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Retribution Page 19

by Lietha Wards

  No answer.

  “Kat, I can’t do this without you. I need you to go with Jack. I can’t leave you alone in this house in case something goes horribly wrong.”

  “You and Jack can go to hell,” came the muffled answer. Something hard hit the door. She’d thrown something at it.

  He took a deep breath for patience. This was no longer amusing. Well, he could break down the door and turn her over his knee, but that would be a waste of effort with her. She was stubborn and it would be like wrestling with barbed wire. Instead, he’d wait her out.

  He had a shower, and dressed. He took his time about it too. Then he sat in a chair and waited. All the while he had visions of strangling her or kissing her. She had to be the most frustrating woman he’d ever met.

  It was another hour before the door opened. She stood there in a long white skirt with yellow flowers printed on it, a white sleeveless button up v-neck shirt, and her hair in a ponytail. She stood there with one hand on her hip looking absolutely stunning.

  “Are you done pouting?” he asked politely.

  She lifted her chin and walked by him. “I’m hungry. I want breakfast, and I don’t want to eat here.” She opened the door to his room. When he didn’t move she turned back to him. “Are you coming?”

  He took his time standing, adjusted his suit jacket and followed her.

  They took his jeep, found a quiet restaurant on South Miami Beach and she ate in silence completely ignoring him.

  Ryan fully intended on making her listen, but he had to her work through her anger first. If he knew her as well as he thought he did, she’d put up one hell of a fight if he insisted on her compliance at that moment. He’d wait for her to start talking.

  That didn’t happen until she was done her meal and spent another half an hour staring at the waves washing the beach. Over that time, he could physically see the anger drain out of her expression. What replaced it was, fear.

  “I’m scared,” she said softly.

  “I know.”

  She faced him. “I meant, I’m scared of losing you.”

  “I know what you meant.”

  She nodded and took a drink from her glass of water. “I can’t go Ryan, please don’t ask me to. I have this horrible feeling in my gut that it would be the last time I see you.”

  He reached across the table and squeezed her hand. “That’s not going to happen. I have—measures in place.” She opened her mouth to say something and he held up his hand. “No, I won’t tell you. Don’t ask. The less you know the better.”

  She clamped her jaw shut and looked away again. “That doesn’t do anything for my nerves. Where were you expecting Jack going to take me?”

  “I have a lakefront cabin in Northern Ontario.”

  Her eyes widened. “Canada?”

  He nodded. “It’s untraceable back to me. It’s safe there.”

  “Oh no, that’s too far Ryan. I won’t go.”

  “You will. I can’t finish this with you here Kat. You’re too distracting!” It wasn’t common for him to raise his voice, but she needed to listen to him. He softened his tone but the fierceness was still in it. “I’m having trouble thinking about anything beyond you as it is. I can’t have you here with what’s about to go down.”

  “We said we’d do this together.” Her voice cracked. She wouldn’t cry, no, she wouldn’t. How could he send her away? She needed to see this through as much as he did. Didn’t he get that?

  He studied her for a moment. “I know you think you owe something to the lives your father has destroyed, but that is not your responsibility.”

  “It’s not yours either,” she countered.

  He never said anything.

  She sat straight back in her chair and stared at him. He wore that same unreadable expression she’d come to dislike. “I need to ask you something. Please be honest.”

  He hesitated, but then nodded once.

  “What would your brother say?” She knew from the way Ryan talked about him that the man had integrity.

  He smiled. “He’d say; that it’s not your fight Ryan. It was my choice.”

  “He would?”

  “Yes. I’ve heard it a hundred times in my head. Then he’d give me shit for falling in love.”

  She smiled and her eyes watered. “He sounds like a jerk.”

  He felt his own mouth pull into a bittersweet smile. Georgy would never meet Katya and he would’ve wanted to. “He would have liked you, a lot.”

  She rubbed the wetness away with the back of her thumb. “Please don’t send me away. Let’s see this through together, for my mom and Georgy.”

  He brushed his hand down his face clearly conflicted. “Look, if you get hurt, I’ll never forgive myself.”

  “I won’t.”

  “Even a scratch.”

  She smiled again. “I have family immunity. You need me.”

  He shook his head. “I’m going insane and soft. I really am. I wouldn’t have even considered this a few weeks ago. I would have just hogtied you and have you hauled away.”

  “I love you so much,” she confessed softly.

  He met her eyes. “I know you do, and that’s what makes this hard. I’m going to need help with this.”

  “Help? What kind of help?”


  “What the hell is this?” Peter waved an arm over a pile of photos.

  “You didn’t believe me. This is proof.” Ivan spread the photos out on Peter’s desk. “They’re sleeping together.”

  Peter picked up one and stared at it. Then he tossed it on the desk. “So?”

  Ivan look surprised. “They’re sleeping together,” he repeated, “I’ve seen them together when they thought they were alone. Look, they’re holding hands.” It was the photo he took this morning when they went for breakfast together. He snapped a few of them, but this one showed obvious affection between the two.


  “Good?” He was taken back.

  “A man like Ryan Casey is screwing my daughter. Do you think I’d be disappointed? The man is a bloody machine, and I need him. Now I have him by the balls. He wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize my business. Especially after seeing these.”

  “Boss, we don’t know this man. We can’t trust him. He could be like the last one…”

  “I don’t trust him. However, Casey, is not a Miami detective. Every one of my sources came back clean. The man is an elite killer, he’s black ops. He’s the best, and I need him with us, not against us. My soldiers are getting slaughtered over this rivalry. I needed him but I knew he was particular so I had to persuade him in another way.” He put his fists on his desk and leaned toward Ivan, a sparkle of devious intelligence lit his eyes. “Why the fuck do you think I put him in the adjoining room with Katya.”

  “You planned this?”

  “Of course I did. She’s beautiful. I don’t care how much glacial water runs in your veins. She’ll crack any exterior just with her looks. She is a spitting image of her mother, and I married her for her beauty besides her rank in society.” He chuckled looking down at the photos again. “It looks like she’s better than I thought. He outright adores her. It was a bonus, him being so good looking besides skilled. She fell for him. Now I own him.”

  “Boss, she could get hurt.”

  He shrugged. “Casey will take care of her. I just needed his loyalty. Now I’ve got him. He’ll do anything to protect her and I need him to help me with that shipment tonight. Find him and bring him to me.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  His grey eyes studied his most trusted for a moment before he answered. “Because I couldn’t have you botching this up. You’re so love starved its painted on your face like a neon sign. Now get me Casey.”

  Ivan clenched his fists at his sides. This didn’t sit well with him at all. He didn’t like another man touching what he thought was his, especially a man who looked like Casey did. He couldn’t compete with that. Worst of all, he was an o
utsider. He wasn’t family. Well, he’d take care of him. It was already arranged. “Yes boss.” He turned and left the room.

  When Ryan and Katya returned from breakfast they went for a jog along the beach. She’d been getting better, well, not as good as him, but she wasn’t as exhausted as she used to be. She was impressed at his endurance, but really she shouldn’t be. She almost blushed at the memories returning from the night before. At least she’d found it in her to enjoy the run despite the looming danger of tonight.

  They were walking through the path of the gardens in the back that led to the beach when Ivan found them.

  “Boss wants to see you.”

  “What for?” Katya asked glaring at Ivan.

  Ryan held up his hand and gave her a look that said ‘we talked about this’. She kept the glare but snapped her mouth shut.

  Ivan looked completely enraged that she’d listened to him so easily. His eyes went back and forth between the two. He had images of slitting this man’s throat in the back of his mind.

  “All right.” He was wondering when he’d approach him about the shipment again. He knew he would. Peter needed him and he was relentless in getting what he wanted. He intended to go along this time though.

  “I’m going to shower,” Katya said walking away as if neither man meant anything to her. She looked over her shoulder before she went in the house. Ryan’s eyes glanced off her but there was nothing to indicate that he held affection for her. Gosh, he was good.

  Ryan returned his attention to Ivan and held his hand out for him to lead the way. Ivan scowled and turned around to go back in the house.

  When he walked into Peter’s office with Ivan he got right to the point.

  “I need you tonight.”

  “I’ll do it.” He crossed his arms across his chest.

  “Either you take the job, or you’re gone—what?”

  “It has to be done my way—”

  “—Like hell!” Ivan interrupted.

  Peter held up his hand cutting him off. He honestly expected another fight, and was willing to use his daughter as a pawn in the whole scheme. Whatever changed this man’s mind, he didn’t care. This was easy. Kat didn’t realize the extent of her involvement, but he sure as hell appreciated her lure for the opposite sex at that moment.

  Ryan finally turned his attention to Ivan. “The operation is still yours, but I have two men I want brought in on this.”

  “No way!” Ivan protested.

  Peter nodded toward Ivan. “I agree with him. I will not have strangers come into my employ. Especially since I hadn’t had time to check them out.”

  “I understand.” He reached across Peter’s desk and retrieved a note pad and a pen and wrote a phone number on them. “This number is to the head of the Castile family. Frank Castile’s younger brother is black ops, his protection, and a friend.”

  Peter looked taken back. It was almost amusing, the look of shock on his face. Usually this man was raging or disgustingly full of himself.

  “You’re joking, right? You, friends with the Castile family?” Frank Castile was well known among his industry, he was the most powerful biggest drug cartel in New York State at one time. Everyone knew who he was in his circles. “You’re pulling my leg.”

  He shrugged a shoulder as if it was nothing. “They also have a younger half-brother Mario, who is mentored by Nick and very capable. If you want me, I need those two.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me when I hired you? That would have saved me a lot of effort.”

  “It wasn’t necessary.”

  “Necessary?” He looked at Ivan. “Do you believe this guy?”

  “I never believe him,” Ivan answered glaring at Ryan.

  Peter waved an arm. “Of course you wouldn’t.” He turned back to Ryan. “I heard Frank retired, because of political pressures. To this day, no crimes have been linked to him. It’s unheard of.”

  “That has something to do with Nick, and if you call that number, it’s Frank Castile’s personal cell phone number. You can’t tell me that any source you have is as good as that.”

  “How do you know they’re good?”

  “Remember that hostage taking in Beirut?”

  Peter nodded.

  “They were my team.”

  Peter just stared at him in awe. “Just who the fuck are you?”

  Ryan’s mouth pulled up at the corner. “Nick Castile is a human weapon. He is more skilled than all of your men put together.” Ivan made a sound of disbelief but Ryan ignored him. “If you want that shipment bad enough, we’ll get it for you.”

  Well, Ivan certainly had nothing to say that time.

  “It’s also going to cost you. These two aren’t cheap.”

  Peter found it interesting that Ryan never let on about any of his own talents. After the past few weeks, he knew he was exceptionally skilled, but not inclined to brag about anything. That alone made him know that he was more than likely right up there with Nick Castile. “Done!” Peter agreed immediately. “But after I make a call.”


  When the two striking dark haired gentlemen walked through the airport, side by side, both displaying even confident strides, it didn’t matter what age, female heads turned. They were an incredible sight. What most women would categorize as tall, dark and handsome, the Castile brothers carried themselves with poise and confidence. They were immaculately dressed in dark suits and had one small black carry-on bag each.

  Nick Castile was over six feet, dark hair and dark brown cool eyes. His younger brother Mario was a spitting image of the same Castile genes, but four inches shorter at six feet, and about twenty five pounds less of muscle. He’d put on fifteen in the last two years thanks to his brother’s rigorous training.

  Another difference besides age, was the smile Mario wore. Mario was excited at this new adventure his older brother brought him on. Nick rarely ever smiled. That was proven when Mario grinned at attractive women they passed, and Nick never paid them any heed.

  Fortunately, he wasn’t tainted by an abusive upbringing like his older brothers, Nick and Frank. Mario was raised by a loving mother and nurtured. He was outgoing, and always had a smile on his face. He always thought he annoyed Nick because he was so talkative, and Nick’s expression always remained unreadable, but his brother never indicated it one way or another. Only when he offered to train him, had he realized that Nick cared about him. Soon after they found out they were half-brothers. Affection wasn’t easy for Nick, and what little he showed him, said a lot. Now he’d take him on private jobs and it was difficult for Mario to contain his excitement. He had a knack for it, like Nick. Yet, he was certain he’d never attain his brother’s skills. Nick was a machine. He could anticipate things way ahead of time and was flawless in his execution. The first time he’d seen him in action, left him in awe.

  The only time Nick smiled since they left home, wasn’t at the flirting stewardesses, or the ticket sales lady, it was when he spotted Ryan Casey. They embraced in greeting and Ryan shook Mario’s hand, then slapped him on the shoulder to tell him he looked good with the muscle he’d put on. He saw the pride in his older brother’s eyes, not something people could brag about, because he was so hard to read. He shook Ryan’s hand enthusiastically. “I have a good trainer.”

  “I’m sure,” Ryan agreed flicking his eyes to one of his oldest friends. “Are you sure about this Nick?”

  He shrugged. “I can’t get too soft.”

  Soft? Ryan chuckled. “How’s your wife?”

  “Jordan is an angel. I have a son now, too.”

  “Wow, I’d never thought. She must be something to stay with you,” he joked.

  “She is. I’m a sucker for redheads,” Nick answered with his same cool tone. He was teasing, but not many people would notice. Ryan did.

  He chuckled. “Let’s get out of here. I have a lot to tell you.”

  “How’s Frank?”

  “Still the same, a womanizer, less criminal though. H
e’s gotten soft.”

  Mario made a sound of disbelief causing Ryan to look at him. He knew what that meant. Nick’s version of soft would be no less than the devil himself.

  He glanced at his watch. “We have less than two hours, so I’d better brief you on the way to the house.”

  Once in Ryan’s Jeep, Nick spoke. “So what is this really about?”

  “One of Peter’s henchmen killed my brother.”

  “I heard. I’m sorry Ryan. I don’t know how I’d handle it if one of mine was taken from me.”

  Of course he did.

  “What’s her name, though?”

  Ryan grinned and flicked his friend a glance. “You never cease to amaze me.”

  Nick made a sound that was close to a chuckle, a rare occurrence. “You wouldn’t have called me in unless you needed this as clean as possible. I know you don’t give a damn about yourself in a situation like this, avenging your brother, but you need this done quick, with minor collateral damage, so what’s her name?”

  “Kayta Nickolov,” he confessed. Nick never showed any surprise, yet he was certain he was. It was just the way the man was. People accused him of being emotionless, cold, but Nick had the monopoly on that. There were very few people in the world that could read the man and he was one of them. They trained together and formed a brotherhood at a young age. They have matching tattoos on their biceps. It was the Navy Seal emblem.

  “I’m assuming that’s Peter’s daughter.” It wasn’t a question.


  “Does she know who you are?”

  Ryan nodded. “Everything.”

  Nick made a sound under his breath like he was impressed.

  “She’s beautiful.”

  “Of course.”

  “Smart, stubborn.”

  A smile pulled at Nick’s mouth. “Well, I can sympathize, my friend.”

  “I tried to remove her from all of this, but she refused to go. She wants to see it through out of justice for her mother, and perhaps myself. For some stupid reason, I relented.” He shook his head. “I just know she’s going to end up in the middle of this, even through no fault of her own. I can’t think straight.”

  “Well, that’s what we’re here for.” Nick said absently while looking out the window.


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