Mastering Love

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Mastering Love Page 6

by Morticia Knight

  Oh no. That’s it.

  “Take a few drinks of the water. Slowly. Then you’re going to tell me what has you so angry.”

  “Yes, Sir. Thank you.”

  His thoughts drifted back to Gabriel. Could that have been why Gabriel wanted a virgin? Maybe he thought if he had someone with no experience, he could control them better. He was distressingly confused. Thomas had always told him that his submission was a gift to be given, not taken. He’d explained that Evan had to decide on his own to accept the control in order for their roles as Dominant and submissive to be complete.

  What if I’m trying to control the control?

  He took small sips of the cool liquid, not trusting his roiling gut at the self-realization. A few times when Thomas had been irritated with him in their daily lives, he’d told Evan he was ‘challenging’. Is that what he’d meant?

  “Take another good swallow. You were sweating a bit and I don’t want you to become dehydrated.”

  “Sir? My stomach is a little upset.”

  “Eyes on me.”

  Evan glanced up to see Ned looking him over intently. His gaze was so powerful that Evan wasn’t sure what to do with himself. The fidgeting was in danger of making a reappearance.

  “Don’t fret, Evan. You might be angry with me, but I’m not upset with you at all. I know you want to be a good boy.”

  Evan nodded shakily. “I do, Sir. I really do.”

  “Then one more drink and we’ll talk.”

  He felt lighter, better. After drinking a healthy amount, he handed the crystal tumbler back to Ned. Evan almost laughed aloud at how careful Ned was to take the glass from his hand without their fingers brushing together. Ned wasn’t kidding. He was a true Dominant. Evan had the sense that he’d been the one playing a game, not Ned.

  The truth of the thought unnerved him. If it wasn’t a game, then what was it?

  Ned returned from putting the glass back on the bar cart then sat down again. “Talk, boy. Eyes on me.”

  “Yes, Sir. May I say I’m sorry again?”

  “No need to. You know what it is I want to hear.”

  It was obvious that Ned wasn’t a man who could be distracted from his objective.

  “I want you.”

  Jesus, did I really just say that?

  There was no visible reaction from Ned. “Go on.”

  “And…well…” Evan took a deep breath. “I was angry because I…” He couldn’t look Ned in the eye, just couldn’t. “…didn’t get what I wanted when I wanted it.”

  “Gaze on me.”

  Evan responded instantly, without thought.

  “There was something else too. You seemed shaken when I gave you the water.”

  Evan nodded then remembered. “You’re right, Sir. But…would it be all right if I didn’t talk about that right now? I need to think about it for a little while.”

  For the first time, Evan detected a slight reaction from Ned. He didn’t know him well enough yet, but he thought the miniscule twitch of his brow and the brightness in his eyes was a show of approval.

  “That would be fine. Thank you for your honesty.” Ned cocked his head as he continued to regard him. “Clasp your hands behind your back. Don’t release them for any reason. Remain straight and completely still. All of you.”

  Evan complied immediately. A small curl formed on the edge of Ned’s lips, his eyes crinkling slightly.

  “Lovely. I think you deserve a reward for your willingness to share those private feelings with me.”

  Ned leaned in, and before he’d realized what was about to happen, Ned placed his lips on Evan’s, moving them languidly, teasing the seam with the tip of his tongue. Every instinct Evan possessed screamed for him to open his mouth, to invite Ned to enter. However, what he’d just experienced with Ned told him that it wouldn’t be what he wanted. Ned had warned him to keep still. He demanded control—needed Evan to give it up completely, willingly, without any pretence.

  As Ned tasted him, slanting his mouth over Evan’s again and again, he gradually deepened the kiss. Evan remained compliant, allowed himself to be taken. They were connected only by their lips, nothing else. The more Ned licked inside the heated cavern of his mouth, the more Evan was aware that his entire world had been reduced to their shared breaths, their shared taste. Just a kiss—but it was everything.

  Ned broke the connection and Evan was filled with a deeper longing he didn’t understand. It wasn’t sex, even though he ached for that. It was more reminiscent of what he’d wondered about when he’d mused if there was more he could experience as a submissive. Kissing shouldn’t have left him in such a state.

  “Good boy. You did just as you were told. I think we should continue.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  He was treated to a slight smile from Ned. “You’re welcome. Go to the side of the bed, then climb onto it. Position yourself in the middle. Then I want you on all fours.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He fought himself to keep his voice as even as possible and not to think beyond the one command. It was next to impossible. As he scrambled atop the large bed then arranged himself in the provocative position, all he could think of was Ned fucking him from behind. His dick twitched, leaking more, his balls heavy in their sac—his need lewdly on display.

  “Knees farther apart.”

  Evan complied, his anticipation elevating.

  “How does it make you feel knowing my gaze is on your body, that I’m viewing your exposed hole? Your jewels are full, your cock, rosy-tipped and wet.” Evan was about to speak when Ned continued. “There’s a fine string of your early spend trailing to the mattress. You’re incredibly aroused. Is it because I’m looking at your naked flesh while I’m fully clothed, or is it your eagerness to get fucked and spanked?”

  He had to temper the shakiness of his voice. “All of it, Sir.”

  “Give me more details, Evan. Tell me all your feelings about what’s happening with you.”

  Evan swallowed. No one had ever asked such a thing of him. It was frightening. It was also unbelievably erotic.

  “I like knowing you’re looking at the most intimate areas of my body. I ache for your touch, any way I can get it.”

  “What if there were others viewing you like this? Imagine that you’re tied up, spread wide as I finger your ass or thrust a dildo in and out of it until you come loudly and messily in front of everyone. Would you like that?”

  “S-sir, please. I…your words…”

  “Answer me, boy.”

  “God, yes. Yes, Sir. But please, no more. I’ll come…”

  “You know that’s not allowed without permission, and I haven’t given mine.”

  The sound of Ned moving closer behind him made him nervous. He wasn’t afraid of him—just perplexed at how quickly the sexually potent Dominant had crawled under his skin then lodged himself there. He jerked and yelled at the barest touch of Ned’s finger as he traced it from his taint then down the underside of his sac. His nuts tightened against his body. He’d been so close to spraying his seed. Too close.

  “You’re a good boy, Evan. You’re holding on to it so well. That orgasm belongs to me though, and I’m not ready for you to have it yet. What would you do if I didn’t let you come at all tonight?”

  He curled his fingers in the sheets, twisting them in his grasp. Ned couldn’t be serious.

  “How badly do you want to please me?”

  “So much, Sir. So very much.”

  The words had flown from his mouth. It was true. Somehow, pleasing Ned had become more important than he’d thought possible.

  “And if I forbade you from coming at all? What would you do?”

  “I wouldn’t, Sir. I wouldn’t come. I would do what you say.”

  Again, his thoughts had tumbled from his mouth without any hesitation. He was breathless, almost exhilarated by his own veracity.

  “Then suck my fingers.”

  Evan was surprised at how close Ned was to
him, but he readily opened up to accept the offered digits. Ned’s flavor was heaven. He lost himself in the taste, the texture of his smooth skin as he wound his tongue around them over and over. When Ned abruptly removed them, he was startled by the action.

  Evan gasped, a keening sound forced from him as Ned sank two of his moistened fingers into his channel. The burn was evil. Not enough to curb his desire but just enough to make it crueler. Ned twisted them, probing deeper. Again, the only place Evan had Ned’s touch was in his ass and where his rim gripped Ned’s fingers.

  “Stay still. Take what I give you when I give it and how I choose to give it.”

  “Yes, Sssir.”

  He’d barely been able to get the last word out. Ned had pressed against the spot inside him that Thomas had been an expert at manipulating. Gabriel would skate over it now and again by accident, but that was it. When Evan had tried to explain how good it felt, Gabriel had told him he was full of horse puckey. It was obvious Gabriel had never had anything stuck up his ass.

  Ned not only appeared to have Thomas’ expertise, but was in the process of driving Evan mad with it. Tears welled in his eyes from the intensity of Ned’s internal massage. All he wanted was to please Ned, make him proud, but it was impossible. His shaft twitched and bobbed, leaking freely. His toes had curled so hard they were cramping up. His body vibrated with the need to move, to seek out the fire then extinguish it. He couldn’t take it anymore.

  “Sir! I want to please you, want to please you…”

  The words were repeated over and over. He was barely aware that he cried them out like a litany.

  Right as there was a hard nudge against the bundle of nerves, Ned whispered against his ear. “Come.”

  His cock pulsed out his seed in thick spurts as a garbled cry was wrenched from him. He rutted air—his body finally allowed to answer its need as more spend was milked from him. He was dizzy with it. Ned had slowed the prodding of his gland but seemed intent on encouraging every last drop of jizz from his softening erection.

  The scent of sex surrounded them. Evan’s arms trembled both from supporting his weight and the intensity of his climax. He wanted to lie down, wanted to rest, but he wanted to obey his Sir even more. He sighed with loss as Ned slid out his fingers. The emptiness crushed him.

  “Spectacular. You did wonderfully, beautiful boy.”

  “Thank you, Sir. I…I pleased you?”

  The feel of Ned’s warm, strong hand on the small of his back almost made him cry.

  “More than you can imagine. Do you know what very good boys get, Evan?”

  “What, Sir?”

  “They get to rest up so they can be ready for their spanking.”

  Chapter Five

  What the hell do I think I’m doing?

  Ned washed his hands in a convenient basin that had been installed near a Georgian armoire being utilized as a cabinet. The large mahogany piece of furniture held an impressive array of items that included instruments of sadomasochism as well as oils and bindings. As he cleaned up, he let his gaze drift to the beautiful young man he’d just pleasured. Evan was on his side in the canopy bed, his hands curled up under his chin, breathing evenly as he slept. The mattress was enormous, so Ned had simply laid a towel down where Evan had spent his seed then moved him to the other side. The silent tears that had fallen as Ned had massaged Evan to sleep told him a lot about the boy.

  Evan needed touch, affection, love. He was a sensualist, much like Ned. He would no doubt willingly allow Ned to demonstrate him—possibly even fuck him in front of others. There was also a streak of the imp in him that set Ned on fire. Already strongly attracted to Evan, Ned had been thrown off his agenda when Evan had challenged him. The boy was accustomed to manipulating Masters to get his way. Yet Ned could sense that all his emotion—the tears and frustration—were due to the fact that no Master had ever answered that challenge. He was sure that, in Evan’s mind, that meant he wasn’t worthy of being truly mastered.

  I could master him. I could lead him to what he needs.

  Ned bowed his head, his shoulders slumping as he shut off the water then dried his hands. It was a cruel mockery that he should immediately meet a boy almost perfect in every way upon joining Hampton Road. If only Evan was new to their way of life—if only Ned had been the one to introduce him to it. He’d never meant to interact with Evan as if he was considering him for the long-term. Even the kiss had been unlike him. He never kissed submissives unless he knew them well and was contemplating more. One hour into an encounter with Evan and he’d tossed his own personal requirements aside in favor of his desire for the young man.

  He strolled over to Evan, gazing down on his peaceful expression as he slumbered. It lifted Ned’s heart to see such a contented look on him.

  I did that.

  It had been with Evan’s willingness, of course, but a bothersome ache in Ned made him want to take all the credit, made him want to continue with the boy. He reached out to brush back several locks of the sandy hair that had strayed across Evan’s brow but then stopped himself. They still had the rest of the evening. He would enjoy his time with him—hopefully, leave Evan with something from their encounter that would ease his inner turmoil, then refocus on his original plan. Perhaps Saul would have some advice as to where he could find someone. The club had to have a method in place to attract submissives to Hampton Road.

  Not sure whether Evan had eaten prior to meeting with him, he rang Javier and requested some cheese, bread and fruit to be brought up to the room—something light. He decided to have Javier add some glasses of lemonade as well. If nothing else, he wanted to reenergize Evan when he woke him from his nap. The items he’d ordered arrived not long afterward, and as Ned set things up on a low table near the chaise longue, Evan stirred.


  Ned had turned off the light near Evan as he’d slept, so he approached the side of the bed to pull the chain on the nightstand lamp. Evan squinted against the sudden brightness.

  “Come along, boy. I had some food and drink brought up from the kitchen.”

  A questioning look crossed Evan’s face, but he quickly recovered. “Yes, Sir.”

  He pushed the covers back then swung his legs around before rising from the bed. Ned moved past him to yank the bed clothes clean away. When they’d originally entered the room, everything had been carefully tucked in, but the top sheet and duvet had been folded back to the end of the mattress. He noted that even though Evan had immediately straightened his posture then lowered his gaze—Ned could still detect the movement of Evan’s eyes as they flitted around.

  Ned wrestled with the idea of asking Evan what was running through his gorgeous head, but he was sure he already had the answer. It wouldn’t help Evan to encourage his impatience either. Surely Evan wondered if the removal of the top sheet and blankets meant that he’d still be fucked. Ned thought it was good for him to remain in mystery.

  “Permission to speak, Sir?”

  “Yes, boy?”

  “May I use the facilities?”

  “It’s not necessary for you to ask me that. Whenever we play, simply let me know that’s what you require.” He almost gasped, realizing what he’d just said.

  Dammit. He’s going to assume we’ll be together again.

  The last thing Ned wanted to do was make false promises, hurt such a wonderful young man.

  “Thank you, Sir. Um…”

  Ned indicated to a door at the far end of the room. “I believe it’s en suite. That was what I’d requested.”

  As Evan padded off to the bathroom, Ned poured them both some lemonade from the crystal pitcher. He also used the opportunity to remove his cufflinks, ascot, waistcoat and shirt—including the suspenders and tank. He slipped on a black satin smoking jacket that was one of a few hanging on a coatrack near the door. Not only did he wish to be comfortable while they ate, he didn’t want any unnecessary hindrances once he was ready to fuck Evan.

  When Evan returned from the
restroom, he approached Ned then stopped, standing straight and still. He was pleased that Evan hadn’t asked Ned what he wanted him to do, allowing Ned to be the one to direct the action. He hadn’t tried to sneak in a trick that would sway things in order to get what he wanted. Originally, all Ned had planned on was for Evan to take a seat next to him on the lounge, have a quick snack, then continue with their interlude.

  Stick to the plan.

  He watched as Evan stood before him, his hands clasped behind his back, his elbows bent, his chest puffed out. His chin jutted proudly, but his eyes remained lowered. He was semi-erect, but there wasn’t a readable expression on his face. His breathing was steady and even. Everything about his stance and behavior was what Ned desired in a submissive. All of the other attributes Ned had already mulled over only reinforced his opinion of Evan.

  I’ve gone this far… Maybe it can simply be another facet of submissiveness in which he can learn from before we part.

  Ned wasn’t about to admit to himself anything other than that one thought. Without elaborating on his actions to Evan, he stood then went to the bed. Several satin throw pillows littered the floor next to where the discarded covers lay. Ned retrieved one of the larger ones then returned to the chaise. He dropped it in front of the piece of furniture, curious if Evan would take the cue or if he would wait to be instructed.

  After a few moments, it became clear that Evan wouldn’t move from his spot.


  Evan sank to his knees on the cushion, maintaining his posture as he did, with the exception of bowing his head. He didn’t question Ned, nor did he raise his eyes. Ned took a seat near him. He was close enough that he could easily reach Evan, but just far enough away that they wouldn’t touch unless Ned wished it.

  “Why didn’t you kneel on the pillow until I told you to? You must’ve realized what I wanted.”


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