The Jaguar Star (Tales of the Were: Jaguar Island Book 4)

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The Jaguar Star (Tales of the Were: Jaguar Island Book 4) Page 12

by Bianca D’Arc

  “Where does he come from?” Sonia asked in her musical voice, which somehow helped calm Ren’s inner beast a little more.

  “Just a few hours from here, in West Virginia. He’s driving his own car, which was how we got the ID so fast. Dave was able to follow him to the car and get his plate. From that, we got the registration and then the driver’s license with his photo. Unless someone went to a lot of trouble to either alter the photo on the database or make this man look like the missing man, T.J. is the guy,” Greg concluded.

  “And he hassled Kat? How, exactly?” Sonia asked. Ren was settled enough by her voice to answer.

  “Kat saw him waiting for the bus when we got back to the hotel tonight. He was standing a little apart from the rest of the crowd, and she pointed him out. Told me she’d encountered him a few days ago when she was getting dinner. He offered her fifty bucks to tell him where I was, then upped it to a hundred when she refused. She said he gave her the creeps. Tonight, he didn’t follow the crowd to my photo op but, instead, jumped out of the bushes at Kat as she made her way with the others toward the door. He said something about how she should have played ball with him in a threatening way, and Dave intervened while the others whisked her inside.” Ren felt his anger rising again. His inner cat wanted to yowl in defiance.

  “So, the first time, he was looking for you, but this time, he went after her for not telling him where you were,” Sonia summarized. “This is about you, Ren. He wants to get you alone, not with a group of other photographers, and he lashed out at her for denying him the chance.”

  “I…” Ren stopped and thought about Sonia’s words, then shook his head. “Maybe so, but I don’t like him threatening Kat. Who’s to say his focus didn’t just shift from me to her?”

  “Possible,” Sonia allowed. “You both need to be cautious, and of course, we’ll alert all the shifters to be wary and stay in groups. No solo running until we know what’s going on.”

  “There’s one other thing,” Greg put in. “Bryan mentioned a possible magical link.”

  “How magical?” Sonia’s interest was immediately piqued, judging by the rapid response and intense look on her elfin face.

  “There was a probable Venifucus mage operating not too far from T.J.’s hometown,” Ren told them. “He scarpered when our side began sniffing too close, but there is some evidence he was practicing black magic. The art of the hidden is how he managed to escape.”

  “How is he linked to our guy?” Sonia asked.

  “The last construction project T.J. was working on was a property owned by a shell corporation that has been traced back to that missing mage,” Ren said, feeling the impact of each word. If the Venifucus were behind this, there was no telling what evil magics might be unleashed.

  “Could this man be under some kind of compulsion?” Sonia asked shrewdly.

  “That’s for you to decide, frankly,” Ren told the fey woman. “You know more about magic than I ever will. The shifter goal will be to capture or otherwise neutralize him, if he poses a serious threat. If we get him alive, you can decide what needs to be done with him at that point.”

  Sonia bowed her head in acknowledgment. “Thank you for that consideration,” she replied. “I would like to be certain the right person is punished. If this man is under a compulsion, his actions are not his own, and it would be better to free him and ward him against such things in the future. He might be innocent,” she said, shrugging.

  “What if he isn’t?” Greg asked.

  A cunning smile came over the fey’s lovely face. “If he isn’t, then you can happily rip him to shreds.”

  Those words stilled Ren’s inner cat and allowed him to get on with things. Fey were known as fierce warriors for all their delicate outer looks. Ren would not underestimate Sonia again.

  He’d been thinking of her more as a delicate doll that had to be protected, but she’d just subtly reminded him that she was immortal and as fierce as any shifter. Perhaps even more so. Ren had heard legends about the battles Sonia had been involved in the last time the Destroyer had been running around loose in the mortal realm. He hadn’t quite believed them or been able to equate this delicate-looking woman with the warrior wench of the tales. Now, he was beginning to see a glimmer of Sonia’s past, and it was incredibly intriguing, as well as very, very welcome.

  This warrior woman wouldn’t cringe at the need of his inner cat to slash and destroy its prey. The moment old T.J. had jumped in front of Kat, Ren had been ready to rip the other man’s head off. It was good to know that, if justified, Sonia would not try to get in Ren’s way.

  Nerves settled, he made his way back to his suite. He discussed elevating the security with the Hilliards and Greg, who had stuck with him after leaving Sonia with Stella. Stella would begin getting the word out tonight to the rest of the Clan members in the cast while Greg, Bryan, Dave and Ren nailed down the logistics.

  Every member of the Clan was accounted for immediately and instructed to stick together while they ironed out the new security scheduling. Nobody would be left on their own. The shifters understood, but Kat might still be an issue. Ren couldn’t really tell her what was going on—not all of it, anyway—but she needed protecting, perhaps more than anyone else. He’d have to see to it himself.


  The next day on the set, Katrina noticed that everyone seemed a bit more solicitous toward her. She didn’t know exactly why, but she welcomed the friendly gestures from one and all. It gave her a buoyant feeling as she reported for duty on set and listened closely to Sonia’s instructions.

  “We’re going to essentially do this same shot twice. This is the before,” Sonia told her. “When you haven’t yet established a relationship with the outlaw. You’re attracted, but you aren’t sure, by any means, that this is a good thing. We’ll do a similar shot again, when we’re in England, which will establish the progress the relationship has made. In the second shot, you’ll meet his gaze boldly, as an equal, and very much in love. This shot is the setup. You’re timid. Shy. Unsure. Got it?”

  Mutely, Katrina nodded and lifted her lovely silk skirts with both hands to move closer to where Ren waited, looking sexy as anything in dark leather. Sonia framed them in the doorway. They were standing close. So close.

  “Just look into my eyes,” Ren told her, his voice a mere whisper of sound. They were standing so near to each other, his nose almost brushed hers.

  “I… Um…” She felt so many things. Uncomfortable, yes, but also mesmerized when she allowed herself to gaze back at him. He was looking at her as if he could see deep within her soul. Those famous green eyes of his pinned her, seemed to want to trap her, but not in a bad way. Still, she found it difficult to hold his gaze for more than a few moments.

  The heat in his eyes was enthralling, and as she dimly heard Sonia call action, Katrina finally fell under his spell. Little by little, she overcame her shyness and was able to meet his gaze for longer moments until, finally, she thought she saw the swirl of energy in the green glow that wasn’t quite hidden deep within his eye.

  Mouth open in mute amazement, she felt herself being drawn in. Her own eyes were wide as Ren delivered his line.

  “Do not dance too close to the flame, little moth, or you might get singed,” he whispered, his gaze dropping from her eyes to her lips. She felt the heat of his attention like that very flame he’d mentioned, and then, he moved closer.

  Thankfully, she didn’t have a line at that moment because she couldn’t have spoken coherently. Not when Ren’s head dipped to capture her lips with his.

  Sweet Mother in Heaven, that felt good.

  She let him kiss her, at first, and then she found herself joining in, almost against her will. Her arms crept up his chest, her hands going around his shoulders to tangle in the silky strands of his dark hair. Her lips surrendered all to him and took pleasure in return. Little moans of enjoyment rose from her chest, and still, the kiss went on.

  Only dimly, moments—or was it hou
rs—later, she heard Sonia call cut. Ren backed off slowly, his gaze holding hers, mysteries in his eyes that she couldn’t quite decipher. Not then. Not when the world was spinning out of control from the hottest kiss she’d ever known.

  Somewhat to her disappointment, Sonia decided that shot was enough, and they were moving on to another section. Ren steadied her by the shoulders, making sure she had her balance before he stepped out of the doorway. She saw the little flicker of a masculine smile on his lips as he left her to answer Sonia’s call, but she didn’t let it get to her. When a man kissed like that, he had a right to be a little bit smug about it, she thought privately.

  Katrina had heard stories about big-budget Hollywood films where directors called for multiple takes of the same scene from various angles, but that didn’t seem to be Sonia’s style. Unfortunately, this director seemed more inclined to get things right the first time and then only do multiple retakes of different camera angles were required. Of course, this production was being done on a shoestring budget, from all Katrina had heard, but it was nice to daydream about having to spend the whole day kissing Ren, if only the director had been a little less motivated to get things done fast and on-budget.

  Shaking herself, Katrina finally moved, following the props people as they changed things on the set for a different scene. Katrina had a few moments to catch her breath while they filmed Ren’s solo arrival into the chamber, through the high stone arch that had held a modern window until Sonia’s carpenters had taken it out for this scene.

  Katrina held her breath as Ren jumped from the window ledge that had to be at least eight feet in the air. He landed as gracefully as a cat and launched right into his scripted actions, looking around the chamber like the thief and burglar he was playing. Robin Hood had just broken into Maid Marian’s room. The rogue.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Franny came over to Katrina and asked her to step into the foyer of the building where she’d set up her rolling makeup cart for touch ups. Katrina had another scene after Ren finished jumping through windows, and she wanted to go through her lines just once more while Franny took the shine off her nose.

  In any other setting, Katrina wouldn’t have dared be so rude, but they had to be as silent as possible so close to the working set. Franny had encouraged Katrina to do her own thing at such moments starting the first day they’d been filming, and the situation was old hat by now, several days into the lightning-fast shoot.

  In fact, they were due to finish this part of the location shots tomorrow. It seemed almost impossible how much work they’d crammed into so few days, but the castle interior shots were almost done. They’d have a few days off, then regroup in England for the rest of the filming, which would cover several locations, including an authentic castle for exterior shots and even a ring of standing stones.

  Franny straightened, and then Katrina heard the noise from just inside the building. Whatever they’d been doing was finished. That meant Katrina would likely be up next, unless there was some sudden change to the schedule.

  Ren appeared in the doorway, meeting Katrina’s gaze. He leaned against the stone doorframe, his pose deceptively casual.

  “We’re ready for you,” he said, that purr in his deep voice the most seductive sound she’d ever heard in person.

  “Not so fast, Ren,” Franny said, stopping him before he could leave. “You need a touch up.”

  Ren sighed dramatically and moved closer to sit in the folding chair next to Katrina’s.

  “If you must,” he griped, but submitted to Franny’s ministrations. He didn’t need much. Just a dab of powder to dull the shine on his skin from working under the hot lights.

  Katrina stood while Franny worked and checked the gown for wrinkles. There would be someone from wardrobe on the set to check her over, but she wanted something to do while waiting for Ren. She should probably just go in, but she found herself wanting to walk back with him, even for the short distance from here to the set. She just liked being in his presence.

  She was halfway in love with the man already, but she knew her time with him was extremely limited. She wouldn’t allow herself to fall completely in love. That would just be a waste of time and energy. But a little harmless fantasy wouldn’t hurt. In fact, she had convinced herself, it could only help with her portrayal of Marian, who was deeply under Robin’s spell.

  Sure. That’s why she was letting herself be charmed by the handsome devil. Right. She’d just keep telling herself it was for the benefit of the movie and possible advancement of her career.

  Somewhere deep inside, though, she knew that wasn’t really the truth. She just couldn’t help herself. Ren was…magnetic. He drew her like no other man she’d ever met, but she knew that way lay danger. He wasn’t for her. He was a fantasy. A pipe dream. Someone she could know and even kiss—for the cameras—but could never hold.

  She stifled a sigh as he got up from the chair with his characteristic energy. They walked back into the main room of the building and were immediately beset by various crew members who needed to check things over with them. She tried not to look at Ren as he was led away by the stunt coordinator, even as the wardrobe assistant had her do a quick twirl so she could check out the fall of her gown.

  They worked hard the rest of the day on the scene where Robin invades Marian’s rooms and charms her with his wicked smile. It was the getting-to-know-you part of their relationship, and Katrina enjoyed the banter written into the script. Acting opposite Ren was a true pleasure. He made her almost forget that they were acting a scene. He was just that good.

  In between takes, he stuck near her while the crew made their adjustments. They made small talk, but nothing too distracting, except for one conversational foray that took her by surprise.

  “Have you given any thought to my invitation?” he asked in that low, sexy voice that made her insides clench. For a moment, she drew a blank, having no idea what he was talking about. “The island?” he prompted when she said nothing. “The plane will be here tomorrow afternoon to pick us up. It’ll be a full flight. Half the cast and crew are going.”

  “I’m very tempted,” she said, not sure how to answer. She’d been thinking about the invitation ever since he’d issued it, but she hadn’t committed either way, though she’d been leaning toward accepting.

  “You can stay at Mark’s mansion. There’s plenty of room. Or, if you prefer, I have a guest room in my house, farther up the mountain. You’re welcome either way.”

  Was she imagining things or had his voice dropped even lower when he’d invited her to stay at his place? Holy cow! Was he coming on to her?

  Oh, heck. Danger, danger, danger! She couldn’t allow herself to get intimate with him. Not for real. He’d break her heart and she wasn’t sure it would ever recover.

  “The mansion sounds lovely,” she said firmly, wanting him to know she wasn’t going to be so easily seduced.

  “Then you’ll come?” He didn’t seem quite as deterred as she’d hoped.

  “I guess so,” she said, realizing she’d agreed.

  Shrugging inwardly, she gave in. She did want to see the mysterious island and meet the people who called it home. After all, they were flying down as a group, and Ren had already reassured her about her choice of where to stay. She didn’t think he was the kind of guy who would blatantly lie to get a woman into a compromising position. She’d be safe enough with the others around, and above all, she trusted that Ren was a gentleman who didn’t need to bamboozle her—or anyone—into his bed.

  Given half a chance, she feared she’d leap into it without the slightest encouragement at all.


  Ren felt like strutting as he and the rest of his Clansmen got on the van headed for the airport late the next afternoon. They’d wrapped work on the set in good time to catch the private plane that was already waiting for them. With any luck, they’d be on the island just before dinnertime.

  Franny sat next to Kat in the van, but that was okay.
Fran had become close with Kat in a short time, and Ren was glad they were friendly. Still, he wouldn’t breathe easy until the jet was in the air, and Kat couldn’t change her mind about going to the island. He had big plans for the next day or two, and it all hinged on having her there.

  Ren had spent a few minutes on the phone with Mark the night before, explaining the situation. Mark had been supportive and genuinely happy for Ren. He’d also been willing to talk over the idea of mating a non-magical human. He’d reassured Ren on a number of points. Of course, Mark’s own mate was highly magical, so it wasn’t quite the same situation. Still, the Alpha knew his Clan, and he had seen quite a few pairings like the one Ren wanted with Kat. Mark was able to calm some of Ren’s fears about possible incompatibilities. Mark also agreed that things would be much easier if Ren could just get Kat to the island, where the whole Clan could support Ren’s efforts to explain their world to her.

  Every jaguar on the cast and crew was going home for a few days. Not that they all had residences on the island. Far from it. But Mark had set up his island as an oasis for all jaguar shifters, and he welcomed them all to come, visit, and stay, if they wished. There was plenty of room for the small numbers of jaguars left in the world, and by protecting them in such an out-of-the-way place, Mark hoped, in time, to restore the numbers of their people to what they had once been.

  The jet was one of the larger planes in the jaguar fleet. Ren had only flown on it a few times before. It was a mark of how much the leadership valued each and every one of the Clansmen that Mark had sent the luxury private jet to bring them all home for just a few days. The pilots were a brother and sister team that were based out of Jaguar Island but did the majority of taking Clan members wherever they needed to go.


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