Mastering Love

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Mastering Love Page 14

by Morticia Knight

  At one point, Aaron had breezed through, enlisting them to peel apples so he could bake two pies. There were some nice slices of a sharp cheddar to go with the dessert as well. When Aaron had innocently fed a piece of the cheese to an eager Sam, Evan hadn’t been able to watch.

  As soon as they finished with the lemonade and had placed the pitchers in the icebox, Evan ran his sticky hands under the water in the sink. They’d already cleared away the juiced lemons and wiped down the tiled counter. Evan glanced at the clock. It was five minutes to noon. He heard excited chatter from the driveway that led to the front door of the house. From his position in the kitchen on the side of the bungalow where the door led to the large, grassy yard, Evan couldn’t see who was there.

  He glanced down in dismay where the lemon juice, flour and something else he couldn’t name had stained his shirt. The noise of people arriving became louder, and he recognized Francesco’s animated voice. He’d only heard one motorcar, so unless Ned had tagged along with Theodore and Francesco—which he highly doubted—it meant he probably wasn’t there yet.

  Sam straightened from where he’d been bagging up the peels and eggshells he’d saved for composting. “Uh-oh. We’d better get a wiggle on. People are arriving.”

  Evan chewed at his lip. He couldn’t see Ned for the first time again when he was such a mess. His hair had even managed to get sticky.

  “Hey, Sam. I’m gonna run up to the guesthouse and change. I made a mess of myself.”

  Sam regarded him then scrunched up his eyebrows. “I’ll say. But hurry up ’cause I’ll need help getting the platters ready to take outside.”

  “Sure. I’ll be quick. I promise.”

  Evan shot out the side door then ran up the dirt driveway, careful not to twist an ankle in any of the uneven grooves cut into the hard surface. After he shoved open the porch screen, he hurriedly toed off his shoes as he stripped out of his clothes. He didn’t bother with being tidy—he was all alone there anyway—so the discarded garments fell where he dropped them as he scurried to the shower. It was hot enough in the stuffy house that he didn’t bother to wait for the water to warm up, he just jumped in.

  He yelped as the first icy stream hit his skin, then settled into the pleasant feel of the lukewarm spray. Grabbing a bar of the Ivory soap he preferred over the Castile one that Gabriel had always used, he washed his body and hair thoroughly. If he was fortunate enough to be very close to Ned that day, perhaps even get a hug, he wanted to make certain he smelled appealing.

  Once he’d completed his bathing, he vigorously towel dried his hair, side parted it, then combed it back. He used the tiniest amount of Vaseline, just enough so his long bangs didn’t fall into his eyes. There wasn’t much of a selection for him to choose from when it came to clothing, but Sam was wearing jeans, so Evan wasn’t too concerned. He only had one other pair, so he grabbed those along with his nicest cotton, button-up shirt in a dark blue.

  As he finished tucking his shirt into his pants, he glanced over at an odd clock that was displayed in the stomach of a carved wood owl. He’d never inquired about it since he was only a temporary guest. He assumed that if it belonged to Linus, he’d either ask for it back or had decided he didn’t want it anymore. It was almost a quarter past the hour.

  This is good. I won’t be waiting there anxiously when he arrives. I’ll casually stroll down there like it’s no big deal.

  His stomach was in the process of performing so many flip-flops he doubted that eating anything would be advisable, no matter how amazing everything had looked. But standing around a lawn party without anything in his hands would be awkward too. A glass of lemonade would be good. He pressed his lips together, chastised himself for being a fool then strode purposefully out of the door.

  He took the walk downhill at a leisurely pace. The temperature was very high—summer being in full swing. After having just showered, he wasn’t too keen on sweating overly much. As he rounded the corner of the dirt road, he spotted several men on the lawn—some standing, others milling about. He noticed Sam running from the kitchen with some plates, and a surge of guilt coursed through him.

  I should be helping, not primping and preening.

  He picked up his pace to a light jog, his worry over assisting his friend temporarily distracting him from the need to search for Ned in the small crowd. Once he drew closer, it was easy to see that Ned wasn’t in the yard. It was also easy to see that everyone else was. All the couples he’d met at Hampton Road were there—Sam, Aaron, Saul, Kenneth, Theodore, Francesco—and of course, Thomas and Linus.

  Maybe he’s in the house for some reason?

  He swallowed hard. Still not sure who knew what about him and Ned, he greeted everyone with as jovial a smile as he could muster.

  “There you are!” Sam stuck his bottom lip out then blew a puff of air that lifted some errant strands of blond hair out of his eyes. “Let’s get the eggs and date bread sandwiches.”

  Evan briefly caught Linus’ gaze directed at him from where he stood near Thomas by the tree. There were too many people between them to speak, but Evan gave him a small wave. He was near enough to see the concern in Linus’ eyes, and Evan didn’t know what to make of his expression.

  Does he know something?

  Evan tried to shake off any negative thoughts and refocused his energy on enjoying the party and his friends. He wasn’t sure how successful he’d be, but at the very least, he could help out Sam.

  Once he got inside the house, it was a bit cooler than the yard. Aaron and Sam’s home was shaded on that side by more than one large tree, so it prevented the house from becoming too unbearable. Before he could stop himself, he peeked at the wall clock. It was twelve-thirty. Not too late. It was a lawn party, after all. It would be going all afternoon. Who arrives right at the beginning of a party?

  Other than every other invited guest standing in the yard.


  Sam had kept his voice down. He probably remembered how badly he’d startled him in the yard earlier.


  “It’s still pretty early. He could be picking something up to bring to the party, or his car coulda had a flat tire or…maybe his shoes needed to be shined…?”

  Evan arched his eyebrows at him.


  Obviously, everyone knew about him and Ned. Francesco had probably told the entire club anyway, so what difference did it make? He let out a loud sigh. There was no point in ruining everyone else’s fun. Besides, Sam was right—sort of. It wasn’t all that late. Ned could still show up.

  He put Ned as far out of his mind as he could and assisted Sam with the date nut bread sandwiches, deviled eggs and cold chicken that Sam said Kenneth had made. There was also a crudité platter with green goddess dressing that Theodore and Francesco had brought. Aaron’s apple pies with cheese and Linus’ almond macaroons would wait on the counter until the guests were ready for them.

  Either Sam had said something to Aaron, or he’d thought it up on his own, but two large blankets had been spread out on the grass, still protected by the shade of the tree. All the submissives lounged on them while their Masters sat in the chairs nearby. Sam and Evan set the food on a large, cloth-covered picnic table, then everyone gradually filled their plates.

  Evan hadn’t taken too much—he still didn’t trust his stomach. Everyone else seemed to be enjoying themselves greatly as they chatted and ate. Once in a while, Kenneth would jump up to get something for Saul until Saul finally gently ordered him to sit down and relax. Evan noticed that while the older Kenneth kept to himself for the most part, he was still very friendly. He thought maybe he was just shy.

  Evan saw that both the water and the lemonade pitcher were almost empty. Since he’d only been picking at his food anyway, he decided to retrieve more for everyone.

  “I’m gonna be right back. We could use some more drinks.”

  Sam set down his half-full plate. “I can help.”

  Evan answered a
s he pushed himself up from the ground. “That’s okay. You’re still eating.”

  Sam nodded then went back to the conversation he’d been having with the other men. Evan hadn’t really been listening too much, but he thought it had been something about a motion picture Sam and Aaron had seen about a pirate. All he caught was that Douglas Fairbanks Jr. was in it and that it was very exciting and romantic. Romance was the last thing Evan wanted to talk about.

  He retrieved the two pitchers then headed inside. Once in there, he checked to see if there was any more chipped ice for the drinks or if he’d have to make more from the ice block. Without thinking, he glanced up and saw the time. It was as if he’d swallowed a brick. It was twenty minutes past one, and he was a complete idiot for thinking Ned would show up, for getting ready with him in mind.

  He’s not coming.

  Evan’s shoulders slumped as he worked to control his rampant emotions. Everyone had worked so hard to make a nice party and Evan knew he no longer had it in him to put on a believable front. They didn’t need some sourpuss spoiling their day. He decided to get the drinks then make his excuses.

  As he went over to the picnic table where all the platters had been laid, Kenneth jumped up to help him with the pitchers. Evan noticed a small frown from Saul before he rose.

  “There now, Kenneth. I’ve got it.”

  Kenneth already had his arms extended to take the glass containers from Evan but froze in position at his Master’s words. He didn’t appear frightened, just intent, as if he wanted his every move to be perfect. Evan had stilled as well, not sure what he should do and not wanting to cause a problem. The way the men from Hampton Road took care of each other went so far beyond what he’d experienced at the club in Santa Barbara. Of course, the obvious love and friendship everyone shared was much different too.

  Saul approached him, took both the pitchers then strolled over to the table. Kenneth appeared as if the whole sequence was causing him great pain. Evan wasn’t sure what was going on. From what little he’d seen and from what he’d heard from his friends, Kenneth only lived to please. His entire world revolved around his Master in a way that went beyond even the most dedicated submissive. Evan mused on whether it had to do with him being much older and more experienced.

  Once Saul had set the drinks down, he glanced at Kenneth. Affection shone from Saul’s eyes as he gazed at his submissive and a lump formed in Evan’s throat.

  “Dearest, would you like to help me pour?”

  There was an audible sigh from Kenneth and a noticeable release of tension from his body. Evan had never witnessed anything like it. Kenneth immediately went to his Master’s side. Saul grabbed him by the nape of his neck then pulled him in for a kiss. Kenneth melted against Saul—something Evan found very sweet considering what a strong and virile-looking man Kenneth was.

  He had to turn away.

  Evan caught Sam’s eye and decided it would be a good time to make his exit. Before Sam had the chance to push up from the blanket, Linus beat him to it.

  “Hey, we haven’t had much of a chance to talk yet.”

  There was a nervousness to his friend, a slight agitation in the way he couldn’t quite keep still, the way he worried at his jeans.

  Evan attempted to appear nonchalant. “Oh, I understand. I’ve been so busy getting the food ready, then we were all eating, you know, and uh, that picture Sam was talking about, gee, it sounds real swell, doesn’t it?”

  Linus had a strained expression. Evan knew he wasn’t fooling him in the slightest. Linus reached out to touch him and Evan stepped back, almost stumbling.

  “Uh, hey, so I was just coming over to say that I think I should go lie down up at the guesthouse. I’m not feeling well. Must be the heat.”

  Sam had made it to his feet and had walked over to stand next to him. “Why don’t you lie down in the house here? That way, if you feel better, you can come back out for dessert.”

  “Oh, that’s okay. I don’t want anyone to wait on me. You guys go ahead.”

  “We were gonna play some horseshoes first, so it might be awhile.” Sam gave him a hopeful smile.

  “Horsehoes? In this heat? Are you crazy?” Francesco flopped onto his back. “I think we should spray each other with the hose.”


  When Theodore spoke, it was like smooth cream. Evan was still perplexed at how quickly he could get Francesco to calm down. He’d never even heard him raise his voice.

  Francesco immediately sat back up then lifted himself onto his knees, bowing his head, clasping his hands behind his back.

  Theodore chuckled from where he sat with the Masters on the other side of the food table. “Come here, pet, and sit on your Master’s lap.”

  Francesco scampered off, apparently all discussion of lawn games forgotten at his Masters’ call.

  “Evan, I…”

  Linus seemed lost, uncomfortable. They were all trying so hard to make him feel better. Evan was the one to reach out to Linus for a change, and his friend didn’t pull away. He laid his hand on Linus’ arm then took his hand.

  “Thank you. I mean it. You’ve done the best you can and I appreciate it. But neither of us can make him claim what he doesn’t want.”

  “But you don’t know that—”

  “It’s okay.” Evan squeezed his hand then let go. “Really. I’m fine. I want you guys to have fun, please. But I’m going to go lie down for a while.” He worked up the best smile he could manage. “If I feel better, I’ll come down later to say goodbye.”

  Linus nodded, but he didn’t seem very happy. “If that’s what you want.”

  Impulsively, Evan threw his arms around Linus. “Thanks again.”

  Evan let go then quickly turned to jog up the hill. It was rude to have left without saying goodbye to everyone else, but he knew Linus would explain to them on his behalf. He would have to. Evan couldn’t keep the tears from falling anymore.

  Chapter Ten

  Ned gripped the steering wheel of his Roadster. He wasn’t sure how long he’d been sitting in the driveway of his home with the motor running, but it had likely been long enough that, should any of his neighbors be peering out their windows at him, they would no doubt conclude he was a lunatic. He’d been wondering the same thing.

  Groaning, he reached inside his linen suit jacket to retrieve his pocket watch. He frowned, his stomach clenching.

  One-thirty. They’ve probably all eaten by now, assumed I’m not coming.

  He replaced the timepiece then banged his forehead against the steering wheel, staying in that position as he wrestled with the best course of action. Initially, he hadn’t wanted to arrive too soon in case Evan didn’t have his friends there to rally around him if he became upset. Then he’d changed into a lighter weight suit because of the dreadful heat. Since he’d already taken his clothes off, he’d rinsed himself in the shower again briefly. Once he’d finally pulled himself together, he’d realized how late he was and panicked. That had probably been about ten minutes before. He’d been wasting gasoline ever since.

  Raising his head on a loud sigh, he switched the gears into reverse. He peered over his shoulder to make sure he didn’t add running into anyone on his list of recent mistakes. Once he was on the road, he calmed down a bit. Never, ever had he behaved in such a way. He was sure of himself, generally calm and in control in his daily life. Being a Dominant man spoke to his need for that control, and matters that typically caused most people stress rarely bothered him. He was always confident that he could work things out. But ever since he’d met Evan, his veneer had been shattered.

  The self-knowledge he’d gained since his meeting with Colin at the bathhouse did not make him very proud of himself. He was extremely disappointed that he’d allowed his head to rule rather than his heart. Being a strong Dominant didn’t mean he had no emotions. To the contrary, he felt quite deeply, which was why he’d yearned to find the perfect partner as soon as he got settled. Instead of allowing himself to
embrace what he’d been so lucky to find right away, he’d treated a potential relationship like a business transaction. It would’ve been fine if he’d sought to make a deal with the man who’d captured his heart instead of pushing him away for some phantom desire.

  His true destiny lay only minutes before him—as long as he wasn’t too late. His timeliness to the party wasn’t the issue. It was whether he’d waited too long to beg for Evan’s forgiveness. The young man could still rightfully turn his back on him for good. As if further proof that he held deep emotions, his eyes filled with water, his throat closing up at the thought of losing Evan forever.

  With his heart beating wildly against his ribs, Ned turned up Devonwood Road, his destination drawing near. It was obvious which home belonged to Aaron and Sam. There was a plant nursery to the side of a large, white one-and-a-half story bungalow home that was trimmed in black. It was set well off the street. Several motorcars, including a sleek red Stutz Bearcat, filled the driveway just beyond the open wrought iron gates. Even though there was still some room to park behind the other vehicles on the property, he didn’t want to block anyone in. Since he was arriving so late, he wasn’t sure who might wish to leave shortly.

  After he parked, he plucked the one pound box of See’s candy he’d purchased the day before in Los Angeles. He wasn’t much of a cook, and booze would’ve been inappropriate, so he’d opted for the buttercream chocolates instead. He’d indulged by patronizing the confectioner whenever he’d traveled to the area while he’d still worked on the road.

  Gathering what used to be a fountain of courage, he wound his way through the cars then past some rose bushes until he reached the front door. He was about to knock when he heard some commotion from the side of the house. Peering around the corner, he smiled at the chaos before him. The boy he knew as Francesco was chasing Sam around the yard with a hose. Sam kept darting out of the way until the hose length ran out and Francesco’s momentum caused him to land on his ass. Ned laughed out loud.


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