ROMANCE: SHIFTER: Shifter to the Max Collection (Dragon, Bear, Wolf and Panther Shifter Romances) (Paranormal Fantasy Romance Collection)

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ROMANCE: SHIFTER: Shifter to the Max Collection (Dragon, Bear, Wolf and Panther Shifter Romances) (Paranormal Fantasy Romance Collection) Page 58

by C. J. Ayers

  There was another shape on the floor that caught Caleb’s attention. It was a black formation, collapsed at Felicia’s feet. As he focused on it, he could discern the silken black fur and individual markings of a creature he knew well. Jake. The young panther’s broken body lay in a pool of its own blood.

  “Is the answer still no?” Shelia knew she had the upper hand.

  Caleb could only growl in response, muscles tensing in the sheer agony of repressing his movement, repressing his urges, his desire to kill. A red haze of rage ran through him, and he almost passed out with the exertion of trying to keep himself in check.

  “Derek has the papers. All you need to do is sign.” Caleb could hear Derek ambling towards him. The papers were then thrust at his chest, damp marks from Derek’s fingers staining the paper.

  Caleb looked over them briefly, flicking through the legalese with expert eyes. “You have been busy.” Privately he thought someone else needed to be helping Sheila, all of his assets were covered in this document. It would take someone that knew his business inside out to produce this kind of thorough analysis.

  “Just sign it.” Shelia was getting impatient, and there was an edge of anxiety to her voice.

  “Or you’ll do what, exactly?” Caleb asked her.

  At that moment, Felicia gave a quiet moan. She was coming to, and as she turned her head, Caleb noticed the blood matting her red hair. His face must have betrayed his instant panic, because Sheila laughed, victorious.

  Caleb stared at Sheila, shutting down his panic, forcing his eyes to turn blank and empty of emotion.

  “You’d be committing the greatest dishonour of our kind, if you hurt her. The pack might one day forgive you for the death of Jake, though I seriously doubt it, but never for the death of a human mate.”

  “What do you mean?” Shelia snarled at him, frustrated further by the delay.

  “She’s marked. She’s my mate.” He delivered the news smoothly, not once averting his gaze.

  “I’ve checked – I know she’s not!” Shelia shrieked at him, enraged, “you wouldn’t dare!” She flung one of the knives down in the floor in temper, where it stuck, handle up, in the wooden boards between them.

  Caleb allowed himself a small smirk at her loss of control. She drew the other knife back out of her sheath, and waved it wildly in his direction. “We were meant to be mated, to rule side-by-side. We would have been unstoppable. I loved you, and you discarded me, can you even imagine that pain? Can you?” She was like a wild animal now, screaming at him so much spittle gathered in the corners of her blood red lips.

  She marched over to Felicia, not caring now that she was turning her back on Caleb. Shelia yanked back the hair of her victim to see evidence of the bite scar that should be there if the two were mated. Felicia’s eyes were now wide-open in horror from the renewed pain, and all she could do was pray that this nightmare would soon be over, and that the poor cub who had tried to save her was still alive.

  Caleb flung himself toward the knife jammed in the floor. Picking it up he deftly threw it in one swift movement, lodging it in Shelia’s shoulder blade. She screamed, loudly – a blood curling cry that shook the very foundations of the building. She staggered backwards.

  “Caleb!” Felicia’s cry came just in time. A bullet ricocheted across the room, just missing Caleb as he ducked. Turning, he threw a clean punch at Derek’s jaw, knocking him out. He fell to the floor like a heavy sack.

  Caleb transformed into his primal form and in one movement pounced across the room. He knocked Sheila backwards down onto the ground, his paws placed heavily on her chest. She tried to plunge the knife into his front legs, but his weight was too restrictive. Jackson, Caleb called, knowing that his second wouldn’t have strayed too far.

  Jackson came bounding through the door a moment later. He surveyed the scene, pausing when he saw his brother’s body crumpled on the floor. He released a low growl, and raced up to Caleb, releasing his leader from his position of restraining Sheila.

  Caleb transformed back into human form as soon as he was sure that Jackson was in control. The panther was shaking, but he didn’t attack – just kept his weight on top of her, preventing her from moving or shifting.

  As soon as he was back on two feet, Caleb yanked the hunter’s knife from Sheila’s shoulder, causing another shriek to emit from her, setting his teeth on edge. He went to work on the ropes, cutting the myriad of knots and restrictions away, until Felicia fell into his arms.

  He held onto her tightly, relief coursing through him. He could feel her heartbeat against his chest, fluttering lightly, but it was there. She groaned softly in his arms, and instinctively snuggled closer into his neck.

  He looked over, and saw Sheila watching the two of them. She was obviously in pain, pinned under the weight of Jackson, but the anguish in her eyes was palpable. “You’re making a mistake. She’s not worthy.” The words were spat out with venom.

  “Sheila, enough. I want to know who else was working with you, besides Derek.” Caleb’s expression and tone was completely at odds with the gentle way in which he was cradling Felicia in his arms.

  She was silent, her mouth closed in an obstinate line. Jackson turned toward his leader, and Caleb nodded. Jackson pressed more of his weight down on his victim, and extended his claws so that they dug into her skin.

  “Your assistant!” She screeched out, “You’re unprotected and exposed Caleb. She knows everything, and she hates you.” She reared her head up then, and gaining some space as a result of Jackson’s surprise, she transformed. Jackson was thrown backwards, but gained his balance and spun back to claw at her. His paw struck her forcefully on the side of her jaw, knocking her sideways. Shelia let out a low growl but instead of returning Jackson’s blows, she turned and fled from the warehouse.

  Jackson started after her, but before he could get out of the door Caleb commanded him to stop.

  “Jackson, take your brother to hospital. Then get my assistant out of the building. I want her escorted out of Chicago, tonight. You and the pack can pass judgement on Sheila. She won’t get far.”

  Do you want me to call a pack meeting? Jackson responded.

  “Call it and run it. I need to take Felicia back to where she belongs.”

  Chapter seventeen

  On waking, Felicia tried to get her bearings. She looked around slowly, her head still pounding. Something felt wrong. She didn’t recognise her surroundings at all; it was someone’s plush and luxurious apartment and she was on a sofa, in what she assumed was the living room, wrapped in a blanket that smelled vaguely familiar. It all came slowly came back to her; Shadow, Caleb, Shelia, and the dead body of the young panther who had tried to save her.

  “Caleb?” she called out in the empty room.

  “I’m here.” His voice came from behind her, and she turned her head to see him sitting in a lounge chair by the window. He rose and moved swiftly to sit next to her.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked, his eyes tender.

  “Caleb, I’m so sorry,” she whispered.

  He looked confused, “Why are you sorry? It’s me that should be sorry – I can’t believe I put your life in danger, I’ll never forgive myself for this. I’m so sorry, Felicia.” He reached forward and cupped her face gently between his palms, staring into her eyes. She was struck, not for the first time, by how beautiful they were – they shone, vibrant, alive. Under his gaze she felt like she was chocking. The pain of not being with him, which she had valiantly tried to ignore earlier this morning, plundered her heart till she thought she might break. She had to get away from here.

  “That panther died, and you almost lost your business. Because of me.”

  “No,” he shook her gently, his eyes pained, “because of how I feel about you. And my business for you would have been a welcome exchange. The panther, Jake, was trying to save you, for me.” He smiled, “he’s also okay – in hospital with Jackson, but it looks like he’s going to make it through.” />
  It took Felicia a moment to process what he was saying. She stared at him, dumbstruck. She felt sweet relief wash over her on hearing about the cub, but Caleb’s words threw her completely.

  “Caleb, I don’t think I understand.” She took a deep gulp, she felt too hot – the way he was looking at her made her feel flustered, and she could hear her heartbeat thudding across the silent room.

  “Don’t you? Felicia, I meant what I said in the note I left you. I was always coming back for you.”

  “Oh. I didn’t -” she stuttered, “I didn’t realize.”

  He removed his hands from her face, slowly, “Unless this isn’t what you want. But I want you Felicia – I’ll never have enough of you, there will never be enough days for me to have my fill of you.”

  “I want you too, Caleb.” She took his hand in her own, feeling his hot palm resting against hers; their bodies seemed to be burning together.

  “It will be for always, Felicia. Are you ready for that?”

  “Yes.” She hardly thought about the words, his body was so close and hers felt like it was orbiting his, drawing closer every second.

  “No. Don’t just say yes unthinkingly, Felicia – I’m talking about taking you as my mate. I wanted to wait, I thought you’d be safer that way – I thought it would be better, to give you a chance to get used to the idea – but that left you unprotected, and almost got you killed.” His voice had become taught with anger.

  “Caleb.” Felicia smiled at him, a quiet, peaceful smile that lit up her entire face. “I haven’t known you, in human form at least, for long. But I want to be free to trust my instincts on this. Take me. Make me yours, please.” She leaned toward him slowly. Her body ached from the events of the last twenty-four hours, but there was a stronger feeling of lust that ran like lava through every fibre of her being.

  At her willingness, Caleb met her lips with his own. He sunk into the kiss, his hands moving across her upper body with deliberation, already familiar with her beautiful and voluptuous curves as if he’d memorized them.

  With shaking hands, he removed the t-shirt he’d put her in, and removed his own – exposing her exploring hands to his rippling muscles and the scorching heat of his skin.

  “Will it be painful?” Felicia asked, looking up into his eye.

  “I – I don’t know; I’ve never done this before.” His eyes betrayed anxiety, whilst his body heaved with lustful breaths as he grew impossibly hard.

  Felicia nodded, and lent her head back onto the sofa. He followed her down, kissing a line along the side of her face, down her neck and into her breasts. He removed his jeans swiftly, and then tore her pants away as if the cotton were as thin as paper.

  She guided him into her, desperate for his body to complete hers. He moved within her slowly, their breaths coming in tandem, their rhythm rocking the furniture beneath them.

  “Are you okay?” Caleb whispered in her ear. Felicia heard the tightness of his voice, and realised how much will Caleb was exerting to keep his movements languid, trying not to loose control.

  She nodded, moving her body in an arch to take in his full length. As she did so, she heard a throaty growl escape Caleb. She watched in growing fascination as his face morphed slowly into that of Shadow. Those cat eyes, staring right into her soul. He nuzzled her sweetly in her neck, and it sent waves of pleasure shooting down her spine. A second later, he had opened his mouth, sharp and deadly incisors protruding, and exhaled a primal sounding growl before sinking his teeth into her neck.

  Felicia’s head fell back into the pillows beneath her. The entire universe seemed to undulate around her, her body melting, tingling and a million other strange sensations that she couldn’t place, but only feel. She gasped in pleasure, her vision swimming. Caleb thrust into her a final time, and she met his eyes as he did so. They transformed back into human eyes as she watched – ones that appeared surprised at the ecstasy thundering through him.

  “I’m yours, aren’t I?” Felicia gasped, she could feel it - a bond between them that felt almost like a physical thing.

  Caleb smiled down at her in response, “You are. And I am yours. Always, Felicia.”



  (Most Valuable Panther)


  Kristin Dunning and Derrick Wellborn were childhood sweethearts- first loves, until their parents had a vicious falling out over some mysterious offense. Next thing they knew, their parents separated them, moved to opposite coasts, and forbade them from having contact.

  Derrick, a cunning and focused panther shifter, is now a football MVP with a body to kill for and eyes so blue they could make the sky jealous, and Kristin is a bold and curvy sports doctor.

  When Kristin accepts her dream job with the Washington Redskins, she is shocked to the core to find that the sexiest, most eligible bachelor in sports, Derrick Wellborn, has just been traded by New York to…. the Washington Redskins. What’s more, he has never forgotten her either.

  When Derrick threatens to break Randy Wolfe's world record for rushing yards, he finds the woman who holds his heart seriously imperiled.

  Will Derrick risk his entire career to keep Kristin as his own?

  Can Derrick and Kristin’s parents put aside their differences to save their children?

  Chapter 1

  "Derrick! Derrick! Over here!"

  Derrick Wellborn looked up from the strings he was tying on his cleats into the flash of a camera. It stung his eyes for a second as a thousand flashes went off at once, then he smiled. His perfect white teeth glimmered for the cameras, and one lucky photographer caught the crowning cover shot, with Derrick's midnight colored hair swept back across his forehead and his tanned, toned skin looking like he'd just arrived at the stadium by tropical island ferry instead of a New York subway.

  The cameras flashed again and Derrick turned towards them so they could get a better shot. Whoever said quarterbacks got all the glory never met him. This was one of the things Derrick loved most about playing football.

  Reporters shouted all around him. "Derrick! How does it feel to be going up against Randy Wolfe today? Are you nervous?"

  Derrick shook his head, already forming the words in his mouth. "No, no, it's all just a part of the game. You know." He smiled sheepishly, trying to look humble. He knew Randy Wolfe was about to get crushed. He was getting closer to tying Randy's rushing record—the all-time best in NFL history. If it didn't happen this game, it was gonna be soon.

  "Derrick, you're only twenty yards out from joining the 2,000 Yard Club. Think you can conquer Randy's personal best after that? Set a new world record?"

  Derrick grinned and shrugged.

  A girl of twenty with bleach blonde hair and a big rack that she'd squeezed into a child's size pink halter top broke through the reporters and threw her arms around Derrick. She smacked her lips hard against his and ran her fingers through his hair. Derrick smiled wide. This was another thing he loved about being a superstar NFL player. He got all the girls he wanted, and man did he want them all.

  A picture of his childhood sweetheart flashed through his mind, almost ruining the kiss the blonde with the rack was trying to plant on him again. He pushed Kristin from his head, like he always did. Maybe later he'd let himself think about her, just a little. If they won the game tonight and he broke Wolfe's record, there would be so much celebrating Derrick doubted that he'd remember to think about anything other than the trophies he was sure to get and the multitude of women who were bound to throw themselves at him.


  "Sorry guys, game's on. I gotta go," he waved his hand in the air.

  His legs got the twitch that they always did right before a game. The last—but not the least—thing Derrick loved about being a running back was the running. The panther in him longed to race across the field, breathe in the grass, and outrun everyone around him. He'd get to the end zone well ahead of them all and score the final touchdown. Tonight
would be no different, except he'd finally have his chance to run against Randy Wolfe. He didn't bear Randy any ill will, the wolf was not the natural enemy of the panther, it was only that Derrick liked taking down the best. And the best meant Randy.

  "Just one last question Derrick!" He turned his head towards the cute brunette who was waving her hand wildly in the air, the lone woman in a sea of testosterone. He shot her a smile and pointed towards her.

  "Last one pretty lady, go ahead."

  She flashed him a smile with pink lips and bright blue eyes that made Derrick's heart race. The cute ones always did. "What about the rumors you're getting traded?"

  Derrick shook his head. "No way. New York's been my home since I was fifteen. I'm twenty-eight now. I'm not going anywhere."


  Kristen ran her hand over Burt Young's knee. He twiddled his thumbs and refused to watch while she worked. Kristen didn't need to be telepathic, like her parents claimed to be, to know what he was feeling: his body shook with nervous energy and his eyes were wet.

  "It's okay," she assured him. "Just an isolated sprain of the medial collateral ligament." Burt stared at her blankly. "That means you didn't tear it." She smiled as his shoulders relaxed.

  "Thank God." He blew a steady stream of air from his lungs and hunched over, his head in his hands. "How long? Tell it to me straight."

  "I don't think the sprain is very bad." Kristen put one hand behind his neck and gave it a little squeeze. "Stay off it for a few days and you'll be back in the next game."

  She thought he might cry for a second—sometimes football players did when they thought they were out for the season—but then his head whipped up with confused happiness. "The next game...? The next game...?" It took a minute for it all to sink it, and Kristin gave him that minute. She was used to this—at least this time the news was good. Not all players were so lucky. Football was the toughest of all sports on a person's body.


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