Luca: Sinful Shadows Mafia #1

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Luca: Sinful Shadows Mafia #1 Page 9

by Rylan, Savannah

  “Do you have any calls from my father?”

  “Uh, let me check.”

  I picked up my phone from the bedside table and scrolled through the thirty two missed calls I had. I saw Ciro’s name a few times. Mario’s, a lot. I saw the restaurant. Alianna’s mother. My own mother. But, when I checked my burner phone, I didn’t see Mr. Russo’s number.

  “Huh,” I said.

  “You don’t, do you?” Alianna asked.

  “Nope. Got plenty from your mother, though.”

  “Me, too. And Giana,” she murmured.

  “Maybe we’ll get off this time?”

  She snickered, but when I looked up I saw the worry on her face. With all the missed calls and texts and voice messages we had, something should have come from her father. If anything, the bulk of this shit should’ve been from her father.

  And yet, it wasn’t.

  “Since it’s past lunch time, you want to head to the restaurant? I’m sure that’s where he is, silently fuming and waiting for us to show up,” I said.

  “Sounds like a plan. I could use one last meal before he locks me in the basement.”

  I wanted to laugh at the joke, but both of us knew it was a little too true to form for her father.

  “Give me five minutes and I’ll be ready to go,” I said.

  “Sure thing.”

  Alianna walked around the partition and went to sit on the couch. I picked my clothes off the floor and tossed them into the hamper, then reached underneath my bedside table. I always kept the next day’s set of clothes on the small shelf underneath. It prevented me from having to sift through the rack of clothes with limited coffee in my system. I gripped the outfit and tossed it onto my bed. A black pair of jeans, a black t-shirt, a black pair of socks, and my boots. Which were… well, somewhere. I quickly got dressed, then hunted for my boots before I pulled them on my feet.

  I laced them up, grabbed my gun, made sure I had my keys and my wallet, then I was ready to go.

  “Time to go face the music,” I said, sighing.

  I escorted Alianna down to my SUV and helped her into her seat. We drove to the restaurant, and an eerie silence fell over both of us. I got it. I mean, we were both nervous. But, it felt like a death march should’ve been playing to accompany the drive over there. I reached for Alianna’s hand and she let me take it. I threaded our fingers together, bringing her knuckles to my lips to kiss. I pressed my lips against each and every one of them. Trying to comfort her, since I visibly saw her shaking.

  Part of me hated myself for putting her in this position.

  And the other part of me hated the fact that only part of me was upset about that.

  You’re a confusing little shit, Luca.

  I released her hand as we pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant. But, I went on alert when I saw the ‘open’ sign wasn’t lit up. It was just past lunch time on a Wednesday afternoon. Wednesday was one of the restaurant’s busiest days. I quickly ignored the growling of my stomach and motioned for Alianna to stay put.

  Then, I put my hand on my gun as I slipped out of the car.

  I slowly approached the door and found it ajar. Unlocked. Making the entire place vulnerable. I peeked back at Alianna, motioning for her to get down before I drew my weapon. She scrambled down into the floorboard of my SUV, rocking the vehicle on its chassis. And when I threw the restaurant door open, I thrusted my gun in front of me. Holding it with both hands as I cleared corners and marched slowly through the room.

  And what I found was devastating.

  Broken glass crunched underneath my feet. Chairs and tables were flipped over, some of them splintered into pieces. The cash register had been tossed into the wall. Not against it, but actually sat in a hole in the wall it had created. I held my breath as I steadied my body. I walked slowly through the restaurant as the lights flickered above my head.

  Then, I saw a shadow move.

  “Don’t you dare,” I glowered.

  “It’s just me. It’s me! Please, don’t shoot.”

  I heard the tears in the head chef’s eyes as he slowly rose up from behind the register counter. I holstered my gun and rushed to him, taking stock of the food that had been spilled on the floor. I wrapped around and helped him up, his hands full of blood. I ripped a rag that was tossed over his shoulder, bandaging him up as best as I could.

  “What happened? Talk to me,” I said.

  “I-I-I-I don’t--I don’t know. It all happened so… so fast,” he said.

  “Tell me what you remember. It’s important.”

  “All I know is he’s gone.”

  I paused. “Who’s gone?”

  “They took him. Mr. Russo. He’s--.”

  The chef’s eyes fell beyond my shoulder and I turned around. I spotted the blood on the wall. The dark red splatters that slowly forced me to my feet. Holy shit. Mr. Russo was wounded.

  Wait, was he dead?

  “Get off the floor and get home. Don’t come near this restaurant until things are clear. Got it?” I asked.

  I looked down at the chef as he stood up, nodding his head quickly.

  “Call your staff and tell them we’re closed for business until further notice. Make an excuse that it’s renovations that are needed. Is anyone else here with you?” I asked.

  “Luca?” Alianna asked.

  I whipped my head up and found her walking through the restaurant front door. And when she did, she gasped. I motioned for the chef to get the hell out of here, then made my way for her. Quickly.

  “What are you doing, coming in here without an okay?” I asked.

  “I didn’t hear you shooting, so I figured it was safe,” she said softly.

  I gripped her upper arms. “Don’t you dare make that assumption. Someone could’ve snagged me. Knocked me unconscious. You have got to learn that when you’re ill-prepared for a situation, the commands people give you aren’t about keeping you down. Or muting your independence. It’s about keeping you alive. Keeping you safe. Got it?”

  She nodded quickly. “I’m sorry.”

  I sighed. “Alianna, your father’s--.”

  “I know. I called Mom in the car. He’s gone, isn’t he?”

  “I’m not sure what’s going on right now. I have phone calls to make. Call Giana. Tell her to come pick you up and take you straight home. Straight to your mother. No pit stops. No detours. Do you understand me?”

  She nodded quickly and I relinquished her to make her phone calls.

  Because I had a few of my own to place.

  The first call was to my mother. I didn’t even give her time to talk before I told her what I needed of her. She’d had contact with Mr. Russo within the past month, which made her a potential target until I could figure out what the fuck was going on. I told her to keep her doors and windows locked. Pull the blinds, hunker down, and wait for my next phone call. Thankfully, my mother had enough sense regarding who I worked with to listen. So, the phone call was short.

  But, I didn’t even get the phone hung up before Ciro’s call came through.

  “I’m at the restaurant. Tell me what you know,” I said.

  “It’s about fucking time, you asshole. I’ve been running around the city all morning with Mario, trying to figure out what the hell’s happening. He was there when the restaurant was ambushed. And according to Mario, the perps look nothing like the people the 9-1-7 recruit.”

  “Which holds up their theory that a new player is in town.”

  “Yeah. Mario says judging by their suits alone, it’s not good. Maybe someone who wants to take Mr. Russo out and usurp his turf,” he said.

  “Shit,” I hissed.

  “Giana’s coming to get me,” Alianna said.

  “Good. I’ll stay here until she’s got you. Then, I have to go,” I said.

  “Where the hell were you this morning, anyway?” Ciro asked.

  “Protection detail. You know my assignment. Get back to the restaurant and come get me. You guys are gonn
a need all the help you can get,” I said.

  I saw Alianna gazing out the window, her arms wrapped around her chest. She was shivering. Probably with fear. And all I wanted to do was wrap my arms around her before whispering to her that it would be okay. That I’d find her father. That I’d clean up this mess. That her family was safe, so long as I was at the helm of this investigation.

  But, I couldn't.

  “I hear you murmuring over there, what's going on?” I asked Ciro.

  “I’m dropping Mario off at a meeting the 9-1-7 is having, special invitation. Apparently, their leader is missing, too. And we have a feeling we’re going to have to pool forces in order to find them. He’s getting out of the car now, then I’m ten minutes out,” he said.

  “How far out is Giana?” I asked Alianna.

  “Five minutes maybe,” she said softly.

  “All right, Ciro. I’ll be ready by then. Get your ass over here, because we can’t waste anymore time,” I said.

  “Says the man who was indisposed all fucking morning,” he said.

  “Just get here and shut up,” I said.

  Then, I hung up my phone.

  “Is my father dead?” Alianna asked softly.

  “I can’t give you details, but no. From the sounds of it, he was only wounded enough to get him out of the restaurant.”

  “I should’ve been here,” she whispered.

  “If you had been, you would’ve been taken just like him. Which isn’t something I’ll ever be okay with.”

  “This is my fault, isn’t it?”

  “No, Alianna. None of this is your fault. Your father leads a dangerous life. You’re smart enough to understand that. And somewhere, in the deep recesses of your mind, you know that’s why he’s so protective of you. For all we know, you were the intended target this morning. And your father was taken simply because you weren’t available.”

  “Do you think that’s what happened?” she asked.

  She turned to look at me, and her eyes were desperate for answers.

  I shook my head. “I don’t know, Alianna. All I have is theories right now. But, give us time. Your father employs us for a reason, and it’s because we’re good at what we do. All I need is your promise that you and Giana will go to your mother. At the estate. And the three of you will stay there until the all clear is given.”

  “You have my word,” she said.

  I heard a car pulling up to the restaurant and I looked out. I recognized it instantly, too. Giana’s convertible. I opened the door and watched Alianna rush to her best friend. And the two of them wrapped each other up in a hug. I stood there, watching them as they got into the car. My eyes locked with Alianna’s and she nodded before her best friend started backing out of the driveway.

  I held my phone up, wiggling it around. Signaling to her to text me whenever she got home.

  And not too long after they left, Ciro showed up.

  “Get in. Mario’s already got information for us,” he said.

  “What kind?” I asked as I slipped into the passenger’s seat.

  “The 9-1-7 thinks they know who’s behind this. And they have an address for us,” he said.

  “Then, let’s get this fucking show on the road.”



  “I’ve been calling you all morning. Where the hell were you? Your mother called me in a panic rambling off something about your father, then said she was worried you’d been taken, too? What the fuck’s going--?”

  “Turn around,” I said.

  “Say what now?” Giana asked.

  I slowly looked over at my best friend, my eyes finding the profile of her face.

  “I said, turn around. Get me back to Luca before he leaves.”

  “What? Why?” she asked.

  “Just do it, or I’m getting out of this car,” I said.

  She scoffed as she turned around, racing back for the restaurant. I wasn’t sure we’d catch Ciro and Luca still in the parking lot, but it didn’t feel right to leave him behind. It didn’t feel right to go cower at the estate behind locked doors and reinforced concrete when my father was out there, fighting for his life. I wouldn't let my last words to him be what they were. I wouldn't let our last conversation be of the nature it was. Even if I had to go after him myself. Even if I had to kill to get him back. His security team had to follow protocol, but I didn’t.

  You’re a crazy woman, Alianna.

  “There they are,” Giana said.

  “Cut them off before they leave the parking lot,” I said.

  She swerved her car, coming to a screeching halt in front of them. Ciro slammed on the brakes, and even I saw the fury in Luca’s eyes. He thrust his car door open and slammed onto the ground. I leapt out of Giana’s convertible, making my way for him. He gripped my arm, guiding me back to the vehicle.

  Only this time, I grabbed his wrist.

  “What the hell are you--Alianna!” he exclaimed.

  I pressed down onto his pulse point and weakened his grip. I slipped away from it, wrapping his arm around his body. I pressed his stomach into the edge of Giana’s car, listening as she giggled with delight. I shoved Luca’s arm up his back, listening to him groan as I pinned him there.

  “I told you not to grab me like that again,” I said.

  “What the fuck are you doing going back on your word again?” he asked, growling.

  I released him and he stood up, his fiery eyes whipping around to me.

  “I want to go look for my father with you,” I said.

  He paused. “Are you insane? Hell no.”

  “You don’t have a choice. Because I’m not going back to the estate.”

  “Well, you’re not coming with me and Ciro.”

  “Then, I’ll stand in the parking lot like a sitting duck. And when I’m shot by some rival gang, you can explain to my father why I’m in the hospital.”

  “Alianna, we don’t even know if he’s still alive. For all we know, someone’s hunting down your entire family. Which is why you have to--.”

  “Come with you so I’m safe. Right?” I asked.

  He rolled his eyes. “You aren’t reasoning your way into this.”

  “You said so yourself. I’m protected with you, right? So, take me with you. Continue to protect me while we find my father.”

  “Get in the fucking car, Luca! We have to go!” Ciro exclaimed.

  “Will you shut up a damn second!?” Luca roared.

  Then, his eyes slowly panned back to mine.

  “I don’t have time to argue with you. Every second we spend arguing increases the chances that your father is going to die. Do you get that?” he asked.

  “I do. So, stop arguing with me and let’s get going,” I said.

  “You really aren’t gonna win this one,” Giana said.

  “Go home, Alianna,” Ciro said.

  “Not on your fucking life,” I said back.

  “You don’t understand how this works. You can’t possibly have the skill set to--.”

  “The last thing they’ll expect is me coming after my father. If anything, I’m an advantage play you have.”

  “I’m not sacrificing you for some upper hand bullshit,” he hissed.

  “In the end, it’s not your choice,” I said.

  And when sighed, I knew I had him.

  “Ciro!” Luca exclaimed.

  “What?” he asked.

  “Get to the estate. Take Giana with you. As of right now, everyone associated with the Russo family is a target. Giana, stay with Mrs. Russo until you hear from us. Understood?” he asked.

  “Are you fucking out of your mind!?” Ciro exclaimed.

  “Come on, big boy. You can follow me,” Giana said, grinning.

  I heard Luca snicker as he took my hand, then he tugged me toward his SUV.

  “The boss is going to kill you!” Ciro yelled.

  “We have to find him first!” Luca shouted.

  I breathed a sigh of relief as a smile cr
ossed my face, then the two of us climbed into his work car. I knew he wasn’t a fan of this plan. I knew he wasn’t a fan of taking me straight into the firefight. But, he didn’t have a choice. And neither did I. Unless he wanted to handcuff me to the inside of my bedroom, there was nothing he could do.

  I looked over and saw Luca furiously texting on his phone, so I decided to do a bit of digging.

  “So, where are we headed?” I asked.

  I opened up the glove compartment and pulled out the handgun I knew was in there. My father required all of his men to have a gun on their person and a gun in the glove compartment of their work vehicle. I ejected the magazine, checked it, then nodded before I shoved it back in. Fully loaded, and ready to go. But, there had to be more magazines that went along with it. Right?

  I reached back in there, pulling out the other two magazines I felt brush against my fingertips. I stuck each of them on either side of my bra, making them readily accessible and hard to take off my person. I felt Luca’s eyes on me as I turned to face him, settling the gun against my thigh.

  And watching his jaw drop open in shock was amusing to me.

  “What? I’m my father’s daughter after all,” I said.

  “You’re insane,” he said.

  “And it’s why you adore me so much,” I said, winking.

  Luca cleared his throat. “Mario’s gotten an address from a meeting he’s at right now with The 9-1-7. We’re going to head to that--.”

  “The local drug runners? What do they have to do with this?” I asked.

  He started backing out of the parking space. “You know who they are?”

  “How about we just assume I know everything, then I’ll ask questions as needed.”

  “Fine by me. Okay, so. Yes, they’re part of this. Because they’ve lost some of their foot soldiers in the streets lately, and we believe it’s the same group who’s been downing our men.”

  “Who also took my father.”

  “Exactly. Mario attended the meeting, but he was also here this morning when your father was taken.”

  “Is he all right?” I asked.

  “He’s angry. Rattled. But, he’s got the most info out of any of us. And he claims that the men who infiltrated the restaurant were clad in expensive suits.”


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