We Were Lost (A Southern Heroes Novel Book 5)

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We Were Lost (A Southern Heroes Novel Book 5) Page 7

by Michelle Heard



  I help Chloe carry the bags into the house and set them down on the counter in the kitchen.

  Turning to her, I watch as she begins to unpack everything she got, setting the items down on the counter. Every now and then she glances at me, and I find it damn cute.

  Once she’s emptied the bags, she turns left, then pauses, only to turn right again. “I need to still get used to where everything goes,” she explains when she notices that I’m watching her.

  “Relax.” I chuckle. “You look like you’re about to make a run for it.”

  She lets out a nervous huff of laughter as an answer.

  Giving her a reassuring smile, I walk closer and begin to put the stuff away. “Have you had dinner?”

  “Uhm… not yet. I was going to make a sandwich. Do you want one?”

  I glance at her from over my shoulder. “It’s your first night here. I’ll make dinner. I’m sure you’re still unpackin’.”

  “Dinner? You can cook?” she asks, looking surprised.

  “Yeah, otherwise I’d starve,” I joke. “I’ll make us shrimp and grits. Go get settled.”

  “Oh…kay.” She glances at me one more time before leaving the kitchen.

  Shaking my head, I smile as I get everything ready so I can make the meal. I have to admit it feels good cooking for two.

  When the food is ready, I walk to Chloe’s room to get her. Knocking on the door, I wait for her to call, “Enter,” before pushing the door open.

  Surprise widens my eyes as I take in the room. Chloe has managed to make it hers in just a couple of hours. Dreamcatchers and windchimes are hanging by the window, and the chest of drawers is covered in candles of all shapes and sizes. On the wall next to her bed she’s hanged fairy lights, and there’s a loose carpet at the foot of her bed. It has a hippie feel to it, which fits with Chloe’s personality.

  I scrunch my nose at the smell hanging in the air and locking eyes with Chloe, I ask, “Is that weed I smell?”

  Her eyes widen. “Hell no! It’s from the herbs I use for smudging.”

  “Smudgin’?” I ask, still not convinced.

  She points to a bowl between all the candles. “It’s sage, cedar, sweetgrass, and some oils. It’s to cleanse the room from any negative energy.”

  “Oh-kaay.” I frown at the concoction of herbs she has burning and all the candles. “Just don’t burn down the house ’cause then there’ll be a lot of negative energy comin’ from me.”

  She lets out a burst of laughter. “Don’t worry. I never leave it burning when I’m not around.” Giving me a curious look, she asks, “Did you need something?”

  “Dinner’s ready.” I glance over the room one last time before heading back to the kitchen.

  Chloe takes the seat across from me while staring at the bowl of food. “It looks great. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” I scoop some into my spoon and savor the bite.

  When Chloe takes a bite, my movements still and I watch for her reaction. For a second her eyes drift closed, and then she lets out a soft moan which has me holding my breath.

  “Mmh… this is so good,” she lets out on a groan.

  Aaaand… now I understand the meaning of food porn.

  I blink a couple of times to snap out of the daze I was caught in and shovel shrimp and grits into my mouth.

  After a couple of minutes of eating in silence, Chloe asks, “Are there any house rules I should know about?”

  “House rules?” I ask, shaking my head.

  “Yes, like don’t touch something specific. No noise after a certain time. Don’t walk around naked. Things like that.” She grins when she sees the stunned reaction on my face, and it’s only then I realize she’s teasing me.

  I’m totally out of my depth when it comes to women.

  “No walkin’ around naked, that’s for sure,” I try to answer lightheartedly. “Seriously, I can’t think of any rules. Do you have any?”

  She shakes her head before sealing her lips over the spoon. After swallowing, she asks, “So I can come and go as I please?”

  Without even realizing I’m doing it I tilt my head to the side as my eyes lock with hers. “You can do what you want, as long as you come home at a decent time, and don’t bring some random guy over. Also, don’t call me the mornin’ after from some guy’s place to bring you home.”

  Regret flits over her face. “I won’t do that.” Trying to relax after my harsh reminder which I feel guilty over, she asks, “Does the same count for you?”

  “I don’t date.” The words are blunt and much harsher than I meant for them to be.

  Her one eyebrow lifts slightly, and I can see she wants to ask why but holds herself back.

  Setting my spoon down, I reach for the glass of water and first take a sip before I answer, “Honestly, I’m happy with the way my life is right now. I don’t need the complication of a relationship.”

  She nods slowly, then smiles at me. “That’s one thing we have in common.” She raises her glass of water in a toast. “Knowing that bit of info, I think we’ll get along while I live here. Don’t worry though, it won’t be for too long. I’ll be out of your hair in three months at the most.”

  The corner of my mouth pulls into a slight smile because I’m not sure how I feel about what she just said. Does that mean she’ll go back home in three months?

  The past week has thankfully been uneventful. Chloe has settled, and I’ve only seen her a couple of times when I got back from work, and she was still up. I got up early this morning to go jogging. I also want to pop in at the office so I can get some work done before having to go to Cole and Birdie’s wedding.

  When I get back to the house, I grab a bottle of water from the fridge and take a few gulps. I pull the sweat-stained shirt off as I head to the stairs.

  Just then, Chloe comes out of the bathroom that’s opposite her room, steam billowing behind her. She’s only wearing a silk robe which doesn’t do much to hide her nipples.

  Caught off guard, I blink so I’ll stop staring at her, only to notice Chloe’s eyes are stuck on my abs.

  “Ah… you’re up early,” she says, then clears her throat. Her eyes dart to the lounge before coming back to rest on my chest.

  “Yeah, I don’t sleep much.” Breaking the awkward moment between us, I climb the first couple of stairs, then stop to ask, “Are you gonna drive with me to the wedding?”

  “That would be great. What time do you want to leave?’

  “Twelve will be good. I’ll see you then.”



  The last time I attended a wedding was when I was seventeen. It was for one of my cousins who lived in Randfontein, which is a tiny mining community between Johannesburg and Potchefstroom. It was a simple braai in my Aunt and Uncle’s backyard, which is something similar to what they call a BBQ here.

  Looking at the neatly placed rows of chairs, I love the flower arrangements of white daisies and yellow lilies on the backs. It gives a happy vibe.

  To the side, there are tables covered with dishes of food and desserts. Seeing the variety, I’m glad I haven’t eaten today.

  Taking in the way the other guests are dressed, I’m glad I decided to wear my tan ankle boots and a white Boho shift dress with three-quarter sleeves.

  Sticking to Emma’s side, I meet so many new faces there’s no way on God’s green earth I’ll remember all the names. Nodding and smiling, I follow my friend until we join Scarlett and Reece whom I met at the BBQ last weekend.

  While the girls ask Emma about Laurie and how things are, my eyes find their way to the group of men, latching onto Zac. My timing sucks because at that moment, Zac glances my way and our eyes lock.

  Unintentionally, I drink in the impressive sight of him dressed in a suit. His dark hair shimmers in the afternoon light, and when the corner of his mouth pulls into a sexy grin, I feel my heart flutter.

  Caught off guard by t
he sudden wave of attraction, I quickly look away and try to focus on the conversation around me, while trying to calm my racing heart.

  Don’t even go there, Chloe.

  After the ceremony, everyone seems more relaxed as they eat while chatting. Everyone I’ve interacted with has been more than welcoming, which makes me feel at home. Scarlett offered to send my resumé out, but I’m hoping to land myself a job at the women’s shelter. It will be different from what I’m used to doing, and the idea of helping women makes me feel excited about the prospect.

  As the sun begins to set, music flares up and couples take to the space marked off for dancing. Not wanting to look like the odd one out, I walk over to Mrs. Holden.

  “Let me hold Laurie so you can dance,” I offer.

  “That’s so sweet of you,” she replies then places Laurie in my arms.

  I sit down and watch as Emma’s in-laws walk to the dance floor. Looking down at Laurie, I smile as I lean forward so my shadow will fall over her. Her eyes are wide, and her cheeks flushed a rosy pink.

  A shadow falls over us and glancing up, I see Zac. “Let me know when you’ve had enough, and I’ll take you home.”

  It’s been a week since I moved into his house, and he’s been nothing but kind to me.

  “Thanks, but there’s no rush. Go have fun.”

  He sits down next to me, and leaning closer he takes hold of Laurie’s tiny hand.

  The whole setting feels intimate. “Do you want to hold her?” I ask because then he won’t have to sit so close to me.

  “Nah, she looks comfortable with you.” He smiles at me, and with his head so close to mine, I can make out every shade of blue in his irises.

  “Are the two of you enjoyin’ yourselves?” Wyatt suddenly asks. I was so absorbed by Zac I didn’t even notice him.

  “Ahh… yes, and you?”

  Wyatt tilts his head and smiles as if he’s aware of a secret. “Can I take Laurie? I haven’t spent much time with my niece.”

  “Sure.” I get up and carefully transfer Laurie to her uncle’s arms.

  “Great, now you and Zac can go dance,” Wyatt says, his eyes sparkling with mischief and it’s only then I realize that was his plan all along.

  Zac gives Wyatt a look filled with warning before he grabs hold of my hand and begins to walk toward the dance floor.

  “We don’t have to,” I protest, not wanting to make things awkward between us. I’ve been making a point of behaving myself because the last thing I want to do is embarrass Emma with her in-laws.

  “I know you like dancin’, and I don’t mind,” he answers in that brusque way of his I’m starting to get used to.

  Reaching the other dancing couples, Zac places an arm around my waist and draws me a little closer. Even though the space between us is socially acceptable, it still feels intimate as I hesitantly place my one hand on his shoulder and the other in his palm.

  My eyes flit up to his, and the second they make contact with his blues, I quickly lower my gaze to his chest. Noting how good he looks in the white shirt with the sleeves rolled up, my eyes begin to dart over the couples just to refrain from staring at Zac for too long.

  I can’t focus on the dance or how it feels because I’m too caught up in the unsettled tingles spreading through my body.

  This is not good.

  Maybe I should sprain my damn ankle just so this dance can end.

  Later in the evening when some of the people have left, and it’s only close family and friends remaining, we’re all seated around a bonfire while drinking and laughing.

  Emma and Aiden already left, and I thought I’d be bored without my friend, but that’s not the case because Reece and Scarlett always try to include me in their conversations.

  Laughter bubbles over my lips when Wyatt drags Alec up and begins to dance with him. Alec is so chilled he lets Wyatt have his way. I admire their friendship, knowing it’s something rare which not many people get to have.

  “If Wyatt didn’t have you, I’d be worried I might have competition,” Reece comments to Scarlett.

  “Alec’s good for Wyatt. He understands Wyatt in a way none of us do,” Scarlett replies before tilting her head back to take a sip of beer.

  “That’s true,” Reece says. “You should see them at work. I swear they can read each other’s minds and there’s never a dull moment.”

  “Wyatt said he loves the job. Thank you for offerin’ it to him. He’s doing so much better since he left the force.”

  I glance at Scarlett. “I didn’t know he left the force. Emma told me the whole family works there.”

  “He left two weeks ago. He’s been dealin’ with some personal things.”

  “Oh, as long as he’s enjoying what he’s doing now.”

  “I have a fundraisin’ business, and helpin’ people is somethin’ Wyatt loves,” Reece explains.

  “Oh wow, so you spend your whole day planning ways to help those in need?” I ask, really interested.

  “Yeah, I’m lucky. My parents planned well ahead, and I’m reapin’ the benefits.”

  “That’s so cool.” I smile at Reece, then mention, “Aiden said he might be able to put in a word for me at the local women’s shelter. It would be great if I can get a job there.”

  “I visit them on Friday afternoons to give free counseling,” Scarlett says, her face brightening with a smile. “It’s hard at first, but once you learn to separate your personal feelings from the job, it can be a very satisfyin’ career.”

  “I’m sure. We’ll have to see if I can get in there.”

  A burst of laughter from the men, have us glancing their way in time to see Wyatt trying to pull Zac up for a dance.

  Zac stumbles to his feet, and I frown with surprise as I realize he’s had a bit too much to drink. That’s so out of character for him. Or maybe I’m getting a chance to view a different side to him?

  After another ten minutes have passed, I wait for Zac to finish his beer before walking over to him. I’ve ordered us an Uber, and the driver will be here any second.

  “I think it’s time to go,” I say to him. Zac turns his head my way, a happy smile plastered on his face.

  “Yeah, I suppose it is.” He throws an arm around my shoulder, making me freeze for a moment.

  “I got us an Uber. You can come get your car tomorrow,” I mention, then begin to greet the remaining guests.

  Making our way around the side of the house and down the driveway, Zac doesn’t remove his arm from my shoulders but instead leans into me.

  “So… this is what it’s like when you let your hair down,” I comment. “Never took you for the lovable kind.”

  Zac grins at me, and as we come to a stop on the side of the street, he pats the top of my head which has me frowning up at him. “This is what you’re like when you’re normal,” he shoots back at me.

  “Are you saying I’m crazy the other times?” My eyebrow pops up, and instead of feeling offended, I’m amused by seeing the relaxed and playful side of Zac.

  “Crazy is an understatement,” he replies, widening his eyes to bring his point across, but then his features soften and he stares at me until I begin to feel uncomfortable in my own skin. “But that’s what makes you special, so don’t change.” His words surprise the hell out of me, and all I can do is stare back at him. “And it’s nice havin’ you around so don’t look for another place to stay.”

  My lips part but no words come out. I didn’t think I needed to hear Zac say that, but as the words settle in my heart, I feel a sense of belonging wash over me.

  Beams of light fall over us as the Uber pulls up next to us, saving me from having to respond. I help Zac into the car before climbing in next to him. I make sure the driver has the right address before I relax, but the second my head touches the headrest, Zac slumps to the side, resting his head on my shoulder.

  The unwelcome fluttering in my heart keeps growing, and I close my eyes so I won’t have to face the truth.

h crap, I think… I might be falling for this man.



  I wake up a little later than usual, and the first thing I remember was me telling Chloe that I want her to stay.


  I groan as I open my eyes, and blinking the sleep away, Chloe’s face comes into focus.

  What the hell?

  She’s sitting on the side of the bed with an innocent smile around her lips, but her eyes are sparkling with mischief.

  “Morning,” she says happily. “Breakfast is ready.”

  I begin to sit up, and as the covers fall away, it dawns on me that I’m shirtless. Glancing down, shock vibrates through me when I see my pants have been unbuttoned and my belt is missing in action.

  Cautiously, I bring my eyes up to Chloe’s face, searching for any signs that we might have slept together. I frown at the angelic expression she’s giving me and begin to search my groggy memory. I’m pretty sure I got into bed by myself.

  “Aren’t you proud of me?” Chloe asks, her voice full of laughter. “This time I stayed and I prepared breakfast for you.”

  “This time?” I ask, and clear my throat while I try to make sense of the situation.

  “Yes, the last time you weren’t happy about me running off the morning after. I call this a win for personal growth.”

  Whoa… this is so embarrassing.

  “Please tell me you’re jokin’.” I climb out of bed and finding my shirt on the floor, I pick it up.

  She grins at me, then jumps up from where she was perched on my bed. “Gotcha!” She does a little happy dance as she heads toward the door. “But I wasn’t joking about the breakfast. It’s only toast because if I try to make anything else, you might end up with food poisoning.”

  Relief washes over me as she disappears out of the room, and then I begin to chuckle. She really had me there for a moment.

  Shaking my head, the smile doesn’t fade from my face as I grab some clean clothes and head to the shower.


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