Ancient Protector

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Ancient Protector Page 21

by Katie Reus

  With Lachlan there were no rules. He busted through every single wall she had, and not only was he taking care of her, he was fighting alongside her to find the monster who had hurt her sister. She couldn’t put him in a little box, couldn’t relegate him to one part of her life and forget about him. No, he’d insinuated himself into every facet of her life and she liked it. More than liked it.

  To her horror, tears welled up inside her. She couldn’t believe she was crying, couldn’t even remember the last time she had cried. Even when Aurora had been taken, she’d gone into a sharp, determined rage and had kept all other emotions locked down tight. Now, however, it was as if all those emotions she’d been trying so damn hard to keep hidden just came pouring out.

  “Hey now, lass.” Lachlan pulled her into his arms and didn’t stop moving until they were curled up against the pillows and headboard, with her in his lap, crying on his shoulder.

  His powerful, capable shoulder. It was like he’d been made for her. He didn’t ask why she was crying, simply wiped away her tears as she buried her face against his neck. She wasn’t going to apologize for crying because screw it, she had emotions and they wouldn’t remain inside her any longer.

  He simply held her close, almost rocking her as he rubbed her back in a gentle soothing rhythm.

  “You’re killing me, Lachlan,” she murmured.

  “I dinnae think that word means what you think it does.”

  She laughed lightly even through her tears. “This was just supposed to be physical between us.” And it was anything but that. She couldn’t deny it even to herself. She didn’t want to.

  “You can lie to yourself and tell yourself that it’s still just physical if it makes you stop crying.” He kissed the top of her head and pulled her even tighter against him.

  She wasn’t sure how on earth this male had come to invade every facet of her life but she held on to him tight. Even with all the crap going on, she was so glad he was here. She clutched onto him just a little bit tighter as blessed sleep started to pull her under. It was as if all the events of the last twenty-four hours came crashing down on her at once and she couldn’t keep her eyes open any longer.

  And for the life of her, she couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt so safe, as if she could put her burdens on someone else and let him take half the load. Hell, even a fraction would be wonderful, but Lachlan was strong, and though he was arrogant, his ego could handle a strong female.

  That much she knew without a doubt. He was…he was her dragon. Always had been, always would be.

  Some elusive thought played in her mind at that, but she was exhausted, and the darkness was beckoning. So she let it take her as her male held her tight in his arms.

  Chapter 26

  Star woke up, feeling completely wrung out, if completely physically satisfied. But emotionally, she felt raw and vulnerable.

  When she realized that Lachlan wasn’t next to her, her stomach tightened in disappointment as she got off the bed. That was when she saw the white piece of paper on the nightstand and a note in Lachlan’s big, scrawling script. You looked so peaceful sleeping I didn’t want to wake you. I’ve just gone to talk to my brother but I’ve got my phone on me. –L

  The tension inside her immediately eased. Her head might be all over the place, but knowing that Lachlan hadn’t just left without any thought of her shifted something inside her. He really was a male worth…everything.

  After a quick shower, she changed into jeans, a plain black T-shirt and boots—and realized she was starving. When she stepped out into the hallway, she nearly ran into Cynara, who smiled at her.

  The demon-vampire hybrid wore a black dress this morning along with hot pink lace-up boots that stopped right over her knees. She always looked so fierce and put together. “Hey, I hope you slept well?”

  “I did, thank you.” She couldn’t actually remember the last time she’d slept so solidly. That had more to do with Lachlan than anything, however.

  “Your whole crew is in our eating area and there’s plenty of food—unless that lion ate it all.”

  Star snickered because Axel definitely packed it away. Lion metabolism and all. “Would you mind directing me to it? I know you told me last night but I can’t remember how to get there.”

  “This place is huge, so I’ll just walk you there.”

  “Thanks. So where’s your mate, anyway? And why haven’t I met him?” Star asked.

  She laughed lightly. “Justus has been doing all sorts of night patrols on King’s orders—which I think he loves. He does not like to sit idly by and do nothing. But we get to spend most of our days together.”

  “I can’t believe you’re mated. And not because you don’t deserve it! It’s just—you used to make barfing sounds anytime anyone ever brought up the word mating and you in the same sentence.”

  Cynara laughed as they reached the elevator doors. “I know. I was ridiculous.”

  “So…can I ask you something personal?” They stepped onto the elevator and as they descended Star realized it was heading to a sublevel underground. “Hey, how’d you even have a sublevel built in an area that’s below ocean level?” she asked.

  “Really good construction. It’s waterproof too. And there’s also a little bit of magic that went into building it,” she said proudly. “But I don’t think that’s what you wanted to ask.”

  “It’s not. I know Justus moved here and basically gave up his coven for you.”

  Cynara nodded. “He did. I offered to move there with him but…” She shrugged. “He said no. He wanted to be here with me, said it was time for a change and that he was tired of all the vampire politics. He’d already put someone else in charge, someone he trusted to run the coven the right way so the changeover in power was seamless.”

  “How has the adjustment been for him?”

  “Really good as far as I can tell. And he wouldn’t lie to me,” she said as they stepped off the elevator into a quiet hallway. As the doors shut, Cynara stopped and leaned against the wall. “He likes King and admitted that he thought it would be hard to listen to another Alpha give orders.”

  “It’s not?” Star shoved her hands in her pockets.

  “Eh, I mean, they butt heads sometimes, but the whole structure in New Orleans is different than a lot of territories. King isn’t a jackass overlord who gets off on telling people what to do. He’s a true leader. Different rules for a new world, I think. This is King’s city, no doubt about it. And while he’s arrogant, he doesn’t let his ego get in the way of making decisions. He’s putting strong people in charge of different areas and trusting them to run them right without micromanaging. Justus used to be a Roman general and this kind of thing is right up his alley. I told him that if he ever wanted a change, that I’m willing to move for him. We’re basically immortal and I don’t have to live here. I’m open to change if it makes him happy. And he feels the same way. So for now we’re living here and trying to get things back on track, back to a new normal. But if my mate needs a change, I’ll make one with him. His happiness means everything to me.”

  “I’m happy for you,” she said, pulling her friend into an impulsive hug. Cynara was one of the kindest females she’d ever known. As she stepped back, she said, “And thank you again for letting us stay here, for the protection of your club.”

  “You don’t ever have to thank me. Besides, you’re totally going to pay me back with some free shows.” She winked at Star and pointed down the hallway as she pressed the elevator button again. “If you keep going, you’ll run straight into the cafeteria.”

  “Thanks.” Her rubber-soled boots were quiet against the tile as she hurried down the hallway. She could see two double swinging doors, and when she was about twenty feet away, she heard a multitude of voices, all her crew. When she stepped inside the room she found Aurora standing in front of everyone, hands on her hips, while the others lounged on various chairs, and some were sitting on tabletops.

  They all tu
rned to look at her.

  “You guys are having a meeting without me?” she asked, frowning at everyone.

  “You needed the sleep,” Aurora said, completely unapologetic.

  “Yeah, we know that dragon of yours tired you out last night,” Marley said, smirking.

  Kartini started making obscene thrusting motions and cackling. “It’s about time you got some!”

  Star rolled her eyes and stepped farther into the room. “I swear you guys turn into fifteen-year-olds at the mention of sex.”

  “Of course we do,” Kartini said. “Talking about sex is fun. Thinking about sex is fun. Engaging in sex is—”

  “Fun, we get it,” Axel muttered, though he was smiling.

  “So what’s going on down here?” Star asked, her eyes widening when she saw a huge table display of muffins and different assorted pastries. Oh, and sweet, blessed coffee. She made a beeline for the food, her mouth already watering.

  “We’ve come up with a plan to bring Oscar out into the open,” Aurora said.

  If she’d had anything in her stomach it would have curdled at her sister’s tone. She had a feeling she wasn’t going to like whatever this plan was. Star paused at the table, then turned away from it to face the others. She shoved her hands in her pockets. “Why do I think I’m not going to like any of this?”

  “Because you’re not,” Aurora said, meeting her gaze dead-on. “Because it involves me—and you—acting as bait in an effort to bring Oscar out into the open. I’ll do it without you, but the whole plan will work better if you’re part of it. And I’ll explain why if you don’t start arguing with me right now.”

  Her instinct was to argue with Aurora, to tell her she wasn’t doing anything to put herself in danger, but Star took a deep breath. She was not Aurora’s mother. And even if she was, she didn’t control her. That bastard had controlled everything about Aurora’s life for an entire year. Star knew it would be selfish if she tried to do the same, no matter how noble the reasons. “Okay, let me hear your plan.”

  Aurora’s purple eyes flashed in surprise but she quickly recovered. “The plan itself is simple enough. Cynara has completely spelled this place so it’s impossible for Oscar to get past her defenses. Or at least really hard to, since technically nothing is really impossible. But if she agrees to release some of the spells, and if you put on a rooftop show here—with me in attendance—we’ll spread the word around the city that you’re doing a charity show and anyone is welcome. Bella and Lola have already come up with online images to post. All the surrounding streets will be cordoned off so that no vehicles are allowed—as long as King is okay with it. People will line the streets to see you and just listen to you and it will be VIP access only in the actual club. In reality, everyone on the roof and in VIP will be our people, including Lachlan and his dragons and any of King’s people who agree to help us.”

  “Have you talked to Lachlan or King about this?” she asked.

  “Of course not.” Her sister seemed offended by the question.

  “I was just asking,” she murmured.

  Aurora frowned at her. “I sort of expected you to interrupt me or argue with me by now.”

  Star gave her a ghost of a smile. “So far it’s a pretty good plan, though I do see at least one hole in it.”

  Her sister narrowed her gaze but continued. “If we do this show, he’ll come for me. Even if he thinks it’s a trap, I don’t think he’ll be able to resist making a play for me if I’m up on stage with you or right near you, out in full public view. He’s incredibly arrogant. When he makes his move, we work as a team to bring him down. He’s already sent his people after you once. I don’t think he’ll risk someone else screwing up again. And if Lachlan’s dragons are on board, I don’t think we’ll have a problem taking Oscar and his clanmates down. He didn’t bring his whole clan with him anyway. The majority of them were left behind, according to Lola. And you guys already killed some of them so I think we have good odds.”

  Star took a second to digest everything, running it over in her mind. “What about all the supernaturals and humans on the street during the show? Do we really want to start a fight with dragons and potentially injure innocent bystanders?” She knew the answer but had to ask the question. It was one of the holes she could see—none of them would want to risk innocent people. Not even for revenge.

  “No. Which is where another part of the plan comes into play. Cynara is friends with a couple witches. We can ask them to cast a protection spell over everyone on the street so they don’t get hit by any of the fallout or dragon fire if there’s a battle in the sky. And if it turns out that some of Oscar’s people are in the crowd, they won’t be able to get past the witches’ barrier to the rooftop.”

  Okay, so that was a really good idea. “If he comes for you—and we’d basically be waving a giant red flag at a bull, so I think he will—the only way we can fight him back is by shifting to our true selves.”

  “I know. It’s the only thing I was worried about telling you.” Aurora’s expression was grave. “I’m tired of hiding what I am. I’ve hid what I am forever. You and I hid our relationship in case anyone realized what one was, so the other wouldn’t be targeted. And look what happened. I got taken anyway.”

  They’d hidden what they were for their whole lives. Look what keeping their secret safe had gotten them in the first place. Aurora was right. She’d been kidnapped anyway. “Okay.”

  Everyone shifted almost nervously in their seats and even Aurora dropped her arms from her hips. “Are you serious? You’re going to come out to the world?”

  “If I have to. And if I’m being completely honest, it’s been wearing on me regardless, having to hide what I am. I don’t think anything we do will keep us completely safe. And if we reveal what we are, especially to our allies, it will only strengthen those bonds. Look at Aunt Cliona—she’s allied with King and working with dragons now.”

  Aurora gave her a brilliant smile, the sister from before her captivity shining through in that moment. “We’re going to kill this bastard,” she growled.

  Even though fear lived inside Star at the thought of her sister having to face the man who’d hurt her, she nodded. “We’re certainly stronger as a team. And we’re going to have to plan this down to the last detail. There can be no room for error.” She started to say more, but stopped when she heard footsteps out in the hallway. She turned to find Lachlan and his dragons striding into the cafeteria.

  His gaze immediately landed on hers, pinning her with those intense eyes she could drown in. “Cynara told us you were down here. Is everything okay?”

  “Sure is,” Aurora said before Star could answer.

  She shot her sister an annoyed glance over her shoulder and immediately recognized the mischievous glint in her sister’s eyes. Before she could say anything, Aurora continued.

  “We’re going to bring Oscar and his clanmates to us. Star and I are going to be bait. And we really hope you guys will help us take them out.”

  Star winced and turned back to find Lachlan staring at her with a Hell no expression on his handsome face.

  “You’re not making yourself bait!” he snarled, his dragon in his gaze.

  She winced again. Then she looked over her shoulder at Aurora. “Am I this annoying when I tell you what to do?”

  Aurora simply snickered.

  She turned back to Lachlan. He’d been so incredible last night, letting her cry all over him like some kind of maniac. And then of course all the sexy times. He’d taken care of her and let her be vulnerable in front of him without using it against her. She wanted to respect his feelings, because she did. But it didn’t change what they had to do.

  She stepped forward, gently placing her hands on his chest. “This is the only way. And with your help, we’ll be able to take him down and gain our freedom. Unless you don’t think you’re strong enough to take on Oscar?”

  “I know what you’re doing,” he snarled, covering her hands with his

  “Do you?”

  “Don’t try to bait me.”

  “I’m not baiting you. I’m asking a serious question. Can you take him on with us? Can you kill him?”

  “Of course I can.” His Scottish brogue was thicker in that moment.

  “Then our plan will work. Because all of us are strong as well. We just need to function as a team.”

  She could see that Lachlan wanted to argue. His jaw clenched tightly and he watched her for a long moment. “Once he’s dead, you come back to Scotland with me.”

  She stared at him, aware of her entire crew and his own dragons watching them, listening intently.

  “Lachlan,” she rasped out. Now wasn’t the time to have this conversation, not in front of everyone else. She needed to talk to her crew about her leaving; she owed them that. They’d all been together for decades—they’d put their lives on hold for an entire year as they worked as a team to save Aurora.

  “It’s not an ultimatum. I’m just saying that when this is done, I want you to come home with me. Where you belong.”

  She stared at him, trying to find her voice. She wanted to go with him. In that moment, she deeply, completely wanted to go. She would miss her sister, miss her crew, if they decided not to come, but she wanted to be with Lachlan. She could live with the sadness of missing her people as long as she had her dragon.

  Not giving her a chance to answer, he crushed his mouth to hers in full view of everyone, plundering her mouth with wild abandon. Her flames burst to life, and without opening her eyes she knew he was glowing too by the gasps from all those around them. Then he pulled back suddenly, his dragon looking back at her. “Let me hear this asinine plan,” he growled out.

  In that moment she wanted nothing more than to return to Scotland with him. To start a life with him—to be his mate. But she was terrified to say the words out loud. Because what if she got ahead of herself and then jinxed everything before they could take Oscar down?

  She was terrified at the thought of losing Lachlan just when she’d found him.


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