Building Bridges (Sater's Creek Book 4)

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Building Bridges (Sater's Creek Book 4) Page 18

by Megs Pritchard

  “Yeah. I knew when I was younger, but—”

  “Lachlan Doyle.” Shane shook his head, then gulped his beer. Pulling the bottle away from his lips, he said, “It makes so much sense now. He was out and didn’t care what anyone thought, and there was you hiding away.”

  “I’ve seen Lach and apologized.”

  Shane’s eyebrows arched. “And you’re still alive?”

  Grimacing, Elias rubbed his jaw. “He has a mean punch. Got me good, but I deserved it. We’re talking now. You know his brother lives with Tucker.”

  “Tucker’s friends with Bax too, so your paths are bound to cross.”

  “Yeah, they cross.”

  Something in the tone of his voice must have said something to Shane. He threw his head back and burst out laughing. “Oh my god. You two are…” He glanced at his kids, then whispered, “Together. You two.”

  Elias smiled and nodded. “I liked him back then, and at least he’s giving me a chance. Sort of.”

  Shane frowned and stood, walking over to the grill to check on the meat. “What do you mean sort of?” he asked as he glanced over his shoulder at Elias.

  “We’re friends with benefits.” Elias grimaced, his lips thinning into a straight line.

  “And you don’t like that.”

  “It’s the uncertainty.” Elias shook his head and stared at the ground. “I keep thinking there’s more to it, and just when I think he’s ready for more, he backs off again.”

  “I’ve heard about Lachlan. Shitty luck when it comes to men. Might be what’s holding him back. Not everyone is as lucky as Ness and I.”

  Elias smiled. Shane and Ness had been together since high school and had married shortly after graduating. Shane had found a job while Ness had gone to college, and now, he helped her run her online beauty site, which was slowly becoming successful.

  Elias knew all about putting in the time and effort, and now he and Bax were seeing the fruit of all their investment.

  “You two were like peas in a pod. No one is surprised you two have lasted.”

  “Only because I wear the pants in our marriage,” Ness said, smiling at Shane.

  “Always,” Shane agreed.

  “Lachlan is a nice man, Eli. Give him time.” Ness touched his shoulder. “He needs to get used to you and how you make him feel. He’s been hurt, and his ex did a number on him.”

  “How do you know?”

  “I’m friends with Siobhan, his sister. They were worried for a while because of what happened.”

  “He seems okay now other than using me as a booty call.”

  Ness grinned and kissed his cheek. “But what a gorgeous man to have as your booty call.”

  “Right here, Ness.”

  Ness smiled at Shane and walked over to him, kissing him softly on the lips. “Yes, you are.”

  His cell beeped, and Elias tugged it out of his pocket. Lachlan.

  Are you free tonight?

  Elias sighed as he replied. Out with friends. Tomorrow?

  When there was no reply, he put his cell down on the table and gnawed his lip. Maybe it was time to walk away. He hated the way his stomach churned. Lachlan had the ability to make Elias do what he wanted but gave little back, well, except great orgasms, but Elias wanted more.

  “What’s up, Eli?” Ness asked as she sat next to him.

  “I don’t know. I think it’s time to end things with Lach. I want more than he does.”

  “Does he know this?” she asked softly. “He might need you to tell him after what he’s been through.”

  “I haven’t said anything. I don’t want to scare him off.”

  “Why don’t we eat first,” Shane told them as he put the plate of burgers on the table in front of them. He walked off, shouting the kids over, and Ness touched his hand.

  “Tell him. Make him decide.”

  As Shane and Ness fixed plates for their kids, Elias picked up his cell, his thumb rubbing over the screen. He should be honest with Lachlan and tell him exactly how he felt, and then it was up to Lachlan to decide what to do.

  Unlocking his cell, Elias sent a message to Lachlan. We should talk.

  He sent the message and rubbed a hand over his face as he waited for Lachlan’s reply. It came seconds later.


  Sighing, Elias knew Lachlan was going to need it spelled out to him. I have feelings for you and want more than what we have. What do you think?

  I like things the way they are. Sex with no strings attached.

  I know you do, and so do I, but I want more too. We have something good together, and I want to explore it. Are we even exclusive?

  We never discussed being exclusive. I can’t talk about this right now. I’m going to Pine Creek.

  Elias grimaced when he read the message. Pine Creek. Lachlan was going out to pick up a man. Well, at least he knew where he stood where Lachlan was concerned.

  Putting the cell down carefully on the table, Elias licked his lips and took a deep breath in, exhaling slowly. Guess he was just an itch to scratch after all.

  The Black Horse was full, with people everywhere. Lachlan had to push his way through the crowds to where Jeremiah stood at the bar. He ignored his cell in his pocket, ignored the feeling of tightness in his chest and the rolling sensation in his gut. He was out to have fun, not get tied down.

  Elias. He knew the man would want something more than what they had, and deep down, Lachlan had always known at some point Elias would bring it up. He hadn’t been blind to the looks Elias had given him or the way he touched him during and after sex. He’d simply chosen to ignore it; he wasn’t ready to face up to the truth of what Elias was feeling or the feelings he brought out in Lachlan.

  It didn’t matter now. He was out to get laid, and he pushed thoughts of Elias firmly out of his mind. He’d ignore the way his body felt; he’d ignore the way his mind brought up images of Elias. He didn’t want more than what they had.

  “Where are Abe and Dev?”

  Jeremiah rolled his eyes and pointed to the dance floor. “Where else?”

  Lachlan turned and stared at the dance floor, his eyes seeing all the people crowded on there and immediately picking out someone he knew he could have a good time with.

  Their eyes met, and Lachlan smiled, which the other man returned. Passing his drink to Jeremiah, Lachlan grinned and said, “I think my luck’s in.”

  He walked onto the dance floor and pushed his way through the people until he stood in front of the man who had caught his eye. He looked him up and down, taking in the way he looked and the way he moved.

  Shorter than him by good three inches with bright red hair and pale skin, the man looked up at him with deep brown eyes, and Lachlan watched the man’s lips part as his eyes widened. Yes, Lachlan knew he looked good; farm work kept his body in shape. He reached out and held the man’s hips, moving in time to the music. He felt nothing, no sense of building arousal, no sense of anticipation, and his dick barely responded.

  Lachlan moved closer so their bodies touched, and he could feel the other man’s erection pushing at his hip, and then he did feel a twitch in his own, but he struggled to get more.

  Elias was on his mind, and even though he knew he could get his body to respond, it was definitely telling him he should be somewhere else and with someone else. Elias wanted more than Lachlan could give, and Lachlan didn’t know what to do about it. So his answer was to be here tonight and end whatever it was he had with Elias.

  The man, whose name he hadn’t bothered to get, lifted his head, licked his lips, and Lachlan knew what he wanted. He leaned down, pushing his own lips against the man he held in his arms. He felt it then, his dick going semi hard in his jeans. Lachlan licked across the man’s lips, and when he parted them, Lachlan slipped his tongue in.

  They kissed, but in his mind, Lachlan was cataloging the differences between this man and Elias, and he knew this man came out a poor second. The touch was wrong, the taste was wrong, the way the man m
oved, the way he smelled. All of it had Lachlan pulling back.

  He slowly shook his head, stepped away, and walked back over to Jeremiah. He grabbed his glass of beer and gulped it down, slamming the glass back on the table. “Shit.”

  Jeremiah looked at him, frowning, and Lachlan saw him look back at the man he’d left on the dance floor and then back to him. “What’s wrong with him?”

  Lachlan shook his head. Maybe someone else would help him get past Elias. Maybe another man here could make him hard the way Elias did.

  Determined to try again, he went back onto the dance floor and found another man, but the same thing happened. Finding a space at the bar, Lachlan sat with his drink and watched a drop of condensation roll down the side of the glass. Elias. To him, it had felt like a booty call, two people meeting up to have sex. He’d purposely ignored the way Elias made him feel, and now, he was paying the price.

  Elias was constantly on his mind. It didn’t matter what he was doing. Elias was always there. Lachlan had used the excuse of good sex as the reason why, but he knew it was because of how Lachlan felt about the man. Feelings he struggled with and fought not to acknowledge.

  Sighing, he rubbed his forehead and let his feelings for the man come to the fore. He didn’t love him; he knew that. They hadn’t spent enough time together, but he did feel more than he should if they were fuck buddies only. He wanted to explore those emotions, but his chest tightened in fear.

  After Chuck, who had been number three to use Lachlan for what they could get, he’d sworn off men for the foreseeable future, and he’d done it too. Then Elias had come along, all grown up and mature with his apologies and fit body, and he had to be nice too. Lachlan couldn’t resist.

  Lachlan had wanted the man, even as he wanted to punch him; now, he’d done both. If only he could stop thinking about the man, how he looked, how he felt, how he smelled. Lachlan dropped his head in his hands. He was so screwed. He might not be in love with Elias, but he was certainly on his way there.

  Having spent time out of bed with him, they clicked. When he’d helped him sort out his jungle, they’d laughed and had fun, even covered in mud, but he was scared to take a chance again. Three times he’d tried, and each time it had failed. Could he risk a fourth? Could his heart be broken again?


  ELIAS HEARD KNOCKING on the front door and instantly knew who it was. He pursed his lips, indecision warring inside him. Should he open the door or not? The knocks sounded again, and Elias slowly put his bottle of beer on the table and stood.

  Sighing, he walked over to the front door and opened it, seeing Lachlan waiting. “Hey,” Lachlan said quietly, his eyes jumping around before they finally settled on Elias.

  “What do you want?” Elias asked, his eyes wandering Lachlan’s body like he was a starving man and Lachlan was the food he’d been denied. In a way, that was true. He wanted more than Lachlan could give, but if Lachlan wanted another night, Elias knew he would give it to him.

  Lachlan licked his lips, a small smile gracing them. “What do you think?”

  “I thought you went to Pine Creek to find someone to fuck. That bad you had to come here?” Why was he doing this? It was like digging the knife in.

  Lachlan shrugged, seemingly unconcerned. “I went. Did nothing. Now I’m here with you.”

  “Another itch to scratch?” Elias watched him shrug and inhaled swiftly. “Well?”

  “Gonna invite me in, or should we do it out here?” Lachlan grinned and licked his lips slowly. Elias watched the movement, unable to look away.

  “I shouldn’t…” he whispered more to himself than to the man in front of him.

  Lachlan swore and shook his head, muttering something Elias didn’t catch. Lachlan raised his chin and took a deep breath. “I’m sorry.”

  Elias slowly turned, his arms folded over his chest. “Sorry for what?”

  “For what I did.”

  “Which part?” Elias asked, pushing for more than Lachlan felt he could give, but Elias deserved the truth.

  “I fucked up. What happened… it was too much.”

  “The sex?” Elias shook his head. “I don’t understand.”

  “It scared me, okay!” Lachlan almost shouted. “After Chuck, the shit I went through, I never expected to feel like this with you. We’ve only just started talking properly and then…”

  “Too much, too soon,” Elias finished quietly. Sighing, he held the door open. “This is a conversation to have inside.”

  Lachlan walked in and stopped in the middle of the living room. Elias watched Lachlan square his shoulders and turn to face him.

  “So…” Elias let the sentence trail off. Lachlan had come to him, so he needed to talk.

  “Yeah,” Lachlan answered in a soft voice. “It was meant to be one night…”

  “It was, but it felt like it could be more. The chemistry between us.” Elias shook his head. “I’ve never had that with someone else.”

  Lachlan nodded. “Yeah.”

  “What are we going to do about it? Do I have to wait until you’re ready for another booty call? Am I just a fuck buddy to you?”

  “No,” Lachlan mumbled. He ran a hand through his hair and dropped it to his side. “I don’t know.” In a smaller voice, he muttered, “I really don’t know.”

  “I’m too old for this, Lach. I don’t want to be wondering if you’ll respond to my messages or if you’ll turn up and want nothing more than a good fuck.” Lachlan winced, closing his eyes as he hung his head. “Is this some way you’re getting back at me for everything I did in high school?”

  Lachlan’s head snapped up, his eyes focusing on Elias. “What? No!” He shook his head and said, “No. It has never been that. I’m not like that, and you know it.”

  “Then what’s going on?”

  Sighing, Lachlan’s walked over to where Elias stood. “Honesty, yeah?” Elias nodded. “It scared me. What happened. How it made me feel. I thought one night with you would be enough, but…”

  Elias nodded. “Me too. I never expected it to be that good.”

  Lachlan smiled slightly. “Me either, and I meant what I said, but when I got home…”

  “You were scared, so you backed away instead of speaking to me.”


  “Then you come around all cocky and shit—”

  “No, I was scared, but I couldn’t stay away, so I acted that way to cover it up. This was where I wanted to be, Eli, with you.” Lachlan paced in front of him, his hands running through his hair, messing it up. “I’ve been hurt, more than once. I always seem to pick the wrong man.”

  “Or maybe you rush into relationships too quickly.”

  Lachlan stopped and glanced at him before sighing deeply. “Maybe I do. I want what Ro has.” He glanced over again, and Elias saw the pink staining Lachlan’s cheek. “Maybe with you,” he added in a whispered voice.

  Elias arched a brow. “Now that’s honesty. I feel the same way, but I want to try building a relationship with you. If it’s too much, say something now, but don’t do this hot-and-cold shit with me. If it gets too much, tell me you need some time-out, and we can talk or take a step back.”

  Lachlan’s eyebrows shot up. “You’d do that for me.”

  “I’d rather we went at a pace that suits both of us.”

  Lachlan nodded and leaned forward, resting his cheek on Elias’s shoulder. Elias’s arms came around him and pulled him close. “I’m sorry,” Lachlan whispered.

  Elias smiled into Lachlan’s hair. “Apology accepted. Promise me we’ll talk if it gets too much, or at least message me.”

  “I will. Maybe by message. Doing this face-to-face shit makes me feel too awkward.”

  Elias laughed, and Lachlan smiled. “Stay with me tonight.”

  Lachlan leaned back and kissed Elias gently on his lips. “Yes.”

  Elias smiled, then kissed him, and Lachlan moaned and closed his eyes. Thank god they’d talked; he didn’t want to
be anywhere but with this man. Lachlan. Whatever issues he had, he would face them head on.

  They stumbled into the bedroom, tugging at each other’s clothes. Lachlan couldn’t get enough of Elias, the way he felt and smelled, the way he tasted on his tongue. Thank fuck he’d yanked his head out of his ass.

  He stood and laughed when Elias almost tripped over his jeans as he tried to kick them off, then swallowed the sound when he saw Elias’s dick bobbing in the air in front of him. “Elias,” he breathed out, then stepped into the arms Elias held wide for him.

  Elias kissed him, and Lachlan melted into it, pushing all his fear aside. How could this be wrong when it felt right? He’d never had this connection with his previous partners. None of them had touched him the way Elias did, and he didn’t mean just physically.

  From when he was a teenager and knew he wanted boys, Elias had been the first one to turn his head around, and now the boy was a man, and he still had the same effect on him. Yes, it scared him, but maybe this time it would work.

  “On the bed, Lach. Hands and knees.”

  “What? You know I—”

  Elias stuck his tongue out and waggled it up and down. Lachlan groaned loudly when he understood. He scrambled on the bed and said over his shoulder, “I’m clean. I saw to it before I came here.”

  “Do you want me to do this to you?”

  “Yeah,” he admitted shakily.

  “Ass in the air, Lach.”

  Lach shivered at the commanding tone but did as he was ordered. He dropped his chest to the bed and reached back, grabbing his ass cheeks and spreading them wide. “Eli,” he mumbled, shaking at the pleasure he knew Eli would make him feel.

  He felt Elias’s hot breath on his ass, and his hole clenched in anticipation. What he didn’t expect was to feel Elias’s wet finger rub over it, then circle it before pushing the tip in. “Eli. Don’t tease me.”

  Elias chuckled. “Why not? You’ll like it in the end.”

  Lachlan groaned but didn’t disagree. Since he’d let Elias do it, Elias had eaten his ass at every opportunity he could, almost like he was trying to eradicate the bad experience Lachlan had. He’d more than succeeded. Lachlan loved Elias rimming his ass. It was now one of his favorite things to do in bed… and out of it.


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