as good a kisser as I recalled, but didn’t get me going quite the way last night’s dream had. If there was any truth to it, Cade would be an amazing kisser.

  Wait. No Cade thoughts.

  Then again, was it so wrong to pretend this was Cade? I mean the hair, general build…It wouldn’t be difficult. Hell, it might even help get him off my mind. Like placebo sex.

  The dream helped guide the fantasy as I envisioned Cade’s strong arms were the ones squeezing our bodies flush. I trailed my fingers over Luke’s chest while imagining the mouth running down my jaw and along my neck was the same one that quirked into an adorable smile. Would that same mouth talk dirty, or whisper sweet words? Maybe both. A shiver drifted through me. God, that would be hot. He could call me beautiful and ask me to fuck him all in one breath. A moan built slowly inside my chest.

  Everything was perfectly on par with my Cade dream as I lowered my hand between our bodies and fumbled with the button of his jeans. With one hand gripping my waist, he kicked off his pants and shifted, pressing me into the mattress as he settled over me.

  But that wasn’t right.

  In my dream, Cade let me stay on top. He’d wanted it that way so he could see me. All of me. And it had been crazy hot.

  Luke’s hand skimmed down my belly as he mumbled something. The tone of his voice jarred me back to reality. My eyes snapped open. This wasn’t Cade. But this was a real guy, and just like always, we neared the moment where I checked out. The actual sex.

  Sure I loved the buildup, the touching, kissing. All the natural responses there, driving me toward the next step. But it never failed. No matter how much I tried to find enjoyment in the actual sex, I never could. I used to think maybe it’d be different with the next guy. But there’d been a lot of disappointment until I finally just accepted it as fact. I got what I needed out of foreplay; the sex was for the guy. The quicker it was over, the bet
ter. So eventually I’d modify my breathing, make some timely sounds and do my job to push him over the edge. Sometimes it was just moaning their name. Other times a dirty word or two. Regardless, it never took much. One of the perks of overeager college boys.

  Luke’s mouth came back to mine, except something was different in the way he kissed me. He seemed tentative. His hands hesitant.

  He finally pulled back and stared down at me. “You okay?”

  “What? Yeah, of course.”

  He studied me then smiled. “You look pretty tired. It’s probably time for me to head out anyway.” With one quick peck to the forehead, he slid off me and reached for his shirt.

  “Wait? Don’t you want…” Okay, what did I even say? This had never ever happened.

  He glanced at me over his shoulder as he tugged on his jeans. “Of course, I do. But it’s fine if you don’t. I can respect that.” And he seemed genuinely okay with it. Weird.

  I sat up in complete disbelief. He was leaving? Before I’d even kicked him out? “I want to. I mean, I brought you here.”

  He stood, buttoned his jeans and then sat back down. “Honestly, it’s okay. I don’t want you to have some sort of obligatory sex. It’s okay to change your mind.” He studied me a second then offered a small smile. “I have three sisters. I hope every guy treats them with as much respect as they deserve, and I’ll always treat girls with that kind of respect in turn.”

  Holy fuck, who was this guy? I’d totally picked the wrong guy tonight. I should have hooked him up with Leena or Mel and found myself an asshole.

  I literally couldn’t think of one thing to say in response to that. “Thanks,” finally slipped from my lips followed by my lame explanation. “It’s not just you. I always change my mind when it’s too late.”

  His eyebrows pushed together. “It’s never too late.”

  “You know what I mean, like when I’m too far in. It’d be shitty to do that to a guy.”

  He shook his head. “It’s still your right. And any decent guy would respect that.”

  Tears pricked my eyes, but I had no idea why. Fuck.

  He gently squeezed my thigh and stood. “I’m going to take Ryder up on his offer. Just let him know.”


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