The Marcelli Princess

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The Marcelli Princess Page 17

by Susan Mallery

  “At least Nic came crawling back,” Mia muttered, remembering how her now brother-in-law had begged for forgiveness. “Rafael doesn’t even think he’s done anything wrong. I can’t believe the weasel apology he gave me at Danny’s birthday. ‘I’m sorry you were distressed. I’m sorry I got caught,’” she mocked, her voice low. “He should have started with ‘I’m sorry I’m a lying worm bastard and here’s a knife so you can run me through.’ Now that would have been an apology.”

  Brenna reached over and patted her arm. “I wish I had magic words.”

  “Me too. I wish I didn’t love him.” She sipped her wine. “I was going to marry him. Can you believe it? We were going to run off to Las Vegas the day after Danny’s birthday. What if I had? What if I’d gone to Calandria with him? I would have lost Danny.”

  “But you didn’t. You discovered the truth in time.”

  Mia hung on to that slim thought. “I just don’t know how I’m supposed to protect him from his father. Obviously I can’t keep Danny from Rafael and I can’t let him go to Calandria.”

  “Deep breaths,” Brenna told her. “There’s no need to panic right now.”

  “Because I can always panic later?”

  “Exactly.” Her sister smiled. “Come on. We have this under control. Or we’re getting there. Isn’t the lawyer in Zach’s office looking into this for you?”

  Mia nodded. “Her name is Sandy and she’s amazing. We’ve already talked a couple of times. She has some excellent ideas and ways we can use the law. Darcy’s been talking to the attorney general, and how many people can say that in casual conversation? Joe is looking into some interesting security measures. When I next have to face Rafael, I’ll be ready.”

  Brenna shook her head. “No you won’t.”

  Mia swallowed. “No, I won’t. I’ll have plenty of armor, but I won’t be ready for the war. How can I still love him? How can I have feelings for him? I hate him, Brenna. I loathe and despise him and I still miss him.”

  “You can’t just turn your feelings off because he’s a jerk. You’re doing everything you can to protect your son. That’s the most important thing. But you’ve loved him for years. Why would that go away overnight?”

  “But he’s a bastard,” Mia said. “Shouldn’t that change my feelings?”

  “Wasn’t Diego a bit of a ruthless guy? He was a villain and you fell for him. Has Rafael really acted so out of character?”

  Mia shuddered. “Yuck. What does that say about me and my taste in men? I was right to give them up. I should think about becoming a lesbian.”

  Brenna laughed. “Oh, right. That’s going to happen. You could never do it.”

  “I guess not. Once Danny’s grown up, I’ll become a nun or something. Use my life for good works. If I’m never having sex again, I’ll have plenty of energy to spare.”

  “You’ll have sex again.”

  “I don’t think so,” Mia said. “I don’t really see a romantic happy ending for me, do you?”

  “Not with Rafael.”

  Mia wasn’t sure there was another man for her. Which really sucked the big one.

  “I wish I—”

  The bedroom door opened and Joe stuck his head in. “Sorry to break up the girlfest, but we have a problem downstairs.”

  Mia sprang to her feet. “Danny?”

  “No. He’s fine. The Grands put him to bed. I just checked and he’s sound asleep. It’s Kelly.”

  Mia and Brenna followed him down the stairs. Mia heard voices coming from the kitchen. She walked in and saw Kelly leaning against the counter.

  “Mia,” she said, her voice thick. “Hey, how’s it going?” Her gaze locked on the glass still in Mia’s hand. “Is that wine? Can I have some?”

  As she spoke, her entire body swayed.

  “She’s drunk,” Brenna muttered. “This is perfect. Just perfect.”

  “Just a little taste,” Kelly said. “Want me to dance for it? ’Coz that’s what I do. Dance for my supper.” She giggled, then tried a pirouette.

  She managed half a turn, then she grabbed for the counter, missed, and sank slowly to the floor. By the time Mia reached her, she’d already passed out.


  Francesca closed the bedroom door. As she turned, Sam caught her in his arms and held her close.

  “I don’t know what’s wrong,” Francesca murmured. “Why is she doing this?”

  “I have no idea,” he admitted.

  Mia shifted uncomfortably, feeling that she was intruding. But before she could leave, Francesca looked at her.

  “Tell me this is the first time she’s shown up like this.”

  Mia made an X over her heart. “Trust me. If Kelly had been showing up here drunk and passing out, I would have been on the phone to you in a heartbeat. I don’t get it. She’s always been a pretty decent kid. Happy, interested. It’s awful.”

  “I know.” Francesca took Sam’s hand and led the way down the stairs. They went into the kitchen, where the Grands had prepared a late-night snack that could easily feed thirty.

  “Brenna went home,” Grammy M said. “She’s going to call you in the morning.”

  Francesca nodded. “I know she will. I know everyone is worried. I just wish we had some answers. I want to say this is typical acting out, except Kelly is twenty and she’s always been so mature for her age. Shouldn’t this have happened a few years ago?”

  Grandma Tessa ushered them to the large table where sandwiches, cold pasta dishes, and salads waited. There were pots of decaf and tea, along with a pitcher of ice water and two open bottles of Marcelli wine.

  Francesca reached for one of the bottles. “She was drunk,” she said, as if she couldn’t believe it. “Kelly’s been tasting wine for years. She’s never been interested in drinking to excess. Last I heard, she didn’t even like hard liquor and she had trouble getting through a glass of wine in an evening.”

  Sam put his arm around her. “She’s always been complicated.”

  “I know and I even understand why,” Francesca said. “She went through some tough times. But I thought we’d worked through all that. I thought she felt happy and loved and wanted. We still ask her to come home when she’s on break from the company and I was sure she knew we meant it. We’ve kept her room as it was. The twins adore her.”

  Tessa nodded. “She’s doing well with the ballet company, isn’t she?”

  “Absolutely,” Sam said. “Everyone was very impressed with how she did last year, and this year, she was given several important parts.” He frowned. “Or is it dances?”

  Mia grabbed half a sandwich. “There’s something going on,” she said. “Kelly was hanging out with me about a week ago. She stayed here for the night. We did a whole clothes–girl talk thing.”

  Francesca and Sam both waited expectantly, which made Mia feel bad. “She just said she, ah, admired my life. That it was romantic.” When she finished speaking, she braced herself for the groans and recriminations.

  Sam looked at Francesca. “I could live with Kelly being like Mia.”

  Francesca smiled. “Me too. Thanks, Mia. You’re making us feel better.”

  Mia blinked at her. “Excuse me? Kelly is talking about patterning her life after mine? I’m the queen of poor choices in the male department, I’m twenty-seven and still living at home, I have no job, and I’m a single mother. On what planet is that a success?”

  “On this one,” Sam told her. “You’re very intelligent, you go after what you want. You’re not afraid to work for your goals. You have a master’s and now you’re getting a law degree. You’re raising a great kid.”

  “He’s right,” Francesca told her. “Besides, a lot of women make poor choices with men. Not all of us can get lucky.” She smiled at Sam.

  “I wouldn’t describe what I’ve done as a poor choice. Disaster maybe.” But she didn’t speak with a whole lot of energy. Hearing Sam and Francesca talk about her in such glowing terms was the first positive thing to happen to her in ne
arly a week. She’d never thought her very successful, very happy older sister would consider her much more than a screwup.

  Francesca sank down onto a chair. “I hope Kelly isn’t acting this way because of Etienne. I don’t know what she sees in the man, and it would break my heart to have her behaving this way because of him.”

  “She didn’t seem especially interested in talking about him,” Mia said. “Not in a romantic way. Usually Kelly can’t stop talking about a guy who interests her. So that’s something.”

  Francesca looked at her. “So Kelly is sleeping with someone she doesn’t actually care about?” She touched her stomach. “Oh, God, I feel sick.”

  “No, I didn’t mean it that way,” Mia said quickly.

  Sam shook his head. “Mia, please. Don’t worry about it. We both know what you’re saying. It doesn’t seem that Etienne is the love of her life. That’s good news. The rest of it we’ll figure out how to deal with.”

  Francesca stood. “You’re right. Oh, Mia, we’ve been bothering you with this when you have so much going on already.”

  “I don’t mind,” Mia said, and meant it. “As soon as you’re gone, I’ll only have my own life to think about, and right now, that’s not a thrilling prospect.”

  * * *

  The small hotel seemed to have more in common with a B and B than a large chain, Mia thought as Joe parked in the nearly empty lot in front of the long building. She took in the ceramic animals in the garden, the seasonal flag over the front door, and a large plaque proclaiming “Our Guests Are Our Family” by the porch.

  The whole place screamed cute, and she had a feeling Rafael would hate every second he was there. The thought cheered her as she climbed out of Joe’s SUV and walked to the reception area.

  “He bought out a whole wing,” her brother said as he fell into step with her. “They have the second floor. It’s ten rooms. They’re using three of them and leaving the others empty.”

  “At least it will be quiet for him,” she murmured. “He can catch up on his sleep.”

  There was a young woman sitting behind the counter. She had an open biology book next to the registration log. A student, Mia thought. Probably from UC Santa Barbara.

  “Hi,” Mia said with a smile. “We’re here to see Prince Rafael.”

  The girl glanced around, as if looking for spies, then spoke in a low voice. “We’re not supposed to tell anyone he’s here. He’s been very clear about that. Not that anyone has been asking.” She flipped through several papers. “Are you Mia Marcelli?”

  Mia nodded.

  “You’re allowed to go see him.” She glanced doubtfully at Joe.

  “I’m her brother,” he said easily. “Rafael and I go way back.”

  The receptionist nodded. “Okay. They have the second floor of the beach wing. The stairs are right out there. He’s in room twenty-three.” She smiled again. “It’s our biggest suite. A really pretty room. He said it reminded him of when he stayed in Paris. Can you believe it? I’ve never been anywhere. He’s so gorgeous and a real prince. I Googled him.” She giggled.

  “All right, then,” Mia said. “Thanks for your help.”

  She and Joe found the stairs and climbed them. Before they reached the top, Oliver had stepped out onto the landing.

  “Morning,” Joe said cheerfully. “Great place. Can you see the ocean from your rooms? I’ll bet they serve a nice breakfast. I heard the chefs are all culinary arts students.”

  Oliver glared without speaking. Umberto joined him. Joe moved forward until he reached the landing. Mia followed.

  “You’re not allowed in,” Umberto growled. “Only her.”

  “That would be almost-princess Mia to you,” Mia said brightly. “And I’m not going anywhere without Joe. He’s not armed, though. We figured you’d get fussy about that. But feel free to check him out yourself. I always thought you got a bit of a thrill patting the guys down.”

  Umberto growled, then motioned for Oliver to search Joe. The pat-down was quick and efficient. Oliver shook his head.

  Mia wore a cropped tank top over a long cotton skirt. She’d left her purse in the car and held nothing in her hands.

  She spun in a slow circle. “As you can see, I’m not armed, either. Don’t worry, as much as I want him dead, I don’t want to be obvious about killing him.”

  The men exchanged a glance, then waved Mia and Joe through. Mia checked the numbers on the doors and knocked on 23.

  Rafael answered immediately. She ignored him as she stepped into the suite. Just being close to him was enough to send her into a fiery temper, and right now she wanted to avoid any strong emotion. Far better to just get through the conversation without feeling anything at all. Emotional neutrality would be a win for her.

  She took a moment to absorb the floral wallpaper and how it carefully matched the drapes and the cushions on the sofa. There were silks and satins and laces. Plants, tiny tables crammed with pictures in frames, and tiny crystal vases and knickknacks. There wasn’t an inch of clear tabletop or a foot empty of furniture. The rooms were crowded and fussy. She knew instantly he would despise them. How lovely.

  She turned back to Rafael. “Interesting room.”

  He shrugged. “I wanted to be close.”

  “I’m sure you did. All the better to kidnap Danny.”

  “Mia, please. That was not what I had planned.”

  She held up a hand to stop him. “This is my meeting and I’m in charge. You’re going to listen.” She reached into her skirt pocket and drew out a piece of paper. After unfolding it, she handed it to him.

  “We’ve been to a judge,” she said. “This is a restraining order. I’ll give you the highlights, although I’m sure you’ll want to read it all yourself later. You’re not allowed on Marcelli land without first making an appointment to see either Danny or me. You must notify me first, and telling someone else in the family doesn’t count. You must speak directly to me.”

  “So you can avoid me for as long as you would like,” he said bitterly.

  “Actually, I can’t, and I wouldn’t, but I don’t care if you believe me or not. You’re not allowed to see Danny on your own. I will be with you at all times. If you try to see Danny on your own or without setting it up with me first, you will be deported.”

  He stiffened. “That is not possible.”

  She tapped the paper. “Read it and weep, big guy. It is possible. I will supervise your visits and if you try to take him or influence him or anything else I don’t like, you will be deported.”

  She nodded at Joe. “Why don’t you do the next part.”

  Joe smiled. “Happy to. Danny has been fitted with a small wristband that constantly monitors his position. If he is removed from the property, an alarm will sound and an APB will go out. Local and federal law enforcement will be notified and all airports within a fifty-mile radius will instantly be closed. When you and Danny are found—”

  Rafael raised a hand. “Let me guess. I will be deported.”

  “I think you’ll be charged with some serious crimes,” Mia said. “Then your government will get involved because they won’t like that you’ve been arrested. That will be messy. And I’m pretty sure you’ll be fined for the whole airport closure thing. Then you’ll be deported.”

  “Should you try to remove the wristband,” Joe continued. “An alarm will sound.”

  Mia glared at Rafael. “Unlike you, I won’t try to keep you from Danny. I think it’s important he have a relationship with his father, regardless of how ratty that man may be. I was willing to trust you and you blew that, so now we do this my way. You may see him, you may be a part of his life, but you may not take him to Calandria. Not until he’s eighteen, and then only if he’s willing.”

  Rafael’s anger was a tangible creature in the room. “You cannot do this. Daniel is the heir to the Calandrian throne. He has much to learn about his country and his people.”

  “I guess he’s going to have to take his classes over th
e Internet.”

  “This is unreasonable.”

  “Unreasonable?” She felt her own temper flaring. “Let’s talk about unreasonable. Let’s talk about a man who slinks into my life, telling lies at every turn. Let’s talk about someone willing to deceive my entire family. I would have worked with you,” she yelled. “That’s what really bugs me. I would have been reasonable. I would have done the right thing. Because that’s the kind of person I am. But you weren’t willing to find that out. The very first thing you did was to lie to me. You used me in every way possible to get what you wanted.”

  She curled her fingers into fists and wished she were strong enough to hurt him if she hauled off and socked him. “Do you think I like having to do this? Oh, sure, there’s the initial thrill of getting a little revenge, but then what? How do I explain this to Danny? How do I tell him that his father is a liar?”

  “You do not understand,” Rafael said between clenched teeth.

  “Actually, I understand perfectly.” She moved toward him. “Why didn’t you even ask? Why didn’t you try telling the truth?”

  “If you said no, I would be left with nothing.”

  “Which is pretty much what you have now.”

  He grabbed her by the upper arms. “Mia, Daniel has a great future. He will one day be king. You have no right to keep him from his destiny. Do you think he will thank you when he learns the truth?”

  Joe hovered close enough to rip Rafael away if he tried anything. Mia hated that Rafael’s touch made her blood heat and parts of her ache. So much for fury burning away baser desires. She’d been so hopeful, too.

  “How do you think Danny will feel when he finds out that you were planning to steal him away?”

  His blue eyes darkened with emotion. “He will understand why I thought it necessary.”

  “As a rule, four-year-old little boys don’t appreciate losing their moms.”

  He released her. She hated how she instantly felt about twenty degrees colder.

  “You keep saying that,” he growled. “I would not have kept you from him. I planned for you to see him whenever you wanted.”


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