What Once Was Mine

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What Once Was Mine Page 11

by Krystyna Allyn

  After righting myself and straightening my clothes, I separate her mattress from the box spring, searching for an opening to shove the cum-covered scrap of material. It’s then I notice a slight tear at the base of her feather mattress. With ease, I slide her thong mixed with her and me into the tear as deep as I can without disturbing the size of the rip. Excitement fills me as I picture the eventuality of the two of us joining together—me fucking her behind, her riding me. It will happen, whether she wants it or not. Marley is mine, and anyone who attempts to take her from me will face my wrath. I decide to watch her at the bar tonight, ensuring she stays pure, her pleasure belonging to me alone.

  Of course, I’ll still punish her for what she’s done to me, but after she pays her penance, I’ll take care of her. She is mine, after all. I already have a place she and I will settle and, in a few more weeks, it’ll be ready.


  Man Up

  Bro tip #7

  Do a girl right once and she'll cook you a steak; finish early, and it’s microwave dinners for life.


  “Almost done.” I stare at the hourglass spinning on my computer screen, not so patiently waiting for the items to download. The idea for my current project came about courtesy of something Marley said to me months ago, and I hope she likes my gift. It’s time I get my shit together in the relationship department with all the women in my life. This is the first step.

  It’s Friday night and, after I close the store, I usually stop by Sin Village for a quick drink before heading home. However, since I know Marley’s in town, the urge is gone. Instead, I’m home at my desk, fiddling with the computer. Although there’s a good reason for my machinations, I’d rather be with Marley, healing the rift between us. My project has the potential to do that and more. I prefer her smile over the scowl she flashed me on Wednesday.

  I’m an idiot and this is one hundred percent my fault. The first thing I should’ve done is come clean to her about Taylor, but I was blinded by my anger, something she didn’t deserve. I’m not a man willing to admit my mistakes. Yet for her, I’ll do it. I’ll get on my knees and beg if I have to. If she lets me, I’ll show her how much I’ve grown as a person.

  She’s the one who betters me. If left to my own devices, I fuck things up royally. Marley is a good person and merely being around her makes me want to be a good man, one worthy enough to walk arm-in-arm with her.

  The timer disappears, signaling the completion of the file download to the disk. This CD method is not ideal but she’ll appreciate it.

  Before I set in motion ‘Project Woo Marley,’ I have to clear the air with Taylor. I care for her, but she is in my past and, honestly, we were never meant to be. Marley is the future. I hope Taylor and I can continue being friends after I lay everything out for her.

  Reaching in my pocket, I grab my phone and send her a text.

  Me: Are you free tonight?

  T: Can’t. I have plans.

  Me: It’s important.

  T: So are my plans.

  Me: C’mon, Taylor. I need to talk to you.

  Her response takes a little longer than I’d like, which has me worried. A pissed Taylor could say or do anything.

  T: Fine. Meet me at SV in an hour.

  Me: Sounds good.

  I change into attire more suitable for the club, a pair of dark grey slacks and a black button-down oxford, with the top two buttons undone. When I arrive at Sin Village, I find Taylor waiting at the bar.

  Beautiful as ever, she’s dressed in an off-the-shoulder red dress, the scoop neckline settling right above her breasts. A week ago, dresses like this would send all of the blood from my brain straight to my dick, but now it does nothing,

  “Can we make this quick?” Standing, she places her hand on her hip. “I’m having a girl’s night and I don’t want you to ruin it.”

  I signal the bartender for a beer. I considered something stronger, but liquor leads to bad decisions.

  “First, I want to apologize.”

  “For which time?” She cuts me off before I have a chance to give specifics. “When you made me feel like your fuck toy? Or the time you straight up lied to me about wanting more? Or wait, when you got engaged to another woman without so much as a heads up?” She rolls her eyes, her tone exasperated, “I’m tired of your excuses and explanations. I can read the writing on the wall. You’ve thought about what I said and decided against whatever was brewing between us. Am I right?”

  I nod. What the hell else can I do since she’s correct on all accounts?

  “Now that we’ve established your reason for this ‘urgent’”—she uses air quotes—“meeting, is there anything else you have to cover?”

  “Yes. You see …”

  A distraction behind me takes Taylor’s attention away for a brief moment and then her eyes meet mine.

  “It’s been real, Cole, but as I said before, I have plans.” She sighs. “But I appreciate you making an attempt. I knew better than to hook up with you again. I’m just going to chalk it up to both of us needing something the other night.” Taylor pats me on the cheek. “Let’s never do it again, mm-kay?”

  I was ready to spill, to tell her all about my connection with Marley, how she makes me feel things I never thought possible, yet all I do is nod again like an idiot. Actions like these make me wonder how I regularly tie my shoes.

  “Good talk.” Taylor steps around me to greet someone and I turn to see Hannah and Mallory staring at me, both shaking their heads. I’m confident I’ll be the topic of their conversation.

  Since I’m already here, I decide to stay and finish my drink. I won’t be giving Marley her gift until tomorrow anyway. I hope it gives me an in. I don’t expect her forgiveness yet.

  One beer turns into number four when Taylor shouts “over here” to the person at the entrance. I whip my head in the direction and my world tilts on its axis.

  I’m not drunk.

  I’m sure of it.

  What I am is enthralled and slightly enraged with who just walked through the door.


  Of course, she’s meeting with Taylor and the rest of the ladies. And what in the actual fuck is she wearing? Her pants and top look more like a catsuit.

  Like it’s happening in slow motion, Marley walks toward a table, her sexy grin, those curves I know intimately on display. I glance at the men in the surrounding area and notice their eyes trained on her. I don’t like it one damn bit. As I stare at her ass, I realize she’s not wearing any panties. Having had my hands, lips, and tongue on her skin, I know the contours.

  This is the point of the night where I should bow out and not make a scene. I allowed Taylor to run our earlier conversation, only giving her a partial truth. If I approach their table, then the proverbial cat will be out of the bag.

  After a while, I find my courage and ask the waitress to send her a glass of champagne. It's a celebration, our coming-out party of sorts. I give her special instructions I know will garner her interest. At least, I hope it will.

  A moment after she receives her drink, a quartet of eyes turn to me, all filled with confusion. Then Taylor stands, striding toward me, Hannah and Mallory close behind with their purses in tow. In the corner of my eye, I catch someone approaching Marley, but my attention goes back to Taylor and her crew.

  “If you wanted to hit on my assistant, at least have the courtesy not to do it in front of me. Total low blow.”

  “Taylor …”

  “In fact, don’t do it all. Seriously, Cole, are you this hard up for another warm body in your bed?”

  Hmm. Maybe I should’ve waited on the drink. Too late to change my mind. Time for some truth.

  “Marley and I have met.” Folding her arms across her chest, Taylor frowns.

  “She’s been here a week, Cole. Even you don’t work that fast.”

  “No. I met her six months ago at a bar in New York and we hit it off.”

  “By that, you mean you slept with her, r


  “Is she the reason you’ve been …”

  “Yeah. You didn’t let me explain earlier.”

  “It’s not my fault you’re a liar.”

  “Maybe I am. But ask yourself this, does it change anything between us?”

  “Whatever, Cole.” Tears well in her eyes and I feel like shit being the reason behind them.

  “Don’t let me hold you up,” she says, a slight waver in her voice.

  “I’m sorry,” I admit as if it makes my actions less hurtful.

  Taylor doesn’t respond, allowing Hannah to put an arm around her and escorting her out the door. Mallory doesn’t follow; she stares at me instead.

  “Really a dick move, Cole. I have a mind to call Mason and have him set you straight.”

  “Do what you want,” I mutter, my attention going to Marley and the other guy, both now standing.

  “Look, I know you’re not a bad person, but you could’ve handled this better. Colleen and Teylor are gonna be pissed when they find out.”

  Partly paying attention to her, I shrug.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll give her time to cool off and make it right. You know our history. Do you honestly think this could’ve gone another way?”

  “Probably not, but it doesn’t give you the right to treat her like she’s nothing. Marley seems like a nice girl. I hope you give her more consideration than you did Taylor.”

  Before she leaves, Mallory says something I can’t hear to Marley. The man appears irritated with the interruption, his body language seeming rigid. When Marley is finally alone with him, I watch their interaction and I don’t like it.

  When the guy pulls out his phone and Marley follows suit, assumingly to exchange numbers, I completely lose my shit. Throwing caution to the wind, because, fuck it, she’s mine, I interrupt the dickhead approaching my woman.

  “Is there a problem?” The guy narrows his eyes at me.

  “Yes. You happen to be near what belongs to me, and I’d like you to step away.”

  “Cole,” Marley gasps, her eyes widening. I may have come on a little strong.

  “You’re confused.” He hooks an arm around her, placing his hand on the curve of her waist, his claiming gesture shooting waves of anger through me. I clench my fists at my sides to prevent myself from knocking his teeth out. “Marley didn’t mention a boyfriend, so it’s you who should leave.” I don’t like the look in his eyes at all. There’s something not right about him.

  “Paul.” Marley gives him a gentle shove and it’s all the cue I need to know she’s not comfortable with his touching.

  Grabbing her by the forearm, I yank her away from him with more force than I should’ve, and hope I won’t leave a bruise. After ushering her behind me, Paul makes a motion to reach in his pocket, the fury in his gaze worrisome. A second later, he drops his hands to his waist, changing his mind. A stare-off ensues, ending with a partial grin from him and, I swear to God, the expression makes the hair on the back of my neck stand.

  “I’ll let you deal with him, Marley. When you’re ready, give me a call.” Though he walks away, something tells me I might see him again.

  “How dare you?” She snatches her arm away from me. “You are not the boss of me, Cole Alexander.”

  What I should’ve said was something along the lines of you’re right or I’m sorry, but my idiot self says otherwise.

  “That’s where you’re wrong, sweetheart.” I back her against the bar, caging her in with my hands. “The second I sank inside you again, I knew our connection wasn’t a fluke, and when you shouted my name while coming, I was certain you felt the same way, too.”

  Marley opens her mouth to say something, shuts it, and then opens it again. It’s cute.

  “Cole, I won’t be the other woman, nor will I be your rebound. What we did was a mistake and it won’t happen again.”

  “Is that truly what you think? You’re a mistake?”

  “I don’t know what to think, but what I’m sure of is I like this town and my job. I won’t let whatever is going on between you and Taylor ruin it. Stay away from me.”

  “I can’t.”

  “Please. I need a minute to breathe.”

  I notice her panicked expression and I relent.

  For now.

  Against my better judgment, I back away, allowing her space to pass. I watch as she hurries through the door to escape me. I want to run after her, but my eagerness might scare her off. I’ll follow her wishes for now. I owe her that much.

  Inwardly, I chuckle because I know I’m visiting her tomorrow with my gift. I’ll add something extra to seal the deal. Whatever it takes to get Marley on my side again.

  “Listen, buddy,” the bartender interrupts my thoughts, “if you drive another one of my female customers away from the bar, I will ban you.”

  “Sorry,” I mumble, paying my tab. I tip a little more than usual to make up for the scenes I caused. Sighing, I make my way to my condo, thoughts of the many ways I’ll remind Marley of how good we are together.



  Affirmation #9

  Most days bring me joy, unlike Monday’s. That day can suck it.


  “You’re late,” Taylor snaps as I walk into the classroom two minutes late. Apparently, she’s still pissed at me and rightfully so. I kept something important from her and I deserve her ire.

  This weekend has been a complete shitstorm and Cole is at the center of it. He’s like the annoying kid from the movie Better Off Dead, requesting his two dollars at every turn.

  The first instance of annoyance came on Saturday, twenty-four hours after he outed me with Taylor, seemingly breaking her heart. Around three that afternoon, Cole knocked on my door, demanding I open it. His excuse? We had to talk.

  Like I’d ever give him the chance again.

  His version of talking includes kissing, touching, and possible nakedness.

  I wasn’t down for that.

  After about ten minutes of me ignoring him, he finally left, promising he’d return the next day. With that in mind, I made myself scarce, exploring all of Falls Village. I went to the park, visited one of the castles, and walked along the coast, enjoying the beautiful view. I even considered traveling a town over just to kill more time. When I arrived home, I found a note on my door from Cole stating I had one more day to sulk before our discussion. He wrote it in all caps as if his penmanship would scare me into submitting to his demands.

  Fat chance.

  For the life of me, I had no idea what the hell he wants to talk about. I made it clear on Friday I don’t want to see him again. I’ll be damned if I let his persistence drive me away from the place I’ve come to love.

  “Sorry. I spilled coffee on my pants and had to change them.” I shove my bag into the cubby hole.

  “Don’t let it happen again.”

  Taylor is in a lousy mood for obvious reasons. The spunky part of me wants to confront her on it. The side who would rather stay gainfully employed nods and keeps quiet.

  The morning continues this way, me asking questions or attempting to start a conversation and Taylor responding in a snippy tone or giving one-word answers. Luckily the children don’t notice since both of us doing our best to hide our moods. By lunchtime, I'm emotionally exhausted.

  While sitting alone at lunch, Hannah approaches me, not hiding her wary expression. Without invitation, she sits and I take a deep breath. Perhaps she’ll fire me now for ruining her bestie’s dating life.

  “Afternoon, Marley.”

  “Hey, Hannah,” I say, shifting the salad with my fork.

  “So, how’s your day been?”

  “Great,” I lie, keeping my eyes trained on my meal.

  “At least give me your eyes if you’re going to lie.”

  Quickly, my gaze shoots to hers.

  “Sorry,” I mumble apologetically. “You were there on Saturday. How do you think it’s been?”
r />   “Yeah. Taylor was upset, but I expect her to act professionally at work. If you need me to speak with her, I will.”

  “No,” I squeak, not wanting to be labeled as a tattletale in addition to a homewrecker à la Julia Ormond from The Legends of the Fall. Because, seriously, she ruined the entire family. I set my fork down on the table. “Taylor’s entitled to her feelings and I can handle it. Eventually, it’ll work itself out.”

  I hope.

  “Look.” Placing her hands on top of mine, her expression warm, Hannah explains, “Cole and Taylor have history, enough to fill a cruise ship. See this from her point of view. She’s had a crush on him and, when he’s finally free and clear, another woman swoops in and takes him.”

  “That’s not how it happened. I swear, I'm not a villainess. And, to be clear, I’m never seeing him again, no matter how many times he begs me. In fact, if you have any tips on how to get rid of him, let me know.”

  “Really?” Hannah raises a brow.

  “Yeah. Hell, I never told him my name the night we met and I didn't expect to see him again. Moving here was a total coincidence.”

  “Maybe you should explain this to Taylor”—she pauses and smiles—“after school hours.”

  “I will,” I assure her. “Does this mean I’m not fired?” I ask, seeing as they're close. If it were Carrie and I managed someone who wronged her, the girl would be unemployed.

  “Yes,” Hannah chuckles. “You'd have to do something more than wound Taylor's pride to lose your job. Besides, the kids love you, and so do the other teachers and staff. Keep up the excellent work."


  “Oh, and about Cole ...” Standing, Hannah stares down at me, the corner of her lips curling up. “Make him work for it.”


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