Wild Nights with her Wicked Boss

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Wild Nights with her Wicked Boss Page 8

by Nicola Marsh

  He shook his head, guilt narrowing his eyes. ‘Want to know why I didn’t?’

  She knew it was a rhetorical question, waited for his answer.

  ‘Because she was a crazy rebel who reminded me of me. I was that daredevil who pushed boundaries, who climbed higher or skied steeper or swam out farther than anyone else. I admired her. Hell, I wanted to race her there and back.’

  His voice shook with emotion and in that instant she had her suspicions confirmed. Claudia had been more than an employee and while a small, irrational part of her refused to be jealous of a dead woman, the rest of her couldn’t help but resent how darn wonderful the adventurous woman must’ve been for him to still mourn her.

  Running a hand over his face didn’t erase his bleak expression. ‘She knew I admired her recklessness, seemed to grow wilder as…time passed. She was up for anything.’

  She didn’t want to know what that pause meant, her curious mind already filling in the blanks: as they’d grown closer, as they’d started a relationship, as they’d planned for a future.

  As for Claudia being ‘up for anything’…yep, she needed a topic change fast before she turned any greener.

  Releasing his hand, she patted it, hoping to convey her understanding, her sympathy.

  ‘But you were smarter than that. She made her choice and, unfortunately, not the best one. That can never be your fault.’

  He stared into her eyes for a priceless moment before he straightened, his lips compressed, his expression resolute.

  ‘This stays strictly between us.’

  ‘Of course.’

  Predictably, he stood and grabbed his clipboard. He’d opened up to her, more than she could’ve hoped for, and that meant he’d now retreat. It was what he’d done from the first moment they’d sparked.

  ‘Let’s get back to work.’

  With a resigned sigh she stood, laid a hand on his arm, felt him stiffen beneath it.

  ‘Thanks for trusting me enough to tell me the truth.’

  She wasn’t surprised when he stalked away.

  Jade’s first tour went off without a hitch. The tourists were eager to learn about the Alaskan wilderness and viewed her as an expert. Who was she to disillusion them? She expounded information on the local flora and fauna like a native Alaskan, relaying information she’d absorbed like a sponge earlier that week. Predictably, the tourists were just as gobsmacked at their first glimpse of Davidson Glacier as she’d been.

  Once the last tourist boarded the JetCat for the return journey to Skagway she finally relaxed, sank to her haunches and exhaled, watching the catamaran sail into the distance.

  Cody slapped her on the back and she almost overbalanced. ‘Nice going. Jack and I better lift our act otherwise you’ll be doing us out of a job.’

  ‘Doubt that.’ She took hold of his outstretched hand as he pulled her to her feet. ‘I’m exhausted.’

  ‘It gets easier.’ He smiled, jerked his head behind her. ‘Besides, I doubt you’re the only one feeling the pinch. The boss looks beat. He’s out of practice.’

  As Cody released her hand, she turned and saw Rhys striding towards them, his expression grim.

  ‘Don’t worry about old grizzly. His bark is far worse than his bite. I’m outta here. Better give Jack a hand doing the final check on the canoes for tomorrow.’

  Her concern for how Rhys had coped on his first tour after Claudia’s death was overshadowed by Cody’s words conjuring up a vision of Rhys nibbling at her neck, just as he’d done on the canoe, and she blushed.

  ‘Cody’s lines working like a charm?’

  Rhys’s posture screamed tension, from the stiffness of his shoulders to the rigid neck muscles. Guess that answered the question of how he’d coped today.

  ‘He was just saying what a good job I did today.’

  He nodded. ‘He’s right. You were good, better than I expected.’

  ‘Thanks, I think.’

  ‘You look tired. How do you feel?’

  ‘A bit sore, actually. I’m not used to hiking up and down slippery forest trails with two-hundred-pound women holding on to my coat-tails for support.’

  She held her breath as he smiled, the first time she’d seen his lips curve upwards since that revealing chat when he’d shared more than she’d expected.

  ‘Forgot to warn you about that.’

  She shrugged, wincing as she did so. ‘Guess you can’t be prepared for everything out here, especially the frailties of women who have been feasting on lavish four-course dinners on cruise ships for the last week and then deciding they need a helping hand when the going gets tough.’

  He laughed as she rolled her shoulders gingerly, surprised at how quickly the muscles had stiffened. After the harrowing physicality of the last week, she’d expected to be fitter. Too bad her muscles weren’t as developed as her overactive imagination as she constantly spun scenarios of how involved Rhys and Claudia had been.

  ‘Should I help the guys with the canoes or do you want me to clean up the lunch hut?’

  Surprise skated across his eyes before he blinked, shook his head. ‘You’ve done enough today. Head back, take a long soak, okay?’

  She nodded, biting back a whimper of pain too late as concern compressed his lips.

  ‘Here, let me help.’

  He spun her around, started kneading the knotted muscles, slowly, rhythmically. She bit back a groan, let her head flop forward, providing him with better access to her aching muscles while valiantly trying to ignore how incredibly seductive his hands would feel all over.

  ‘That feels so good.’

  She’d forgive him his bizarre interview technique, his aborted kiss in Skagway and his walking away from her when they’d started to bond this morning, as long as his hands continued to work their magic.

  She’d had therapeutic massages at Sydney’s top day spa, a Javanese Lulur at a five-star Balinese resort and a combination Swedish massage at London’s finest hotel, yet none had felt as good as this.

  With his hands this masterful, she had a whole range of places aching for his soothing touch…

  Rhys bit his lip in frustration, the feel of Jade’s firm sinews beneath his hands combined with her soft moans driving him crazy. As if he hadn’t spent the last week taking cold showers in an attempt to cool his passion.

  He knew why he’d started this: guilt. She’d been an absolute trouper over the last week, following orders, giving her all, and even when she must have ached all over her hot little body she’d asked if he had any more jobs for her to do.

  That took guts, determination, qualities he admired, qualities he identified with. That alone should send him running, and along with the fact she now knew more about him than anyone—courtesy of their little revealing tête-à-tête this morning—should have him avoiding her at all costs.

  Yet here he was, his hands platonically soothing when they’d like to be something else entirely. Doing this out of chivalry and guilt were one thing, putting himself through this torture another.

  For no matter his therapeutic intentions, to ease some of her soreness for being such a team player, the instant he’d touched her, his libido had roared.

  Ignoring something didn’t make it go away—he should know that better than anyone—and their first kiss had merely served to stoke the fire. Her silky mouth, warm and welcoming, and the feel of her luscious breasts had haunted him every day and night since. He’d stayed away from her deliberately, allowing Jack and Cody to instruct her on the finer points of leading the tours, but it hadn’t eased his libido.

  Then he’d had to go and dump all that heavy stuff about Claudia on her this morning, divulging way more than intended. That should’ve been a libido killer but offloading some of the guilt he’d been feeling, verbalising it, had only served to increase his need for her.

  She’d been right; he’d been nervous as hell. Not just by the thought of returning to the scene of Claudia’s death, but being confronted by a sexy woman wearing hi
s company’s emblem over her left breast and battling the constant urge to sweep her into his arms, stride into the house and hole up with her in there for the next week.

  Massaging her had been pure reflex reaction; seeing her in obvious pain had brought out his dormant chivalrous side.

  Yeah, right. Real chivalrous when all he could think about was continuing the massage all over her sexy body, stroking her until she cried his name.

  ‘That feels so-o-o good, Rhys,’ she murmured, his name on her lips inciting all sorts of vivid visions of her screaming his name during sex.

  Increasingly uncomfortable with his thoughts heading down a one-way track to erotica, he shuffled, causing her to lose her footing slightly and slide back, smack bang against his hard-on.

  He silently cursed yet didn’t move, curious to see what her reaction would be. His hands didn’t stop, alternately stroking and kneading as he wondered if she’d run screaming into the woods or turn around and make his day.

  ‘Mmm…better,’ she murmured, a hint of smug amusement in her voice as she wriggled her butt against his erection, driving him crazy.

  The little minx! He was on the verge of losing control and she was actually enjoying it.

  ‘Feeling tense, Ranger? Would you like me to return the favour?’

  She turned slowly as he clamped down on the urge to shove her up against the nearest tree and bury himself in her heat.

  ‘What did you have in mind?’

  ‘Whatever you want.’

  The overwhelming need to possess her rumbled deep within as she stared at him with those half fearful, half expectant brown eyes, a seductive contrast of innocence and vixen.

  Her words might be wanton, but her body didn’t lie. He’d had women come on to him and that was exactly what they did: drape themselves over him, press their breasts against him, use their hands to titillate.

  Jade did none of those things. She just stood there, lips parted, cheeks flushed, dark eyes darting yet unable to hide the glitter of desire.

  He should do the noble thing, put this down to her excessive tiredness. But where was the fun in that?

  He deliberately stared at her lips until she flicked her tongue out to moisten them, that one little dart hitting him straight in the groin.

  ‘Some areas of my body are tenser than others.’

  He heard her sharp intake of breath, watched her pupils dilate, expecting her to run.

  When she tilted her chin up, eyeballed him and said, ‘Let me touch you,’ his libido rocketed to the top of the glacier without a hope of coming down any time soon.

  ‘Hey, you two ready for dinner?’

  The sexual haze embracing them shattered in an instant, Jack’s booming voice dousing them like a bucket of icy water, and they leaped apart.

  ‘Stand in front of me.’

  With a quick glance at the bulge in his trousers, her blush deepened as she shifted position to cover his front.

  ‘Be right there, just debriefing after my hectic first day.’

  ‘Stop gasbagging and hurry up. Dinner’s served and I’m starving.’

  Rhys muttered, ‘He’s not the only one.’

  She laughed and turned to face him. ‘He’s talking about food. How long since you’ve had a date anyway?’

  ‘Too long if my reaction to you is any indication.’ He thrust his hands into his pockets, which only drew her attention back to his groin, her curious gaze not helping the situation. At this rate he wouldn’t be able to walk.

  ‘Yeah, I can see that.’

  She dragged her gaze away from his groin, travelled upwards at a leisurely pace, her slow perusal making him want to puff out his chest in pride. ‘Care to tell me what’s going on?’

  ‘Well, it’s fairly simple really. When a man finds a woman attractive, some of his extremities take on a life of their own. I think they call it an erec—’

  ‘Thanks for the biology lesson, but with my interest in the subject I’m well aware how mammals function.’

  He enjoyed sparring with her, had liked how she’d been up for the challenge during her interview and, now, admired how she didn’t back down from his teasing.

  ‘Maybe you should concentrate on plant life? Much less complicated.’

  ‘Is that what this is to you? A complication?’

  Her lips curved in a smile but he saw the quirk of uncertainty in her raised brow.

  ‘Isn’t it for you?’

  She gnawed on her bottom lip as he battled the driving urge to do the same. ‘I came here to work and learn as much as I can. I sure didn’t count on…this.’

  Her hand wavered between them and she didn’t need to elaborate. He knew exactly what this was. This still had him so hard he could barely stand.

  ‘Just so you know, whatever happens, it can’t move past this. I’m not a stayer, never have been. There’s no room in my life for a relationship.’

  There, he’d laid it out for her, told her the cold, hard truth, given her a chance to run before this got even more complicated.

  It was the only way, the fair way, for he’d be damned if he left here riddled with guilt a second time.

  The gnawing stopped, only for her fingers to start twirling a strand of hair over and over.

  ‘I’m not interested in a relationship either.’ He only just caught her muttered, ‘Not again in this lifetime.’

  ‘Just so we’re clear, no relationships, but what about—?’

  ‘Come on, you two, grub’s up!’

  This time, he cursed Jack’s interruption loudly and vociferously.

  She smiled, glanced over his shoulder and held up a finger at Jack for a minute. ‘Guess we better eat?’

  He nodded, brushed a stray strand of hair out of her eyes. ‘We’ll finish this conversation when we’re alone after the boys go into town next weekend.’


  ‘The supply trip. Didn’t the boys mention it?’

  He’d been thinking of nothing else, wondering how he’d keep his hands off her when they’d completed all their jobs and were left to socialise, the only two people out here.

  Socialising could mean watching DVDs, sharing a meal, making small talk. But they’d moved way past all that with that kiss and the shared confidences, and it was that developing closeness that scared him more than anything.

  Her forehead wrinkled adorably in concentration before she nodded. ‘Yeah, they did say something. I forgot.’

  ‘Perhaps a case of selective memory? Maybe you didn’t like the thought of being alone with me so you blocked it out?’

  She shook her head, strands of her loose ponytail whipping between them. ‘Maybe I was looking forward to it so much I didn’t want it to distract from my work?’

  He laughed, finding her familiar pluck as stimulating as the rest of her, placed a hand in the small of her back as they headed up the hill. ‘Good call.’

  ‘Can I make another?’


  Glancing at him from beneath lowered lashes, a sexy smile curving her kissable lips, she said, ‘Rest up for the remainder of the week, conserve energy. Come the weekend, Ranger, you’re going to need it.’

  Chapter Ten

  ‘HURRY up, you big oaf. We’re going to miss the boat.’ Cody nudged Jack with his elbow; he seemed hell-bent on moving at tortoise speed.

  ‘Sounds like the story of my life,’ Jade mumbled as she helped tidy up the breakfast dishes.

  ‘Pardon, mate?’ Cody winked.

  ‘Lose the Ockerisms. I’m in the States now so enough of your Crocodile Dundee jokes, your “throw another shrimp on the barbie, mate” and the “thunder from Down Under” comments.’

  Cody laughed. ‘Someone’s a bit testy this morning. Perhaps the thought of spending quality time alone with the boss has you all riled up?’

  She concentrated on rubbing a non-existent spot off a plate, hoping she wasn’t that transparent. ‘Why would you say that?’

  ‘I see the way you two look at each ot
her. If there were any more sparks this forest would be in danger of going up in smoke.’

  An embarrassing blush crept into her cheeks and she ducked her head, ditching the plate to scour a frying pan instead.

  ‘Don’t know what you’re talking about.’

  Jack joined in Cody’s guffaws. ‘We think it’s kinda neat, the two of you mooning around.’

  She scrubbed harder.

  ‘And it’s not like the boss-man has done this before. Well, at least not since…’

  Cody sent Jack a death glare as he jumped in with, ‘Just so you know, he doesn’t have a girl in every igloo.’

  Jack rushed on. ‘But you know he’s a confirmed bachelor, right?’

  ‘Yeah,’ Cody piped up. ‘We wouldn’t want you getting your hopes up or anything.’

  Enough. The pan clattered from her hands, making an almighty racket in the sink as she turned to face the guys, sudsy hands on hips.

  ‘Isn’t it time you left?’

  Their teasing grins slipped. ‘Hey, we’re just kidding around. You’re okay, right?’

  She nodded, poked her tongue at them. ‘Guess I’m lucky, having you two bozos looking out for me.’

  Cody and Jack high-fived. ‘Damn straight.’

  Footfalls outside the kitchen had the guys shrugging into their backpacks double time.

  With an exaggerated wink, Cody saluted her. ‘Now remember, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.’

  As Rhys entered the kitchen they waved and beat a hasty retreat.

  ‘What was that about?’

  Rhys jerked his head towards the departing guides, a bemused expression on his face.

  ‘Boys being boys.’

  He reached for a tea towel, started drying the plates, the sight of him engaged in a domestic chore bringing an unexpected lump to her throat. Or did that have more to do with the fact he’d probably done this before, with Claudia?

  Hearing the boys articulate what she’d already gleaned from the little info he’d shared with her made her incredibly sad. Female employees out here weren’t common, she knew that, so did that make her a convenience? An inevitable attraction?

  And hearing the fact the boys knew of his involvement with Claudia added a whole new dimension to his guilt. If they were seriously involved, did that mean losing her had closed him off emotionally?


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