Their Runaway Mate

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Their Runaway Mate Page 11

by Selena Cross

  Chapter Eleven

  Anna sat in a diner booth picking at a large hamburger and fries while she thought about her situation with Drew and Carter. She missed them so much it hurt, but refused to go back to let them throw her in jail for something she didn’t do. She’d thought she had finally found someone who cared for her and really wanted to make her happy, but they hadn’t even trusted her enough to not listen to her sister’s lies and believe her.

  Then there was the situation with her sister. What was going to happen to her? Were Drew and Carter going to kill her for her part in trying to attack the Pack? She felt sick to her stomach at the thought of losing her only family, but she also realized that Cheryl had always hated her and used her for her own personal gain. Anna had just hoped that Cheryl had finally figured out how much Anna loved her and wanted to take care of her. Instead, she just used her love against her to sneak into Drew and Carter’s home and look for their plans for the Rogue Pack.

  Now, she sat in a diner while Alyssa talked with her two mates about hiding her here for a while. Alyssa had said they wouldn’t mind, but the look they gave her when the women walked through the door was anything but welcoming. It seemed even humans that were changed into wolves still hated humans. Alyssa tried to explain that it wasn’t they didn’t like her for being human; it was the fact they could smell other wolves on her and were worried they would be found. Apparently, Alyssa had been telling the truth about them being in hiding from their Pack too.

  Alyssa came out the kitchen door of the diner and walked to where Anna sat, to sit down in the booth across from her.

  “You need to eat the food, not play with it,” Alyssa teased, but it reminded her of when Carter had teased her about stabbing her already dead chicken.

  “Wow, not even a smile,” Alyssa said. “Those wolves really did a number on you, huh?”

  Anna tried to muster up a small smile, but couldn’t fight the tears clogging her throat to talk.

  “It’s okay, doll,” Alyssa said, patting Anna’s hand from across the table. “Jessie, Peter, and I will take care of you.”

  “It doesn’t really seem like your mates want me here,” Anna finally spoke, after a few moments of fighting back the tears.

  “I told you, it’s not that, they are just afraid of bringing trouble to our door, but I don’t care, you need someone there for you and I want to be that someone.”

  “Why?” Anna asked.

  Alyssa looked stunned for a moment at her simple question, but then she smiled and answered, “Because no one was there for us when we were trying to hide from our Pack, but we had each other and you have no one.”

  Anna didn’t fight back the tears anymore. She just let them flow freely down her cheeks as Alyssa squeezed her hand reassuringly. Alyssa’s mates chose that time to make an appearance, standing at their table.

  “Hi Anna, I’m Peter, I’m sorry for earlier, we just aren’t used to having other wolves around.” Peter held out his hand and Anna took a minute to look at him. He wasn’t tall and broad like Drew, Carter, and most of the other male wolves she’d met, but he was still well built with a more compact, and sleek, muscular build. His hair was reddish brown and his eyes were dark brown and very warm and comforting. He didn’t hold any of the suspicion she’d seen when she first arrived.

  Anna reached for his hand while she spoke, “I’m not a wolf, I’m still human, but it’s nice to meet you too.”

  “And I’m Jessie,” piped in the other man, drawing her attention away from Peter and toward his outstretched hand. This man held all the characteristics she’d seen in the other wolves. He was tall and toned, with all sharp edges. He had dark, brown hair and bright, blue eyes that held a more playful manner to them than Peter’s had. If Anna had to guess, she would say Peter had been human at one time and he was the more serious one of the group.

  Anna shook his hand and introduced herself, “I’m Anna, nice to meet you, Jessie.”

  “Nice to meet you and sorry about earlier, it’s mainly Peter’s fault, he’s too serious sometimes. You’re welcome to stay with us as long as you need to and I hope that’s a while, Alyssa hasn’t really had someone to have girl time with in a long time.” Jessie joked, while his mates both glared daggers at him.

  Anna couldn’t help but laugh and suddenly found herself very relaxed around this group. They seemed genuine about wanting to help her and she didn’t really want to be alone. She had grown used to having either Carter or Drew with her all the time and now they wanted nothing to do with her, she knew that she’d never really feel that wholeness ever again.

  “Okay, that’s enough sad thoughts,” Alyssa broke into Anna’s thoughts. “Why don’t we take you over to the main house where you can get a shower and rest for a while?”

  Anna just nodded, but then looked down out her outfit, “I can’t have a shower, I didn’t really pack for a trip and don’t have any other clothes.”

  “You must have been leaving in a hurry,” Peter’s voice was filled with concern.

  “They were threatening to throw me in prison for something I didn’t do and I had to get out of there as quickly as possible,” Anna said, but quickly regretted stating they wanted to throw her in prison.

  Peter placed his hand on her shoulder though, as he reassured her, “I’ve been in a Pack prison before, all because I was human and loved these two, so I understand your fear.”

  “Wow,” Anna said, shocked that Peter would be open enough to share that with her. “I’m so sorry. You guys really have been through a lot, just to be together.”

  “Yes, we have,” Alyssa replied. “And we will be happy to tell you all about it, later. For now you need to go to the house and get cleaned up and rested. I’m sure I can find something that will fit you okay until we can go into town and get you some clothes.”

  Alyssa got up from her seat and Jessie pulled Anna from her own. Anna started to follow the group toward the exit, but was stopped when Alyssa turned abruptly toward her mates.

  “Not you two, you have to stay and man the diner until close. I will be back in a little bit, after I get Anna settled in.” Alyssa ordered, and both men seemed to snap to, immediately, one going to the kitchen, while the other went behind the counter.

  Anna giggled to herself and imagined what Drew and Carter’s reaction would have been if she had told them what to do like Alyssa did her mates. They were both every bit the Alpha males, so they would probably just laugh at her, and then spank her ass for thinking she could order them around.

  Suddenly, the thought of what it would have been like for them brought back Anna’s depression, but Alyssa seemed to notice, grabbed hold of her arm, and began to pull her along beside her.

  “Come on girl. Let’s get you into some clean clothes and a clean bed. You can cry yourself to sleep then, but tomorrow morning I want you bright eyed and bushy tailed, because we are going to go into town to have some retail therapy.”


  Robert was pissed. He knew that Carter was up to something; otherwise, he wouldn’t have agreed to let him go so easily. He suspected he was going to have Robert and his men followed, so they could figure out where their Alpha was hidden. Well, he had a surprise for them because Robert wasn’t going to go back to his Alpha. Xavier would only kill him for messing up anyway, even though it wasn’t his fault and the blame lie solely on his piece of trash mate.

  Robert couldn’t stand the fact he was mated to a drug addicted, stupid whore, and wished he could get rid of her. He never really liked women much anyway, and being tied down by this sorry excuse of a woman just riled him.

  He had always known he preferred men from a very young age. As a matter of fact, he had once harbored a very big crush on Carter. He’d watch him in the woods sometimes when they were teenagers. Carter would be in his wolf form as he ran toward town, and then change into human form when he got to the borderline of the trees.

  Robert’s mouth would water as he took in all the muscled lines
of his sleek, well-built body. He would peruse from Carter’s long, shaggy, dark hair, to his piercing, green eyes, down to his sensual, juicy looking lips, across his broad chest, down his six-pack abs to his tapered waist, and then his eyes would be lodged on the long, thick, well-hung cock between Carter’s tree trunk-like thighs.

  Robert would lick his lips and imagined being able to suck that cock into his mouth, all the way into the back of his throat, and taste Carter’s cum as it shot across his tongue. Robert would drink him up and then beg him to fuck him, hard.

  However, Carter never really paid attention to him. Always charming the local village girls and never once looking at Robert to see that he would have done anything for him to just notice him.

  Robert wasn’t built like the other boys in town. He was softer and just a bit too thin and lacking in muscle to be considered masculine in any way. He supposed that was one reason he was so attracted to his own sex, because he was meant to be a woman.

  At the time, men like Robert were shunned and sometimes killed for their sexual desires. Therefore, Robert had to hide it well against the other villagers, including his own family, who would have no problem throwing him out and forcing him to fend for himself against the cruelness of the world around him.

  He remembered the day his brothers and father beat him up and then told him to tell everyone else in town the wolves did it. He had been caught watching some of the male wolves fuck each other in the woods, and jerking off while he watched.

  His father was disgusted by him and told his brothers to beat him to death and leave him for the wolves. They had broken his nose and fractured his jaw before their father told them to stop because he had a better idea. He told Robert if he wanted to live and be able to stay in the family where he would be saved from being put to death for his sinful actions, he would tell the villagers the wolves had beaten him.

  Of course, when it was the same wolves he had seen together that took him into town, he found it hard to believe the villagers would think his rescuers were actually his attackers. However, it seemed the villagers were already just waiting for an excuse to attack the wolves, so they had no problem latching on to his story and going out in the woods to destroy their homes and kill every one of them.

  Robert had actually cried because the wolves were the only ones who would understand his attractions toward his own sex, and now they were gone. He cried most of all because Carter had been killed and he had a very strong crush on him.

  Then he found out his sister was pregnant with the Alpha’s baby and his father planned to let her give birth to the baby, and then kill her to raise the baby as his own, which is exactly what his father had done up until he died. No one had known that Robert was actually the reason the old man died. He’d poisoned him to take revenge for the way his father had treated him throughout the years and when he took his final breaths, he announced to everyone that he had died of a heart attack.

  Since Xavier had changed all of his uncles into wolves, they all served as his betas, including Robert. Xavier seemed to be the first and only person who ever really accepted Robert for who he was, but that wouldn’t stop Xavier from killing him for his failure.

  Robert met other Rogue wolves who preferred men to women and looked at women as nothing more than something to rape and breed with, like the four men he was in the cell with now. They all held certain contempt for the fairer sex, but Robert hated females far more. So it really chafed him that his body was so drawn to this female trash and he was literally forced to mate her.

  He didn’t want this thing carrying his children. He didn’t want children at all. He just wanted to be able to fuck as many men as possible and hurt whomever he pleased.

  He had yet to actually fuck this woman in the pussy, always keeping to her ass when it came to procreating with her, and he always wore a condom. Not that he was worried about catching disease, werewolves were immune to most human diseases; he just didn’t actually want his skin touching her intimately in any way.

  Luckily, she liked his harsh behavior and enjoyed the abuse the other men liked giving her. She would let them do anything to her and hurt her in any way, as long as they were paying attention to her, she didn’t care. She really was messed up in the head.

  Robert watched one of his lovers as he slapped Cheryl around then forced her to suck his cock. Robert got hard just watching all that man meat plunge in and out of her welcoming mouth.

  Robert sighed to himself, he actually kind of enjoyed having her as their personal punching bag and sex slave. He was going to miss her when she died, which was going to be within the next few minutes.

  He got up from the bench he was sitting on and made his way over to the bunk bed, where his lover was fucking Cheryl’s mouth on the floor beside it.

  “Hey lover,” said the man, Steven, who was choking Cheryl with his cock. “Want a piece of this?”

  Robert just smiled and nodded, “Oh yeah, I want a piece, but first we have to take care of Cheryl’s needs.”

  Robert kissed Steven, and then had him release Cheryl so he could take his place. He scooped her up in his arms and placed her on the hard mattress. Cheryl looked at him, confused by his gentle behavior, as he removed her clothes slowly, and then climbed on the bed next to her.

  “You were a very naughty girl for telling Carter’s mate about our plans and letting it slip where we were.” Robert chastised.

  Cheryl cast her eyes down and frowned sadly, “I know. I’m sorry. I’m so stupid and don’t know what I’m saying sometimes. I just…”

  Robert stopped her rambling by putting his finger over her mouth and tsking her, “Now, now, my sweet, it’s okay, we all make mistakes, it’s in the past. Tomorrow is a brand new day.”

  Cheryl just smiled up at him, and Robert’s stomach rolled looking at the gaping holes where teeth should be, knowing they had probably fallen out from all the drug use.

  Thankfully, Steven was behind him, kissing his back and fingering his ass, or he wouldn’t have gotten hard at all. Robert moaned as Steven hooked his finger, rubbing his prostate on his way out.

  “For all the hard work you did, I’ve decided to give you a treat,” Robert smiled, while Cheryl looked up at him, hopeful. “I’m going to fuck your pussy tonight.”

  Cheryl looked like a kid in a candy shop and Robert almost felt bad for what he had planned, almost.

  He rolled on top of her, pushing himself between her spindly, little legs and immediately felt the loss of Steven’s finger and mouth.

  “Steven, get behind me and fuck my ass,” he commanded, and his lover eagerly obliged.

  Robert pushed into Cheryl’s wet pussy as Steven pushed into his ass. The feel of her tissues and cream surrounding his cock making him want to gag and pull out. If it weren’t for Steven’s cock in his ass, he probably would have. He pulled out when Steven did and then waited until Steven pushed back in to go back into her.

  He repeated this process over and over while Cheryl writhed and mewled underneath him and he wished she would just shut up. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Cheryl began to cum, milking his cock. However, it wasn’t until he bit into her throat with his extended teeth and felt the warmth of her blood gushing into his mouth as he ripped out her esophagus that he finally gave into his own orgasm, pulling Steven along with him, to shoot his load into Robert’s ass.

  After a few moments of intense bliss, Robert finally came down from his orgasm induced high and pushed Steven off him so he could pull out of his, now dead, mate. Finally after quite a few years of putting up with her nonsense, he was finally rid of her for good and could go back to fucking his lovers without having to worry about including her.

  Tomorrow, he and his lovers would be free of this prison and they would lead Carter’s men on a wild wolf chase, going completely the other way, away from his Alpha.

  Robert never planned to return to Xavier anyway, since he had what he wanted. He had his lovers and now he was free from that stupid villag
e too.

  He lay down beside his bloody mate on the bed and examined her lifeless features. If she would have taken care of herself, like her sister had, she would have actually been quite cute, especially with her little button nose. Robert tweaked said nose, and giggled to himself.

  Tomorrow he would be free at last.

  Chapter Twelve

  Anna couldn’t sleep, she tossed and turned in the bed of Alyssa’s guest bedroom, because every time she closed her eyes, she would see Drew and Carter and they would be sneering at her and accusing her of things she didn’t do. Then, when she finally did fall asleep she dreamed of her sister, when they were children and her sister used to look up to her. They used to play together and even had a special hiding place for when their parents would argue and they knew their parents were going to take their anger out on them.

  She pictured her sister in that hiding place, waiting for her now, calling Anna’s name for help. Anna had to help her sister no matter what she did to her, so she went. As she got closer, she noticed a pool of blood bubbling out from underneath the door of the closet. She could still hear her sister whimpering and crying out for her, inside, and reached for the handle to turn it. As the door opened, Anna glimpsed her sister coming into view and just as it fully opened, there stood Cheryl with a large hole in her throat and blood pouring out of it.

  “Anna, you came for me,” Cheryl smiled, with those big, puppy dog eyes that always got Anna to do what she wanted.

  Then Cheryl’s face started to change and she became a sickening mix of wolf and human, and the hole in her throat was still there.


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