Timeless Desire

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Timeless Desire Page 4

by Lucy Felthouse

  She retrieved a spare pair of gloves and handed them to George, then donned her own.

  Between the two of them, they put the library back to normal in record time, spurred on by the thought of what they were going to do next. Emily had to force herself to concentrate—the last thing she wanted to do was drop one of the books when she was standing at the top of the ladder. Despite the carpeted floor, she didn’t even want to contemplate the kind of damage that could do.

  Finally, as she opened the curtains and packed her bags, George wheeled the ladder across the room and back into its hidey hole. Then, snapping off his gloves, George said, “Right, job done. Now come here.”

  Emily knew she should probably be worried about them getting caught, but she wasn’t. Selfishly, she just wanted comfort, sexy comfort, and to forget about her spirit-banishing evening. Well, that and to find out if George looked as good naked as he did with clothes on.

  Soon, Emily got all of those things. She did as she was told, joining George next to the great wooden desk. Immediately, he grabbed her hand and pulled her closer, so her body was pressed against his.

  As she looked into George’s gorgeous brown eyes and enjoyed the hardness of him—all of him—squashed against her, she couldn’t think of anywhere she’d rather be.

  “At the risk of sounding clichéd,” George said, putting his hands on her hips and slowly sliding them around to her arse, “I’ve wanted you since I first saw you. I was actually planning on asking you out—once I’d made sure you were single—but nothing seems to have gone to plan tonight, does it?”

  Emily shook her head. “Nope. And I don’t normally sleep with guys on the first date, let alone the non-date. But I guess these are extenuating circumstances. Or something.”

  “Mmm. Or something.”

  George leaned down, capturing Emily’s lips in a kiss which made her extremely grateful he was holding her up. She wasn’t sure she’d be able to stay on her feet otherwise. He was slow, gentle, and very, very sensual. As his tongue slid between her lips and sought hers out, Emily felt her pussy grow thick and heavy with want. Wrapping her arms around his broad frame, she found that her hands were at about the right height to rest on his arse—perfect.

  Cupping his firm buttocks and pulling him even more tightly to her, Emily upped the pace on their kiss. Already the unpleasantness, the sadness, of the evening was receding into the recesses of her mind, and her body was encouraging her to enjoy the here and now.

  Breaking off the kiss suddenly, Emily opened her eyes to see George looking confused—and worried. She smiled, giving his buttocks a playful squeeze. “Don’t worry, I haven’t changed my mind. I just think that we’re wearing far too many clothes. Don’t you?”

  Looking down, he nodded. “I’d agree with that. Okay, I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.”

  “More clichés!” Emily laughed, but she was already tugging at her shoes.

  “Shut up and get naked, woman.”

  “Race you!”

  With that, George and Emily embarked on a mad rush to get their clothes off. George won—not having a bra to deal with—and he watched Emily hungrily as she dropped her last remaining garments to the floor. She flashed him a wicked grin as she noted that he didn’t look as good naked as he did clothed. He looked better, much better.

  Emily shuffled back so her buttocks were leaning against the chilly edge of the desk, and beckoned him.

  “So,” George said, moving forward and pulling her in for a kiss, “what’s this about working me hard? Making me beg for mercy?”

  “Well,” she dropped a kiss on his lips, “the hard bit is certainly coming to fruition.” She slipped a hand between their bodies and squeezed his now fully-erect cock to prove her point. “And as for the begging for mercy part, well, you’ll just have to wait and see, won’t you? We’ve got hours before we have to leave. I don’t have anything else to do between now and then, do you?”

  “I don’t,” George replied, sliding his hands down Emily’s sides and gripping her rear. Emily grew wetter at the thought of those big hands pleasuring her. “But if I did, you can rest assured I’d cancel whatever I was doing. I have plans for you and that beautiful backside of yours which don’t involve leaving this room.”

  “Mmm,” Emily replied, “now is that a threat or a promise?”

  Suddenly, George picked her up and placed her on the desk, moving between her thighs and spreading them wide. He stroked his thick cock against her vulva and leaned down to whisper in her ear.

  “Definitely a promise.”

  “Good,” she purred, rocking her hips and slicking her juices up and down his shaft. “So why don’t you deliver on that promise?”

  “I intend to.” Slanting his lips over hers, he engaged her in a kiss so filled with need that it made her dizzy with lust. Her cunt felt molten, and was aching to be filled. So when he pulled away and bent to retrieve a condom from his wallet, she didn’t protest. She wanted him rubbered up and ready to go, pronto.

  Raking her gaze over his delicious body, she wondered how on earth things had gone from ghostly to naughty in the space of a half an hour. Then she decided she didn’t really care. It had been way too long since she’d had fun like this, let lust rule her, and she intended to make the most it.

  The snap of latex brought Emily back to the present, and she watched, grinning, as George secured the condom at the base of his dick, then moved back between her thighs.

  “Hello gorgeous,” he said, grasping his cock and aiming the head at her entrance. “You ready for me?”

  “Fuck, yes,” she said, surprised that she already sounded so breathless. “I want you in me now, George, and I want you hard and fast. I’ve no idea how you’ve turned me into such a sex-mad slut, but I kinda like it.”

  “I like it too,” he growled, then pressed his lips to hers and slipped his tongue into her mouth at the same time as he entered her pussy.

  The symmetry wasn’t lost on Emily, and she gave herself over to pleasure, slipping her arms around George’s neck and holding on tight as he began to fuck her. Hard, as she’d requested, then harder. She was soon incredibly glad they were the only two people in the enormous building, because her pants and groans had morphed into shrieks and cries of pure delight. They grew louder as George’s cock and the nimble fingers he’d applied to her clit did their work, carrying her closer and closer to a much-needed climax.

  It wasn’t long before the climax hit, crashing through her body and sending her spiraling into complete and utter bliss. She was barely aware of the man between her thighs any more, as she enjoyed the unrivaled pleasure. Reveled in it. Let it carry her away into a pleasant and hazy place inside her head, where only ecstasy mattered.

  After a little while, George forced her awareness back to him. The last vestiges of her release had ebbed away, and it seemed he was working towards his own. He now had both hands back on her bum, and his fingers dug so tightly into her skin that she was sure she’d be left with marks. But she didn’t care, they’d be a kinky reminder. And perhaps he’d add to them, maybe several times, before she finished the project at Westbury. She hoped so.

  Her cunt continued to flutter around George’s dick as he fucked her hard, and she slipped her hand between her thighs, wondering if she could tease another orgasm out of her body before he was done. In fact, she was determined she would.

  The last thought that went through Emily’s head before she tumbled into the frenzy of her second climax was that although the situation with William had been upsetting, she was glad it had happened. After all, his timeless desire for Jane had brought her and George together. And although she didn’t know if their desire would last a day, a month, a year or longer, William’s situation had truly driven something home for her: take each opportunity for happiness as it comes, because you never know when it’ll be your last.

  About the Author:

  Lucy Felthouse is a very busy woman! She writes erotica and erotic romance in a
variety of subgenres and pairings, and has over 100 publications to her name, with many more in the pipeline. These include several editions of Best Bondage Erotica, Best Women's Erotica 2013 and Best Erotic Romance 2014. Another string to her bow is editing, and she has edited and co-edited a number of anthologies, and also edits for a small publishing house. She owns Erotica For All, is book editor for Cliterati, and is one eighth of The Brit Babes. Find out more at http://www.lucyfelthouse.co.uk. Join her on Facebook and Twitter, and subscribe to her newsletter at: http://eepurl.com/gMQb9

  Enjoy a good ghost story? Then enjoy this extract from Weekend at Wilderhope Manor, a lesbian erotic paranormal story, also by Lucy Felthouse, and available from all good eBook retailers.

  The car trundled up the long driveway, the crunching of gravel beneath tyres the only sound as Stephanie and her girlfriend, Jenny, peered out of the windows at their surroundings.

  Even at dusk the tree-lined driveway was impressive with perfectly maintained parkland, spanning for acres on either side of it. As Stephanie steered the Fiesta around a bend in the track, they both gasped. Their destination, Wilderhope Manor, had come into view and it was stunning. The Tudor style property was huge, with no less than three frontages visible from where they were. Chimneys with intricately built patterns jutted into the darkening sky, with tangles of ivy climbing parts of the manor, giving the place an appearance that was both beautiful and foreboding.

  Presently, the driveway opened out into a gravelled area, which as far as Stephanie could tell, doubled as a car park for the weekend. Stephanie manoeuvred into a spot between two vehicles and killed the engine. As she turned to Jenny, she jumped, startled. Her girlfriend had leaned in close, making a scary face with her hands mimicking claws.

  "Are you ready to be scared out of your wits, young lady?" Jenny rasped, wiggling her eyebrows and fingers theatrically.

  Stephanie shoved her playfully, laughing. "Come on, you silly cow. It's a murder mystery weekend, not a monster hunt. There will be no ghosts, ghouls or vampires involved."

  Stephanie got out of the car and closed the door. She'd already popped open the boot and started unloading their bags before Jenny appeared alongside her, pouting petulantly.

  "But it's Halloween tomorrow," Jenny insisted. "Anything could happen. The veil between the living and dead will be at its thinnest, and this place is meant to be swarming with ghosts."

  "If you say so, sweetheart," she replied, rolling her eyes. She was used to Jenny's crazy beliefs by now. "Grab your bags and let's get inside. It's cold. You got the tickets?"

  Jenny nodded, brandishing her handbag in response. Jenny picked up her overnight bag as Stephanie slammed the boot lid before locking the car, then followed her toward the grand entrance to Wilderhope Manor.

  * * *

  A little while later, they were installed in their room. They'd each been handed a “Welcome Pack” by the staff member who had attended to them at Reception, which consisted of their itinerary and instructions for the weekend.

  As they unpacked, she voiced one of the thoughts that had run through her head.

  "Have you ever noticed how places never bat an eye at two girls sharing a room, and yet, if it's two guys, they automatically assume they're gay?"

  "They'll soon change their tune when they see your outfit for tonight!" Jenny replied, grinning cheekily at her. "It screams 'lesbian' with every stitch!"

  "Whatever do you mean, you saucy wench? Someone with girl parts dressing as a distinguished gentleman does not a lesbian make."

  "True, but I wonder what it'll do to you? Perhaps it'll work in reverse and turn you straight!"

  "I sincerely doubt it," Stephanie replied, moving toward Jenny, who'd turned back to her case and didn't notice her approach. "And besides, as much as I'm out and proud, doesn't it sometimes make life more pleasant when people don't know? At least, we'll be able to enjoy the weekend without old bigots watching our every move, convinced we're going to start necking and groping one another at every available second!"

  Before Jenny could respond, Stephanie had walked right up behind her. She slipped her arms around Jenny’s waist and murmured into her ear. "Though I certainly wouldn't mind necking and groping you at every available second."

  Relaxing into her embrace, Jenny let her head loll back onto Stephanie's shoulder, arching into the caress of the hands that had crept under her top. "I'm available now, honey."

  "I’d hoped you'd say that." Turning Jenny in her arms, she reached behind her girlfriend to tug the suitcase off the bed. It hit the floor with a thump, but she was already too preoccupied to notice. She'd backed Jenny right up to the mattress with the intention of pushing her onto the bed, then quickly joining her. However, the old fashioned bed was high, and therefore, not the sort they could fall onto. Never one to give up easily, she backed away from Jenny and pulled off her girlfriend’s shoes. Then she clambered up onto it, indicating to Jenny to follow her.

  Seconds later, Jenny too had discarded her shoes and scrambled up onto the four-poster. Reaching for one another, they flopped down onto the duvet in a jumble of limbs. She tangled her fingers in Jenny's russet hair, pulling her in for a kiss. Their lips met, and Jenny scooted her lower body closer to hers, and she responded by jamming a leg between Jenny's thighs. Jenny moaned as she slid her hand over the curve of Stephanie’s denim-covered ass.

  * * * * *

  Thank you for reading! I hope you’ll check out my other books. I write in a variety of lengths and sub-genres. Full details can be found at my website, http://lucyfelthouse.co.uk




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