Princess Charming: A Sweet Lesbian Romance

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Princess Charming: A Sweet Lesbian Romance Page 4

by Mia Archer

  “Have you ever thought about just letting me go out looking like one of those people out there?” I asked.

  Felix arched an eyebrow, but it wasn’t an incredulous eyebrow arch. More like he was curious. I got more hopeful.

  “What on earth are you talking about, highness?” he asked.

  “Well I was just thinking that we have all this security and that’s only going to draw people’s eyes. What if I just went out there in a T-shirt and jeans and without all the security? I doubt anyone from around here would recognize me anyways. It’s not like the Americans are obsessed with us or anything.”

  Felix didn’t respond immediately. Instead he tapped something into his phone which looked big enough to be a dinner plate. Hope swelled in me as I wondered if he was talking to other people on the security force about what a wonderful idea I’d just had. Then he stopped tapping and held his phone up. He wasn’t chatting at all. He’d pulled up a picture.

  The picture. Of me snogging Jacqueline. The headline was on an American website and it was going on about the royal scandal in Allora. I squeezed my eyes shut. Was I never going to get free of that picture? The damn thing had quite literally traveled halfway around the world to ruin my day.

  “As you can see, highness, the goings on in the Alloran royalty are more well known here in the states than you might think.”

  “So my plan’s a no-go?”

  “Certainly not, highness. Now sit back and relax. We’ll be at the resort soon enough. Only the best for you,” he said.

  Only the best. Yeah, that was true. We’d stay at the most expensive resort they had at this place, and the entire time I wouldn’t be allowed to sneeze without one of Felix’s security guys there waiting to help wipe my nose. The gilded cage was still very much closed in around me, and Felix had just slammed the door shut and thrown away the key.

  Some vacation this was going to be. I turned back to watch the cars pulled off to the side of the road to make way for our caravan. I knew those people probably had plenty of problems of their own, but I couldn’t help but envy them just a little.

  5: Dani

  I giggled as I fell back on the bed and bounced a couple of times. It felt so wonderful to be able to stretch my legs, and it felt even more wonderful to feel the softness of the bed under me. It was such a sharp contrast to the uncomfortable bust that had been my home for the last twenty or so hours as we made a drive across half the country.

  I rolled over and looked at Sarah who was luxuriating on her own bed in much the same way. She looked over to me and giggled, giving me a thumbs up.

  I smiled. I was so glad she decided to room with me after all. After the big news got out thanks to Colin being a first rate asshole I’d worried that she might change her roommate assignment out of fear that she’d get labeled a lesbian right along with me. Stranger things had happened in our moderately small town. But she’d stuck by me, and I was grateful.

  The fact that her relationship with Devon was pretty obviously heating up ever since prom probably helped just a little.

  “Y’know I could almost forget about even going to the park,” Sarah said. “Sitting in here all day long and watching TV sounds like some fun.”

  I tossed a pillow at her and it landed square on her face. A moment later she launched it right back at me, but I managed to deflect the blow with my Jedi-like reflexes.

  “What was that for?” she asked.

  “That was because I know you were just thinking about abandoning me to spend the day ‘relaxing’ with Devon in our room,” I said. “And you’re not going to do anything of the sort and leave me all alone in the park!”

  “Hey, we would’ve used my bed. Maybe,” Sarah said with a giggle of her own.

  I was about to hit her with a witty retort when there was a loud rapping on the door. I closed my eyes and paused for a moment to collect myself. Someone knocking on the door meant official business. Official business meant there was a chance I was about to see someone from the band and not one of the chaperones. I desperately hoped it wasn’t one of Colin’s friends.

  “I’ll get the door,” Sarah said.

  I smiled in thanks. It still amazed me how his campaign of annoying me had been so effective, and I’d had enough days not dealing with that crap during the first part of the summer that I was liable to bite someone’s head off rather than the gentle talking to I’d given most people who fell under his sway by the end of the year.

  Sarah opened the door and some freshman girl stood there. Though I guess she’d be a sophomore now. That was still sort of mind bending even though none of it would matter at the end of this week when I said goodbye to the last vestiges of my high school life forever.

  “What’s up?” Sarah asked.

  The girl looked into the room at me and then back to Sarah. Interesting. Maybe she was hoping I’d answer the door. Well tough shit.

  “Did you forget how to talk, Ashley?”

  “Mr. Fredericks wants to make sure everyone is gathered down by the pool in ten minutes,” she squeaked.

  “Right. Go on and tell everyone else then,” Sarah said, her eyes narrowing. After the girl, Ashley, left our room Sarah leaned out and stared after her with a level of interest that would’ve made me think she was interested in the girl if I knew she didn’t swing that way. I’d seen the way she and Devon made out. Not pretty, but a sure confirmation of her heterosexuality if there ever was one.

  “What are you doing?” I asked.

  “Just seeing if she stopped at any other doors,” Sarah said.


  “Not a one.”

  I growled. That about summed up how I felt in that moment. “Looks like Colin isn’t going to give up until he’s made me completely miserable during this trip.”

  “Yeah, well, it is his last chance before you run off to college and find yourself drowning in women. Can you blame the guy?”

  I chucked the pillow across the room. Unfortunately it went right out the door and over the railing to disappear into the air beyond. Oops. I hoped no one was down there in the line of fire. That would’ve been awkward.

  “Nice shot,” she said.

  “Right. And if you could kindly not take my asshole ex-boyfriend’s side in the future I’d really appreciate it,” I said.

  “Duly noted,” Sarah replied. “You should get off your ass though. Ashley wasn’t lying when she said everyone was gathering down in front of the pool. Time to get a move on!”

  I sighed and pulled the remaining pillow over my face. I wondered if it would be possible to hold the thing down long enough to put myself out of my misery. No, I’d probably pass out before that happened. Not to mention that I wasn’t really in the mood to pull something like that anyways. Colin was not worth that much angst.

  So I stood and followed Sarah out into the heat. That was another thing that was nice about hanging out in the hotel room. It was fucking hot down here. The sun beat down and it felt nice for the first five minutes, but after that I turned into a sticky mess and even before I’d gone down the stairs to the ground level I felt like I needed to get into my bag and reapply my sunscreen or risk getting charred, and I wasn’t a person who burnt easily.

  Mr. Fredericks apparently took his sun safety very seriously. He hadn’t even bothered to rub his in on his nose, which made him look ridiculous. Then again he pulled off the awkward old dude look so well that it almost seem to fit him.

  “Hello everyone and welcome to your first day here at Royal Realms!” he shouted, though I don’t know why he bothered. His voice easily carried over everyone.

  There was a smattering of applause as he said that, but mostly people seemed antsy to get to the park. I could understand that feeling. This place was a pop culture legend we’d all grown up learning about, and it was also far enough away and expensive enough to go here that most people in our rather poor small town hadn’t ever been.

  The proof of that was in the “resort” we were staying at. All t
he rooms opened onto the outside like a motel, but that didn’t matter much considering we were in a tropical climate where it never got cold and the worst you had to worry about was the occasional hurricane. A massive pool stood at the center of several buildings placed in a ring, and the whole thing was damned impressive even though it was the budget resort where the park stuffed kids who were coming in out of town on a discount rate because we were marching in one of their parades.

  If this was what one of their budget places looked like then it made me seriously wonder what sort of opulence someone could expect at one of the more expensive parts of the park. With a little luck I’d be able to find out, but for now I stood with the sun beating down on me and listened as Fredericks went through a boring spiel that he probably went through every time the band came down here with a new batch of kids.

  “Remember that you have an afternoon and an evening in the park today and all day tomorrow, but we have to be up very early in two days to get ready for the parade. I want all of you to be back here at the resort and in bed by ten o’clock tonight and tomorrow so you aren’t exhausted for the parade. Remember you’re representing your Tiger pride out there!”

  Another smattering of applause. If he was expecting to find an abundance of school spirit with band kids then he was sorely mistaken. I knew for a fact that most of the people in the band wouldn’t even bother going to a football or basketball game if they weren’t required to play at the home games for their grade.

  Mr. Fredericks paused and frowned, looking for all the world like he’d just eaten something sour that he didn’t care for. When he next opened his mouth the reason for that annoyance became pretty damn obvious.

  “I have to add that I can’t compel those of you who are graduated to observe the curfew considering I can’t do anything to punish you through the summer or next year,” he said.

  Fredericks had to pause for a moment at that to let the hoots and hollers die down. I looked at Sarah and she grinned. I had no idea we were going to get off so easily. Suddenly my daring plan to get away from it all seemed a little less daring, but then he went right on talking.

  “But you need to remember that you are on a school trip and you will follow the rules and uphold the high standards I expect from everyone in this band regardless of whether or not you are technically still a student. I’d also like to add that I have you for an entire week, and I’ll be very annoyed if any of you are out much past that ten o’clock time.”

  The hoots and hollers died down into angry muttering at that. Well then. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. Fredericks wasn’t the kind of guy to sit idly by while people had a good time.

  “Damn it,” Sarah said. “And here I was hoping I might be able to use the extra time to…”

  She stopped and blushed before actually saying what she was planning on using that time for. Not that I needed to know. I saw the way she looked at Devon and I figured that was a pretty good indication of what she had planned. I had no intention of being around the room when she went through with those plans, either.

  “You’re not doing that tonight,” I said.

  “Doing what?” Sarah asked, fixing me with a sweet and innocent look that I knew from hard won experience was anything but. That look usually meant I was going to get in trouble, though in this case it probably just meant I needed to stay out of the hotel room for a little while tonight.

  Not that I planned on spending much time back here at the hotel either way. Not when there was a whole park out there to explore. The people I was here with might be treating me like shit, but out there it was supposed to be the happiest place in the whole damn world, and I was going to enjoy myself.

  “So are we all clear on that?” Fredericks asked.

  Shit. Fredericks was going on about something. Whatever. He was a man in the middle of an intense love affair with the sound of his own voice, and I was pretty damn sure that whatever he just said couldn’t be that important. I had the itinerary in my bag, after all. I could just go by that if I needed to figure out where I was supposed to be. And it’s not like we had anything terribly important to do today.

  He might kill me if I missed the parade seeing as how I was supposed to be out front directing the band, but not today.

  “Now if you’ll follow me we’ll be taking the elevated train to the park proper,” Fredericks said.

  “Elevated train?” Sarah asked.

  “It’s this whole system they have running between every resort and all the parks down here. Makes getting around really damn fast. I heard they tried to do away with it and replace everything with buses a few years ago, and there was a revolt,” I said.

  I took a few more steps before I realized Sarah wasn’t saying anything back to me. Y’know, like people are supposed to do when you’re having a conversation. I turned and she was giving me an odd look.


  “How do you know so much about mass transportation in amusement parks?”

  I blushed. “Hey. I watched a lot of stuff on the Royal Channel as a kid. They plastered it with stuff about this place trying to get kids to convince their parents to drop a few thousand on a trip.”

  “Whatever,” Sarah said.

  The trip on the elevated train was fast, and it also had some interesting views. The thing ran through every resort and it was up high enough that I got a good view of those resorts as we went through. Let me tell you, it was fascinating looking down on how the other half lived. It also made me feel better about my plan. The train stopped at platforms at each of those resorts, and it didn’t look like there was anyone waiting there checking to make sure someone was actually staying there. It also seemed that rich people dressed about the same as poor or middle class people when they were on vacation, which boded well for blending in once my plan was set into motion.

  It only took a few minutes and the park was in sight, complete with the Royal Palace causing everyone to try and run to one side of the train to get a look. I may or may not have been one of them gawking. I also might’ve intentionally grabbed a seat by a window on the side that would give me a good view when we came in. Hey, I’m not above a little bit of childish glee myself.

  We had one more gathering with Fredericks as we got to the entrance. The entire place was a madhouse, but it was an organized madhouse with crowds streaming through metal detectors and getting their bags searched. The sun beat down from overhead and all around was the smell of sunscreen and happy yells from families going into the park. And there in the middle of all of it was our band getting pre-yelled at by our director.

  “One last reminder. You go into the park and you enjoy yourselves, but everyone who isn’t graduated needs to be back here by nine thirty for the trip back to the resort. Anyone who has graduated is strongly advised to be back at that time as well,” he said.

  I rolled my eyes. He was really hitting that one hard. As though a bunch of kids who were newly eighteen and just getting used to the idea of having some freedom were going to listen to him on that score. I knew I didn’t have any intention of doing so.

  “So are you ready for a day of fun?” Sarah asked. Devon had come up to join her, though, and she seemed a little distracted. Meanwhile behind her I could see Colin along with his clique of assholes gathering together. Some were looking at me and they weren’t particularly pleasant looks.

  Yeah, a great choice. I could hang out with my best friend and be a third wheel all day long or I could hang out with someone else from the band group and be an outcast all day long. Given those options, I was going to go with door number three thank you very much.

  Everyone, even the chaperones and Mr. Fredericks, were so captivated by the Royal Realms magic and finally getting into the park after being stuck on a cramped bus for so long that none of them were paying attention to little old me.


  “I’ll catch up with you in a few,” I said. “Think I’m going to go to just sit here and enjoy the ambiance for a few minutes

  “You sure?” Sarah asked, though it was clear from her tone and the way she kept smiling as Devon ran his hands all over her that she desperately wanted to get going. It made me wish I had something like that, but I was a realist. Life wasn’t a Royal Company film. Some pretty princess wasn’t going to come out of nowhere to sweep me off my feet an carry me off to a happily ever after somewhere.

  I could let Sarah have a happily ever after for today, though.

  “You go on,” I said. “You have your phone on you. I’ll be in touch when I head into the park.”

  It was obvious she didn’t need much in the way of convincing. Sarah gave me one final worried look, then she allowed herself to be pulled into the bag search line along with everyone else. Everyone who still wasn’t looking behind them. Why would they? There was nothing back here.

  Nothing but me and the platform for the elevated trains. I kept my eye on the crowd, searching for someone, anyone, who might see me as I slipped away. Thankfully no one was being particularly observant, and so my plan went off without a hitch.

  I smiled as I walked away from the park and Colin. I’d go there eventually, but in the meantime it was time to go on a train ride and see how the other half lived.


  I sat and stared at my surroundings. Everything was white and perfect. I looked over to the window which had a nice view of the massive lake at the center of all the resorts. I even thought I could see the Royal Palace off in the distance. It was a view a lot of people would kill for, and I couldn’t stand it.

  I flipped on the television. A distraction would be nice. Unfortunately it seemed the only TV channels they had on offer here were things talking about how wonderful Royal Realms was and giving people pointers on where they could go to more efficiently spend their money.

  Another difference. I didn’t have to worry about efficiently spending money. Not that I wanted to. No, all I wanted right now was to be back home. It might not be particularly comfortable being at home what with the way the media hounded me and father and mother were walking around acting displeased that I had the audacity to kiss a girl and land them in this situation, but it was still home.


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