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Static Page 7

by Darien Cox

  Before leaving for the day, I went out to the front lobby to see Tanya, the receptionist. I’d forgotten my access card that morning—I was a little distracted after the events of the prior evening, so I needed to return the temporary card she’d assigned me. And that’s when I spotted Ricky, Tim’s surfer-boy date from the Halloween party.

  Ricky didn’t notice me. He sat waiting in one of the lobby chairs, scrolling through his phone. No Chiquita Banana costume today, he was dressed up in a black suit with a white shirt and blue tie. Obviously, he was waiting for Tim. I didn’t want to be there when Tim came out to greet him, so I headed back to my desk.

  But I passed Tim as I was leaving the lobby.

  “Hey,” he said.

  “Hey.” I gave Tim a quick smile, then brushed past him.

  I didn’t want him to feel like he had to explain anything to me. Explain why Ricky was there to pick him up. Or why he hadn’t spoken to me all day, even though we’d made out like animals in his car last night.

  But as I was closing up my desk and getting ready to leave the office, Tim appeared at my cubicle. Handsome and flushed in black slacks and a pink button-down shirt, he gave me a sheepish smile. “Hey, heading out?”

  “Yeah. Done with this place for the day. You look nice.”

  “Thanks.” Tim stared at me, brows pinched. “Listen, Jonathan. I’m guessing you saw Ricky in the lobby.”

  “I did. He’s very…tan.”

  Tim laughed, breaking the tension, and I laughed with him. “It’s a spray tan.”

  “I figured.”

  “I just wanted you to know, I already had plans with him to go to a play tonight. Tickets were expensive, so I couldn’t really cancel. I had a really good time with you last night.”

  “I did too. And you don’t have to explain. I know you’re dating Ricky.”

  “Yeah.” Tim chewed his bottom lip. “Hey, would you maybe want to…do something with me this weekend?”

  “Oh. Yeah, sure. What did you have in mind?”

  “I’ll think of something. I’d just like to spend some time with you. Can I call you?”

  “Sure. Give me a call.”

  His shoulders sagged, relief evident. “Great. I’ll call you. Have a good night.”

  “You too. Enjoy the play.”

  Tim left, and I got my briefcase out of the drawer and locked up. I walked by the windows looking down onto the street, and spotted Tim and Ricky. Ricky opened the passenger side door of a little black sports car, and Tim got in. But not before kissing Ricky on the mouth.

  The kiss lingered, and I stiffened, watching.

  Ricky closed Tim’s door, then rounded the vehicle and slid in behind the wheel. I watched the car drive off.

  For a few minutes after Tim asked me to do something with him this weekend, I felt happy. Special. Excited.

  As I left the building and headed for my own car, those feelings faded.

  Chapter Seven

  Drew sent a text asking if I wanted to go out for Thirsty Thursday drinks, but I declined. I was feeling a little sorry for myself, and just wanted to be at home. My home felt weird to me now, and I hated that. I wanted to fix it. I wanted to be comfortable here again now that I was done with the hacker or web crawler or whatever the hell I’d been speaking to. I refused to boot up my computer again. I was getting rid of the thing, and it might be a good long while before I purchased another. I’d just have to live without Netflix for now. It was a small price to pay for my sanity.

  I glanced at the window-screen, now leaned against the wall in my living room. I hadn’t bothered to put it back in. I had not, in fact, dared to open a single window in my house since. Fortunately, the weather had changed, so my house was cool and comfortable. Maybe even a little cold. I was too stingy to turn the heat on yet, so I’d bought some wood, and started a fire in the fire place.

  I liked my own company. Since I had no desire to watch porn tonight—was kind of turned off by it now to be honest—I settled into my recliner to read by the fireplace. Calm. Peaceful. A normal evening at home with no distractions. This was what I needed.

  I was just starting to get into my mystery novel when the doorbell rang. I stiffened. I had to admit I was afraid of what I might find when I opened it. A raccoon? A swarm of bats? A black cat, sitting on the stoop, staring up at me with yellow eyes?

  “Oh for fuck’s sake, get over it,” I muttered to myself, and set my book down, leaving my chair to answer the door.

  When I peered through the window, I froze. It was not a raccoon. It was Miko.

  My heart thumped. Miko stood on my porch, hands in his jeans pockets, looking down at his feet. No bat wings tonight, he wore a dark green tee shirt with a brown leather jacket over it. He looked up and rang the doorbell again. Miko was even more physically stunning than I remembered, that jet black hair, sharp blue eyes. His scowl didn’t take away from his hotness, it enhanced it.

  But who was he? And why was he here, at my home?

  I opened the door and Miko stared at me, saying nothing.

  “What are you doing here? How did you know where I lived?”

  He shrugged casually. “Drew told me.”

  I relaxed a little, but was still suspicious. “How do you know Drew?”

  “Mutual friends. You gonna let me in?”

  “I’m not sure. I doubt Drew would give you my address.”

  “Yeah, well, he was a little drunk when I asked about you at the Halloween party. It was after you left. I felt bad for taking off. So I went back. But you were gone.”

  “Oh.” I scowled. “You haven’t been…talking to me online, have you?”

  His brow furrowed, blue eyes narrowed. “The fuck you talking about?”

  “Have you been chatting with me on the computer?”

  “I don’t even own a computer.”

  I huffed. “You don’t own a computer.”

  “Oh, does that make me unsophisticated, Jonathan? You didn’t seem to mind slumming it with me in that alley the other night.”

  I sighed. Miko was certainly convincing. I wanted to believe him. I could smell his cologne, and just the sight of him had my body responding. “What do you want?”

  He stepped closer to me, eye to eye. “I want you to invite me in.”

  I swallowed hard. “What for?”

  Miko nudged my nose with his. “For whatever you want,” he whispered.

  I let him in. Maybe it was a mistake. Maybe it wasn’t. But I let him in.

  “Make yourself comfortable,” I said as he strode into my living room. “You want a glass of wine?”

  “Yeah, sure.” He took his jacket off and sat down on my sofa, stretching his legs out and leaning back. Comfortable and confident. “If you’re having one, I mean.”

  “Oh, I think I definitely need one. I’ll be right back.”

  In the kitchen, I got a bottle of wine out of the fridge and opened it. Got two glasses out. Before pouring the wine, I sent a text to Drew.

  ‘Hey, do you know a guy called Miko?’

  ‘I think so. Why?’

  ‘How do you know him?’

  A minute passed, then Drew texted back.

  ‘I remember now. Talked to him at the Halloween party. I think he knows Kenny and Paul. I was a little drunk so I’m not positive. Sorry.’

  Okay. I was starting to get comfortable with the idea that Miko was not my cyber-stalker. If he was, then he was a hell of an actor. But from what I’d seen of his personality, it in no way matched the freak I’d been talking to online.

  Besides. Tim, my crush, was out on a date. I was entitled to enjoy the company of a gorgeous man who’d shown up at my door. Miko had made an effort tonight. Tim had not.

  I poured the wine.

  “Here you go.” I handed Miko a glass and sat down beside him on the couch. “So where are you from?”

  Miko sipped his wine, then set it down on the coffee table. He shifted to face me. “Does it matter?” He ran his index finger do
wn my cheek and I shivered.

  “Just trying to get to know you. Making conversation. Don’t you want to know anything about me?”

  “I already know enough.”

  My shoulders tightened. “What do you mean?”

  Miko took my wine from my hand, then put it on the coffee table. He slid closer to me, gliding fingers up my arm. “I know you make my dick hard. That’s enough.”

  “Is that the only reason you came here tonight?”

  Leaning in, Miko grasped my shoulders and maneuvered me down onto my back. He eased on top of me, making me gasp when he slid between my legs, his weight pressing down. “I want to show you things.” He took my glasses off and set them aside on the coffee table.

  I could barely think straight with his body pinning me down. Kissing Tim had been fantastic, but I’d never had a man’s body on top of me—pressed hard against my groin—and it was something else, a whole new level of excitement. “What do you want to show me?” I asked, my voice breathy.

  “First,” he whispered against my lips. “I want to show you that I actually know how to kiss. Is that all right?”


  Miko’s mouth captured mine, and for a moment I froze. When his tongue probed, I opened to him, and he let out a breath, making the kiss deeper. My body softened. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him tighter against me, kissing him back.

  The kiss wasn’t soft and gentle like Tim’s. Miko devoured my mouth with hunger, his tongue soft and insistent and tasting like heaven, and his body moved with it, gathering me in his arms and undulating against me. “Shit,” I hissed.

  Miko laughed when my exclamation broke the kiss, staring down at me with a grin. “You love this, don’t you, Jonathan?”

  A shiver of fear passed through me. Hearing him speak my name like that. The way the hacker always did. “You’re pretty confident in yourself, aren’t you, Miko?”

  “Confident I can make you feel things no one ever has.”

  “You sure about that?” Even as I challenged him, my cock swelled, and I knew I was too weak to stop this. I wanted it. Miko was right. I loved it.

  “I’m willing to give it a try,” Miko said, and kissed me again.

  I lost myself in his mouth, in the feel of his warm body. Miko wriggled my shirt off, then removed his own. His body was lean and muscled, a brush of hair around his nipples. Almost too perfect. He grew aggressive in his kissing, hot flesh moving against mine, pumping his hips until I was about to explode. He took my body over with confidence, devouring me completely.

  Gasping, I grabbed his head and pushed him back, breaking the kiss. “Wait…”

  “Why?” He kissed me again, sucking my tongue. “Nothing to wait for.”

  “You’re driving me fucking nuts. Gonna make me lose it.”

  Miko nibbled along my jaw. “Want me to take your pants off?” he whispered in my ear. “Want me to suck your cock?”

  My back arched. I hadn’t thought my erection could get any harder, but his words sent the blood rushing to my groin. I’d thought about getting a blowjob from a man so many times. But hadn’t anticipated how exciting it was, just going this far. I wasn’t sure I could take much more.

  “I’m gonna take that as a yes.” Miko shifted fast, tugging my lounge pants down to my knees. He lowered his body down and licked a line up my shaft.

  “Oh, fuck. Oh shit, wait.”

  Blue eyes looked up the line of my body, dark brows pinched. “You telling me you don’t want it?” He lathed my balls with his tongue, and my stomach tightened, frissons of pleasure making me gasp. “You don’t want to feel my mouth all around your cock? Don’t want me to suck it until you explode, Jonathan?”

  “I do.” The words crooned out of me, thought deserting. “I want it.”

  Miko slid off the couch, shifting me until I was sitting up, legs spread. He unfastened his jeans and pushed them down over his hips. Kneeling before me, he took hold of my cock with one hand, his own with the other. His eyes locked on mine as he stroked his own thick erection.

  The sight of him working his cock nearly did me in. I’d watched a thousand men jerk themselves off onscreen, but porn didn’t hold a candle to this. This was real. A real man, kneeling before me, showing me his dick. Stroking it for me. I could smell him. I could still taste his kiss on my tongue. I could hear his heavy breath and feel his body heat.

  “You ready? Ready for me to suck you down my throat while I beat myself off, Jonathan?”

  My chest rose and fell, more turned on than I thought possible. Unable to form words, I nodded.

  Miko’s head lowered, then hot wet heat engulfed me. When the suction came, so did I, climaxing too fast like the amateur I was. My cock in his mouth, that hot, wet suction, it was too much for me, and I exploded, moaning.

  Miko swallowed it down. I was stunned, ecstatic, confused, lost in pleasure so scorching I thought I was about to die. When it became too much, I gripped a handful of his black hair and eased him off of me. “Holy shit, Miko.”

  Miko stood and grabbed my head, forcing it closer to his still-hard cock. I opened my mouth and his dick slid over my tongue. He must have been as close as I was, because bitter hot fluid washed over my tongue, filling my mouth. I had no idea what I was doing, but he seemed to enjoy it, pumping into me so hard I nearly gagged. I tried to swallow what he’d given me but most of it dripped down my chin, then finally, he pulled out.

  I wiped my mouth with my arm as Miko collapsed onto the couch beside me, eyes closed, bare chest rising and falling. I got up and went to the bathroom, cleaning myself up and rinsing my mouth out. Stared at myself in the mirror. Blond hair a sweaty mess. Pupils black and blown wide. Cheeks stained pink. Grabbing a towel, I ran it under warm water from the tap, then walked back to the living room.

  I’d half expected Miko to be gone. But he remained where I’d left him, stretched back on the sofa, jeans still halfway down his thighs. His cock had softened, but was still thick and long, and the sight of him was so beautiful I wondered what this man could possibly see in me. How he could have wanted me enough to show up at my front door, when he could undoubtedly score any one on the planet he desired.

  “Here.” I rested the warm cloth on his lower belly.

  Eyes still closed, Miko gently ran the cloth over his groin. Finally, he straightened and pulled his jeans up, fastening them. He snatched his tee shirt from the end of the sofa and pulled it over his head. “I didn’t expect it to feel that good,” he said, collapsing onto the sofa again.

  I sat down beside him. “I’m glad, but I’m sure you’ve had better. I’m not…that experienced.”

  Turning toward me, Miko ran his palm down my bare chest, sharp blue eyes looking into mine. “Did you love it?”

  I chuckled. “Yeah. You couldn’t tell?”

  He grinned. “Best you ever had?”

  I didn’t want to tell him it was the only I’d ever had, so I nodded. “The best.”

  “Will you lie in bed thinking about me tonight? Wishing you could have more? Jerk yourself off in the shower tomorrow, thinking about my mouth on your cock?”

  I inhaled sharply.

  “Will you do that, Jonathan? Will you be thinking about only me now?”

  My eyes widened. For a moment, the image of Tim Greenfield’s smiling face flashed through my mind. Tonight with Miko was exciting as hell. But Tim was the only man that made my heart ache.

  “Answer me. Will you be thinking about only me, Jonathan?”

  “Um, yeah. Probably.”


  Something in Miko’s gaze gave me pause. A flash of anger in his blue eyes.

  “I mean, definitely. It was amazing.”

  “How amazing?” he demanded.

  I shifted back, putting a little space between us. “Like I said…amazing. I’ve never felt anything like it.”

  “Better than when you jerk off to your porn videos?”

  I sprang from the couch and backed away.
Feeling vulnerable, I snatched my tee shirt off the floor and pulled it on. “What makes you think I jerk off to porn?”

  He grinned up at me. “Doesn’t everyone?”

  “I suppose.”

  “Tell me I’m better than your stupid porn.”

  “You are.”

  “Say it again. Say I’m better than all that stupid porn you watch.”

  My heart pounded, and goosebumps rose on my flesh.

  “Say it, Jonathan.”

  Fear tightened my asshole, because suddenly I knew. Miko was my hacker. “You’re him. Aren’t you?”

  Miko smirked. “Who is him?”

  “You know.”

  “I know you haven’t answer my question, Jonathan. Not in a way that satisfies me. You know I don’t like when you don’t answer my questions. Was I better than your stupid porn videos?”

  I thought I’d pass out, had forgotten to breathe.

  “Jonathan? Say it.”

  I remembered to breathe. Survival instinct kicked in. “You’re better. Better than porn.”

  Miko stretched his arms, resting them on the back of the sofa. He studied me with narrowed blue eyes. “You’re mine now. Right?”

  Dizziness threatened as my throat tightened. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean you don’t need anyone else. You don’t need anything else. Just me.”

  “I…I don’t really know you.”

  Miko sprang off the couch, walking toward me, jaw tight. “You knew me enough to stick your cock in my mouth. To let me swallow. Knew me enough to let me come in your mouth.”

  “I know I just…” I took a step back. “You’re freaking me out a little.” I forced a chuckle. “Relax, Miko. It’s all good.” I picked up his wine off the table and thrust it toward him. “Here, have some more wine.”

  Miko slapped the glass out of my hand. It hit the corner of the coffee table, shattering, slabs of glass falling onto my rug. “I don’t want the fucking wine, Jonathan!”

  I gasped. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”

  He closed in on me. “You think there’s something wrong with me, Jonathan? After I worked so hard to be perfect for you?”


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