How Far Will You Go?

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How Far Will You Go? Page 3

by Barbara Baldwin

  "That's not fair,” she murmured against his cheek, kissing along his scar then down the vee of skin showing where his shirt was still open.

  She had that right. But now wasn't the time or place. He gently removed her hand from his pants’ front, brought it up to his lips and kissed the palm.

  "Lou, you didn't finish.” She laid her palm against his cheek.

  Sweet, unselfish Kelly, thinking of his welfare. Before he could take advantage of the offer he knew she was making, he turned her around, hands on her shoulders, and began steering her back towards the bar.

  "Believe me, sweetheart, we are not finished. We just have to find a place where nobody will interrupt, because it's going to take a long, really long time."

  She looked back over her shoulder at him, her gaze soft and dreamy. “Good, because it's been a really long time."

  Just when his erection was starting to subside, she smiled like that and he was instantly hard again. If he didn't have to relieve Dom up on the mountainside, he would have Kelly out in the hayloft faster than he could rope a calf.

  * * * *

  "Hi, Mom.” Kelly gave her mom a kiss on the cheek, dropping her keys into the drawer below the cash register.

  "Hello, dear. You got home late last night.” Her mother gave a customer his change, then turned to smile at her. Nancy Baker was a petite brunette with the same blue eyes that Kelly had, except her mom's held a tinge of sadness Kelly knew would never go away.

  "I like your hair,” she said. “When did you get that done?"

  Her mom patted the short, curly hairdo. “Oh, I finally let Angie talk me into doing something with it. Do you think it's too short?"

  "Not at all. In fact, it makes you look years younger.” She smiled as her mom blushed. Kelly was glad to see her mom finally taking an interest in her own well-being.

  "I heard Loukota Kincaid is back in town."

  "Oh?” Kelly willed her hands not to tremble as she grabbed her apron and fumbled to get it tied behind her back. “Where'd you hear that?” She wasn't sure why she didn't tell her mom she had already seen him. Her mom had known about the date with Lou but not about the dare or what had actually happened. Whenever her mom had asked about Kelly's reclusive behavior after that night, Kelly had said it was due to Lou graduating and leaving town, not about her fear of being pregnant. As close as she was to her mom, there were still some things that she could not share.

  Her mother now gave a little shake of her head and tsked. “Honestly. Not only do I run the local café, but I was at the beauty shop yesterday."

  Kelly pointed a finger at her. “Right.” Both were the most notorious places in town to pick up the latest gossip.

  "Don't try and tell me you haven't seen him,” her mother continued. “Abby Fenton's son saw him here yesterday afternoon and Angie said that Mabel said her cousin's brother-in-law ran into him down at the Circle R last night.” She looked straight at Kelly. “With you."

  "Her cousin's brother-in-law?” Kelly squeaked. “Isn't that a little too small town?” After living in DC for five years, she had forgotten how fast gossip flew in Dexter. However, her work at the Pentagon had taught her that networks existed everywhere. “I'll bet the Pentagon would love to hire Mabel."

  "Now don't be snide, dear. You know Mabel's a sweetheart."

  What Kelly knew was that most of the residents would do anything for a piece of her mom's peach pie, but Mabel could only be plied with a piece of gossip. Speaking of pies, she'd better get busy.

  "Any preference for pies today?” she asked as she turned toward the kitchen.

  "Make one of your lemon meringues,” Mr. Holliday called from down the counter. “Didn't get a piece of that last week and my mouth's been watering.” He smacked his lips for emphasis.

  Kelly shot him a grin. “I'll be sure to save a piece back for you.” Jack Holliday was a widower who ran the appliance store down the street. He ate most of his meals at the Crystal and always left the girls a nice tip.

  Becky and her mom managed the morning crowd and Kelly had to go out only once when things got hectic. She enjoyed creating the pastries for her mom, and although she threw in a chocolate cake or tapioca pudding once in a while, the Crystal Water Café had always been known for its pies, so she had learned early on how to recreate her mom's favorite recipes.

  Much later, she placed one last piece of cherry pie on the tray, lifted it carefully and backed through the swinging door into the café. The noise of the lunch crowd had lessened, but she could see that several booths still had customers.

  "Ah, it's the sweet carrying the sweets."

  Kelly nearly dropped the tray full of pie as a dark, smoky voice greeted her before she could completely turn around.

  "Geez, would you quit doing that?” she griped, hoping to wipe the grin from Lou's lips, but he was unrepentant. He stood, stretching across the counter to snatch a piece of chocolate pie right off the tray.

  "Stealing from the cook costs you double,” she said.

  "Darlin', you're worth any price.” He rolled his eyes as he shoved a second forkful of pie into his mouth, licking his lips.

  Kelly's body immediately reacted, remembering how hot those lips had been last night. Her face flushed, her breathing quickened, and she got all achy ... everywhere. She didn't even know if he had meant his remark to be sexual in nature. When it came to Lou, she had sex on the brain and couldn't help but wonder when they'd have the chance to finish what they had started last night.

  He held his mug up for coffee and that's when she noticed the splint on his arm.

  "What happened to you?” she asked as she poured him a second cup.

  He shrugged it off. “Just me and a bronc having a little disagreement."

  "Is it broken?"

  "Naw. It'll be all right in a day or two."

  She shook her head. “Don't you think you're a little old to be riding like that?"

  His gaze smoldered as it slid up and down her body. He gave her that grin that turned her insides upside-down and sideways. “Honey, I'm not too old to ride ... anything."

  "Shh,” she hissed, glancing around to make sure he hadn't been overheard. He had her blushing again, damn his hide. She used to be the queen of the snappy comeback but she was woefully out of practice. Especially with the sexual innuendos Lou was tossing her way.

  "How about dinner tonight?” Lou said in a stage whisper. She was sure he did it just to tease her.

  "I work every night ‘til closing.” She shrugged. “We're short-handed and most of the kids who apply for jobs don't really want to work at it. They just want a paycheck."

  "You don't work on Tuesdays,” he replied.

  "That's my only day off."

  "Fine, if I can't see you after closing, then I'll pick you up at your house on Tuesday and we'll grab something to eat and maybe do a little dancing."

  Before she could answer, he spun around on the stool and headed toward the door, whistling some tune she recognized but couldn't put a name to. She watched the door close on his tight buns and broad shoulders, wondering how she was ever going to wait until Tuesday to get her hands on his body.

  * * * *

  Lou hadn't been able to stay away from Kelly even for a day. Seeing her in that snug tee shirt and shorts, it had been all he could do to keep his hands to himself. As he settled his wrapped arm gingerly on the armrest in the pickup, he decided it was probably best that they wouldn't be in close proximity for awhile.

  He and Dom would be doubling their night watch until they could catch the bastard who had blindsided him last night. Of course, it was his own fault. He had gotten bored up on the mountainside and as soon as Dom had arrived last night, decided to have a closer look around CoKan.

  He had only been jumped by one man, but that man had a knife and had sliced open his arm. Dom had spied the attack from the lookout and had arrived just seconds after Lou rendered the man unconscious with a kick to the head.

  Twenty stitches and a te
tanus shot later, Dom and he sat at the Circle R having a beer and they had both decided the man bore watching. He wasn't a security guard because he had no uniform and they couldn't find any ID on him. He was either an illegal or was working for the group they hoped to capture and he wanted to keep his identity secret.

  When he had reported the mishap to Ashford today, he had been told to put Tasha on the watch detail and take a few days off. With this bum arm, he couldn't even practice roping so had decided to spend his time with Kelly.

  Now, even though he had the time, he didn't have the girl, he thought morosely as he pulled into the drive at his folks. He instantly ached whenever Kelly came to mind. She had looked so cute at the diner today with a smudge of flour on her cheek he had longed to kiss away. He recalled her gasps of pleasure last night when he had made her come and didn't think he could wait much longer to bury himself deep inside her hot body.

  He grimaced as he banged his arm on the truck door getting out. It was probably a good thing he had some time before he saw her again because he definitely didn't want her to find out what really lay beneath the bandages on his arm. When he finally got her naked and beneath him, he didn't want anything to interfere with what he had in mind to do to her.

  * * * *

  "Are you sure you don't mind?” Kelly asked Becky after the dinner rush Saturday evening. “I'm supposed to close and you've got the kids at home."

  The young divorcee shook her head. “My mom came and picked them up for a whole week.” She grinned. “Not that I have anything to do when I'm not chasing them around. Besides, I could use the extra money."

  Kelly sighed. “Well, you can certainly work then. This week has worn me out.” Actually, the days had dragged by since Lou had been in on Wednesday and she hadn't seen him since. Surely he wasn't riding horses all day long and could have taken the time to stop by.

  As she climbed into her Jeep and headed home, she felt bad for thinking that. She knew Lou was staying at his folks and that was a good thirty-minute drive from town. It wasn't like he could just hop in the truck and be here in five minutes. Besides, he was probably busy helping his dad.

  She had just put her key in the back door when she heard the phone ring. She managed to grab it before it went to voice mail.

  "'Lo,” she said as she quickly scanned the note her mom had left on the counter. She was playing bridge with Mabel and her cohorts. Good, at least she was getting out of the house.

  "You there?” Maggie's voice came over the line.

  "Oh, hi, Maggie. What's up?” Why did she feel disappointed that it wasn't Lou?

  "You gotta go to Sam's with me. They have a hot, I mean really hot, band and I want to see if we can get them for the reunion."

  "Ah, man. I'm beat. All I want is a bubble bath and to put my feet up.” Even after months, Kelly wondered if she could hack it as a waitress. The hours were long and she wasn't used to being on her feet for ten hours straight. She didn't know how her mom did it.

  "You can have a bubble bath when you die. I'll personally put a huge box of Mr. Bubble in your coffin. It's Saturday night, girl, and we should be partying."

  It's Saturday night, Kelly thought, and she didn't have a date until Tuesday. She had thought about calling Lou on her way home, but had decided not to be so forward. If he really intended to do luscious, erotic things to her, she hoped he was thinking about it every day he hadn't come in to see her. And she sincerely hoped he was sleeping with a hard-on every night. It would serve him right for making all those suggestive remarks and then telling her it would be a week before he acted on them.

  "Okay, I'll be over at eight,” Maggie was saying over the phone and Kelly realized she hadn't been paying any attention.


  "No buts, unless they're some cowboys’ butts in tight jeans on the dance floor. Get dressed; I'm heading that way."

  The phone went dead and Kelly glared at it. She had let Maggie drag her along for the ride ever since grade school and it appeared neither one of them had changed in the least. With a sigh, she headed for the shower. Regardless of when Maggie got here, Kelly wasn't going anywhere until she was darn good and ready.

  Forty-five minutes later, Kelly wished she hadn't agreed to come to Sam's Saloon and Dance Hall with Maggie. The minute she walked through the door, the noise and the smoky atmosphere sucked what little energy she had right out of her. The place was packed and the band was loud. Maybe she wouldn't feel so bad after she had a beer.

  Wrong. She had no sooner ordered and turned to survey the crowd than she saw him sitting at a high-topped table only three feet from her. Unreasonable anger rose rapidly at the thought that he could find his way into town to the bar, but couldn't bother to stop and see her. And not only that, but apparently he had even found himself a date because the blonde from the fairgrounds hung all over him.

  Chapter 3

  "Ah, shit,” Lou swore when he saw Kelly staring at him from a few feet away. Her blue eyes shot daggers his way before she turned abruptly and moved toward the door.

  "What's up?” Tasha asked as he peeled her arms from around his neck. He had brought her with him on the pretense of being his girlfriend so they could more easily scope out the people at the bar. He hadn't expected Kelly.

  "Trouble, big time.” Lou was on his feet, tossing some money on the table to pay their tab.

  "Need help?” Tasha's voice immediately turned steely and businesslike. As a Fed, she was one of the best and Lou would normally be glad for the assistance.

  "Nope. This is personal.” He hurried across the edge of the dance floor, trying to keep the brown ponytail in his sights. Man, from the way it was swaying back and forth, Kelly was more than mad. She was livid.

  He caught up to her just as she tried to slam the door of herJeep in his face. Luckily, he had wedged his good arm in to stop it.

  "Don't even try, mister!” she shouted at him.

  "Try what?” His arm held firm on the door, not about to let her escape.

  "To explain; to lie; to get me to...” she sputtered to a stop, her eyes narrowed in anger at him.

  "Sweetheart, just let me—"

  "And do not call me sweetheart!” She jerked at the door.

  Exasperated, he pushed the door all the way open and stepped between it and her. This put him close enough to smell her perfume and feel her heat. He just had to figure out how to turn the heat of anger into heat of passion.

  "I thought you had to work,” he said, keeping his voice low and soft.

  "Like that's an excuse?” she huffed.

  He lowered his brows. In actuality, she had no right to get mad at him. “It's not like we're exclusive,” he replied before he thought. Her head jerked around; her eyes skewered him. Uh-oh, here it comes.

  She held his gaze for long seconds. Then her breath came out in a whoosh and she slumped in the seat. “I know,” she whispered. “I just thought—"

  "Shh,” he quickly interrupted, stepping closer. He placed a hand on her bare thigh and leaned forward to kiss her. She had capitulated and he was going to take full advantage of it. He ran his tongue along the seam of her lips, urging her to open to him. She put a hand on his chest and pushed, turning her head to the side.

  "I'm not that easy,” she said and he wondered at the slight waver he heard in her voice.

  "I'm sorry, babe. I didn't mean—"

  "Who is she?” When she looked at him this time, he detected hurt in her eyes.

  He didn't even think about lying. That only led to more lies. “Her name is Tasha. She's here for the rodeo.” He didn't consider errors of omission as lies.


  "And that's all there is to it. She wanted to get a beer and didn't want all the guys hitting on her so asked me to accompany her."

  "It looked like she had much more in mind than a beer."

  Lou had to grin. “Jealous?"

  Kelly opened her mouth to deny it and then snapped it shut. She was jealous—extremely so—but wa
sn't about to give him the satisfaction of knowing that. And he was right; it wasn't like she had any claims on him.

  "Come back inside and dance with me,” Lou whispered as he kissed the spot just behind her ear and rubbed his hand up and down her thigh. “I'll be good, I promise."

  His hand was warm and firm on her skin and she wished he would move it a little higher—like clear up to that place that ached for his touch. She wasn't at all sure she wanted him to be good. Well, she wanted it to be good, but she really wanted him to be very bad.

  She allowed him to pull her keys out of the ignition and help her out of the Jeep. He put an arm around her bare shoulders, tugging her close to his side and she went willingly. Just maybe she would make that blonde jealous when she walked back inside with Lou hanging onto her.

  Lou swung her right onto the dance floor when they stepped inside. The dance was a fast two-step and he had all the right moves.

  "You never danced this good in high school.” She smiled at him. It felt so good to be in his arms.

  "I didn't have as good-looking a partner then as I do now.” He winked at her.

  "What?” she started to sputter but realized he was teasing her again as he laughed and swung her in a circle.

  "Oh, come on, Kelly. If you had looked this good,” he twirled her around and under his arm, then pulled her back in close, “I would never have been able to get close to you; even on a dare."

  She blushed. “You knew?"

  The music had changed to a slow tune and Lou pulled her even closer, his open hand sliding down her back to her butt. He took the hand he was holding and put it around his neck, then caressed her bare back with his free hand.

  "I knew, but hey, who was I to complain? I was going to be on the receiving end of attention from the hottest girl in school."

  She looked up at him in surprise. “I wasn't hot. I was too tall and too thin and my long legs were always tripping me up."

  He bent his head and nipped her ear lobe before he whispered, “I thought you were hot and I had the hots for you. But, babe, that was nothing compared to the meltdown I'm experiencing tonight with what you've got on."


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