Malver Part 1

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Malver Part 1 Page 4

by Beth Wright

smiling. “Sure we can, just you guys wait and see.” Setiana says as she points her finger at Zulloclar and Tronarc.

  “Yup, us human females know all about mischief.” They both giggle at each other. Then Rose continues, “I am pretty sure we can break all the laws in one day. What do you think Setiana?”

  Setiana smiles mischievously at her mates, “Oh yeah, maybe more than once.”

  Now the whole dwelling is laughing except Malver. Rose looks over towards him and soon comes to notice the poor thing fell asleep. “Aawww, he's sleeping.” They both raise a finger over their lips and direct their silent command at the others.

  All of the males chuckle softly then nod in agreement as they quietly leave. Rose starts to follow Tronarc out of the dwelling. She stops as she feels someone watching her. Turning slowly her heart skips a beat as his eyes meets hers. She smiles as a blush over takes her.

  Are you leaving?

  She turns to see no one else is left but her. So she softly replies, “I thought you were asleep.” He moves a little as if he was going to get up. She jumps in shock and runs to his side. “No you don’t.” Her voice soft as she places her palms on his shoulders to ease him back down on the pillows. “You need sleep. Even your father said so.”

  He brings his hands up to her wrist and lightly pulls her down to him. “Then, will you stay by my side as I sleep?” She feels a desire to stay by his side building as his hands slowly glide up her arms.

  “Alright, I will stay. If you promise not to try to leave the bed again.” Her voice comes out softly as his hands slowly glide over her shoulders. She groans as they suddenly track gently down her back. “You need rest,” She gasps as his palms grip her bottom softly.

  His heart is racing more and more as his hands explore her delicate figure, “I need you, more than rest, Love.” Her eyes glow with pure passion as he pulls her against his hard chest. His hands explore her body as hers do the same to his.

  Soon they cascade into ultimate pleasure. Something neither of them has ever felt before. Their bodies come together as one and find ultimate excitement in unison. Once their joys of pleasuring their bodies passed Rose drifts off into sleep as Malver lays beside her and watches her face light up with a smile from time to time.

  “Have fun?” Tronarc's voice and presents was unknown to Malver, till now.

  He sighs softly as he replies, “I have never felt good while mating before. Nor have I ever seen a female body as beautifully made as hers.” His fingertips trace her small rosy lips.

  Tronarc crawls onto the bed beside Rose. “She is beautiful in every way.” He lets his fingers trail down her neck to her collarbone. “We are very lucky.”

  They both chuckle softly as Sobilar enters the dwelling.

  “When I left you was asleep, now I return and she is the one asleep.” He grins at his son, “And also carrying your young one as well.” He shakes his head lightly, “I should have known.” Tronarc and Malver give him a confused expression. “I leave a beautiful female alone with a sleeping male and this is what happens.”

  They are laughing together as one of the leader guards enters. “We have a request from, Lolingar.” Once all eyes are diverted to him, he continues, “They are asking for our help. It seems Blackthorn Dracthorns are planning to attack their village. What should I say to their request?” His eyes linger to Malver's.

  Malver sighs, “Tell our good friend, Lolingar, we will be there shortly to aid him and his people.”

  Sobilar sighs loudly as the leader guard retreats from the dwelling. “Son, you are not fully healed yet.”

  His body still tingles and cries out as pain covers it from time to time. “He has been my friend from the day we were both born, Father.”

  His father nods and knows his son's feelings for his best friend. “I know son, but to put your life on the line. This just doesn't seem right. What if you die, then she will be hurt and your son will never get to know you.”

  Malver glides his fingers softly over Rose's exposed abdomen, “I will not die, Father, I have too much to look forward to.”

  He senses Tronarc's gaze upon him as he hears his words, “I will help, in whatever way I can.”

  They both look at each other in silence, than slowly start to stand. “Oxonite!”

  As the leader guard rushes in Malver continues his order, “Do not let anyone touch her, or harm her in any way while we are gone.”

  Oxonite smiles at his leader then nods his head. “I will guard her and your young one with my life.”

  Tronarc and Malver cover her body with the soft black fur blanket. Then each one kneels down and kisses her lips lightly before backing away from her sleeping form. They dematerlize while keeping their eyes upon her sleeping form.

  They rematerialize in front of, Lolingar. Lolingar smile greets them as they step closer to him. “Thank you.” Shaking hands with Malver he says softly, “You have a delightful smell upon your body.” Malver jumps and chuckles as his friends smile brightens. “So, you out of all people are the one to find my Tellianar.” He slowly shifts his eyes to Tronarc, “Hello, Tronarc, it seems we have something or should I say two things in common.”

  Tronarc grins then replies, “Yes, One of our common interests is sleeping in our village as we speak.”

  Lolingar chuckles softly, “And the other is standing before us.” His words warm his friends’ heart as he hears the pride in each and every one of them spoken.

  “We heard you will be having a Blackthorn Dracthorn attack soon.” Malver states as his friends conversation continues.

  Lolingar looks over to Malver his smile widens, “Yes, they seem to want to prove themselves by attacking my village.”

  Tronarc grunts slightly, “Why, would anyone wish to attack a powerful leader as yourself?”

  Lolingar chuckles, “That is a good question in deed.” He waves to another leader to come meet their guests, “This is Exotronar, and he has also come to add in this attack.” He pauses then laughs, “It seems he is also another Tellianar.”

  To this Tronarc and Malver look at each other then laugh.

  Amongst his own heartfelt laughter Tronarc says, “Wow, we come to add in a battle and end up with more brothren Tellianar mates.” His grin widens, “So Malver, I will let you be the one to tell our lovely, Rose.”

  The others chuckle as Marlver steps back slightly, “Oh, no you don't. This I will let you do alone.”

  Their laughter is soon cut short by a loud screeching sound. Looking up they come to see hundreds of Blackthorn Dracthorns descending from the sky.

  “They sure do go all out on their attacks.” Tronarc chuckles as his first attacker swings a sword at his throat, “They are sure upset.” He wheels around slightly and the blade misses him by inches, “What did you do to upset them so much, Lolingar?”

  Amongst three attacks, Lolingar, soon replies, “I have no idea.” Two of his attackers stumble backwards and fall to the ground while the other is still wrestling with Lolingar, “Maybe I should apologize.”

  Malver laughs whole heartedly as two attack him with swords draw, “Oh, yes, I am sure that will work wonderfully now that I think about it.”

  His heart racing by the second as more attackers charge at him and his brothren mates. “Go ahead, Lolingar, see if that is what they want.”

  Lolingar hears the humor in his friends words, “I am sorry.” He says as he thrust his fist into one of the attackers’ stomach. The Blackthorn Dracthorn stumbles slightly then growls as he charges to attack again. “That worked wonderfully,” Lolingar laughs as he throws his attacker at three others heading his way.

  “Maybe this time you should try to say sorry without the fist to the stomach attack.” Exotronar says while attacking three others with his big powerful wolf claws.

  Tronarc softly chuckles, “I do believe he is right, Lolingar, it might be better to try saying it without the blunt blow to the stomach.”

  Lolingar sighs as he throws yet another
attacker at a group of enraged Blackthorn Dracthorns, “There is no fun in that.”

  His words cut through the air as another Blackthorn Dracthorn appears above them in the sky. He looks down upon them and those attacking them. With one swift movement he sends a strong gush of wind upon all in the village below. His decent from the sky brings fear to the other Blackthorn Dracthorns on the ground already. They all start to waver in their attacks and proceed to back up and away from their enemies.

  They four brethren mates look at each other then back to the most powerful Blackthorn Dracthorn they have ever laid eyes on.

  Lolingar slowly eases closer to his Brothren Tellianar mates, “I do not know if this is good or bad just yet.” They watch as the tall, muscle bound, armor decked out, and Blackthorn Dracthorns walks towards them. “Maybe someone else should try to say sorry. Seems my technique did not work so well, and I honestly do not think a fist to the stomach will make this one falter at all.”

  Malver's eyes waver slightly as the new enemy approaches. His strength is starting to drain as he stands and waits to see what the powerful leader has to say. He stops in front of the four men then glides his eyes to Malver. Slowly turning them back to the others. “You are weakened from an earlier attack. Yet you still come to add another village.” Slowly bringing his eyes back to Malver as his body starts to scream out in pain. “It would be best for you to rest. Would not, Rose, be dissapointed if you were to die?”


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