Building Bridges (Sater's Creek Book 4)

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Building Bridges (Sater's Creek Book 4) Page 2

by Megs Pritchard

  With the move here, buying the house and setting up the business, Elias hadn’t had much downtime. To make things worse, he couldn’t remember the last time he got laid. He was in serious need of a good fuck.

  He’d have to go further out, maybe to Pine Creek to find someone he could do that with. He knew Wes was in a relationship with Reece, and Brad was with the English guy, Nick. Tucker was the one who’d surprised him and Bax. Straight Tucker, who had a different woman every week, was now settled with a man and had a son.

  He didn’t know them as well as Bax, but he knew them enough to stop to talk to. There’d been smiles and hugs when he and Bax had walked into Sweet Buns that first time. Wes had looked up and stared in shock, his mouth falling open until it turned into a huge grin.

  They’d talked a little and made plans to meet up, but as yet, that hadn’t happened. Maybe now they were more settled, they could catch up.

  He needed to catch up with the friends he’d made in high school. Some still lived in Sater’s Creek, but others had moved away. He knew of two who were still around and was eager to get back in contact with them.

  Thinking about Tucker and Rory made Elias think about Lachlan. He winced and bit his lip. He’d made Lachlan’s life hell. Being four years older, they’d had one year together in high school, and for that entire year, Elias had bullied Lachlan because he was gay.

  Deep down, he knew it was because Lachlan had been brave enough to be true to who he was, while Elias had been hiding his truth from everyone, even himself at times. He needed to find the man and apologize.

  It hadn’t helped that Elias had had a huge crush on Lachlan either. With his blond, wavy hair and laughing blue eyes, Lachlan had featured in plenty of dreams, and he hated both of them for it. Still, it was in the past now, and they had both grown up in the years since then.

  Shaking his head, he carried on walking toward Wes’s shop. Now he needed a sugary treat. He knew Lachlan would give him shit when he found out the truth, and Elias deserved it too. Some people took longer to grow up than others.

  The town came into view, and Elias smiled. He had fond memories of making this trip. Always eager to spend his allowance as soon as he got it.

  A battered truck drove past him, and Elias grinned. This was home, and he was happy to be here. He’d lived in lots of places, but home was home.


  WES GRINNED AND came around the counter, hugging Elias. “Eli!”

  Elias chuckled and hugged Wes back. Though Wes was closer to Elias’s brother, he knew Elias too. “Wes. Love the place you’ve got here. I didn’t get the chance to tell you before.”

  Wes grinned and stepped back, looking him up and down. “Damn, Eli. You look good. I thought so when you came in, but didn’t want to say anything in front of Bax. Shame, I’m taken.”

  “Reece would nail my nuts to the wall for even thinking about you that way.”

  Wes sighed. “My hero.”

  “I hear you two are getting married soon.”

  Wes nodded, his whole face lighting up. “Can’t wait.”

  “I never knew about you two.” Elias had been filled in by more than a few of his old friends, about Wes and Reece’s past.

  Wes grimaced. “The past is the past, and we’ve moved on.”

  “I’m glad. You two were always close. Not as close as you and Tucker. I hear he’s with a man too. Man-whore Tucker, a family man.”

  “Has Bax been catching up with the local gossip, then?” Wes arched a brow and shook his head. “Bet they couldn’t wait to catch you up with everything in Sater’s Creek.”

  Elias chuckled. “You know what this place is like.”

  “I do. So you’ll know Curtis is still out there flying the flag for all single men. Best hurry and get a woman before Curtis has her.”

  Elias sucked in a breath and let it out slowly. Why did it seem he was constantly coming out to people? “I’m gay.”

  He admitted it just as Wes took a sip of his coffee and choked as he stared wide-eyed at him. When he caught his breath, he whispered hoarsely, “Since when?”

  “Since school,” he admitted. “I kept it quiet.”

  “You sure did. Bax never said anything.”

  “He didn’t know. I told no one.”

  “Good for you, Eli. It couldn’t have been easy to come out after spending years hiding it.” Wes pursed his lips and asked, “How did the parents take it?”

  Elias grimaced and shrugged. “About as well as you’d expect them to. They still ask about women and when I’m going to settle down with one.”

  Wes winced and looked at him with sympathetic eyes. “Ouch.”

  “It is what it is. At least they still talk to me, which is better than Tucker’s parents from what I’ve heard.”

  Wes sighed and leaned on the counter. “You should see it, Eli. If they’re in town at the same time, his parents cross the street to avoid him. Rory even tried talking to them, but they shut the door in his face. At least Ro’s family has taken Tuck in. He’s like another son to them.”

  “Rory, as in Lach’s brother?”

  “Yeah. You were in high school at the same time, weren’t you?”

  “A couple of years above them, but I knew Rory and kinda knew Lach.”

  Wes snorted. “Lach didn’t exactly hide who he was, did he? I’d left, but I still heard what he was like.”

  “He was very open about his sexuality, and now his brother is living with Tucker.”

  “And Keegan, Ro’s son.” Wes smiled. “I still can’t believe Tuck’s settled and is a dad.”

  “And Chase. Last I heard, he was chasing skirt as much as Tucker was.”

  “Then he met Erin, and that was it. Tanner is an amazing kid.”

  Elias nodded. He’d heard about Chase adopting Tanner and the fact that he had a whole other family in England. A lot had happened since he’d left Sater’s Creek.

  “Heard about his other family as well.”

  Wes rolled his eyes and shook his head. “Gossip,” he mumbled. “Yeah, it was a shock, and Chase took it about as well as you’d expect.”

  Elias grinned, remembering Bax telling him all about Chase and his brother, Nick. “Bax mentioned he flipped out.”

  “Did he ever! And it didn’t help that Brad fell for Nick. Awkward.”

  “Nick’s living here now, yeah?”

  “Finally. Took almost two years for his visa to be processed, but he’s here permanently now.” In a quieter voice, Wes added, “That was a good day.”

  Wes had this faraway look on his face, and Elias smiled. He’d heard Reece had proposed that day and had, in fact, arranged it all with Brad and Nick. “When’s the big day?”

  Wes waved the question away. “Not for a while yet. We still have so much to do. I’m setting up another shop over at Pine Creek and might have to move there until it’s up and running. It’s taking far longer than I thought it would. The shop I wanted was sold, and then when it became available, the damage…” Wes shook his head. “I’m lucky to have John here so he can take over while I sort it all out.”

  “Congrats, Wes. I’m happy for you. Bax always said you loved to cook.”

  “I do. You two should come over one night so we can catch up.” Wes eyed him again and asked, “Didn’t you join the Navy?”

  “I had to get away, you know. I felt like I was living a lie.” It felt good to be able to talk about it now that he was out and proud. With Wes being gay, he knew he’d understand. He had also hidden the fact that he was gay for a few years.

  “I understand perfectly. It’s hard, isn’t it? You want to be true to who you are, but the repercussions…” Wes shook his head. “Why should anyone care who we love? We abide by the laws; we contribute to society. Why should anyone care who I have in my bed?”

  “Some places are still in the Stone Age. One day, it won’t matter at all.”

  “Hopefully, but there are some serious bible bashers out there who proclaim anyone w
ho is LGBTQ as Satan’s spawn.” Wes shook his head again and asked, “How did you manage in the Navy?”

  “I was lucky really. There were some who wouldn’t talk to me because of it, but most just accepted it and got one with it. You’re in close quarters and on board for months at a time. You get over something like that quickly, and those who couldn’t?” Elias shrugged. “Fuck ‘em.”

  “So, you’re out and moved back here?”

  “Me and Bax. I know he’s planning on coming in when he can. With the move, the house and the business…”

  Wes smiled and grabbed a bag. He put several pastries in and handed it to Elias. “Go and take those with you and tell that brother of yours to come over. We need a catch up, and a quick hello in here isn’t enough.”

  “Will do.” With a smile and a wave, he left the shop and stopped dead on the sidewalk. Oh my god, it’s him. Lachlan.

  He inhaled swiftly as his eyes followed Lachlan as he walked into Tucker’s shop. The boy who’d made his palms sweat and his heart thud in his chest was now a man. Damn, he looked good. He’d always liked Lachlan, and that was why he’d bullied him.

  Sighing, he replayed the events of high school in his mind. Shoving Lachlan into his locker, punching him in the gut, and worse.

  “I was a shit,” he mumbled.

  That curly blond hair that Elias had itched to run his fingers through, the plump lips he’d wanted to kiss and see wrapped around his dick.

  “Yo! Faggot!” Elias shouted, watching Lachlan tense and slowly turn around, his face blank. Elias laughed. “Know ya name!” Grabbing his crotch, he said, “Got something here for ya!”

  His friends laughed and shouted names at Lachlan, who stood stoically, taking their abuse. “You’d have to have one for me to find it.”

  Elias growled and grabbed Lachlan’s T-shirt, slamming him up against a locker. “What did you say, cocksucker?”

  “You heard me.” Lachlan lifted his chin defiantly. Then all the air whooshed out of him as Elias punched him in the gut.

  How dare he do that to him! Cock sucking fag!

  Elias pushed Lachlan away, laughing when he collapsed onto the floor. His friends joined in, shouting names at Lachlan, but Elias stopped. Lachlan’s curly hair had fallen over his face, and when he looked up, their eyes met.

  Elias felt like all the air had been sucked out of him. Lachlan was beautiful and made him want things he shouldn’t. He wasn’t gay, no chance, and he didn’t want Lachlan.

  The bell went, and they all left, but Elias bent down and whispered, “Later, butt muncher.”

  He stood and walked away but couldn’t help glancing back at Lachlan. He still sat on the floor, his head bent low, and Elias slowed. He’d done that. He’d made Lachlan feel that way, and he knew he’d do it again. He couldn’t like him. He couldn’t.

  He watched Lachlan’s ass and how the jeans he wore hugged it like a second skin, and a moan broke free. He still wanted Lachlan, even after all these years had passed, but he doubted Lachlan would even speak to him.

  He had to man up and apologize and explain. Maybe, just maybe, Lachlan would talk to him. Elias sighed. He had a mountain ahead of him, and it was one he deserved.

  Stopping the truck, Lachlan jumped out and strode into Ozark’s. Tucker stood behind the counter, frowning at his laptop and hitting the keyboard repeatedly.

  “You need to take a course or some shit, Tuck.”

  Tucker grunted but didn’t look up. “Piece of shit.”

  “Yeah, it’s the laptop’s fault.”

  “Fuck you, Lach,” Tucker grunted, not lifting his eyes from the screen.

  Sighing, Lachlan pulled it around and stared at the screen, then noticed the small light lit up on one of the hot keys. He pressed it, then moved the cursor. “You had it switched off.”

  “Huh. How’d I do that?”

  “Probably too impatient to wait and hit the keys? Any keys.”

  Tucker stared at him, then looked back at his laptop. Suddenly, he grinned. “I have orders!”

  “Of course you do. Why wouldn’t you?”

  “I know, I know, but when I see it, it still gives me a buzz. I should have done this years ago.”

  “At least you’re doing it now.” Lachlan leaned on the counter and asked, “How’s Ro?”

  “Nice and tight.”

  “Oh, fuck off, Tuck. I don’t want to hear about you banging my brother.”

  Tucker laughed, throwing his head back. “The look on your face.”

  “Yeah, a look of total disgust.” Lachlan curled his lip up. “Shit, Tuck. Don’t say things like that to me.”

  “He’s good, and so is Keegan.”

  Lachlan sighed. He missed his brother and nephew but couldn’t begrudge the obvious happiness he felt with Tucker. Keegan had a second dad, and at times, it was difficult to figure out who the biggest child was, Keegan or Tucker.

  Rory smiled constantly, and Lachlan knew Ro deserved it. He’d raised Keegan singlehandedly after his ex-girlfriend had dropped Keegan off as a newborn and walked away. Now, Keegan had two dads, and he was the happiest boy ever. Keeg told him every time Lach saw him.

  When Ro and Keegan had moved in with Tucker, Lach had worried he wouldn’t see them as often, but that didn’t happen. They still came over for Sunday lunch, and Keegan spent the same amount of time with Lach as he had before. Lach even babysat so Ro and Tuck could have some adult time together.

  He loved Keegan. He had other nieces and nephews, but he’d always been closest to Ro and as such, closest to Keegan.

  “When you coming over? Keeg’s been asking for you.”

  Lach grinned. Of course he had. “Only because he wants me to watch cartoons with hum.”

  “Same mental age.” Tuck shrugged.

  “Maybe I should leave you to it. Still into Thomas the Tank Engine, is he?” Lach raised his arm and moved it up and down, as he said, “Choo choo!”

  Tuck glared at him. “Are you free or not?”

  Grinning, Lach asked, “When are you guys free?”

  Tuck frowned, then said, “Tomorrow night? Ro’s on the late shift tonight. Come over tomorrow, and I’ll get the grill going. The guys are all coming over this weekend if you want to drop in too.”

  Lach nodded. Rory and Tucker included him when they had friends over, and as such, Lach had gotten to know Tucker’s friends well. At least he wasn’t the only gay, and it was nice to mix with people like him. Not that Rory and Tucker weren’t like him, but they were only gay for each other.

  Wes, Reece, Brad, and Nick had always been gay, and growing up, there hadn’t been any gay men he’d known. At times, it had been hard, especially when he’d been bullied, but he’d managed. Now, it was nice to sit, talk, and just be with people who shared similar experiences.

  “Thanks, Tuck. I might just do that. I’ll be over tomorrow as well. Want me to bring anything?”

  “Nah.” Tucker shook his head. “We’ve got it covered.” Pushing away from the counter, Tucker added, “I’ll just get the shears for you.”

  Lachlan nodded and leaned back on the counter, staring out the window. That was when he saw him. He gasped and straightened. No… it couldn’t be. Shaking his head, he pushed away from the counter and walked toward the huge window at the front of the shop and narrowed his eyes as he watched the tall figure walking away from Wes’s bakery.

  Whoever it was had been standing there for several minutes before eventually walking away. He stood and watched, then shook his head. “Couldn’t be,” he murmured.

  “Couldn’t be what?” Tucker asked from behind.

  Lachlan shook his head again and walked over to him. “Thought I saw someone… nah. Ignore me, Tuck.”

  “Will do.” Tucker grinned and passed the shears over to him. “Got much going on today?”

  Lachlan snorted. “When don’t I have much going on? Has Rory said anything to you?”

  Tucker glanced up at him and pursed his lips. “About Seamus?”

  Sighing, Lachlan nodded. “Don’t know what to do about it.”

  “Not much any of you can do until he’s seen the specialist. Wait until after the appointment, then sit him down and ask him. He’ll only try to make out he’s fine if you push too much.”

  “Yeah, he would. Scary how well you know him already.”

  Tucker snorted, then chuckled. “I like your dad. He’s a straight-up, tell‑it‑like‑it‑is man. I heard about the shotgun incident.”

  Lach dropped his head into his hands and groaned. “Can’t believe Ro told you.”

  “Scary man too, your dad, but I agree. It was a shit thing your ex did, and I hope he gets some nasty disease. Like puss-oozing, blister-popping disease over his dick.”

  Lach lifted his face, a grimace covering it. “That’s just… yeah, okay.” He suddenly grinned. “And it happens when he’s with some guy, and that guy tells everyone!” Lachlan laughed, then sobered. He sighed deeply, and said, “I was lucky, Tuck.”

  “You were,” he agreed softly. “But you’ve turned things around.” Tucker gave him a pointed stare.

  “Thanks to Ro… and you.”

  “That’s what family is for.”

  Lachlan’s chest tightened, and he swallowed as his eyes itched. Nope, he wasn’t gonna cry. Tucker would laugh his ass off, but without Ro and Tuck’s help, Lachlan would be up shit’s creek without a paddle. The debt his ex had left him with… It was done now, and he was out of Lachlan’s life and probably using someone else.

  Picking up the shears, Lach nodded to Tuck. “I’ll see you tomorrow night. Usual time?”

  “Sure thing, Lach.”

  Lach waved as he left and strolled over to his truck. He glanced down the road, but the person he’d seen was long gone. Frowning, he got in his truck and dismissed what he’d seen. Too many years had passed, and really, why would Elias, his tormentor, come back to Sater’s Creek?


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