Claiming Their Cat

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Claiming Their Cat Page 10

by Maggie O'Malley

  “Ah, I wondered when you’d get back to that. Rio’s mate gave you a letter and Rio wants to know who it’s addressed to.”

  “Mate. That sounds so archaic.”

  “I agree, but it’s on a deeper level, much stronger than your human marriage. A mate will do anything to protect its other half; hence, Rio needs to know to whom she wrote the letter. If it was her family, he’ll send someone to protect them from Alvarez, and if it was a lover, he’ll probably kill him.”

  Lucy didn’t know if she believed that or not, but it did explained Rio’s crazy behavior over Cat. She certainly couldn’t see Rio killing anyone. He did so much charitable work. “Rio’s a vampire too?”

  “God no. He’s a werewolf.”

  Okay. Approaching level two on the insane-o-meter.

  “And just how were you supposed to get this letter from me? Flash freeze me and snoop around?” She didn’t know whose ass to kick, Rio’s or the insane one.

  “Maybe, but I probably would have used compulsion to force you to show me where the letter was. And when I was done with my mission, I’d wipe your mind of the incident.”

  Another neat little trick, one she could see this Draco using to his advantage. “And why didn’t you do that.”

  “I’ll answer that question after we get rid of our audience. Are you ready to send them on their way?”

  She sighed. “Yes.” What choice did she have? “Where were we?”

  “Just tell them that you scared the intruders away.”

  She watched Draco wave his hand. Turning her head to the officer in front of her, he blinked. “I…apparently scared them away.” Yeah, that sounded plausible. “They must not have known I was home.”

  “Were they driving a vehicle?”

  “I…didn’t see one.” The officer jotted that down. Boy, she felt like a fool. Calling the cops and lying to them, having them actually suspended in animation like some cartoon. She was certainly going to kick Rio’s ass.

  “Do you mind if we look around.”

  “Lord no. Help yourself.”

  The officers spread out and miraculously stepped around the bodies. She looked at Draco. He gave her that winning smile and twirled his fingers in a woo-woo sign. Too bad he was a vampire. Too bad she was going mad.

  After an eternity, the officers finally left, and she’d resigned to checking herself into a mental facility. She’d call a good friend and have him cover the clinic for her.

  Glancing at the bodies, she prayed she’d wake up, or they’d just disappear.

  “Don’t worry about the bodies. I’ll take care of them?”

  “How? Wait a second. Do I even want to know?”

  “I will…transport them to a back alley, and everyone will think they were victims of a drug deal gone bad. Why don’t you get something to drink, and I’ll take care of this real fast. And then you can ask away.”

  Wine. That’s what she needed, because where she was going tomorrow, there would be no wine for a while. She knew for a fact that they didn’t serve libations to mental patients. In the kitchen, she poured herself her most expensive wine and sat at the table to wait for the crazy one. Savoring the wine, she tried to figure out if she had a delusional disorder or straight up schizophrenia. Maybe she had a brain tumor. That would cause hallucinations. With another swallow, she wondered what antipsychotic med they would prescribe.

  Lucy heard a soft knock behind her. Glancing over her shoulder, Draco stood in the doorway with concern on his face. “Are you okay?”

  “For a mentally insane person, I’m okay.”

  He moved to the table, pulled out a chair, and lowered his big frame into it.

  “Don’t you have someone else to bother besides me? Someone to…bite?”

  “No, I fed while I was out.”

  Yuck. She leaned forward. “Let me see your fangs.”

  He opened his mouth, and sure enough right before her eyes, the canines elongated into wicked fangs. She drained her glass.

  “You think you’re losing your mind.”

  “No…I’m sure I’ve already done that.”

  “Just think of us as a new species that has just been discovered.”

  “You mean like a parasite.”

  His smile was beautiful. “Yes, but we’ve been around forever, but look at it from our point of view. We have to consume blood to live. We’re not some crazed beings that kill our prey, like wolves.”

  “Rio’s a werewolf, and you’re telling me that he kills his prey?

  “No. I shouldn’t have said that. Rio would never kill anyone unless they were a threat.”

  “And Cat is his mate, a werewolf’s mate?”

  Draco nodded.

  If she asked Rio if he were a werewolf and he said yes, would she believe him? Probably not. Vampires and werewolves only existed in a delusional mind like hers.

  “So Rio wants the letter. Why didn’t you freeze frame me and take it?”

  “I can’t do that to you.”

  She was game and asked, “Why not?”

  He shook his head, his long hair dancing around his shoulders. “I suggest you come with me.”

  “Come with you where?”

  “To my home.”

  “Not on your life, buddy. I want to wake up tomorrow and forget all about tonight.” And I have blood in my house to cleanup.

  “Those guys may have friends that will come looking for them. I can’t leave you unprotected.”

  He sounded sincere, if that was possible from an insane person. “Listen, this is the first time I’ve ever been burglarized. I’ll have a security system installed. I’m sure I’ll be fine.”

  “I must insist.”

  “For God’s sake, why?”

  His hesitation made her wary. “Because you’re my mate.”

  Her brain tilted to the side. Or maybe it was her head. Lord, she hadn’t consumed enough wine for that insane news. “You need to leave. I need to eat.” One more microwave meal before clinical food. “And go to bed.” Last time in my own bed.

  His enormous hand engulfed hers. She tried to pull away, but he wouldn’t let her. His thumb swirled over the back of her hand in a slow, soothing motion.

  “I’m sorry, but you leave me no choice.”

  Chapter Nine

  Rio sent the code to unlock the gates to the estate from his iPhone. It was close to eight in the morning, and he was dog-tired, but it was good to be home. He’d nap this afternoon when Cat took hers. As he rounded the last curve of the driveway, he saw a person standing on the porch.

  Joy then dread assaulted him. His shiichoo was here. He hadn’t seen her in a while, so it would be nice to see her. But she was going to kick his ass if she found out he was somewhat blackmailing Cat. Of course, there was no if about it. She was a seer, which meant she already knew and was here to kick his ass.

  Rio shoved the truck in park and killed the engine. Cat stirred. Sometime during the night, he’d pulled her over, so she was laying down resting her head on his lap. That allowed him to touch her almost all the way home. He couldn’t get over how soft her skin was. He would never get enough of touching it. He hadn’t worried about falling asleep at the wheel, because his dick was so hard the entire drive. His wolf was tormented between the need to fuck and claim, and the need to soothe and caress.

  “Wake up, sleepy head. We’re home.”

  Her beautiful blue eyes flew open, and she popped up. “Where are we?”

  “My home.” Our home.

  She blinked several times as her gaze took in the surroundings. “This is your house? It’s spectacular.”

  “Thank you. Wait until I come around and help you out.”

  He slipped from the truck and smiled when he heard, “I’m not crippled.” No, she wasn’t, but he liked doing things for her and fully intended to do much more.

  Cat had already opened the door by the time he’d reached her. “I told you to wait.”

  “You did, but there was nothing in our neg
otiations about obeying your orders except where sex was concerned.”

  She smirked at him, and he had to hide his smile. He already knew she wasn’t a morning person, at least not until she had a piss and a cup of decaf.

  Speaking of coffee, he certainly could use a cup of Fred’s brew. He needed to call Fred and find out how he was doing. Rio was glad Fred didn’t take him up on his offer to stay here for a while. That would surely put a damper on his blackmail scheme.

  She avoided his hand and slipped from the truck. “Come and meet my grandmother?”

  Horror flooded her face as she immediately tried to smooth the wrinkles from her dress and push the loose ends of her hair behind her ears. “I’m in no condition to meet anyone.”

  “Trust me, she won’t care, nor will she care about what you think of her.”

  Her eyebrows went together. “Why would I think badly of her?”

  “Well, she’s always dressed in jeans, plaid shirt, and dirty cowboy boots. Her hair’s gray and bushy, and she’s smoking either a pipe or a cigar. Not a typical grandmother.”

  Cat’s face reflected the wheels turning in her mind. “I assure you, I’m not a prude.”

  His nose told him that she was irritated at his insinuation. Sometimes, he couldn’t win with Cat. “No, you’re not, but grandmother has other qualities that strike some people the wrong way.”

  “I know how to act around the elderly.”

  He had to stifle a laugh. Grandmother wouldn’t take too kindly at anyone calling her elderly, but she might forgive Cat when she realized she was his mate. Hell, she probably already knew that too.

  When they reached the steps, he had to grin. His grandmother sported a pipe this time, and her hair looked as if it hadn’t seen shampoo or a brush since the last time he’d seen her.

  After helping Cat maneuver the steps, he placed a kiss on his shiichoo. “Cat, this is my grandmother, Ila. Ila, meet Cat.”

  Ila’s eyes crinkled as she took Cat’s hand. “I’ve prepared you a bath. I will help you with your hair, so you won’t have to cut it.”

  What? “She’d better not cut her hair.”

  Ila smacked him on the arm. “What you say doesn’t always go.”

  Cat grinned, obviously finding an ally. “A bath would be lovely.”

  “Then…I’ll fix breakfast.” Ila led Cat into the house, which meant he was dismissed.

  As Cat and Ila climbed the stairs, she was aware of the firm, but gentle grip the older woman had on her arm. It certainly reminded her of Rio’s strength. When she entered the bedroom, it was obvious this was Rio’s. The large furnishings were a dark cherry, and the giant bed only had a thin quilt. Rio radiated heat and would suffocate under a heavy comforter. His grandmother guided her into the enormous bathroom. The huge tub made for three people was brimming with water. Did Rio call ahead and order a bath? Because if he did, she needed to thank him.

  “Shed your clothes and let me help you into the tub.”

  Embarrassed, but not wanting to be rude, Cat did as she was told. There was no way to hide her belly. Ila untied her braid and then she sank into the warm water.

  “I’m going to wash your hair.”

  Okay. His grandmother used a spray head to wet her hair. She poured shampoo in her hand and then lathered Cat’s hair. She could have done it herself—eventually. How did the woman know she thought about cutting her hair? It was a mass of tangles. No amount of brushing could work through all that. After a rinse, Ila worked in the conditioner. It was ironic that Ila spent so much time on Cat’s hair when the woman hadn’t touched hers in years. But she had to give Ila credit, there were no wrinkles in the old woman’s face despite the fact she must smoke like a freight train, or at least she smelt like it. Rio had the same dark looks as his grandmother.

  When Ila grabbed the washcloth to bathe her, she decided to take over. “I can wash myself.”

  The woman grinned. “I know. I will sit over here and help you out of the tub when you’re done.”

  Cat wanted to sit and relax, but washed quickly instead. Before she could stand, Ila was across the room with a hand on her arm. “I’m fine, really.”

  “Don’t want you to slip in the tub. That would not be good for your baby.”

  Ila did let her dry herself off which was a small victory. The squat woman brought a chair into the middle of the floor. “Sit backwards on it.”

  Heat rushed Cat’s face when she remembered straddling Rio in the restaurant, so facing away from his grandmother was good.

  “Rio’s a good man,” Ila said as she worked the brush through Cat’s hair.

  Did this woman know what he did for a living? “He’s been good to me.”

  “Of course, he has.”

  Ila continued to work the brush. “We all do things we think are right in the beginning, only to learn that’s not the case in the end.”

  Cat could certainly relate to that. Or maybe she was referring to Rio’s blackmail. What would she think if she knew Cat was his mistress as payment for protection? If she told Ila that Rio’s life was in danger, would Ila help her talk some sense into him?

  “You must trust Rio.”

  Not gonna happen.

  “In whatever he tells you to do.”

  So not gonna happen.

  “He can protect you, but only if you trust him.”

  And only if she paid his price. Did Rio put Ila up to this? She needed a friend to side with her not another one to gang up on her.

  “If you trust him now, it will save us all a lot of heartache later.”

  Okay, his grandmother knew nothing about the heartache that would happen when Alvarez figured out that Rio was helping her. “Ila, your grandson is in a lot of trouble. A very unpleasant man wants me at all costs. It would be better for everyone if I disappeared. Rio’s only going to get himself killed.”

  “My Rio can handle this trouble, but you are right. It will cost him.”

  What did that even mean? Insanity must run in the family.

  “Your beautiful hair is finished. You must never cut it. It’s part of a woman’s power over men.”

  Cat was surprised that Ila was through. She hadn’t felt the slightest tug. “Thank you.” It wasn’t her power. She had absolute power of over absolutely nothing.

  “I’ll let you get dressed and come down to breakfast.”

  Ila opened the door and then hesitated. “I forgive you for what you feel you have to do. I understand.” Then Ila disappeared through the door.

  Cat didn’t know what to make of that statement. It was as if Ila knew something Cat didn’t.

  Rio heard his shiichoo coming down stairs, and that was only because she wanted him to hear her. She was a wolf too, and was more than capable of moving on silent feet.

  “Your mate is very lovely.”

  “Yes, I know.”

  “But it’s a good thing that you haven’t claimed her.”

  He wanted to, something fierce, but he needed to eliminate Alvarez first, get all that nasty business out of the way. “What would happen if I claim her while she’s pregnant?”

  She shrugged. “It will not harm the baby. Have you seen your brother?”

  “It’s been about five months. We seem to pass in the night.”

  “The next time you see him do not kill him until you two have talked.”

  “Kill him. Why would I want to do that?”

  “Just let the man in you heed my words.”

  Once again, his shiichoo wasn’t making any sense. Creed was his little brother who was deployed in Africa. Not a day went by that Rio didn’t think about his bro always hoping he’d keep his head down. He couldn’t wait to see the little pain-in-the-ass and introduce him to Cat. Growing up, neither of them had thought they’d find a mate, but now Creed could have hope too. Sometime during the long ride last night, he figured out that he would claim Cat as his mate. His wolf’s compulsion wouldn’t let him do anything else. Cat was a gift he didn’t want to live without.
Now, he just had to win her over.

  “If you see something, let me know what it is so I can deal with it head on instead of being blindsided in the dark.”

  “You know my gift doesn’t work that way. I tried to alter the future once and what happened after my interference was worse than what I originally saw. You can’t change the future without changing the whole balance of everything else. I can only warn and provide hints. Now if you knuckleheads would only heed them.”

  “Ila, if you see any harm coming to Cat, I need to know. To hell with the balance. I’m begging you. Tell me what you see.” He wanted to grab her and shake some sense into her. Killing that snake Alvarez wouldn’t be easy, but it was doable, and he’d need all the help he could get.

  “I can only tell you that your understanding is what wins in the end.”

  “Understanding of what?”

  Ila stepped into him, pulled his face down with her hands, and kissed him on his cheek. “I will be back in time to deliver the baby. You remember what I said about your brother.”

  Rio hugged her close. “You don’t have to go. You can stay as long as you like.”

  “No. You need to drive into town this afternoon and pick up the package you ordered for her, and put it to use.”

  “You know about that, huh?”

  “Unfortunately, I know everything. Tell your mate I’ll see her when it’s time.”

  His shiichoo hugged him again and then headed out the back door. She veered to the left and never looked back when she disappeared into the trees. He didn’t know how she did it. The property was riddled with sensors, and she’d never set any of them off. Wild animals set them off sometimes but never his Shiichoo. Yeah, she was wolf, but she shouldn’t be that good. She was as elusive as the wind. He laughed. Ila would have made one heck of an assassin.

  When Cat came downstairs, he couldn’t pull his eyes away. Her blonde hair shone, and the curls seemed to dance as she moved. Rio pulled her into his arms and kissed her softly. Then he pulled a strand between his fingers and watched it curl. “Your hair is sexy as hell. Don’t ever cut it.”


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