Our Darkest Path (Our Darkest Series Book 2)

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Our Darkest Path (Our Darkest Series Book 2) Page 12

by Sarah Bailey

  Raphi put his hands up before Cole launched across me and strangled his brother. I stroked my hand down Cole’s chest, trying to soothe him. His hazel eye met mine and softened.

  “As long as you’re really okay with this.”

  “I am.”

  He leant over and pressed his lips to my temple.

  I had no idea what the rest of his family would say when we told them, but if Raphi and Cole’s dad were okay with it, then surely the rest of them should be, shouldn’t they?

  Chapter Eighteen

  I could kill my brother. The fact he’d seen us irritated me, but to find out he’d forced Meredith into coming home with us so I could introduce her as my girlfriend… that made me angrier than ever. Just as well she was okay with it or Raphi would be in for a world of pain. And she wouldn’t be happy if I hurt him so I kept my hands to myself.

  When Dad pulled up at the house, I dragged Meredith up the steps with me and away into my room before Raphi could say a word. After the shit he’d pulled, I didn’t care what he thought. She could see my family later. Right now, I wanted to be alone with my girl.

  Meredith stared up at me from where I’d pinned her against the wall, my hands either side of her head.


  “Are you sure you want to do this?”

  “Well no, but this would at least allow us to see each other more often, wouldn’t it?”


  The two of us wouldn’t have to sneak around. She could come here and none of them would bat an eyelid. Plus, I didn’t like lying to my mum. Perhaps it would go some way to healing the rift between us.

  Meredith reached up and placed her hand on my heart.

  “Then I’m sure.”

  I leant towards her, capturing her mouth as my hand curled around her waist, tugging her away from the wall. Her hand left my chest and wrapped around my back. I pulled her towards my bed, kissing those beautiful lips before I pressed her down on it. Meredith’s hands roamed down me as I held her face, keeping her positioned exactly how I wanted her.

  “We’re alone,” I murmured against her mouth.

  “What about your family?”


  I’d locked my door before I’d put her against the wall. No one would interrupt us. Nothing would stop me from having her, just as she’d promised me earlier. The thought of it had plagued me all afternoon. Knowing I would have to wait until the weekend to have her hands on me had been pure torture. I guess I did have to thank my brother for bringing this to fruition sooner. My irritation with Raphi evaporated, leaving only desire for Meredith in its place.

  I pried her hands from me and sat up, pulling my school jumper off. My hands went to my shirt buttons next, flicking them open one by one. Meredith watched me, her mouth slightly parted with no protests falling from it. Her eyes widened the moment I threw my shirt off. For a second, neither of us moved. Her hands came up and ran across my stomach as I leant over her.

  “Do you want me to touch you too?” I asked, letting her explore to her heart’s content.


  The lack of hesitation on her part made my heart thump. She let me pull her jumper off, followed by her t-shirt, leaving her in a plain black bra. My hand closed around her breast as hers drifted lower and brushed across my cock. She laid her hand firmly on it, showing me she wasn’t scared. Her touch sent my pulse spiking.

  I hadn’t pushed her in the past two weeks. The less pressure I put on her, the braver she became. Besides, I’d made her aware on our first date after she’d let go and trusted me with her firsts, then I’d take control and she’d submit. I could wait, knowing it would be so fucking sweet when it happened.

  “Do you want me to show you how I like it?” I murmured.


  I unzipped my trousers and pulled them down a little way. Meredith’s hand stroked across my stomach before dipping below the waistband of my boxers and curling around my cock. I grunted, trying not to curse at the softness of her skin against mine.

  “I believe you now,” she whispered.

  “About what?”

  “It not being small.”

  I grinned, helping her pull me out of my boxers and wrapping my hand around hers. Her eyes were on my face rather than what we were doing.

  “Don’t you want to look?”

  I tugged her hand away and waited. Her eyes roamed down my chest and fell on what we’d exposed.


  “Is that all you have to say?”

  I bit my lip as she looked at me again. When she realised I was trying to hide a smile, she scowled.

  “Shut up. I have seen a dick before, Cole, I’m not that innocent.”

  I wrapped her hand around it again and showed her exactly how I wanted her to stroke me. Nothing could prepare me for the way it felt to have it be her doing this. When I let go of her hand, she continued, watching me with darkened green eyes.

  “Am I doing it right?” she whispered.

  “Yes,” I ground out. “Don’t stop.”

  I leant down and kissed her, needing to feel her mouth on mine. Whilst I kissed her, my hand slid under her bra strap and tugged it down her arm. I peeled down the cup and ran my thumb over her nipple. She arched into me, not faltering in her strokes.

  “Fuck, Meredith,” I groaned against her mouth.

  “More,” she whimpered.

  I kissed down her neck before trailing my tongue across her chest. Reaching her breast, I sucked her nipple into my mouth. Her gasp and pant were delectable. Her hand tightened around me, making me grunt. I tried to think of anything but her half-naked body below me and her hand around my dick. That happened to be impossible.

  I let go of her nipple and pressed my forehead against hers. Her pupils dilated, breath coming fast and seeing it sent me over the edge.

  “Fuck, little queen, I’m going to…”

  Meredith didn’t falter. I erupted, shooting sticky streams over her hand and bare stomach.


  I hadn’t wanted to come so fast but everything about this girl intoxicated me. Panting, I found her smiling up at me, her green eyes bright.

  “Did I make you lose control?”

  I wrapped my hand around her face and forced her chin up.

  “You should learn to keep that smart mouth shut.”


  I kissed her, pressing my tongue in her mouth and making her submit to my touch. She moaned in my mouth when I stroked her nipple again.

  “Shall I make you come, Meredith?” I murmured when I pulled away.

  “Do you even know how?”

  I smiled.

  “I’m sure you can tell me if I’m doing it wrong.”

  I leant over and grabbed the tissue box, pulling some out. Cleaning up her stomach and hand, I chucked them on the bedside table to dispose of later.

  My hands went to her black jeans, unbuttoning and unzipping. She swallowed as I ran my finger along her underwear. Getting to touch her like this made my heart hammer wildly in my chest.

  “Do you want to keep these on?”

  She shook her head, reaching around and unhooking her bra. I stared at her bare chest for a long moment. Her tits mesmerised me. They were perfect.

  “You’re beautiful.”

  Her cheeks flushed.

  “I want you to see all of me.”

  I dragged her jeans down her legs, stopping to take her shoes off. I kicked mine off, forgetting I still had them on. Peeling her underwear off, I sat back and looked at her. My stunning girl in all her glory.

  “You are… perfect,” I murmured, leaning over and kissing my way down her chest.

  “I want to see you.”

  My lips curled up.

  “As you wish.”

  I removed the rest of my clothes, aware the sight of her had made me hard all over again.

  “How are you min

  I paused in the act of leaning over her.

  “I just am. Why? Do you like what you see?”


  I stroked my fingers down her chest.


  Reaching her curls, I dipped my fingers lower. Meredith felt hot and wet. All for me. I explored, finding her clit and stroking it lightly. Her hips arched up, hands wrapping around my back and her gasp echoing in my ear. I wanted to make this good for her even if I’d never done it before. The internet had given me a lot to go on.

  I ran my fingers lower, circling her entrance.

  “Can I?”

  She nodded, biting down on her lip. I pressed my finger inside her. There was little resistance. Her pussy felt hot and tight, giving me vivid images of how it would be around my cock when I fucked her.

  “You don’t have to be so gentle,” she whispered. “I have used toys.”

  I stared at her.


  The red of her cheeks deepened.

  “Well, a girl has needs, Cole. I wanted to know what it felt like since I had no idea when I’d experience the real thing.”

  I slid a second finger inside her, causing her back to arch and a hiss to leave her lips.

  “You’ve had a fake dick inside you?”


  “I’m a little jealous.”

  She smiled.

  “It’s not as big as yours.”

  “I should fucking well hope not.”

  I pulled my fingers back and thrust them inside her. Meredith moaned my name. Leaning down, I sucked her earlobe into my mouth.

  “You’ve only made me want you more, little queen.”

  Her hands tightened around me.

  “I want you too.”


  “Maybe if you make me come…”

  “There’s a challenge I’ll willingly accept.”

  My thumb landed on her clit, stroking the little nub.

  “Tell me what to do,” I demanded.

  “A little harder and to the left.”

  I did as she asked. Her mewls in response made me smile.

  “Yes, Cole,” she moaned. “There, god, right there.”

  She kept directing me. Her hips bucked and her back arched every time I hit the right spot.

  “Oh, oh, fuck, Cole.”

  I felt her clench around my fingers and her eyes closed. Her body trembled. Her fingers tightened on my back, nails biting my skin.

  When she opened her eyes, they were shining.

  “You do that so much better than me.”

  I cocked an eyebrow.

  “Is that so?”

  “Maybe it feels better to have someone else touch me.”

  “I concur.”

  I pulled my fingers from her and settled on the bed on my side. Meredith reached out, lacing our fingers together on her chest.

  “How am I going to face your family now? I probably look like a mess.”

  In my mind, she looked happy and satisfied. But I didn’t want anyone else seeing her like this. I owned that expression on her face. I made it happen.

  “You’re always beautiful to me.”

  “Is it okay if we don’t?”

  I kissed her forehead.

  “I told you. It’s your choice when we do.”

  “Okay. Should we clean up and see your family now?”

  I pressed my lips to hers.

  “After I kiss you senseless.”

  “How can I say no to that?”

  Meredith let me hold her, our bodies pressed tightly together as our tongues danced. For the first time in a long while, I felt peaceful. Meredith belonged here in my arms. My girl. My queen.

  And I was fucking proud she was going to let me introduce her as my girlfriend. I had no idea what Mum would think since I was her baby boy. She’d soon see why I couldn’t do anything but give Meredith every part of me.

  You own me. Now. Forever.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Meredith’s hand shook in mine as we entered the living room finding Duke alone watching TV. He didn’t look up, probably having not noticed we were there.

  “Where is everyone?”

  Duke looked over the sofa and his eyes immediately landed on mine and Meredith’s joined hands. The smirk on his face made my eyes narrow.


  I cocked an eyebrow.

  “Is that a serious answer?”

  “Dad said it’s his date night with E.”

  I scrunched my face up. Our parents were far too open about their relationships. It’s not like it bothered me. The fact they wouldn’t stop going on about their sex lives in front of us? That grossed me out.

  “Hey, Meredith.”


  He grinned wider.

  “So you’re screwing my baby brother?”

  Her cheeks went pink.

  “Shut up, Duke,” I grunted. “Don’t embarrass her.”

  “We’re in a relationship,” Meredith said, tugging me closer to her by my hand. “But I’m sure you wouldn’t know what one of those is even if it slapped you around the face.”

  I laughed and Duke shook his head, turning back to the TV. Meredith knew all about my brother’s reputation. A player through and through. He hadn’t always been like that, but life had handed him a shit deal. Couldn’t really blame Duke for the way he coped with it.

  “I would give you a high-five for scoring an older girl, but I’m not sure your girlfriend would appreciate that.”

  “Feel free. I don’t care,” she told him, rolling her eyes.

  Meredith wasn’t about to take any shit off Duke. I smiled and shook my head, tugging her away towards the kitchen where I found Quinn and my mum standing side by side next to the stove. The low murmur of voices stopped when we walked in. Mum turned her head and glanced at us, looking up at Quinn then back at me and Meredith. Her eyes fell on our hands. I couldn’t read her expression.

  “Hello again, Meredith,” Quinn said as he turned and crossed his arms over his chest, levelling his gaze on both of us.

  “Hello,” she said, shifting on her feet.

  I rubbed the back of my neck with my free hand. Might as well just get it over with.

  “Meredith and I are dating… so you’ll be seeing a lot more of her.”

  Quinn’s lips curved upwards.

  “Well, you are welcome here any time, Meredith. Especially if you keep this one in line.”

  He pointed at me. I didn’t comment on it considering I’d caused my parents more than enough trouble over the past year.

  “I will,” Meredith replied. “He does tend to get a little out of hand at times.”

  Quinn’s grin widened and he laughed. I glanced at my girlfriend whose eyes were twinkling.

  “I like you already.”

  Mum didn’t say a word, just continued to stare at the two of us. I wasn’t sure if that signalled danger or not. My dad chose that moment to walk in. His eyes flicked between us before he strolled over to Mum and kissed her temple. She didn’t look at him, her eyes fixed on me.


  “Is Meredith staying for dinner?” were the only words out of her mouth.



  She turned back to the stove. Quinn and my dad looked at her with some concern.

  “What’s wrong, little girl?” Quinn murmured as he leant closer to her.


  Meredith glanced at me, her eyes wide. I’d got used to my parents and their terms of endearment for each other. It must seem weird to her. Then again, this might have more to do with my mum’s reaction or lack thereof to the news her baby boy had a girlfriend.

  “No? You sure it has nothing to do with your baby growing up?”

  “Quinn.” The warning note in her voice had him frowning. “Not now.”

�We should go,” I hissed at Meredith who nodded.

  The two of us crept away into the games room, finding Raphi stretched out across one of the sofas with his homework.

  “Do I even want to know what you two have been up to?” he asked without looking up.

  “No,” Meredith said.

  No way in hell I’d be declaring to my brother I’d had his friend naked in my bed. What she and I did was strictly between us.

  I pulled her over to the other sofa and we sat down. She leant her head on my shoulder after I grabbed the remote and turned the TV on.

  “How did the family take the news?”

  “Okay, I guess,” I said. “Though I don’t know if Mum is happy about it.”

  I handed Meredith the remote and she flicked through the channels.

  “Ha, of course, she isn’t. Her baby has a girlfriend. She doesn’t like you growing up one bit.”

  “Shut up.”

  “Does she hate me?” Meredith whispered.

  I wrapped an arm around her.

  “No. It’s not you. I don’t think it’d matter who I brought home.”

  “Mum will get over it,” Raphi said. “You’re lucky Quinn isn’t Cole’s dad, or you’d have to deal with the inquisition.”

  “He didn’t seem surprised or bothered by it,” Meredith said. “I don’t see why you two keep going on about how overbearing he is with discipline.”

  “None of us has done anything to earn his ire whilst you’ve been here.”

  She raised an eyebrow, her expression entirely sceptical.

  “Trust me, you don’t want to see that side of him,” I muttered.

  Having been on the receiving end of Quinn’s version of discipline many times, I didn’t wish it on anyone. He’d been particularly strict when we were younger. Now, he treated us like adults and made sure we took responsibility for our actions.

  “I’m more interested in what your dad thinks.”

  “Of us?”

  She nodded.

  “He basically told me not to fuck it up. Oh, and let’s not forget about the whole using protection lecture.”

  Raphi snorted. Meredith’s cheeks flushed.

  “You should’ve been on the receiving end of the sex talk I had to endure from Dad and Xav. That was hell on earth.”

  I glanced at my brother.


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