Mastering Love

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Mastering Love Page 19

by Morticia Knight

  Ned finished by peppering his back with more strikes before halting completely. The gentle touch of Ned’s hand on his head grounded him.

  “How are you doing, boy?”

  “S’good, Sir.”

  “We’re done with the flogger. It’s time for the belt.”

  Evan inhaled deeply, willing himself to let go of his fear. He reminded himself that Ned only wanted the best for him and would never harm him. Due to the newness of what Ned had planned for him that night, he hadn’t been restrained in any way. He’d explained to Evan that he didn’t want him to feel trapped. The only thing he wanted Evan concerned with was his actual reaction to the belt—not the belt as it was combined with other elements.

  Evan faced one side, resting his cheek on the padded surface. He held on to the lower end of the bench, his elbows slightly bent where they draped over the edge. Ned gently coaxed Evan to turn his head in the other direction to keep his neck from straining too much.

  Ned stroked his cheek lovingly. “That’s my precious boy.”

  He removed his hand then brought the same belt he’d worn to the club that evening into Evan’s field of vision. It looked thick, heavy. Not delicate and sensual the way the flogger strips appeared. His breathing accelerated and he knew it wasn’t from arousal. His cock had lengthened during the whipping, but it was rapidly diminishing at the sight of the leather implement.

  I want more. I know I do.

  “I’m starting. Call mercy if you have to.”

  Evan screamed. Nothing could have prepared him for such pain. It was concentrated in one line across the middle of his ass as if someone had lit a match to his skin. Ned struck him again, the blow landing in another spot directly below the first, the loud slap sharper than the almost comforting thwack the flogger made. It was worse than the first because it had been closer to his legs.

  A third stripe seared across his flesh and Evan screamed until his throat was raw. He felt the rush of air around him and knew the next one was coming. Instinctively he twisted away, drawing one leg up in a protective stance.

  “Mercy! Mercy!”

  The belt clanging in the corner loudly as it was tossed aside was preceded by Ned enfolding him in his embrace. Ned dragged him from the bench then cradled him in his lap, his Master pressing kiss after kiss on his head and over his face. Evan wrapped his arms around Ned’s neck, surprised that the beating hadn’t brought him to tears. He wasn’t even very upset about the experience. There was more of a sensation of relief knowing that it was over and that he never had to question whether the belt was something that he was missing out on or not.

  “Let’s get you on the bed. I want to massage some Arnica cream into your skin while we discuss this.”

  Ned moved to extricate himself from under Evan, but he tightened his grip.

  “Sir, wait.”

  “I need to take care of you, boy.”

  “And I need your kiss.”

  Ned stilled, his gaze wandering over Evan’s face. He cradled Evan’s head, pulling him closer until their lips met. Evan gave himself over to the surge of emotion that always washed over him when Ned took his mouth. He was so lost in Ned’s taste and their mingled breath that he didn’t immediately notice that Ned had maneuvered them so they could both rise. Ned was perched on his knees, ready to pull them both up from the floor. Evan broke the kiss first.


  “I can’t stand it, Evan. I need you lying on the bed so I can see if there’s any damage I caused. I never want to permanently mar that exquisite part of your body.”

  Ned appeared more undone by the episode than Evan. He couldn’t imagine why. They’d discussed it thoroughly beforehand and Ned had been as calm and collected as he typically was. Since it was more than clear that belt whippings could be added to the ‘never again’ list, Evan was content and ready to move on.

  When Ned helped him to his feet, he stumbled a little, Ned immediately clutching him to his side. His skin hummed, the room spinning slightly. Maybe he did need to lie down after all. Somehow the relief he’d felt when the belt had been tossed aside had changed into the weirdest sensation he’d ever had. His limbs were like jelly and he belatedly wanted to cry. He’d disappointed Ned. Their very first night, Ned had hinted that it would please him to permanently mark a boy one day, but Ned had just said he didn’t want to mark Evan. His legs gave out completely and he was scooped into Ned’s arms.

  He was placed on his belly on the bed, but Ned made sure to never completely break contact with him as he retrieved the cream and some water. If Ned wasn’t physically touching him, he kept up a litany of praise that Evan couldn’t entirely focus on. Evan had begun to cry and their shared moment had somehow deteriorated into an emotional agony to accompany the increasingly physical one. His ass had managed to become increasingly tender since the beating had stopped.

  He’d noticed that happen a few times with the spankings. He’d be floating on the wave of their sting the way he always did, then after he’d come, the pain would take on a different, more pronounced ache.

  He hissed when Ned used his fingers to gently work the cream into his abused flesh.

  “Thank the heavens there’s no broken skin. But I imagine there could be some bruising. Fortunately, you stopped me before I went very far. I’m incredibly proud of you that you asked for mercy, that you weren’t afraid you might disappoint me.”

  The soft press of Ned’s lips to his shoulder caused him to sigh. It helped slow the tears.

  “Talk to me, precious boy. Why are you so sad?”

  It was too soon. They’d barely begun their agreement, so it wasn’t the right time to discuss such a thing.

  “Honesty. We both agreed we wouldn’t hide ourselves from the other.”

  “You’d never mark me? Not at all?”

  Ned’s hands stilled from where he’d been rubbing Evan’s skin. “Do you mean permanently? As in claiming you?”

  Evan wasn’t sure he wanted to know the answer anymore. Why did he always latch on to things in his head until they ate away at him?

  “Yes, Sir. As in claiming.”

  Ned stroked his back, his touch light and reassuring. He kissed the top of his spine, trailing more kisses all along Evan’s shoulders.

  “I’d like nothing more than to permanently mark you one day when we’re both sure. But only on two conditions.”

  “What conditions, Sir?”

  “That we don’t deface your gorgeous ass and that you mark me as well.”

  Evan’s tears flowed anew, but they were ones of joy.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Ned watched his boy prepare their evening meal. He’d learned the recipe for the roasted chicken Kenneth had brought to the lawn party over three months before and had taken to adding his own touches to it. The thought of Kenneth pulled at Ned’s heart. Thankfully, Saul’s boy had fully recovered from the gruesome attack on his life at the hands of his deranged former Master, Preston Cornwall. It had been a tense few days until everyone had found out whether Kenneth would survive. When they visited the club that evening, it would be the first night of Kenneth’s return.

  If all went the way he hoped, there would be another momentous occasion to celebrate. Evan had been quiet for the past week and Ned hadn’t pushed him to express his feelings the way he typically did. Under the circumstances, he wanted Evan to draw his own conclusions about their relationship without Ned’s undue influence. But it was the final day of their formal agreement, so as soon as dinner concluded, it would be time to reveal their feelings regarding their future together.

  The roasting pan lid clattered to the kitchen floor, echoing loudly throughout the room. He wasn’t certain, so he couldn’t punish him for it, but he thought he heard Evan mumble curses under his breath. If it had been another time, he might have pressed his case, made Evan confess, but there were other more important things going on.

  He’d discovered so much about his beautiful, precious boy in the three months they
’d lived together. Never had he known such joy, such contentment. Evan filled his life to bursting. A tactile creature, the first time Ned had asked him what reward he wanted, Evan had asked to be allowed to touch Ned freely when they made love. That night, Ned had been an ecstatic lover who’d succumbed to Evan’s fervent caresses. It was a reward Evan repeatedly worked to achieve.

  In their quest for more, it had become clear that Ned had already given it to him. Evan finally had the structure, discipline and unwavering attention he’d always craved. As the trust between them had grown, Evan’s little shrug, borne of a need to protect himself, had diminished completely. It was time for the next step in their journey.

  With more agitated mutterings, Evan finally wrestled the bothersome bird into the oven.

  “Evan, would you please join me on the sofa?”

  Ned was startled by the frightened look on Evan’s face. Instead of moving to the living room, Evan stood frozen, eyes wide as he stared at him. Ned mentally chastised himself for not realizing how fragile Evan must be feeling over the conclusion of their agreement looming over him. He opened his arms. It took a moment of Evan blinking repeatedly before he rushed into them. Ned held him tight, rocking him back and forth.

  “Come sit with me, precious boy. Everything’s going to be wonderful. I promise.”

  An audible sigh passed over Evan’s lips as Ned guided him to the couch, their fingers intertwined. In maintaining distance to give his lover room to reach his own conclusions regarding the end of the agreement, he’d obviously telegraphed to Evan that he might not be wanted anymore, that Ned might be ready to end their arrangement. The truth was anything but that.

  When they reached the leather sofa, Ned sat quickly, yanking Evan onto his lap. Evan let out a startled oomph, and Ned kissed and loved on him until Evan finally relaxed into his embrace.

  “That’s better.” Ned smiled at him in what he hoped was a reassuring manner. He kept up his caresses. “I know you realize this is the last day of our agreement, so I thought when we went to the club tonight—”

  “Please don’t give up on me. I can be better. I promise. Just give me one more chance.”

  Ned was so overcome with confusion at Evan’s words, he didn’t respond right away.

  “Whatever are you talking about? What makes you think you’ve done something wrong?”

  Evan did his trademark shrug, and Ned wanted to kick himself. In neglecting to remember that what Evan always needed was complete attention and that allowing him room to breathe only scared him, Ned had upset the man he loved.

  Ned framed his face with his hands. “Eyes on me, boy.” He waited until Evan complied. “You don’t need to be better. You are better. You’re all I’ll ever need, the only boy I’ll ever want. I love you, Evan.”

  If the circumstances were different, he would’ve laughed at Evan’s stunned reaction to his words. Then Evan launched himself at Ned, peppering his face with kisses, squeezing out almost unintelligible words as he did. Ned caught the most important ones. They were the ones that said that Evan loved him back.

  * * * *

  Evan wasn’t a wiggler. He’d had his moments, but in general, that had never been a main deterrent to his submission. His attempts at manipulating his Masters had been his real issue. But once he’d settled into a daily routine with Ned, none of that had mattered anymore. He no longer needed to vie for a man’s attention—it was given freely and lovingly with the added reward of a strict set of rules to be obeyed. He’d never had to guess where he stood with Ned.

  Except for the last few days of the agreement when Ned had seemed to take a step back. Ned had explained why he’d done it, and he understood, but he’d begged Ned to never do such a thing again. It was one of the terms going into the new agreement—the permanent one.

  In celebration of their declared love and decision to stay together for good, Ned had asked if he could brand Evan with his initials. Evan reminded Ned what he’d once said about being marked in return. Ned had only smiled then told him the brand with Evan’s initials waited with the other one. But that wasn’t the only way they planned to celebrate.

  Evan was entirely naked, not even a club collar or a cock and ball restraint. He might not be a wiggler, but he’d just decided he was a bouncer. He waited for his Master to arrive. Once he’d been branded, Evan would call him that from then on. However, it wasn’t only his Master he waited on—all their friends would be there to witness their commitment—and the subsequent celebration.

  He glanced around the ballroom. It was so odd to see it empty. The seating area was darkened, but there were electric bulbs that shone up on the slightly elevated stage area. To the side of the platform, two freestanding lights, not dissimilar to a theatrical playhouse, were perched atop tall stands so that they could be directed on a specific spot if needed.

  Maybe it will be directed on me.

  His shaft filled at the erotic pictures already forming in his mind. He couldn’t allow himself to indulge to soon. It wouldn’t be a very good show if he spent his seed at Ned’s first touch.

  The ballroom doors opened and Ned was at the front of the group of men he’d come to think of as his family. Sweat broke out on his forehead and he stood to the side of the lights, allowing himself to fall into the shadows. Ned approached him as the Masters took their seats, and the submissives knelt or reclined on the floor at their feet. Happy chatter filled the air.

  When Ned reached him, he gathered up both his hands into his own then brought them to his lips, planting feather soft kisses on his knuckles.

  “The word mercy is still valid here, Evan.”

  “I know, Sir.

  “Are you ready to share with our friends how strong our commitment is to each other?”

  “Yes, Sir. I’m also ready to call you Master.”

  Ned smirked. “When I say it’s time, you mean.”

  “Of course, Sir.”

  Ned took a chaste kiss. “Then let’s begin.”

  With their fingers laced together, Ned led Evan to the center of the stage in front of the large diagonal cross that would restrain them as they branded each other. Evan tried not to think about that. He’d make a terrible Master. It was too much responsibility, and the idea of hurting anyone gave him the heebie-jeebies. He just kept telling himself over and over that it was what Ned wanted. In truth, he was incredibly touched that his mark would be on his Master. No one had ever done such a thing to a Dominant to the best of his knowledge.

  Once everyone had stilled, Ned turned him by shoulders so that he faced everyone in the ballroom. Ned stood behind him, one hand encircling his chest as he held Evan flush to his body. With the bright lights trained on him, he’d never felt more exposed. With little more than that as stimuli, his dick hardened, beads of moisture already gathering at his tip.

  “Thank you everyone for being here with us tonight. We’re so grateful to call you our friends. Evan and I have decided to make our contract permanent and will be branding each other as a symbol of our arrangement. But first, I need to show you all how beautiful my boy is when he comes.”

  Ned lowered the hand not flattened on his chest to Evan’s sac. He cupped it, kneading it gently then giving it a harsher tug. Evan hissed in through his teeth, his steeled erection bobbing from Ned’s movements, but twitching from his own arousal.

  Ned bit his earlobe with enough sting to make Evan gasp. He whispered to him.

  “All our friends are watching you. They see how excited you are, how much you love showing off your hot, sweet cock.”

  Evan groaned. He wouldn’t last. The reality was even better than the fantasy. Next time, he wanted Ned to fuck him on the stage with the entire ballroom filled with people.

  Ned’s smooth fingers stroked along his length, the moisture that had leaked from his needy shaft slickening the way. Ned closed his fist tighter around Evan’s dick and he thrust forward.

  Ned raised his voice so everyone could hear. “That’s it, boy. Show the aud
ience how much you take pleasure in sharing your beauty. How much you enjoy displaying yourself for their delight.”

  Ned whispered to him again. “Lift your arms. Hold on to me by my neck. Arch your back for me, for your audience.”

  Evan did as he was told, the position lengthening his frame, highlighting his thrusts. Ned pumped him, adding a twist after every few strokes. Evan’s nuts tightened, and he had a moment of panic that he might come before his Master gave permission. Right as Ned pinched a nipple with one hand and pressed a thumbnail into Evan’s slit with the other, Ned yelled.


  Evan’s cry of release echoed through the partially filled ballroom. He spurted his seed in long arcs, each pulse wrenching more moans and whimpers from him. He sagged against Ned, and his Master supported his weight. It was only then that he was aware of the applause surrounding them.

  Gradually, his breathing returned to normal and he allowed Ned to lead him to a seat while he got towels to clean them up. Their friends had remained in their chairs with the exception of Saul, who would be assisting with the branding. The club doctor was on standby to check the brands once they were administered and to employ the immediate aftercare for the burns. Saul had promised Evan he would guide him through the whole process. He was more scared of giving Ned the brand than he was of receiving it.

  After Ned finished cleaning up, he removed his shirt then laid it across one of the chairs. He winked at Evan, and Evan released a long, slow breath he hadn’t even realized he’d been holding. They’d decided to get their marks on their right shoulder blades. Ned’s protectiveness of Evan had dictated that Ned should get branded first. He wanted Evan to see what would happen in case he needed to cry mercy. He also didn’t want Evan to have to brand Ned while he was in pain. Evan had known it would be pointless to bring up the fact that then Ned would have to brand Evan while he was in pain. There were certain things he couldn’t fight Ned on. He knew his Master’s concern for his physical well-being would be one of them.


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