The War (Ultimate Power Book 2)

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The War (Ultimate Power Book 2) Page 6

by April Margeson

  “Thank you, dear spirit. Is there anything that I might be able to do for you to return the favor?” I asked.

  “Yes.” She said as she began to cry. “Will you tell her that I am genuinely sorry and tell her that I still love her even after what she done?” I nodded my head in agreement and left the spirit world to return to my own.

  When back in my world, I felt the familiar draw to Eric returning. Everything in the spirit world seemed to be full of hurt and agony for one reason or another. Each Spirit had its own reasoning for the way they felt. Usually, it was the result of their lives ending so tragically.

  Maggie was sitting there staring at me when I opened my eyes. I was sure that when I traveled like this, my body remained behind, waiting for my spirit to return. She didn’t have any glimmer of hope in her eyes at all.

  I told her what her friend had agreed to do. Maggie looked more regretful than before. It only grew worse when I gave her the message that her friend had asked me to give her. The tears flowed from her eyes and seeing the way that she was crying, made me think of a small child that had their feelings hurt. It was true regret making its escape from her soul.

  The air spun around her as she cried. Her friend was renewing the curse that she had put on Maggie. It was a calming transition for her. Soon her crying stopped and she raised her head. “I don’t feel as much now.”

  She understood why her friend would not completely lift the curse from her. I guess I could understand how she felt about that, but I suppose fair is fair.

  We all talked for a while longer. Arrangements were going to have to be made to keep the Circle of Light safe. I was curious as to how many followers there actually were. Hundreds, thousands, or maybe more. Who knows?

  The days had flew by so fast that I hadn't given much thought to anything besides finding out what the Dark Union was up to. We had received numerous amounts of information. Most of it was useful, but some parts of it just did not make any sense. Like the part about the Gin coming to be exact.

  I didn’t know what a Gin was and I wasn’t really in a hurry to find out either. There was something about the creature s name that sent shivers all over my body.

  Eric had told me that they were usually male. They were more like mischievous children on steroids. I thought that was a bad example, but I didn’t say anything.

  “They are tricksters.” One of our guests told me. I couldn’t remember the strange boy s name. I had met so many followers of the Circle that I had given up on being able to call them by the right name. Although, my powers alerted me to what nature of creature they were each time I was in their presence.

  I had met several vampires. They had mostly been the leaders of larger groups. It made sense to send power to meet power. Not that that was a bad thing. It was nice to be greeted respectfully by elder creatures instead of the immature ones.

  There had been several other types threw into the mix. I had encountered countless werewolves, shape shifters, and other entities. They were all very welcoming to me as their Queen. That made everything easier for me.

  Learning about each category of our supernatural world was not bothersome to me anymore. I took it in stride and tried to grasp as much information as I could from each of them. Especially, the ones that had acquired more power than normal. They were the most interesting ones to talk to.

  I wanted the special ones to be near just in case something happened and we needed extra power. I also instructed them to be extra careful from here on out. There was no sense in being unprepared for anything that was going to happen and we weren’t sure what was going to be in store for us.

  Ghosts really do exist. No joke. I had the pleasure of talking with a few of them. They told me that there was actually a difference between them and the spirits that everyone assumed were ghosts. Real ghosts are able to communicate and most of them had a hard time refraining from doing that with the living. Spirits could be seen by anyone, but true ghosts could only be seen by the people they were attached to. I found that interesting myself.

  I had heard so much history on each of the different natures that I was for certain that there was going to be no way I would remember all of it. Therefore, I picked out the things that I thought were the most important and focused on them. That got hard to do when I met a small coven of witches later on that afternoon.

  Everything that the leader of the coven told me only sparked my interest in them even more. I wanted to know as much as I could find out about them. Of course, without prying into their lives too much. I, in no way, wanted to be disrespectful to any of them.

  They didn’t resemble the make-believe pictures I had always seen of them in books and movies. Like the werewolves, they looked as normal as any other person you might pass on the street.

  Although they were unspeakably gorgeous, they had a mysterious appearance to them as well. Their hair was perfectly styled and healthy. Not a single stray hair could be found and trust me, I looked. Hard.

  They each had perfect features along with the most appealing attitudes any one person could imagine. It was easy to converse with them. Very pleasant and calming.

  Eric was off in another room speaking with someone that I couldn’t tell what their nature was. That worried me a little, but Eric’s thought pattern flowed easily and lacked any sign of distress or any other emotion. He was completely calm.

  My curiosity about his companion soon took over and I excused myself from the room. I turned the corner and entered the kitchen, stopping instantly by what I was seeing. A dark cloaked figure stood directly in front of Eric. They were talking low and I couldn’t make out the words at all. The stranger gave me an eerie feeling. My instincts were telling me to grab Eric and run, but there had to be a perfectly good explanation for why he was talking to someone so…dark.

  That was it! I think the stranger was a member of the Dark Union, or, at least, in affiliation with them. I wasn’t sure and I didn’t want to ruin any chances of us getting inside information on our enemies, so I just backed out of the room and rejoined the other guests in the living room. The lingering doubt about the dark figure was still tearing at the edges of my mind.

  As I entered, I could tell that several members of the guests were growing uneasy. Something was going on and they were on to it. Just being unsure of how to handle it was terrible. I didn’t like not knowing what to do.

  I quickly found Maggie in the far corner of the room with one of the newer members of the vampires. They looked deep in discussion about something. This was not a time for me to intrusive, but I needed her help calming some of the guests down.

  “Maggie, could I speak with you for just a moment?” I asked and apologized to both of them for the interruption.

  “Certainly, my Queen.” She replied. I took her hand and walked her to the front porch closing the door behind me.

  She looked at me with anticipation. I asked that she use her gift to help calm some of the nervous guests and I explained about the cloaked figure with Eric. She was quick to agree and went back in to begin her task.

  I was thankful to have made friends with her. She was useful and very obedient, but I enjoyed her company the most. She had become an important part of my life in a very short time.

  Using the alone time to calm my own worries; I lingered on the porch a moment longer. It was a good thing that I had.

  Coming down the road, I could see my mother’s car. In a second of panic, I called to Eric with my mind. Eric! My mom is coming. We need to get these people out of here fast.

  I’m on it.

  I stayed there on the porch so that I could keep Mom out of the house until Eric had gotten everyone on their way. My nerves went into overdrive and I began to think of different excuses to keep her out here with me if need be.

  Mom pulled into the driveway and parked the car. I watched as she gathered her things before opening the door. She smiled at me and motioned for me to come down to the car and as I walked down to her, I could tell that s
he was excited about something.

  She got out of the car and opened the back door.

  “Where is Eric?” She asked looking around.

  “He’s in the house. Why?” I replied confused about the sneaky way she was acting.

  All my confusion ended when I saw her take my wedding gown out of the back seat. It was in with a thick clear plastic zip up bag. I was in awe as I looked at it carefully through the covering.

  “Mary had asked that I bring it to you to try on. With the wedding only a few days away, she wanted to make sure everything was good.”

  Shocked, my mouth fell open. I hadn’t realized that it was getting so close. What in the world are we going to do now? With all the uncertainties of the Dark Union’s intentions, how could we be sure there was even going to be a wedding?

  It will all be fine Bailey. Don t worry, I heard Eric’s voice whisper to me. His words calmed me instantly.

  I know.

  Honestly, I wasn’t sure if it was going to be okay or not. There was talk of war and attacks on the Circle of Light. Naturally, I was going to be a bit apprehensive about it. How could I not be? At any given moment, a member of our Circle could be attacked, even killed. We had to focus on that and nothing else. I couldn’t see where the wedding was going to fit into all of this.

  Mom and I walked slowly up the walkway and to the front door. “I love you Mom.” I said looking at her.

  “I love you too sweetheart.”

  Eric met us at the door and my mom instantly started yelling at him like he had the plague. “Go! You can’t see the dress Eric!”

  He laughed as he walked away. Mom didn’t know that Eric could see if even if she locked it up in a steel vault. The thought of that made me laugh even though I was still nervous about her seeing our guest. Which, I had hoped that Eric had dealt with.

  “Hello, Mrs. Sims.” Maggie said meeting us at the bottom of the staircase. “I’m Bailey’s friend, Maggie.”

  Mom looked around at me taken by total surprise that I had a visitor. I think it was more like she was surprised that she had never met Maggie before.

  “Hello, Maggie.” Mom replied with a smile. “C'mon upstairs with us.”

  The three of us made our way to my room. I couldn’t believe I had let all this get away from me like I had. Now I was about to be married and my life would be rather mixed up for a little while.

  I looked around my room as if I was never going to see it again. Every imperfection that I had grown to love screamed at me with sorrow. The small hole on the ceiling, the discolored spot of carpet next to my closet door. I looked at it all with a new appreciation. It was almost time to leave it all behind for a new life.

  Mom unzipped the bag and both she and Maggie carefully took the dress out of the protective bag. I watched as the made sure that the dress did not hang on anything. I don’t think either of them took a breath until the gown was completely out.

  They helped me try it on for the final time before the wedding. Maggie was speechless when I turned and looked at her.

  Everything seemed to be in perfect order. It still fit and I didn’t see anything that needed altered. Mom and Maggie agreed, but done one last good going over just to be sure.

  All the while, I was concentrating on keeping my thoughts blocked from Eric. Mom would have a screaming fit if she got the slightest hint that he had seen what the gown looked like. She was good at catching on to someone when if they were telling a lie. I suppose that was one of the reasons that she was so good at her job.

  After taking the gown off and getting dressed, I hugged my mother and thanked her for everything she had done to help us with the wedding. I was sad, but I knew that this was the life that I wanted. I had to be with Eric, but I was going to miss my parents and after I am married, being in this room will not ever be the same after I left.

  Eric called for me from downstairs, pulling me from my spiraling sadness. “Coming.” I yelled out the door to him.

  When I went downstairs to see what Eric wanted, I could sense that something was wrong. It wasn’t hard to see. Even Maggie looked a bit frazzled and I really didn’t want to know what was going on, but I had very little choice in the matter. Everyone was relying on me and the other members of the Circle for direction.

  Nothing seemed to surprise me anymore and I think that was beginning to be a bad thing. Especially, when there was talk of a new type of supernatural being that I had not had the opportunity to meet.

  I shook my head and asked, “What now?” Eric took his own sweet time in answering me and it was about to make me angry. I hated it when he took so long to answer me and at a time like this, I wanted my questions answered promptly.

  Chapter 5

  “The Gin is here.” He said with fear in his eyes.

  No one had told me exactly what a Gin was yet. I don’t think anyone even knew. All that Eric knew about it was that it was some sort of trickster. Its favorite past time was pulling pranks on people. They would range from little things like stepping in gum to tripping and falling in a hole and breaking your neck. Eric said it depended on what kind of mood it was in at the time.

  From the way everything seemed to be going lately, I would think it was going to be in a nasty mood when it finally got here. I just wondered about the reason behind the things visit. What was so appealing about a small town that would make him want to come here?

  Not having all the information on the Gin was extremely frustrating. If I didn’t know anything more than what I did now, how was I supposed to be able to do anything about it?

  “Who do you think would know more about it?” I asked Maggie and Eric.

  “The vampires are the most knowledgeable in the powers of other beings. If you knew one that would be willing to give that information up would be who I would ask.” Maggie answered directly.

  “Silas will know without a doubt.” Eric told me.

  Just hearing his name made me anxious. I wasn’t keen on the idea of being around him. There had to be something I could do to keep his pull from drawing me to him.

  “I would like to speak to him on the phone before he comes over.” I told Eric.

  He nodded in agreement as he dialed his number. He answered in record time. The phone didn’t even ring a full time.

  Eric put him on speakerphone so we could all hear the conversation and there was not any use in trying to hide the fact that Eric did that because as soon as the speaker was on Silas greeted me.

  “Hello, Silas.” I said. “I would like to make a request of you if that would be alright.”

  “Certainly. Anything for you, my Queen.” He said as Eric s eyes narrowed.

  I could feel the disgust rolling off Eric. Silas wasn’t one of his most favorite people at the time, but, nonetheless, we needed our dear vampire.

  “I would rather speak to you in person about a subject that we need help with, but, as you know, your natural defense mechanisms put a strain on having any type of a serious conversation with you.”

  “Oh, I see. Yes. I can do something about that so that we are all more comfortable.” Silas said in reply. “I will come right over.”

  “Thank you, Silas.” I said to him and Eric closed his phone ending the call.

  Eric sent a grateful look to me and I smiled back at him. Maggie thanked me for asking what I did of Silas. It was apparent that he had the same effect on her as well.

  Almost five minutes had passed when the doorbell chimed. Eric went to greet our visitor. Suddenly, I remembered that my mother was still home, so I ran upstairs to find her.

  She was in her bedroom checking off any last minute things that may need to be finished in time for the wedding. I knocked on the door. She invited me in and began telling me about all the things she needed to accomplish today. I was instantly relieved by the fact that she had other things on her mind beside what we were doing.

  She had to go back to the dressmaker s shop and pay the final bill, along with numerous other tasks. Mom tol
d me that she would probably be late getting back. I told her that it was not going to be a problem and that I was going to have a few friends over to watch some movies. She seemed thankful for that.

  Mom grabbed up the gown and headed downstairs telling everyone goodbye without paying much attention to whoever was there. Thank goodness, she didn’t run into Silas. That would be a recipe for a major disaster.

  I rushed back down to the living room and saw Eric standing silently with his arms crossed over his chest. He reminded me of a knight standing guard at the castle gates, but without the sword, of course.

  Maggie was watching television and Silas was sitting on the couch with a big smirk on his face. That ran all over me. He was just too full of himself for my taste. Maybe he would be able to get over that and we can all be friends, but I seriously doubt that he ever would. It may not be in his nature, but who is to say. Anything is possible.

  We immediately went into discussion about the Gin and what kind of threat it poses for the Circle, our town, and us. Silas explained that everyone would be susceptible to the Gin. Not even other Gin’s were immune. Eric found that to be weird.

  They are the very reason most of the things happen that people think just happens to be bad luck. So much for that story.

  “Basically, a Gin was bad luck in true form. Great. That was all we needed now. A bad stretch of luck.” Silas said that other super naturals are able to feel the Gin’s presence. That made it harder for them to catch us off guard, but it also made the Gin furious, leaving its wrath to become worse. “The Gins are neutral. Being neither with the Circle of Light or the Dark Union, but a sure fire way to know that a war was coming.”

  My heart sank at the thought of a war. I felt unprepared and, even though, Eric had cast the spell to unlock my powers, I still felt unskilled.

  “Don’t worry, you are neither of those.” Silas said reassuringly.

  Great, now on top of all the weird feelings Silas created in me, he was always in my head. Wonderful. This day just keeps getting better and better.


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