We Were Lost (A Southern Heroes Novel Book 5)

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We Were Lost (A Southern Heroes Novel Book 5) Page 3

by Michelle Heard

  “I’m not sure what I’m going to do. I’m thinking of backpacking through Europe at some point.” Emma slumps back into her chair which has Chloe continuing, “But I won’t be leaving anytime soon. You’re stuck with me for a while.”

  “I know I’m being selfish, but I want you to stay. If you get bored, you can help volunteer at the retirement home where I work.”

  Aiden places his hand over Emma’s, and says, “There’s also the women’s shelter. I bet they could use a nurse.”

  Chloe’s eyes dart between Emma and Aiden, and I can see she doesn’t want to let them down, but she’s torn over how to answer them.

  “We can talk about it later,” she tries to end the conversation.

  “Did you let your family know you arrived safely on this side?” I ask Chloe before Emma and Aiden can say anything else.

  Instead of lessening the tension with a casual question, it seems to have the opposite effect. Emma’s eyes grow huge, and Aiden grimaces at me.

  When my eyes land on Chloe’s drawn face I know, I asked the wrong thing.

  She seems to shrug it off with a slight smile. “There’s no need to phone them, they won’t care. I come from a strong line of lunatics,” she jokes so the tension won’t be as thick in the air.

  I wonder whether Chloe uses joking around as a coping mechanism?

  Feeling a little confused I glance at Aiden, but he just gives me a you’ve-shoved-your-foot-in-your-mouth look, which puzzles me more.

  After taking a couple more bites of food, Chloe pushes her chair back and getting up she glances toward the stairs. “The jet lag suddenly wiped me off my feet. Is it okay if I go sleep?”

  “Sure,” Emma answers. “We’ll catch up once you feel better.”

  Chloe glances at me and smiling way too seductively, she says, “I’ll definitely be seeing you around. Thanks again for picking me up from the airport.”

  The room is quiet as Chloe leaves, and once I’m sure she’s out of hearing distance, I look to Aiden and Emma. “Did I say somethin’ wrong?”

  Aiden lets out a heavy sigh while Emma answers, “Chloe’s mom passed away. I thought you knew. That’s why I went back to South Africa.”

  “Shit.” I wrack my mind to try and remember, but there’s nothing. “I don’t think you guys told me that.”

  “She’s had a rough couple of months,” Aiden adds. “Visitin’ with us will do her a world of good.”

  “So that’s why you kept pushing her to settle down here?” I ask.

  “We weren’t pushin’ her,” Aiden argues.

  “Yeah, you were. That’s why I tried to change the subject.”

  “And epically failed.” Aiden’s teasing lightens the mood a bit.

  Emma pouts as she slumps back in her chair. “I wanted her to have a nice welcome.”

  “It wasn’t that bad.” Aiden places his hand on her pregnant belly and gently caresses it, then looks at me. “I caught Zac starin’ at Chloe earlier.”

  I can’t believe he just threw me under the bus to cheer up Emma. My mouth drops open as I shoot him a glare.

  “You did?” Emma sits up in her chair and looks at me with way too much interest. “Do you like Chloe?”

  Letting my head fall back, I let out a miserable sigh. “Stop. There’s nothin’ goin’ on. I already told Aiden I won’t get involved with your best friend.”


  Lord help me.

  “For starters, she’s your best friend, and let’s not forget that she might pick up and leave in a couple of months.” Taking a deep breath, I continue, “And I’m pretty sure I can’t handle her level of craziness.”

  “She won’t leave if she has a reason to stay,” Emma says with way too much hope in her eyes.

  I mean every word when I say, “I’m not goin’ to be that reason, Em.”



  “Sla-aaap,” I grumble to myself to fall asleep and once again turn onto my other side. Even though it’s only six o’clock at night here, I keep telling myself it’s midnight back home.

  I feel like a zombie, and I’m tired to the bone, but for some reason, I can’t drift off.

  Thinking about what Emma and Aiden said, I turn onto my back and kick the blanket off. Letting out a heavy sigh, I wonder if I shouldn’t just listen to them and get a job here. I’ll be close to Emma, and she’s the only person I have left.

  But will I be able to find work here? There’s also all the paperwork involved, and I hate that with a passion. Aiden took care of everything for Emma, so she didn’t have to worry about any of it.

  Turning back onto my left side, I let out another heavy sigh, hoping I’ll fall asleep soon.

  Waking up, it feels like I have one hell of a hangover, without the drinking. So unfair.

  I grab my toiletries and walk to the bathroom. After a shower, I pull on a comfy pair of jeans and a t-shirt. Leaving my hair to air-dry, I head downstairs in search of coffee.

  The house is quiet, and I peek into the living room, but seeing no one, I turn right and walk into the kitchen.

  Glancing over all the appliances, I see a coffee machine. It still has water in it, so I begin my search for the pods.

  “They’re in this cupboard,” Aiden suddenly says behind me.

  Turning around, I smile. “I won’t be able to act human unless I have my caffeine fix.”

  “Just like Em,” he says while taking a box from the cupboard. “This one’s Em’s favorite. If you don’t like it, there are others you can try.”

  While Aiden prepares the coffee, I take in all the foreign products. French Vanilla coffee creamer. Not even the milk looks like the milk I’m used to.

  “You didn’t finish your dinner so you must be hungry. You want somethin’ to eat?”

  “I’ll just have some toast, please.”

  When Aiden places the mug of steaming heaven in front of me, I grin like an idiot. “You’re a lifesaver.” I take a sip, and my eyes drift closed as the heavenly goodness hits my taste buds. It’s seriously the best thing I’ve ever tasted. “Bleddie hel, dis lekker.”

  Aiden lets out a chuckle as if he understood what I just said.

  “Has Emma been teaching you Afrikaans?”

  “No, but I understand bloody hell so I can guess the rest.”

  “I said it’s delicious. You can make me coffee anytime.”

  “You want somethin’ on your toast?”

  “Do you have jam?”

  Aiden begins to laugh. “Jam? We’re definitely not talkin’ about the same thing.”

  “Not?” I shrug. “I’m good with whatever you have.”

  He takes a couple of jars from the fridge, and I smile when I see jam is called jelly over here.

  “This is what I meant when I said jam.” I point to the grape jelly. “I’ve never had this flavor, but it looks yummy.”

  As I swallow the last bite of toast, Emma walks into the kitchen. Her face instantly brightens when she sees me.

  “Morning, Sunshine.”

  “Did you sleep well?” She asks, and as she prepares a cup of coffee for herself, she gives me a guilty smile. “Don’t judge me. I know I shouldn’t have caffeine being pregnant, but I only have one cup a day, so I don’t become a serial killer.”

  “I’m not judging at all.”

  Aiden kisses her cheek, then says, “I’m gonna head out.”

  “Enjoy,” Emma says, then she takes a seat across from me with her cup of coffee.

  “Where’s he going?” I ask once Aiden has left.

  Emma scrunches her nose. “He gives capoeira classes at the gym.”

  When she’s done drinking her coffee, she takes hold of my hand and pulls me up from the chair. “Let me show you around.”

  Walking through the house, I get to know where everything is. Standing in what looks like another lounge, I look out the windows.

  “It was pretty hot yesterday. It felt like a sauna. Is that normal?” I ask.

>   “Yes, the summers get pretty intense here; that’s why the aircon is on the whole time.”

  Turning to face Emma, I take in her glowing appearance. “You look happy, my friend.”

  A content smile settles around her lips. “I am. Aiden has been amazing. Sometimes it still feels like I’m living in a dream.”

  “You deserve it,” I say sincerely.

  Emma sits down on a plush couch and pats the space next to her. “Come sit by me. Let’s catch up.”

  After taking a seat, I turn my body toward her and tuck my one leg under the other.

  “Does your dad know you’re here?” Emma asks, getting right down to the gritty part of my life.

  “No, and I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t even care if he knew.”

  Emma reaches for my hand, and it brings a smile to my face seeing how comfortable she’s become with touching people.

  “Soooo… you resigned from the hospital?” she asks.

  “Yes, I think I’m done with South Africa. It’s not like there’s anything there for me anymore.”

  “What did you do with your flat and car?”

  “I sold them. I packed all my stuff and placed it in storage along with Mom’s things.”

  Emma gives me a cautious look. “That means you can stay here then?”

  I slump against the chair and inhale a deep breath. I know what Emma wants to hear, but for some reason, I’m struggling to give her an answer.

  “I don’t know, Sunshine.” Knowing I’ll have to talk to her about it at some point, I spill the beans. “The only thing that’s kept me going the past few months was knowing I’d be seeing you. You’re all I have left, but that’s both comforting and terrifying at the same time. I tried to leave all the hollow feelings behind.” Feeling hopeless, I shake my head and let out a sharp burst of air. “But it all followed me here. There’s no running away from the fact that my mom died and my dad abandoned me. I feel like an orphan who has no family and no country. It’s an indescribable feeling.”

  Emma’s eyes fill with patience and empathy while she gives my hand a squeeze.

  “It’s absolutely daunting knowing I only have one person in this entire world who cares about me. I’m scared I’ll lose you too.” I let out a sigh and my shoulders slump. “Let’s say I settle down here, and I even manage to make a couple of friends. What if it all blows up in my face a year later? I’d rather be alone than risk the chance of being abandoned again.”

  Knowing all about Emma’s past, I feel stupid for not opening up to her sooner. Not even a year ago she was going through something similar and only had me. Talking about my problems doesn’t make them go away, but I still feel better because I get to sort through my chaotic thoughts.

  “I’ll never leave you, Chloe, but I totally get what you’re saying. I felt the same way. Fear held me back, and it almost cost me Aiden.” With her free hand, she reaches for my face and tucks a couple of wild curls behind my ear. “You can’t let your fear of things that happened in the past rob you of your future.”

  I let out a chuckle. “Look at us now. Not too long ago, I was the one helping you.”

  “And now I get a chance to be there for you,” she says with a loving smile gracing her lips.

  I let my eyes drift over her face. “You look so happy, Sunshine.”

  “It’s because I’m surrounded by everyone I love. You can have all of this as well. Stay here with me.”

  “Let me think about it,” I answer, then smiling, I say, “You know you’re the best, right?”

  Emma grins and leaning over, she wraps her arms around me and hugs me tightly. “No, you’re the best.”

  Emma’s given me a lot to think about. I just need time to sort through all my doubts before I decide what to do with my future.



  The past two weeks have been hard on the family with Wyatt being admitted to the hospital. I’m still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that he’s seriously ill and none of us picked up on it.

  Then there’s also the problem of not being able to find anything on Pastor Doug. He’s either damn good at covering his tracks, or there’s a chance I’m wrong.

  Did he tell the truth when he said he was only helping them because his family was in danger? My gut tells me that’s a hard no. He’s as involved with running the meth labs as the rest of the gang.

  “How the hell am I gonna catch him?” I mutter as I scan over all the paperwork I have on him. I know each page by heart, but still, I hope to find a new clue.

  “Unless we catch him red-handed, he’s gonna walk free,” Aiden says from the desk next to mine.

  I lean back in my chair and glance over at my partner, brother, and best friend. “Doesn’t that bother you?”

  “Sure, it does, but I’m not gonna bust my balls over somethin’ I can’t change.”

  I let out a frustrated sigh. “Easier said than done.”

  “Come have dinner with us. You’ve been cooped up in this office for too long.”

  I take in the new worried lines creasing Aiden’s forehead, and I know it’s because he’s worried about Wyatt.

  “He’s gonna be okay. Wyatt’s a fighter,” I say to comfort Aiden.

  “I know. I just keep thinkin’ I should have seen it. How did he get so sick without any of us noticin’ anythin’ was wrong?”

  “He’s a damn good actor, Aiden,” I get up and grabbing my jacket from where it’s draped over the back of my chair, I shrug it on, “and he’s stubborn just like you. The only thing that matters is that he’s gettin’ help, and he’ll be okay.”

  “I hope you’re right. I’ll never forgive myself if Wyatt doesn’t make a full recovery.”

  Aiden also gets up, and I wait until we’re out in the parking area, and heading toward our cars before I ask, “What’s really eatin’ away at you?”

  We reach Aiden’s truck, and he leans back against it, so he’s facing me. “It kills me that Wyatt was in so much pain it practically drove him insane, and I was too caught up in my own life to see it. If it weren’t for Scarlett, we might’ve lost Wyatt. Knowin’ that… it’s hard to deal with.”

  “We all feel bad for not pickin’ up on it, but it won’t help Wyatt if we walk around blamin’ ourselves. He needs us to be strong for him.”

  Aiden shakes his head, a look of frustration hardening his features. “I know that.” He sucks in a deep breath of air. “It doesn’t make it any easier to deal with.”

  “Would you have blamed yourself if Wyatt had cancer instead?”

  Aiden glares at me, but after a couple of seconds of thinking, he shakes his head.

  “You can’t take the blame for somethin’ no one could possibly see comin’.”

  “I hear you.” Aiden’s grey eyes lock on mine. “He’s my baby brother, and I hate that he has been sufferin’ alone.”

  “You can make up for that by bein’ there for him now.”

  Aiden nods before pushing away from the truck so he can open the driver’s door. “You comin’ for dinner, right?”


  I wait for Aiden to climb into his truck before I walk over to where my SUV is parked.

  While following behind Aiden’s truck, I wonder if Chloe has settled in. With work being busy and everything else that has happened, I didn’t have much time to think about her.

  When we get to Aiden’s place, the house is quiet. “Where are Emma and Chloe?” I ask, walking into the kitchen.

  Aiden grabs a couple of steaks before answering, “Out shoppin’, I think. Chloe’s been going crazy buyin’ baby clothes and pamperin’ Emma.”

  “Has she settled in?” I ask, hoping Aiden doesn’t take it as a sign that I’m interested in Chloe.

  “Yeah, sort of.” We walk out the back to where the grill is, and I take a seat while watching Aiden start the fire. Once the smoke starts billowing into the air, Aiden continues, “I’ve heard them talkin’ about Chloe stayin’ here. It’s startin’ t
o sound like she’s warmin’ up to the idea.”

  “Is she gonna get a job?”

  “Yeah, she sent her resume out to a couple of places. Hopefully, she’ll hear back from one of them soon.” Aiden glances around the yard. “I need to mow the lawn. It’s startin’ to look like a forest.”

  “That’s why I paved my backyard. No lawn to worry about.”

  Aiden grins at me. “It’s ’cause you’re lazy.”

  “Nope, just clever.” Wanting to know more about Chloe, I turn the conversation back to her. “So… if Chloe decides to stay, is she gonna live with y’all or get her own place?”

  Aiden shugs. “I don’t know. We’ll have to see what her plans are. She can live with us as long as she needs to.”

  “It doesn’t bother you havin’ another person in the house? Once Laurie’s born it’s gonna be hectic.” I still have to get used to calling my unborn niece Laurie, but I’m proud that she got named after my late wife.

  Someone clears their throat behind us and glancing over my shoulder, I see Chloe standing by the patio door.

  “Don’t worry, I won’t stay for long,” she says light-heartedly, then adds, “Besides, I love my sleep and once Laurie’s here there won’t be sleeping of any kind, and you love birds need your privacy.”

  Fuck. She overheard our conversation.

  I get up and take a step toward her before I realize what I’m doing. Stopping dead in my tracks, I say, “That’s not what we meant. I was just askin’ whether you’ve settled down.”

  “You know you’re welcome to stay here as long as you want,” Aiden adds.

  Chloe smiles brightly and waves a hand in the air. “I know, and thank you for letting me crash here. I seriously appreciate it.”

  I still feel the need to assure her that she’s not a burden, but I try to shake it off.

  “What’s going on?” Emma asks as she comes up behind Chloe.

  “Nothing,” Chloe quickly answers. She turns around without sparing Aiden and me another glance, and walking back into the house, she calls out, “I’m going to wash the new clothes we got for Laurie so I can sniff the fabric softener sheets.”


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