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Reid Page 17

by SJ McCoy

  Chapter Eighteen

  Tara watched in amazement as Owen took Jean’s hand and led her to his bedroom. She’d never seen him this comfortable with strangers before. He’d met Jean before and liked her when they had lunch, but this was the first time he’d met Reid’s father, Johnny, and he was just as comfortable with him.

  Johnny smiled at her. “He’s a good boy, isn’t he?”

  “He is. Though he isn’t normally like this around strangers. I was concerned about how this would go.”

  Johnny and Jean had come over for lunch. She’d wanted to see them and to thank Jean for getting the house—and especially Owen’s room—ready for them.

  Johnny smiled. “We have a head start on most people as to how to treat him.” He jerked his head toward the kitchen where Reid was busy putting the finishing touches to a pasta dish he’d been preparing for them all. “We went through it with Reid. We made a lot of mistakes along the way—well, I did. But we learned and …” He grinned. “I think he turned out okay.”

  Tara chuckled. “I’d have to agree with you on that.”

  Reid turned around and eyed them suspiciously. “Why do I get the feeling that you’re talking about me?”

  “Because we are,” said Johnny. “It hardly takes your level of genius to figure that out.”

  Reid shrugged and came to stand beside Tara. “Don’t listen to him.”

  She laughed. “I think I need to listen. Your mom and dad did such a good job with you, I can learn a lot from them about raising Owen.”

  His dad looked serious when he spoke again. “Well, if it’s advice you’re looking for, I wouldn’t hesitate to suggest that you go ahead and move here.”

  Tara met his gaze. She was surprised that he’d just come straight out and say it like that.

  He smiled. “I’m not one to beat about the bush. I say it as I see it. The two of you seem to know that you want to be together. This is, in my opinion, about the best environment you’ll find for Owen. So, why not do it?”

  Tara shrugged. She couldn’t see any reason not to, but she didn’t want Johnny to think that she was the kind of girl who’d jump straight in. “I want to, I do.”

  Johnny smiled kindly at her. “Sorry. I think Jean’s a bad influence on me. I don’t mean to rush you or to put you under any kind of pressure. I’m just glad to see you both so happy, and I truly believe that Owen will do well here.” He cast a glance down the hallway that led to the bedrooms, and they all smiled at the sound of Jean and Owen laughing. “There’s no doubt that you’ll have a support system here. Jean’s already talking about us babysitting once Owen’s comfortable with us.”

  Tara closed her eyes to keep in the tears that were pricking. Johnny looked concerned and held up a hand. “Down the line, sometime. When you both know us better.”

  She shook her head. “I just can’t believe how …” She shook her head again. She didn’t know how to tell him just how much it meant to her. “All I’m trying to say is thank you.”

  Reid slipped his arm around her shoulders and smiled at his dad. “Thanks.”

  At that moment, Jean came running out of the bedroom giggling as Owen chased after her. Tara couldn’t remember ever seeing him play like that, even with other kids. He was giggling as he ran, too.

  Jean grabbed Reid’s shoulders and hid behind him. “You can’t get me now!”

  Owen giggled again and walked around Reid, but Jean kept turning him, so he stayed between them.

  Johnny squatted down, so he was on Owen’s level. “What’s going on?”

  Owen smiled at him. “Jean’s got dinosaur.”

  Tara couldn’t believe it as she watched Jean waggle the plastic creature around the side of Reid’s knee. Owen laughed and grabbed for it, and she let him get it.

  He grinned up at them. “Owen’s dinosaur,” he announced before giggling and running back to his bedroom.

  Jean looked at Reid. “I’ll be back, and I’ll be ready for a glass of wine,” she said with a smile before she chased after Owen again.

  It was hard for Tara to believe that just a couple of weeks ago she and Reid had met because Owen had freaked out over his little cousins taking his dinosaur and wanting to play.

  Reid hugged her to his side. “I had a feeling he’d do well with them.”

  “And you were right.”

  “I’ll bet that babysitting offer is sounding more appealing,” said Johnny.

  She chuckled. “It is. I don’t remember the last time I had an evening out. I can’t leave him with anyone.”

  “You can now.” Johnny smiled at her.

  “Are we almost ready to eat?” asked Reid.

  “I am,” said Johnny. “I’m starving.”

  “Can I do anything to help?” Tara asked. This morning had been full of surprises. Owen was surprising her, and so was Reid. She hadn’t expected him to offer to make lunch for everyone—or to turn out to be such a good cook; the pasta smelled wonderful, and it was making her stomach growl.

  “No, it’s …” He stopped and smiled at her. “Actually, yes. Would you mind setting the table?”

  As he showed her where things were kept and she laid the table, she understood. She wasn’t a guest in his house. They were becoming a team, working together to get things ready for their guests. His dad went to Owen’s room and soon joined in the laughter coming from there.

  Reid came and slid his arms around her waist as she was getting forks from the cutlery drawer. “How are you doing?” His warm breath sent shivers down her neck as he spoke next to her ear.

  She leaned her head back against his shoulder. “I’m wondering how I got so lucky. You are wonderful. Your parents are awesome. Owen’s so happy. And I don’t want to wake up from this dream.”

  He chuckled. “It’s not a dream. It’s your life now—if you want it.”

  She turned around and planted a kiss on his lips. “I want it. I want you, Reid. I want us, and yes, I want this life.”

  “So do I. When do you want to start?”

  She met his gaze. She knew he’d love it if she wanted to stay here and never go back, but it wasn’t that easy. She might not have much of a life, but she couldn’t just walk out on it. She needed to wrap it up. There was the lease on the apartment … She drew in a deep breath as she realized that that was about it. Her work would come with her. Owen was happier here. She’d miss her sister, but … She smiled. “We need to go back, but I don’t think we need to be there for very long.”

  His eyes shone with happiness as he nodded. “Let’s leave tonight? Maybe we can be back here by next weekend?”

  Her heart was racing, but it was with excitement, not apprehension. “Okay.”

  ~ ~ ~

  “So, letting you take the plane up there worked out well for you, huh?”

  Reid smiled at Oscar. He knew his brother would be happy to take the credit for playing a part in making his and Tara’s future come together. “It did, thank you. I shall be forever grateful.”

  Oscar grinned and swaggered his shoulders. “Happy to help.”

  TJ shook his head. “Don’t go preening yourself. It’s all down to Reid. He took her up there, took Owen to see the park. And by the sounds of it, fended Mom off. From what Dad said she practically redecorated your whole house before you got there.”

  “She did.” Reid laughed. “Apparently she raced back up there after she had lunch with Tara last week and started prepping the place for us all to live there. She reckoned she hadn’t finished, and we took her by surprise by going up on Saturday, but I don’t think I want to know what else she would have done if she’d had more time.”

  Grace smiled at him. They were all sitting in her office at the center. Reid had come over here today because Tara had to work. She was finishing off editing a book. He’d suggested that he and Owen might hang out, but she’d thought it better to stick to their usual routine. She was right. And he’d wanted to see his brothers a
nyway and tell them his news. Though, of course, they’d heard it from his mom first.

  “So, what’s the plan?” asked Terry.

  “She has to finish work on this book and then we’re going to pack her up and move.”

  “What about you?” asked TJ.

  He shrugged. “I brought everything I need to be away from home for a while. I’m good. I’ll go back to the island at some point after we’re settled in and move more of my things.”

  “Spider will be disappointed that he didn’t get to visit you,” said Grace.

  Damn. That was a detail he’d overlooked. That wasn’t like him, but under the circumstances, he supposed it was understandable. “He can still go. He can stay at the house. It was more about seeing the islands than seeing me.”

  “You wouldn’t mind?”

  “Not at all. He can stay there as long as he likes.”

  TJ raised an eyebrow at him. “Are you looking for a house-sitter?”

  “No. I know he couldn’t do that. He has the coffee shop to think about, but it’d be nice to think there’d be someone staying there.”

  “You should talk him into taking a break and going up there,” Oscar told Grace. “That’d be a win-win. He could use some time off. I’ve never known him to take a vacation.”

  Grace laughed. “I don’t think he ever has. It’s not what we do.”

  Oscar made a face at her. “You do now. I keep asking when we can travel.”

  She shrugged. “I’m a worker bee, not a slacker.”

  Oscar looked around at them. “Can one of you help me convince her of the work hard, play hard theory?”

  “I say go take a vacation,” said Reid. “You deserve it more than most people I’ve ever known.”

  “Well, since you say so, I’ll think about it,” said Grace.

  “And why would you listen to him and not me?” Oscar asked indignantly.

  She laughed. “Because Reid gets it. You play all the time. Reid has to work till he’s done and then take a break. I reckon if he can loosen up enough to take a break with Tara—and to give her a break—then I can probably do the same. And hopefully, persuade Spider that it’s vacation season and he should go stay at Reid’s house.”

  Terry grinned at Reid. “You sure seem to be working some magic. You come back into town, and within a couple of weeks, you’ve changed your life, and you’re touching everyone else’s.”

  Reid shrugged. He’d be happy to think that was true.

  “What about her ex?” asked TJ.

  “It turns out that he’s an unsavory character, and now she knows it, she doesn’t mind moving Owen away from him.”

  “And he doesn’t have anything to say about it?” TJ frowned.

  “He doesn’t get a say.”

  Grace made a face.


  “I hope he doesn’t get a say, but you need to figure out where you stand legally. It’s not always straightforward to move out of state with a child. She was married to him, wasn’t she?”

  “Yes, but they’re divorced, and he hasn’t had any contact for a couple of years.”

  “She needs to check her custody agreement.”

  “Thanks.” Reid didn’t like the sound of that, but it was something they needed to deal with. He checked his watch. “I should get going.”

  “Are you going to bring her out for dinner one night?” asked TJ.

  “I’ll talk to her, see what she thinks. I know she wants to meet you, but I don’t know how Owen will deal with it.”

  “You could come to our place, and we all can hang out by the pool,” suggested TJ.

  “Maybe. Or maybe you could all come to her place. That’d be best for Owen, but I’ll talk to her.”

  “Don’t you sweat it.” Terry smiled at him. “You and her and the little one are good, and that’s all that matters. Figuring out her ex and introducing her to these guys will all fall into place. Don’t stress over it.”

  Reid smiled at him. Terry was an insightful guy. “Thanks. It’ll all work out. I’m sure.” He straightened his collar and smiled at the rest of them. “I’ll see you soon.”

  He called Tara on his way back to the apartment.

  “Hey. How are you doing?” she answered.

  “I’m doing well. I just left the center. Do you want me to pick up anything for dinner?”

  “Yes, please. Whatever you like. I was going to go to the store when I finished work, but Nicole came by. She’s still here.”

  “Do I get to meet her?”

  “If you want to. She wasn’t sure if she should wait or get going before you got back.”

  He smiled. “I’d like to meet her, if she has time. Oscar and TJ would like to meet you, too.”

  “I’d like that. We’ll have to set something up. But you get to go first. You can meet my sister when you get home.”

  “I’m looking forward to it. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Tara hung up and looked at Nicole. “He’s on his way.”

  Nicole grinned and clasped her hands together. “I can’t wait to meet him. Part of me keeps wondering if you’ve made all this up. It just seems too good to be true—you meeting a guy who understands Owen—who Owen seems to love! And him being rich and gorgeous and wanting to whisk you away from all this to a better life.”

  Tara laughed. “You think you’re struggling to believe it? Can you imagine how I feel?”

  “No. I honestly can’t. I can’t imagine ever getting that lucky.”

  “Aww, you lucked out with Steve. He’s one of life’s good guys.”

  “I know, but he’s no billionaire, is he?”

  “Nor does he need to be. That’s not what I love about Reid. I love who he is, not what he has.”

  “I know. I’m only teasing you—but you have to admit, it doesn’t hurt, does it?”

  Tara blew out a sigh. “It doesn’t. I know how lucky I am.”

  “Well, you deserve some good luck after the shitty hand you were dealt the first time.”

  “Yeah. I haven’t heard from Mark for a while. I’m hoping he’s just drifted away again, but I should at least tell him we’re leaving.”

  “Pft! Why? You don’t owe him a damned thing.”

  “Okay. Let’s not argue about that.” She held her sister’s gaze for a moment. “I’m going to miss you. I’m going to miss you just dropping in like this.”

  Nicole gave her a sad smile. “I’m going to miss you, too, but I’m trying not to think about that. It’s a small price to pay for you to get the life you and Owen deserve.” She laughed. “Maybe Reid will send a plane to pick us up to come visit you.”

  “Maybe he will.” Tara knew he would. And she knew she’d have to get over feeling guilty about letting him do things that cost so much money.

  Owen came out of his room when he heard the key in the door. He grinned at Tara and Nicole and said, “Reid’s home.”

  Nicole grinned at her. “It’s so cool to see him like this.”

  Tara nodded, glad that Nicole was getting to see it. She didn’t want her sister to worry about them.

  When Reid came in, his smile took her breath away. She really hoped this wasn’t a dream she was going to wake up from soon.

  “Reid’s home!” Owen ran to him, and he scooped him up, sitting him on one hip and shifting the takeout bag to his other hand.

  “Hey, little buddy. How was your day?”

  “Good day. Aunt Nicole’s here.” Owen pointed.

  Reid came in and smiled at them. “Hi, Nicole. It’s good to meet you.”

  “You, too.” Tara could tell that Nicole was taken with him.

  He went and set the bag down on the counter in the kitchen and set Owen down, too.

  Tara went and put her arm around his waist and kissed his cheek, hoping that might help him feel less under the microscope.

  “So, I hear the three of you plan t
o leave town?” asked Nicole.

  “We do. What do you think about it?”

  “I think it’s wonderful. My only concern is that I’m going to miss them.”

  Reid nodded. “I don’t want that to happen. My brothers come up to Montana often on the weekends. I hope you’ll want to?”

  Tara wanted to laugh at the grin on Nicole’s face. “I’d love to.”

  “And, of course, bring the girls and Steve.”

  Tara was proud of him that he remembered Steve’s name; she’d only mentioned him a couple of times.

  “I will, and sometimes I’ll come by myself.”

  Tara did laugh this time. She wasn’t surprised Nicole was happy for her—she intended to make the most of her good fortune, too.

  “Do you want to stay and eat?” asked Reid.

  “I can’t. I should get going. I need to get home and make dinner for the girls. I just wanted to meet you. I’ve heard so much good about you, but I needed to see for myself.”

  “I know this must be difficult for you. I promise you I’ll take care of them.”

  “I believe you, but I promise you, you’ll have me to answer to if you don’t.”

  Tara wished Nicole wasn’t so forthright sometimes, but Reid smiled, and she remembered that was how he liked it.

  “I wouldn’t expect anything less.”

  Nicole smiled at Tara. “I wish I could stay and interrogate you both, but I need to go. You call me, okay? And don’t you dare think you can leave without a hug.”

  Tara nodded.

  “And you,” Nicole turned to Reid. “You get a conditional stamp of approval, but I will interrogate you next time I see you.”

  Reid chuckled. “I can’t say I’ll look forward to it, but yeah, it’s only fair.”

  “And you.” Nicole bent down and landed a kiss on top of Owen’s head. “I’ll see you soon, little mister.”

  Owen smiled at her. “See you soon.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  “Want Reid to stay!” Owen’s bottom lip was sticking out, and his chin was trembling as he followed Reid to the front door.

  Reid looked at Tara. They both knew what was coming.

  Tara closed her eyes and sucked in a deep breath. “Mommy has to work.”


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