Mastering Love

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Mastering Love Page 17

by Morticia Knight

  “Yes, Sir. I want you more than anything.”

  “Then I won’t deny you or myself, beautiful boy. Because I want you more than anything too.”

  Chapter Eleven

  The young man in his arms was a gift. Ned had been so relieved to see Evan but had been so distressed by his weeping. If he could somehow make time go backward, he would never have left him that night. The confession Evan had just made about his fear of being alone—being abandoned by a Master—only added to Ned’s anger toward himself and his shortsighted actions. Going forward, his only concern would be Evan’s happiness and contentment. That alone would give Ned more joy than he could ever hope for.

  As he reveled in the naked flesh under his fingers, his own arousal increased. He nudged Evan’s head with his lips, seeking more access to his lover. Evan complied, angling his face away to reveal the open expanse of his throat. Ned licked a trail up the salty skin, determined to bring Evan back to the state he’d been in a few minutes before when Ned‘s words alone had almost caused his boy to spend. The first moan from Evan accompanied the twitch of his naked cock against Ned’s thigh.

  Ned made an attempt to gently untangle himself from Evan’s hold, but Evan clung tighter. The anxiety that Ned’s thoughtless actions had reinforced in Evan would take a while to undo. In the meantime, Ned intended to give him whatever reassurance and support he needed.

  “I’m not stopping, boy. But I need you to do something first.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Evan had dropped into the generally accepted submissive posture with his eyes cast down.

  “The first one would be to give me your natural responses to our love making. Don’t look away from me and don’t hold in your sounds.”

  Evan lifted his gaze. “Someone might hear me, Sir.”

  Ned resisted the urge to chuckle. He kept his focus on Evan and what Evan needed and wanted. “Is that mercy?”

  A flush bloomed on Evan’s torso, reaching to fill his cheeks. Ned saw that Evan was no longer flaccid. “No, sir.”

  “Then give me every one of them. Hold nothing in.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Ned drank in the sight of the most lovely submissive he’d ever seen. Evan’s beauty was an ethereal thing. He imagined that in twenty, thirty or even more years, he would still view Evan with the same breathless anticipation.

  If I’m so lucky to have the privilege.

  He removed his suit coat then held it out to Evan. It was time to begin proving to him how valuable he was to Ned. Evan didn’t lift his hand to take the jacket from him. He waited for verbal instructions.

  “I’d like you take this, fold it in half, then lay it across the end of the table. Be certain that it hangs down enough that the side is covered. I don’t want your soft skin to be harmed by splinters.”

  “You… I…” Evan stared at the coat he’d taken from Ned as if it might give him insight into Ned’s reasoning.

  “I’ll be fucking you over that table and I don’t want you hurt by the wood.”

  “But your nice jacket…”

  “You’re much more important to me than the well-being of my suit coat.”

  Evan glanced down at the item of clothing again. He looked up to regard Ned, and there was a shine to his eyes. “Yes, Sir.”

  Ned tracked Evan’s swaying hips and pert ass as he moved to do Ned’s will. His dick pressed painfully against his slacks. Since there was nothing to slick Evan up with other than spit and their shared preliminary emissions, Ned would have to control his passion. He ached for Evan, ached to mark him as his own, but also wanted to ensure that Evan viewed their reunion coupling with fond memories.

  Once Evan had done as requested, he straightened into his typical stance, waiting.

  “Such a good boy. Now bend over. Make sure your elbows are also protected by my coat. If I see one splinter marring my beautiful boy’s skin, you will have earned your first punishment, which would be a terrible thing. I’ve been looking forward to painting your lips and cock with the chocolate candies I have waiting at home, and I’d hate to miss out on that.”

  Evan groaned as he moved to comply with Ned’s instructions. Once he’d positioned himself over the end as he’d been requested, Ned bit his knuckle at the sight. He might want Evan’s unrestrained cries of pleasure, but he needed to keep himself in check for the time being. It was about Evan’s fulfillment, his boy’s rightful claim to gratification. Ned couldn’t afford to give himself completely over to his lust just yet. Evan needed to be cherished first.

  Ned approached him but took his time—allowed Evan to experience the anticipation of their encounter. He laid his hand over one ass cheek, barely allowing his palm to press against his flesh. There was a fine dusting of pale hair on Evan’s luscious behind, and Ned petted it as he’d done on their first night.

  If we’re a match, it could be every night.

  He mentally admonished himself for doing the very thing he’d chided Evan for. Their time together should be spent absorbed in each other—not musing on a possible future down the road.

  “Legs farther apart, boy. I need to soften you up before I enter you.”

  The flush on Evan’s skin was more pronounced and he twisted the fabric of the coat he lay on. Ned dropped to his knees then pried Evan’s cheeks apart. He licked his way up from the back of his nut sac, across his perineum, then along his crease. Evan had released a small cry the moment Ned’s moist tongue made contact with the boy’s flesh. He whimpered, his legs trembling, and it struck Ned that Evan was mimicking the instructions Ned had given him their first night together.

  He eased onto his heels, but still kept Evan spread wide. “You haven’t been instructed not to move, boy. Unless we’ve established something specific as a constant, every experience between us will be a fresh start.”

  “You mean I don’t have to hold still?”

  Ned pressed his lips together to stop the chuckle at the vehemence of Evan’s reaction to his words. His sensualist would provide him endless thrills. “No, beautiful boy. Let everything about you express your passion. Hold nothing back from me.”

  Evan groaned, his body vibrating, pelvis rotating as if inviting Ned’s tongue to explore him. Ned gladly answered the call.

  He laid more swipes up Evan’s crease, tasting his musk as he teased the pink, wrinkled hole into opening for him. He hardened the tip of his tongue, spearing his entrance with a quick push. Evan yelled, clamping down on Ned as he did. Ned fucked Evan’s ass with the little appendage, wrenching from his boy unrestrained noises of pleasure. Once Evan had relaxed his rim, Ned retreated. Evan’s plaintive moan was a good indicator that Evan would welcome a repeat performance of Ned’s oral skills another time.

  Ned’s shaft had lengthened to the point where he had to release it from the confines of his trousers. He also didn’t want to waste the copious moisture he was producing. He needed it to ease his way into Evan’s passage.

  He rose—his pants still belted around his waist, his shirt still tucked. The only exception was where he’d retrieved his cock from between the fly of his trousers. Only the top button remained closed, the rest had been undone to free his straining erection. He swiped a finger over the head of his steeled shaft then pushed the liquid he’d gathered into Evan’s twitching hole.

  He eased past Evan’s tight rim and his boy sighed, his body rippling as he let Ned inside. Evan’s small cries, keening and moans lodged themselves in Ned’s groin, his own arousal threatening to topple him over the precipice. He worked his finger in as far as he could go, twisting it as he searched for the hard nub in Evan’s ass that would heighten his pleasure further.

  The moment he hit his target, Evan bucked, clamping down on him. The grip was fierce, and Ned groaned before he could stop himself. The thought that he’d have the heat and power of Evan’s passage wrapped around him in mere moments threatened to unravel him. He rubbed softly on the gland, encouraging Evan’s desire enough so he’d welcome the inevitable burn to come.
  After removing his finger, he spit onto his hand repeatedly until he’d coated his shaft with a fair degree of wetness. Still holding a cheek open with one hand, he used his other one to guide his dick to Evan’s pucker. He gritted his teeth at the glorious tightness around his stiff flesh as Evan’s body swallowed him. Ned felt the resistance of Evan’s heated insides, so he stilled, giving Evan a chance to either adjust to the intrusion or to cry mercy.

  Ned’s cock throbbed within the snug confines of Evan’s ass. The urge to move overwhelmed him, the need to protect his boy a torture he welcomed.

  “Sir,” Evan sounded as though he’d barely been able to speak.

  Ned began to pull out, preparing himself to soothe Evan and remind him that it was okay to ask for mercy.

  “Oh yes, Sir. Please move. I need more.”

  Ned halted, one hand on Evan’s hip. He tested him by thrusting forward with more urgency. Evan groaned, and he froze, waiting for confirmation that it had been from yearning and not from unwanted pain.

  “Fill me, Sir. All the way, mark me like you said.”

  The plea in Evan’s tone reassured him the way his own need drove him to fulfill Evan’s demand. The resistance he encountered seating himself in Evan took on another form as Evan’s body hugged him each time Ned retreated as if refusing to let him go. Gradually, Evan opened up more, his passage relaxing with each measured thrust from Ned’s needy shaft.

  He established a steady but careful rhythm. Evan could beg for more force as much as he wanted, but Ned refused to tear him. From the steady moans and the way Evan writhed and thrust back with his hips each time Ned punched forward, Ned was confident that his lover was only receiving enjoyment from their fucking.

  “Oh! Sorry!”

  Ned snapped his head up just in time to see the back of Sam as he disappeared from the top of the slope above them. They’d obviously both been so lost in their rutting they hadn’t noticed his approach. There was a cry then the fluttering waves of Evan’s passage around his cock as his boy came. Ned grunted, spilling his seed into Evan. He held on to Evan’s hips, grasping them as the last waves of Evan’s orgasm milked him dry.

  It had been an interesting, yet unexpected turn of events. When Ned had demanded that Evan remove his clothing then subsequently fucked him out in the open, he hadn’t intended that they be caught. He’d merely wanted Evan to have the thrill at the possibility. What made it so interesting was that Evan hadn’t lost his erection or tried to hide himself. It had been quite the opposite.

  Ned caressed the soft, supple skin of Evan’s back as he waited for his erection to soften then slip from his boy’s body. Evan’s breathing remained elevated, and he’d rested his head on his arms as if he’d collapsed on the table. Ned draped himself over Evan’s torso, and as his member slipped free from Evan’s passage, he worried a spot of flesh with his lips and tongue until a beautiful strawberry colored mark appeared on Evan’s shoulder blade. A smile came to his lips as he thought about strawberries.

  Ned rose, encircling Evan’s waist as he did, drawing him flush against his chest. He kept his arms wrapped around Evan’s frame, loathe to allow them to completely separate quite yet. He dipped his head to leisurely kiss and lap at Evan’s ear, Evan giggling in response. Then he worked his way down the side of his neck, Evan’s laugh turning to a sigh. Ned lightly pinched then soothed Evan’s taut nipples, wondering how long it would take Evan to recover his hardness, wondering if he’d like Ned to swallow his cock before he drove his boy home.

  The party.

  Either Sam would report that he couldn’t find them or would tell everyone what he’d witnessed. It would be interesting to see which way it went. But what interested him even more was how Evan felt about being discovered. He had the impression his boy hadn’t minded at all, but as always, it was vital that he hear that from Evan himself and not make assumptions or guesses.

  Ned lowered one hand to cup Evan’s sac. His balls were anything but full—his release had emptied him well. It was another good indicator that Sam’s unexpected appearance hadn’t interrupted his enjoyment. It was more likely it had added to it. Ned manipulated Evan to face him. He pressed his lips to Evan’s mouth, immediately deepening the kiss. If tasting his boy was all he was ever allowed for the rest of his life, it would be more than enough.

  When he drew back, he noted the guilty expression on Evan’s face.

  “I see you, Evan. Talk to me.”

  “I’m sorry, Sir. I was surprised, that’s all. Can we still have the candy?”

  It took a moment for Ned to piece together in his mind what it was Evan was trying to convey with his seeming non-sequiturs. He latched on to what was likely plaguing Evan.

  “Hmm. True. You didn’t wait for permission to come, yet I wonder if you could rightly be blamed under the circumstances.”

  Evan looked hopeful. “What do you mean, Sir?”

  “I’d intended to control your stimulation, your pleasure. But that honor was stolen from me, which means it would be unfair to punish you. You didn’t defy me. You reacted to an unexpected addition to our playtime.”

  “I-I… What do you mean?”

  The quiver in Evan’s voice told Ned he undoubtedly knew what Ned meant but was ashamed to freely admit it. It was one thing to become aroused by a fantasy, but to act it out might have been something Evan hadn’t been fully prepared to accept yet.

  “There’s nothing wrong with your urges, beautiful boy. I find it quite exciting too.”

  Evan bit at his lip. “Did you know we’d get caught?”

  Ned chuckled as he plucked Evan’s lip free from his teeth then soothed it with his thumb. “Not at all. I only intended to give you the thrill at the thought of it. I’ll also confess that if it’s anything you ever wish to intentionally do, I’m more than happy to accommodate you.”

  Evan blushed furiously. “So…you like it too?”

  “Do I like to fuck in front of others?”

  The red staining Evan’s skin deepened, but Ned didn’t want to be coy. For him to regain Evan’s complete trust, everything they engaged in had to be clearly defined and accepted on Evan’s part.

  “Y-yes. Do you like that?”

  Ned took a soft kiss. Evan hadn’t struck him as being shy, but it might’ve been because he hadn’t been challenged in so long, that nothing up to that point had fazed him. Evan had stated he wanted more, and more was what Ned intended to give him.

  “I love to fuck while others watch, yes. I also enjoy doing demonstrations on stage implementing various methods of sadomasochistic play or restraints—enjoy showing interested observers how well my boy responds to my touch, my mouth or my cock.”

  Evan was close enough to Ned that he felt the nudge of Evan’s swelling erection against his hip.

  Didn’t take very long at all.

  “When we outline our agreement, you can tell me whether that’s something you’d like to do now, or if you might consider trying it in the future.” Ned brushed some hair off Evan’s face then tucked it behind his ear. If he’d used grease on it that day, it had long been wiped away. “And if you tell me you only want to keep it as a fantasy between us, that’s fine too. Don’t ever choose to go along with something you don’t like because you want to please me. Honesty, remember?”

  “I remember, Sir.”

  Evan flushed again, and Ned knew their conversation was pushing at boundaries Evan didn’t know he had. Truthfully, Ned hadn’t either. The day had turned out much better than he ever could’ve hoped for.

  “But…” Evan swallowed and averted his gaze.

  “Eyes on me.”

  Evan turned back to him. “It’s something I want to do.”

  Ned pressed a kiss to Evan’s forehead. He knew that Evan admitting that he was an exhibitionist must have been very hard for him.

  “I’m very proud of you for trusting me enough to tell me that. Does it make it you feel bad that you’re sexually excited by others watching you?”
br />   Evan used his telltale little shrug, and Ned made note of it. It was something to save and work on when they were deeper into their relationship and Evan had willingly given over his complete care to Ned.

  “I don’t know why I think of it as being different from the other things I like. I mean, I’ve watched other Dominants and submissives perform publicly before and it never made me think badly of them.” Evan snorted. “If anything, I was grateful for the show.”

  Ned laughed lightly. It was a relief to know that Evan was merely embracing the idea fully for the first time—not that he was frightened or ashamed by it. Evan was his jewel. He pulled Evan tighter to his body.

  “So when you came, was it right when Sam saw you, or did you almost lose your arousal, but the realization that you were being watched brought it back?”

  Ned doubted that Evan realized he’d swiveled his hips against Ned’s groin. “Immediately. Oh, Sir, I couldn’t have held back if my life depended on it. I heard something, glanced up and right as Sam and I locked eyes, my climax barreled through me. I came so dang hard.”

  If they talked about it much longer, Ned thought he might do the same thing. But he wasn’t done quizzing his lover yet. The more he knew about Evan’s preferences, the more he could provide him with the ultimate pleasure.

  “Do you like to show off for your friends, or would a group of strangers viewing your naked flesh and your rapturous expressions as you’re fucked be even more titillating?”

  Evan groaned, swiveling his hips again. “I’m not fussy.”

  Ned burst into laughter and clutched Evan to him. He was enraptured by his boy. If he didn’t know how irresponsible an act it would be, he’d rush Evan over to the club and insist they draw up a permanent agreement right away. Of course, the majority of the board members were likely still gathered on the lawn of Sam and Aaron’s home. He sighed as he was unfortunately reminded that a real world still existed outside the sphere of their enclosed arms.


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