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Retribution Page 11

by Lietha Wards

  He could hear her panicked breaths beside him, but she listened and stayed still.

  “Clear,” he finally said and went to her. The sedan was gone. “Are you hit?” He gripped her shoulders and helped her sit up. She had some superficial cuts on her face and down her arms and legs from the broken glass, but she was unharmed. His fingers brushed aside her hair and he cupped her chin, turning her head from side to side to examine her injuries. Then he tilted her head up so she’d look at him. “Katya?”

  “No they missed,” she finally answered in a shaky whisper.

  “Are you hurt?”

  “I’ll be fine.” Her voice shook.

  He stared at her a moment to make sure she was telling the truth. Her arms folded across her middle and she was trembling. She was scared, but she was going to be okay. “Is anyone hit?” he asked without taking his eyes off of hers.

  “Casey.” It was Ivan’s voice.

  He turned and saw Porsha. Eyes open and staring blankly off in the distance. Dead. A gunshot hole in her chest.

  Katya screamed.


  William sat behind his desk chewing on the end of a pencil while he regarded the unreadable mystery man across from him. “I told you not to bring this across my desk.”

  “I didn’t.”

  “Yet, you’re still here.” William thumbed through the stack of permits that Ryan handed him to verify his sidearms.

  Ryan took that time to look across the room at Katya. She was seated on a bench against the wall. She was given a cup of coffee from a female detective while she waited for him. There was a cut on her forehead and exposed skin had a few nicks from the glass that fell on her, but they would heal without scarring. Ivan was pacing and talking on the phone about ten feet away from her. He was obviously breaking the news to his boss. He was sure that wasn’t going well. He tried to comfort Katya, but again she slapped his hand. Yes, she’ll be fine.

  “Yeah, well, that couldn’t be prevented,” he finally responded.

  Bill sighed deeply, opened a drawer and pulled out Ryan’s firearms, all three of them. Then he tossed the permit papers on the desk next to them. “I’ve never seen permits like these, because they don’t exist, and you check out, witnesses and all. They think you’re a hero protecting that young girl.”

  “The permits are legitimate.”

  “I know they are. Even if they weren’t I’m sure you could have them signed by the President of the United States within an hour or the suit, meaning your boss, will return and claim my wife was with you last night, and she verifies it.”

  “You’re learning.” Ryan reached for his guns and permits suppressing a smile.

  “Did you get a look at them?”

  He shook his head and holstered his guns, including the one on his leg.

  He tossed a thumb over his shoulder where Ivan was pacing. “That guy you’re with has a rap sheet a mile long; drugs, assault, suspected murder, rape, and running prostitutes.”

  “Never saw him before in my life. He was with the woman that got shot. We don’t know them.” Ryan wasn’t giving any information out that could cause any further delay in getting Katya home. Ivan was playing along and acted as if he didn’t know either of them. They had a quick discussion before the cops and ambulance showed up. Ivan told the authorities that Porsha was his girlfriend to keep Peter out of the paperwork.

  He didn’t believe him but knew questioning him would get him nowhere. His eyes went to Katya Nickolov. “Does she have something to do with your brother’s death?”

  “No, she’s innocent in all of this.” He may have said that a little too quickly. William didn’t notice.

  William smiled. “Councilman Nickolov’s daughter? I’m not stupid Mr. Casey. Did you want to let me in on what this was about? I might be able to help.”

  “I will if things get tough.”

  “This isn’t tough?” A woman was dead, and one of Miami’s posh shopping districts was shot up for the first time ever. The boutique’s employees were so traumatized that they didn’t see anything but Ryan saving Katya Nickolov’s life.

  He pressed his mouth into a smile.

  “Jesus, what the hell are you?”

  “I’m taking her home now. I’ll let you know if I need you. Thanks for the offer.” Ryan stood up and walked over to Katya. Ivan was nowhere to be seen now.

  “I killed her.” She stared up at him through watery, red-rimmed eyes.

  “No. you didn’t.” he leaned down and took her hand helping her to stand.

  “I yelled at her and told her to leave you alone. It was the last thing I said to her.”

  “Quit blaming yourself Katya. It could have been you lying there.”

  That statement sent a wash of terror through her.

  Ryan put an arm around her and led her out of the station. Jose was waiting with the car. He opened the door for the couple and the concern for Katya was evident in his expression. Ivan was still nowhere in sight. He didn’t give a shit if the man walked off a cliff. He needed to get Katya home. Ivan had given his statement before Ryan did, and surprisingly wasn’t carrying so they let him go as a witness.

  Once inside the car, he pulled her next to him. She was beating herself up, but none of it was her fault. It was his. He should have been more on guard. However, his job wasn’t to save Porsha, but Katya, and he did that. Porsha was actually closer, but he would have wasted time getting to Katya. She may have said some harsh things, but that didn’t matter to the dead. Now he knew these guys were serious at coming back to finish what they started.

  Ivan met them at the door when they arrived back at the estate. Apparently he’d made it home somehow. “Boss wants to see you.”

  “He can wait,” Ryan said as he walked by him toward the stairs. He had Katya’s hand and was going to make sure she was settled before he spoke to Peter.

  “Is that what you want me to tell him?”

  “Tell him whatever the fuck you like.” He pulled Katya upstairs ignoring Ivan’s angry glare and her look of shock.

  “I don’t think that was wise,” she said once they were out of hearing distance. She didn’t miss Ivan’s deadly stare and she had an idea that having him as an enemy could make Ryan’s stay here risky.

  “Ivan is no threat to me Katya.” He opened the door to his room and pulled her inside, locking it behind them.

  Somehow she didn’t believe that. Ivan already had it out for him. He’d be glowering at her bodyguard for days now. She knew that Ivan blamed Ryan for her sudden dislike of him, but it wasn’t Ryan. It was when she found out what he did for her father. She supposed he needed someone to blame, after all, Ryan’s arrival coincided with her despite.

  Ryan released her to leave and she suddenly realized she’d be alone. She grabbed his arm. “Don’t leave,” she pleaded. She knew it sounded weak, but she hated this house, and after what had happened, didn’t want to be isolated in this room by herself.

  He stared down at her for a moment. Then he nodded and walked by her into the bathroom. He sat on the edge of her tub and ran the water. She followed him and stood there with a questioning expression.

  He was running his hand through the water testing the temperature. “Have a bath Katya. When you’re done, you’ll feel better and I’ll be back by the time you’re done. I’ll have someone stand outside the door.”

  “Not Ivan.”

  He checked the water again suppressing a smile. “No, not Ivan.” Satisfied with the temperature, he stood and cupped her shoulders. Then he tilted her chin up to make her look at him. “I’ll be a few minutes. Your father will want a thorough report. I’m only downstairs. You know where to find me. Remember that when you feel anxious.”

  She nodded trying to be brave. “I understand.”

  He left and she stood there for a minute staring at the water. Then she shut the door, locked it, and slowly undressed to get in the tub. He was right, it made her feel better. Her cuts burned in the water, but t
hen eased. It was a good idea after all.

  Ryan could hear Peter yelling before he even got near the room. He told one of the men milling around outside Peter’s office to go stand outside Katya’s door until he returned, but not to go in. He left quickly.

  The other man opened the door as Peter was still yelling and waving his hands at Ivan. Ivan actually looked a little flushed.

  The flat screen television was on and the news was showing the boutique riddled with bullets. The media obviously didn’t know why or who was the target yet, and the police weren’t talking. It was a relief for Ryan because he didn’t need the added media attention while he was there, but it was only a matter of time.

  “Well, it’s about damn time!” Peter spun about waving an arm in his direction. “Are you too good to take orders?”

  “I had to get her settled. My job is to protect her first and foremost. She’s in shock.”

  “And who’s fucking fault is that?” Peter accused.

  “She’s alive.”

  “Oh, yes and Porsha is dead.”

  “Porsha wasn’t my charge.”

  “You arrogant prick!” Peter yelled spraying spittle and slamming his fist on his desk.

  Ryan remained unaffected. Peter was in a rage because he was bested again. This man had no love in his heart so he knew it wasn’t over concern for his dead girlfriend. He didn’t even bother asking about Katya first. That was the major indication. Ryan wouldn’t give a shit about anything else if it was his daughter.

  Peter suddenly turned his anger back to Ivan. “He’s right though. She was yours.”

  Ivan bowed his head.

  Well, obviously he was already ripped to shreds over this. Ryan felt some satisfaction.

  Peter turned back to Ryan. “Best damn lay I had in a month. Christ, she’ll be hard to replace.”

  Soulless bastard, Ryan thought.

  “How is she?” Peter finally asked, referring to his daughter.

  Apparently the rant was over with and now he wants to know about Katya. “A little cut up and scared.”

  He shook his head and turned away picking up an envelope off the desk. “I got another one. No body pieces this time, just a note.” He turned and gave it to Ryan.

  Ryan pulled out the note and read it.

  Peter waited, but shifted about impatiently. “Well?”

  When he was done, he looked up at him. “It says that Porsha was a warning. Apparently she was the target after all.”

  Ivan actually looked relieved. It alleviated his guilt a little, maybe this couldn’t be prevented.

  “What? Why?”

  “It doesn’t say.” It didn’t make sense either. Why would they kill someone not related to the family? First the fingers that weren’t Anna’s, then this. Something isn’t adding up.

  “You are sleeping with her.”

  Both Ryan and Peter snapped their heads in Ivan’s direction.

  “That’s ridiculous.” Ryan refused to play into Ivan’s Jealousy.

  “She’s taken with you. I’ve seen the way she looks at you.”

  “You and I are going to have a serious disagreement,” Ryan said steadily. There was a definite challenge in his grey eyes.

  “Are you threatening me? You son of a—”

  Peter surprised Ivan by laughing, “You’re an idiot.”

  Ivan looked confused.

  “Your jealousy is showing. You’ve been drooling over her since she turned sixteen. I’m not a fool Ivan, she will never accept you so I never worried, but it keeps you loyal.”

  Ivan actually flushed bright red and cleared his throat.

  A sardonic smile pulled at Ryan’s mouth.

  “Get out, both of you.” Peter waved an arm again and walked over to a crystal decanter to pour himself a drink.

  “I’m not fooled by you Casey,” Ivan said before they parted ways outside Peter’s office.

  You could be fooled by a simple addition question, Ryan thought bemusedly.

  Ryan went back up the stairs and relieved the man standing outside. He went in and saw that Katya’s room was dark. She looked to be sleeping. The bath helped after all. He went back to his room removed his guns, stripped off his shirt and pants, and pulled on a pair of light cotton pajama bottoms.

  Taking a seat in a chair he pulled out his phone and messaged his superior. He didn’t need him at the police station with the detective because he did nothing wrong, but he promised Ned he’d stay in contact.

  He set his phone down on a side table and rubbed his forehead with his fingers. He could have lost her today, and he was still no closer to finding his brother’s killer. Georgy wouldn’t like this. She was an innocent, and since when did he risk an innocent’s life?


  He looked up and saw her standing in the doorway. She was so splendidly beautiful that he physically felt his willpower cracking from just her standing there. “Go back to bed. You need rest.”

  “So do you.”

  He shook his head. “I’m fine on a few hours.”

  She approached him. She was wearing a light purple satin nightgown that came to mid-thigh with a matching robe. One edge of the robe slipped off her shoulder showing a spaghetti strap and bare skin.

  Apparently this was her favorite night attire. He couldn’t blame her. The material would have been light and cool on her skin.

  She walked toward him with the fluid grace of liquid sensuality. His eyes went down her body and back up to meet her eyes. Her hair was unbound and framed her lovely face halting just above her breasts. It did nothing for his self-discipline. She was beautiful.

  She knelt down beside the chair and took his hand. “You look troubled too. Is it because of Porsha?”

  “No.” He wouldn’t take the blame for that. It was going to happen whether he was there or not. He pulled his hand out of her grip. To his surprise she looked amused not offended.


  He never said anything.

  “You saved my life though.”

  “In all honesty, they weren’t after you Katya.”

  She looked surprised. “How do you know that?”

  “I just do.” Regardless, a stray bullet could have still killed her if he didn’t get her to safety.

  She looked away for a moment in thought. “That doesn’t make sense. Why would someone want to kill Porsha? She meant nothing to my father. She wasn’t wealthy, or someone important.” she bit her lip. “It’s because of my father’s dirty business, isn’t it?”

  “You’ll have to ask him that.”

  “I’m not asking that man a darn thing.” She stood up and stared down at him. “I hate him with everything I have.”

  “It does no good to harbor hatred like that.” Look who was calling the kettle black. He was no different. He studied her for a moment. She was very close to tears. One horrible event after another just kept happening to her and she didn’t deserve any of it. He stood up and pulled her against him. What the hell was he doing? She was dangerously close, and he was encouraging it. Yet, he felt the need to envelop her and protect her after today. As he thought before, she was innocent in all of this. He knew that and his conscience was killing him. This was such a mistake!

  She laid her head on his chest. His body, as usual, warm and hard. “I’ll be okay Ryan.”

  He turned his nose into her hair and closed his eyes to her scent. Roses, again. “I know you will.”

  “I believe you, you know. That it wasn’t my fault.”


  “I just feel terrible for the things I’ve said to her.”

  “We are only human. Let it go.”

  “I want to, it’s just hard.” She lifted her head and looked at him. “Are we going to keep pretending that we don’t notice what passes between us?”

  A smile pulled at the corner of his mouth while he met her eyes. His hand came up and caressed her cheek. “There’s nothing.”

  She pursed her lips into a thin line and sh
ook her head as her hand went to his chest. “I can hear and feel your heartbeat. It’s fast like mine.” She took his and put it on her own chest between her breasts. “Tell me you don’t feel that.”

  He pulled his hand away and released her stepping back.


  He shook his head, turned away and ran his fingers through his hair. “Go back to bed, Kat.”

  “Are you seriously turning me away?”

  “I am.” He didn’t turn around.

  “Ryan—you are lying to yourself! You can’t even face me and tell me that.” Yes, she was naïve, but she also knew what she looked like to the opposite sex, and had her experiences, to a degree, with men. She was going to trust her instincts despite her insecurities. He was attracted to her. That embrace was genuine—caring.

  “To bed Kat.” His voice was even, commanding.

  “You have to know—you have to know that I’m not one of those women that throw themselves at you! I’m not like that.” She wasn’t! She’d seen how women were around him and he’d refused all of them. She couldn’t face being put in that same category. She meant something more. Didn’t she?


  “I have morals, and pride.” Rejection wasn’t easy for her. She was close to tears for a different reason—shame. She put it all out there and was getting rejected.

  “I know.”

  “I don’t just walk around picking up men!”

  “I figured that out after five minutes of meeting you.” He finally faced her. “I’ve told you before—”

  “You’re an ass if you think that’s working on me. A stupid ass.” She turned on her heel and left, shutting the door between them.

  Fuck. He lowered his face in his palm.

  Kat wouldn’t go to him tonight if she had the night terrors. She’d be strong and deal with them on her own. She didn’t need him for anything. If he wanted to be an employee, she was going to treat him like one. She’d never put her heart on her sleeve like that, and he rejected her. Tears rolled down her cheeks. It would be a cold day in hell before she did that again.


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