Kissed Cyborg (Bound by Her Book 3)

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Kissed Cyborg (Bound by Her Book 3) Page 11

by Nellie C. Lind

  It was dark outside, almost one a.m., and she was probably asleep.

  Guilt swept over him for leaving her alone for this long, but he’d needed it.

  He’d needed to breathe.

  Meeting Hunter had helped him think of other things. They’d spent hours talking with his friend’s bound one. He’d decided to trust Avril, even if he’d been cautious in the beginning.

  She was a stranger, and strangers usually didn’t think highly about the Fighters, but Avril had a Fighter bound to her, and that eased Silver’s suspicion.

  It didn’t take much convincing for Avril to accept the situation, and now, he was here, back inside Faye’s house.

  Hunter’s memories were restored, and he and Avril would meet everyone tomorrow at Shade and Phoebe’s house. Silver had informed everyone over the phone before leaving Hunter and Avril’s.

  He took off his shoes to avoid making noise. If Faye was asleep, he didn’t want to wake her, but he doubted she was.

  Apart from a small light coming from the bedroom, everything else was dark in the house.

  Silver approached the bedroom. What should he say if she wasn’t asleep? Would she even look him in the eyes?

  After how he’d treated her before running away, it wouldn’t surprise him if she didn’t want anything to do with him.

  That hurt.

  That actually really hurt.

  He took a deep breath, preparing for a confrontation, just in case, and entered the bedroom.

  Silver froze, and his heart almost stopped.

  Faye lay on her side on the bed, hugging a pillow. She was asleep, but the pillow was wet.

  Wet from her tears.

  The sight almost killed him on the inside and he no longer could fight the bond. It swept around him like a glove, awakening the great need to protect her from harm. Even from himself. It was overwhelming, and tears ran down his cheeks.

  Silver closed his eyes, fisted his hands …

  … and gave in, surrendering to the bond.

  His love for Faye exploded in his heart, sweeping over him like a warm blanket.

  Now that there wasn’t any resistance left in him, it took completely over, filling him with all the amazing emotions he’d tried to push away.

  His heart broke when he saw what he’d done to her.

  He’d made her cry.

  Silver would never do that again.

  Instead, he’d hold her in his arms, wrap her in his love, and protect her from harm. Even from himself. He’d be the cyborg she deserved to have.

  He’d always be by her side and make her happy.

  He’d even die for her.

  Who would’ve believed he’d ever reach this point? He’d expected a lifelong fight against the bond, but no more. He couldn’t handle it anymore, and she was too beautiful …

  There was only one thing to do.

  Dry her tears forever.

  Without a second thought, Silver removed his clothes, but left his underwear on. He turned off the light and lay down next to her, wrapping her in his arms.

  The feeling of her head against his chest and her body against his made him tingle all over.

  A calmness filled him, and it was the best emotion ever.

  He was home.

  Faye stirred from all the movement and looked up with glazed sleepiness. Her eyes widened when she met his gaze. She gasped and tried to push him away. “What’re you doing?”

  Silver tightened his grip. “I’m holding you.”

  She pushed harder. “Let me go.” Anger radiated in her voice.


  She stilled, staring at him with obvious surprise. “What?”

  “I’ve given in. The bond rules me, and I’m on a new mission now.”

  “What?” she said again, her surprise even greater.

  Silver moved on top of her before she had the chance to react.

  A squeak left Faye’s mouth, and it was impossible to miss the hint of fear that filled her. Then the anger rose to new levels. She pressed her nails into his skin, banged on his shoulders, and pulled his hair. “Get off me!”

  He sighed, grabbed her arms, and pressed them against the bed. Her attempt to get away barely budged him.

  She glared, pulling at her arms without success. “You’re so going to regret this.”

  He frowned. “Please, tell me. I’m so curious about how exactly.”

  “I’ll forbid you to ever see me again,” she hissed.

  The hurt sang in his heart. “I guess you would do a thing like that.” Silver placed his mouth near her ear. “But do you really think I’d let you go? Have you already forgotten what I just told you?”

  She swallowed. “You said you’ve given in.”

  Silver pressed his cheek against hers. Being this close to her was the most amazing feeling ever. The heat from her body wrapped around him, and he enjoyed every second of it.

  Her feistiness didn’t bother him. Instead, he found it amusing and cute. Despite her size, she had more spunk than most. The only way for her to get away was if he pulled back, and yet, she kept wiggling, wringing her arms, constantly attempting to get free.

  “Yes, I’ve given in. Do you understand what that means?”

  She stilled and remained silent for a mere second. “You’ve accepted me as your bound one.”

  “Exactly, and that means I want nothing more but to make you happy.” He kissed her cheek, gently brushing his lips on her skin, and earning a gasp in reward. “I don’t care if you want a cold relationship. I don’t care that you think it would be best if we stayed away from each other. I only care about making you see how much you need me.” He raised his head and looked her in the eyes.

  Faye’s were wide, shock evident in them, and her chin trembled. She wasn’t struggling anymore. “You’re crazy.”

  Her words stung his heart again. “No, not crazy. In love. I’m in love with you.”

  Her chin trembled even more. “You don’t really want this.”

  “No, I don’t, but there’s no way out, not now, not ever. The last thing I want is to be miserable for the rest of my life, so I decided to accept the bond.” Silver chuckled. “You’ve got no idea how good it feels right now. I’ve forgotten how amazing it was to be in love, to feel like this for another. It tickles all over, and all I want to do is please you.” He turned serious. “But you don’t want any of it. Therefore, I have a mission now.”

  Worry filled her gaze. “You mentioned that.”

  He grinned. “Do you know what it is?”

  Faye frowned. “How the heck do you expect me to know?”

  He let go of one of her wrists, giving her the chance to get away, but she didn’t move. He didn’t miss the glimpse of curiosity in her eyes.

  Silver slid his fingertips down her arm, awakening goosebumps all over her skin. Even if her words denied him, her actions and the obvious desire spoke another story.

  That was the story he intended to awaken.

  “I’m going to make you fall in love with me.”


  Faye couldn’t believe her ears. This huge brute who just recently fought with all his might not to be bonded to her, was now telling her he’d accepted the bond and intended to make her love him.

  She would’ve laughed if it hadn’t been for that serious look in his eyes.

  Mixed emotions lingered in her heart. A few days ago, she’d been sure about what she wanted, but she had no idea what she wanted now.

  It mostly felt like a defense-speech every time she told him she wanted things to remain on a friendly level.

  A part of her liked being pinned down. Faye even wanted to part her legs and see where it would lead. He’d felt so damn good inside her when they’d sealed the bond.

  Was it possible for her to love him?

  Sure, she found him attractive and, in a way, she also enjoyed his annoying personality, but love was far-fetched.

  Just because she wanted him didn’t mean she’d
ever fall in love.

  “And how exactly do you intend to do that?” she asked.

  The shine in his eyes intensified. “I’ll start with showing you how good we can be together.”

  Faye snorted. “We’re the perfect miss-match. We’re both stubborn enough to piss each other off for a lifetime or two.”

  “I’ll prove you wrong.”

  Disbelief filled her. Had he really switched over? Just like that? “I don’t believe you. Where does all of this come from? Just a few days ago, you didn’t want anything to do with me.”

  “It’s been on my mind for a while. You’ve no idea how emotionally painful it is to go against the bond. It’s unpleasant to a level I started to feel sick. I struggled hard after you kissed me, but the bond wanted nothing more but to be sealed. It almost drove me crazy.”

  She swallowed and almost drowned in his deep and longing-filled eyes. It awakened butterflies in her stomach.

  That deep and shining gaze lingered on her face. He looked at her as if there was nothing more exciting to look at but her.

  Silver almost made her feel important.

  Faye’s heart clenched. “You’re not angry about me kissing you anymore?”

  “What’s done is done. I can only move on, and that’s what I’m doing. I’m accepting the situation, and so should you. Maybe Nightmare and the others will one day find the answer. Maybe the female cyborg is the answer.” He went silent for a moment. “Or maybe she’s not.”

  “You’re hoping, aren’t you?”

  “No, I’m not. It’s pointless. My feelings for you will remain whether the bond’s removed or not.”

  Her tummy trembled.

  Why didn’t she, all of a sudden, like the idea of removing the bond?

  “You want nothing more but to remove it.” He leaned down, almost touching his lips to hers. “I’ll make you change your mind. I’ll make you miss me, and I’ll make you see you need me. When I’m done, you’ll want nothing more but to be by my side for the rest of your life.”

  Damn, her heart was acting up a lot today. It was cantering, and her lower part clenched with desire from his words.

  Silver awakened a need she’d never felt before. No man had ever had such effect on her.

  “It can save your life.”

  He touched his cheek to hers again. “It can, but I’ve had enough pain for a lifetime.” With one swift move, he parted her legs and pressed himself against her.

  Faye gasped from the sudden move, but it was impossible to miss what part of him was there, and it felt really good.

  Silver nipped her ear. “I’m going to make you want me so bad, you won’t be able to stand to be without me.”

  The tingling feeling in her stomach grew as his warm breath caressed her cheek. Anticipation lingered in every part of her body, and she couldn’t wait to see what he’d do next. The excitement was almost overwhelming. She longed to have her arms and legs wrapped around him as he thrust hard inside her. The image made her sex clench.

  She could barely wait.

  His passion was unmistakable, and there was no doubt she’d soon be in heaven.

  The longing grew rapidly in her gut, and if he hadn’t been holding her hands pressed to the bed, she’d caress him all over, but Silver wasn’t moving.

  “What you’re waiting for? Go ahead.” She gave him a wicked grin.

  He remained still, just watching her. Then, he lay down next to her.

  Faye blinked. “What’re you doing?”

  He wore a calm expression. The desire was still there, but it was slowly dying and was replaced by a gentleness she’d never seen before.

  Where had the charming and cocky cyborg gone?

  “You’ll give your body to me without a second thought because you want me, but it’s not your body I’m trying to win. It’s your heart,” Silver said.

  She flew up. “You son of a bitch! You started this, and now you’re going to leave me hanging?”

  He grabbed her arm and pulled her down on her back, wrapping his arms around her. “No, I’m not. I’m going to take good care of you, but we won’t have sex again until your heart belongs to me.”

  Faye stared at the ceiling as disbelief filled her, but she didn’t struggle against his embrace. After all, she liked being held by him.

  His sudden change was a huge surprise. Probably the greatest shock of her life. Silver placed his head against her throat, snuggling against her. His big strong hand started slowly to caress her, awakening goosebumps all over her body.

  Who’d believe this strong smart-assed cyborg had such gentleness within him?

  She didn’t move. She had no idea what to do. One part wanted to yell and tell him a thing or two about their relationship, but the other part slowly started to comprehend he wasn’t playing.

  Silver really meant every word he’d said.

  He’d given in to the bond, and he was going to do everything in his power to make her fall in love with him.

  A pinch of excitement filled her. Faye looked forward to it; couldn’t help it. “Do you think I’ll fall in love with you just because you’re caressing me?”

  “It’s one tactic, and it’s working.”

  She flinched. “What makes you say that?”

  He grinned. “Because you’re not trying to get away.”

  Her cheeks burned. “Well … who doesn’t like to be caressed? It’s nice, and it doesn’t have to mean anything.”

  “You can’t lie to me.” Silver raised his head and his fingers touched her cheek, awakening even more goosebumps on her skin. “I can see it in your eyes.”

  Was she that easy to read? “See what?” She wasn’t going to give up that easily. Wasn’t going to make this simple for him.

  The deep, and somewhat, smug look he gave her made Faye hold her breath. The heat in her belly refused to die.

  Having him this near and looking at her with those marvelous shining eyes of his didn’t help.

  Silver was, without a doubt, a great seducer. She didn’t question that. She’d seen it firsthand, and he was about to use every trick in the book.

  How on earth was she supposed to fight a thing like that?

  “I see your interest,” he whispered. “You want this.”

  Well, damn. She really was like an open book.

  “You still refuse to see the attraction between us. You still push me aside and imagine you want things innocent, even if you know that will never work. Not between a cyborg and a human. My bond will never accept it.”

  She pushed her chin up. “So, what’re you going to do? To change my mind?”

  “This.” With one swift move, Silver grabbed her arms, placed them above her head, and pressed his lips against hers.

  A squeak left her mouth.

  He was excellent at surprising her today, and at first, she had no idea what to do. After just a short moment, she was kissing him back.

  Faye had kissed guys before, but none of them had awakened cozy and sweet emotions within her. He made her come alive. It sent her head spinning and made her world blossom.

  She didn’t even mind the idea of falling in love with him anymore.

  Maybe being with Silver wouldn’t be so bad, especially if he was going to be like this from now on.

  She liked this.

  She liked it more than she’d ever expected.


  Faye knocked on the door to Shade and Phoebe’s home.

  Silver stood next to her, holding her hand.

  Since that morning, he’d barely left her side. He watched her like a hawk, and now, when they were about to enter a house filled with people, he looked tense.

  Everyone would be there. Shade and Phoebe, Wind and Celise, and Hunter, with his bound one Avril.

  “Ow,” Faye growled and snapped her hand free from his grip. “You’re squeezing my hand.”

  Silver winced. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  She frowned.

  He was apolog
izing? That was new.

  The door opened, and a smiling Phoebe gave her a big hug. “Finally. We’ve been waiting for you. Everyone’s here but Jade.”

  Faye tensed. If everyone was already here, it meant Hunter and his bound one was as well. She hadn’t seen him since the abandoned house, where Nightmare had tried to remove Shade’s bond to Phoebe. She barely remembered him, but Shade, without a doubt, did.

  “Don’t worry,” Phoebe said, as if she read her mind. “Shade and Hunter have already spoken. Everything’s fine.”

  She nodded. “Good.” Silver didn’t leave her side.

  It was starting to get on her nerves. Was he going to stay attached to her during their entire visit?

  She glared. “What’s wrong with you?”

  He opened his mouth to answer but didn’t get the chance to speak, because the hallway got filled with people.

  Faye squeaked when she saw Celise and wrapped her into a big hug. “How are things going here?” she whispered in the woman’s ear. “Any explosions yet?”

  Celise chuckled. “It was tense at first, but Hunter and Shade quickly came to an agreement. Besides, his bound one is really nice.”

  Faye looked over the doctor’s shoulder and met Hunter’s gaze.

  He smiled, but she didn’t smile back.

  A dark-haired, beautiful woman stood next to him. She barely reached his shoulders, but the way she grabbed his hand with a soft and caring caress revealed she was his bound one.

  Faye moved toward them.

  Silver grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

  Surprise filled her. “What’re you doing? I was about to say hello.”

  “You can do it from here. You don’t need to approach them.” He squeezed her arm again, like he’d done before they’d entered the house.

  She frowned. “Excuse me?”

  Hunter chuckled. “The need to protect you from everything and everyone is overwhelming him. I guess he has accepted the bond.”

  Faye didn’t like the understanding look everyone gave her. She wanted to explode and tell her cyborg a thing or two, but when she noticed the pinch of despair in his pretty eyes, she stilled.

  His gaze spoke words he hadn’t said aloud. The cheeky and flirtatious Silver wasn’t there anymore. Instead, she met the eyes of a cyborg who was ready to die for her.


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