Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Protecting Butterfly (Kindle Worlds Novella) (SEALed Fate Book 1)

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Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Protecting Butterfly (Kindle Worlds Novella) (SEALed Fate Book 1) Page 1

by LeTeisha Newton

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Text copyright ©2016 by the Author.

  This work was made possible by a special license through the Kindle Worlds publishing program and has not necessarily been reviewed by Stoker Aces Production, LLC. All characters, scenes, events, plots and related elements appearing in the original Special Forces: Operation Alpha remain the exclusive copyrighted and/or trademarked property of Stoker Aces Production, LLC, or their affiliates or licensors.

  For more information on Kindle Worlds: http://www.amazon.com/kindleworlds


  To Wren.

  There are people you meet in the world who send you flying into the moon. And they are there to catch you, just in case you fall. There are not enough words, my friend.


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  About the Author

  Other Books by LeTeisha Newton

  Chapter One


  The heat smacked Xavier “Heim” Spencer in the face and took his breath away before he could enter the cool interior of the club. As a chill raced down his spine from the change in climate, he scanned his surroundings. Three exits by door, two to the back and the one at his six. Four more large exits through windows were strategically placed near the entrance. The back of the club was dim, the sweet smell of mint tea and hookah smoke filling his nostrils. Gilded molding framed the base and tops of each wall, and leafy plants guarded each corner. It was all understated, and yet functional. The focal point being the white tiled dance floor that lit up, and a massive bar where three bartenders were prepared to serve along the back wall.

  Music thumped through hidden speakers as people danced, pumping in time with the lighting effects. The indecency laws were relaxed inside the club, so no one wore the traditional robes as people would on the street. Before the party-goers left, Heim was sure they would stop at the coat check for the robes they needed to cover themselves. He bypassed the guard at the entrance and coat check; a stiff nod was the all the acknowledgement he’d give. Bouncers knew him here. Knew better than to ask him to relinquish his gun or the knives tucked into his boots. He’d never told anyone outside of the states he was a SEAL, but the owner of the establishment had been on the receiving end of his team’s expertise, and made sure that Heim always was provided special treatment. The one concession he made for the bouncers was leaving his ghotrah, the red and white checkered headscarf, on so it hid his buzzed dirty-blond hair.

  Only one reason brought him to this hideout in the center of the world’s most progressive city in the United Arab Emirates: sex. Pure and simple. He rolled his neck, sighing when a pop sent pleasure down his spine. His body ached from traipsing through a hellhole to destroy an ISIS terrorist cell. A rough tumble in bed with a limber woman who didn’t care that Heim wouldn’t be back tomorrow would stretch out the kinks. He’d pass the time with a beautiful face, rest up in the A.M., and then head out on a hop to San Diego. Maybe a few of his brothers would like to hit up the bar and see how many shots they could knock down before the next mission when he got back stateside. Glitz, Cry Baby, Hawk, and Welsh, most of his SEAL team members, had all traveled back to the States for their R&R after the last mission. Snake would stay in Dubai, like Heim, until Heim was ready to head back. Tonight, though, Heim was all alone and looking for a bit of fun.

  He smiled to himself, walking farther into the club. The cool air licked the sweat off the back of his neck and the music pulsed in his blood. He turned and headed to the bar. He could just about taste the sweet honey of a good whiskey sliding over his tongue. No flowery shit for him like Glitz would drink. No, his SEAL teammate could keep his pretty drinks and explosions. Heim preferred something a bit tougher burning down his windpipes.

  “A whiskey, neat with honey,” he ordered.

  “My pleasure, sidi.”

  Heim placed his credit card on the table. “Open a tab.”

  The bartender quickly swiped the card of the counter and placed it aside. Clean, efficient. That was why Heim liked this place. It was full of life, culture, and precise employees who took pride in doing their job well. He could respect that as a military man. He leaned back against the bar and scanned the club goers again. A pretty brunette swirled her hips near him, but she didn’t have a twinkle to her eye. She was boring. Non-descript looks and just off beat dance moves. Sigh. His father always told him good rhythm was key. If she couldn’t dance, then she didn’t have what he needed in bed either. Her friend, a busty blonde, looking like she loved daddy’s money, winked at him and licked her lips. His gaze traveled by her quickly. She reminded him of the SEAL jumpers back home. In San Diego, women there wanted to fuck a SEAL just to say they’d done it. Something about having a legendary warrior between their legs tended to get them wetter than a night swim.

  Just like Jillian.

  Heim shook his head, pushing thoughts of his two-timing ex out of his head. He wasn’t in the mood for her dampening his aura tonight. She’d done enough to his life, and nearly cost him his career. He’d given her more than she deserved of his time and energy. Forcing himself to look back at the blonde, he thought it was a bit hot the way she gyrated on her friend. At least she had potential. Slender waist, thicker hips, with a perfect boob job. Her lips were swollen bee stings, but the shape seemed a bit off. Addicted to the knife maybe? Whatever. She was rubbing her friend and watching him, so he figured he’d be able to pull a two-for-one if he played his cards right.

  Twice the fun, twice the fuck, and a cool breath of fresh air. Nice.

  “Not really your type,” he heard next to him. His gaze swung to a petite woman at his side. He tensed, not all that happy about the fact that she’d gotten right next to him without him noticing, but then, very little happened in the club. It was why he chose it. She watched him with laughing hazel eyes. Her dark hair was full, some falling over her forehead and swooping to the side. Her lips were plump, natural, and slightly pink from lipstick. When she smirked, his cock jumped.

  “How do you know my type?” he asked.

  She twitched her nose, a motion he found oddly charming. “Because she’s fake. Fake tits, fake ass, and I bet she’s had a few liposuctions. Hundred dollars says she’s got crow’s feet on her vagina.”

  He sputtered, putting his cup to his mouth to keep from spitting o
ut. Thinking perhaps he’d need a drink to deal with this woman, he signaled for the bartender to give him another one.

  “What can I get you?”

  “That depends,” she said, turning at the bar. A gold, delicate necklace hung around her neck, and a golden star hung from it. It nestled against the slope of her breasts, visible in her sleeveless black dress that stopped just past indecent and inside of nice girl. The material stretched over her bottom, a nicely rounded one that he wanted to palm. He wondered if she liked to be spanked. Another cock jump.

  “Yes,” she said.

  He shook his head, not sure where they were on the conversation. “What?” He blindly reached for his glass the bartender handed to him and sat it on the counter.

  “You were staring at my ass. The answer is yes, if you’re asking the right question. And I want a Sour please.”

  “If it pleases you,” the bartender said, bowing. He made her drink and handed it to her, looking to Heim. Heim nodded, signaling her drink was on his tab. She placed her drink next to his on the counter.

  “What is the question you want me to ask?”

  She turned toward him and stepped closer. Her small hands gripped the edges of his black blazer and she pulled herself up against his body. He ducked his head and she shifted to whisper in his ear.

  “If I am a bad girl in need of a spanking.”

  Cock at full mast. He sucked in a breath, taking in the soft melon smell wafting from her and swallowed. He’d never met a woman like her before. And he’d known hundreds. Bedded many. Some liked to play coy, others brazen hussy. Others wanted to play hard to get, and then jumped all over him right when he walked away. He couldn’t quite figure this one out, and that intrigued him. She wasn’t afraid to say what was on her mind or approach him, and he liked that. He wasn’t home, and SEALs didn’t walk around with a giant S on their chest. She wouldn’t know who or what he was. So that wasn’t the reason he had the delectable creature pressing her breasts against him. He shifted to put his arms around her and she stepped back. It was like a splash of cold water. Maybe he’d been too hasty to compliment her. He dropped his arms, wondering if this was when he’d see the games start.

  She looked down at his left arm a moment before looking back into his eyes. “Don’t like a real woman?”

  “No, wondering when the real you is going to come out,” Heim answered instead. It always came. Some women could hide it longer than others. And it shouldn’t have mattered to him. He was here for sex. But it did, with her. He didn’t want games or bullshit with her.

  “You think I was being coy?”

  “Weren’t you?”

  “Do you always answer a question with a question?”

  “Do you?”

  She snorted. “I wanted to look at you, not play with you.”

  “Maybe,” he said.

  “Gotcha. You think you’re meeting my representative. I’m well dressed, pushing my best foot forward, and all that? It must be so hard being that conceited,” she said. She twitched her nose again and he wanted to bite the tip when she did that.

  “It’s happened a few times,” he said with a smile.

  She studied him for a moment before nodding and taking a sip of her drink. It was in her eyes, some tinge of pain that mirrored his own. Like she understood exactly what he meant. He couldn’t help but study her. She was beautiful. Absolutely gorgeous, and he couldn’t wait to get her in bed. But he also wanted to know about the pain in her eyes, and that wasn’t like him. Still, he couldn’t deny her.

  “Big boy, you’re easy on the eyes and I like that. Talk real enough the rest of the night, and I’ll enjoy you further. That simple, that easy. Think you could put what you’ve learned from other women aside for the night and enjoy me? You say yes, I promise I won’t mix you up with Harry who broke my heart in college and made me sour on good-looking men.”

  Where the hell had this woman been all his life? Hiding in some foreign country where he couldn’t have found her until tonight. Finally, he traced up her sides with his hands. She trembled against him as he went higher, missing the sides of her breasts in favor of tracing back down her arms to grip her hands.

  “I’m Heim, the guy you’re going to spend the night with,” he introduced himself.

  “I’m Katya, the woman you hope gives you the chance.”

  Yeah, cock rock solid, and it hadn’t even been ten minutes. This was going to be fun.

  Chapter Two


  He was gorgeous. Sexy enough the things she wanted to do to him were probably illegal. Jeez. He towered over her small form, maybe six-foot-three or four? Her father had taught her long ago to take a man’s measure in a glance, although her father probably didn’t want her plotting how she was going to climb said man later. God, but he smelled good. Like deep woods and as fresh as the open sea. His shoulders were wide, but his waist was narrow. Though his gaze stayed on her, she could sense he was well aware of what was going on around them. A dancer bumped into the bar and Heim moved Katya easily to one side and out of the way. Situational awareness, her father called it.

  “Smooth,” she said.

  “I’m pretty good on the uptake.” His curt nod and easy manner whispered that he was comfortable with himself. He had military bearing about him, and a nagging worry entered her brain for a minute, but she ignored it. There was no way he knew who her father was or her relation, for that matter. Normally under lock and key, Katya lived her life as her father’s protected princess.

  He’d ignored that she’d finished graduate school and had her own life to live.

  She pushed thoughts of her father from her head. He wasn’t here, and she didn’t want to know enough details about Heim for them to potentially cross paths. Well, no, that wasn’t true. She wanted to know plenty. What put that hooded expression in his murky blue eyes? She’d never seen eyes like his, deep and dark with edges of stormy grey. The turbulence of the sea, that was the best she could think of to describe them. And his mouth. By God, the man’s mouth should be outlawed. Chiseled and firm when he smiled, showing white teeth, her heart skipped a beat.

  “Cat got your tongue?” she asked, trying to regain some control. She was a grown woman who could handle herself. Could go after a man and enjoy her night of freedom. She was in con—

  “No...Well, it could, if you’re willing.”

  Shiiiiiiiit. Control was now out of the window. Her vag clenched and she forced her thighs apart, afraid that the stimulation would pop her head off. Maybe she needed Heim to take a few steps back?

  “Hmmm,” she hummed. His smile broadened, like he knew what he’d done. The jerk thought he could get the best of her. She took a swallow of her drink and sucked a piece of ice into her mouth. His gaze followed her movement, his smile slipping a bit.


  This she could do. She swirled the ice cube in her mouth, watching his face the whole time. The song changed to a heavy beat, thick with a deep bassline. Still sucking on her ice, she stepped back away from the bar, in front of Fake One and Fake Two. Heim never looked away from Katya. As she rolled her hips and lifted her arms in the air, he traced her movements with his gaze. Blood pulsed in her veins, matching the thudding vibrations of the music under her heels. She swayed with it, wading through the atmosphere. His gaze on her was like a touch caressing over her face, chest, and down her stomach. Her thighs burned as she moved, dipping low to the ground and rolling back up. When the ice was almost gone she opened her mouth and flipped it with her tongue before swallowing it down.

  “Come and dance with me,” she called to Heim.

  He took the last swallow from his glass before stepping away from the bar. Instead of coming right to her, though, he swayed. He matched her moves, rolling with her and moving inch by inch closer to her. She’d never seen a man dance like him. His hips gyrated in a way that left no misunderstanding. Taking Heim to bed would be the best decision of her damn life, and she wasn’t going to let the opportunity g
o. Not a chance.

  That was until Blondie decided she liked the way he looked, too.

  Blondie walked up to him and pressed the front of her chest against his arm. Her friend came around the other side and did the same.

  “Thank you ladies, but no,” Heim said. He smiled nicely, but his point was clear. Normally Katya wasn’t a violent woman, but she wanted to rake gouges down the bitch’s face and see if she could make her boobs pop. Heim stood tall; all dancing ceased, and took a step back. The woman didn’t know how to take no for an answer. Fine, Katya was all about getting her point across. She walked forward, head held high, and gaze glued to Heim. She didn’t stop, just pushed both wannabes out of the way, gripped his neck, and pulled him down for a kiss.

  Take that, bitch.

  Honey. He tasted like honey. And smooth, full-bodied liquor. His warm lips glided against hers and she clenched her fist around his blazer. The world around them faded. His fingers burrowed into her hair, holding her head in place as he slanted his mouth against her. She couldn’t hear the music, but it thrummed through her. Her heart pounded in time, speeding up and slowing down with each crescendo. Each move of his lips slayed her. The calluses on his palms caught stray hairs, pulling them, but the bit of pain only made her hotter. Never, in all of her life, had a man kissed her like this.

  He pressed her harder against him, sucking on her bottom lip. She gasped, and he used the chance to sweep in her mouth. As his tongue glided across hers, battling for supremacy, he pressed his hips against her. If she had wondered if his package was proportionate to his height, she didn’t have to worry. The long, thick length of him butting against her promised a hell of a night.

  “Excuse me,” one of the women said on her left. Katya faintly recalled that was Blondie.

  Katya pulled back a bit. Enough to lift her hand, palm first, into the woman’s face. “Sorry, busy. Come back later.”

  “You bitch!”

  “Yeah, still kissing. I kick shins,” Katya returned. Heim chuckled against her mouth as the women stomped off.


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