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Xul: Alien Abduction Romance (Captured By Aliens Book 1)

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by A. G. Wilde


  Captured by Aliens: Book One

  A.G. Wilde


  Xul © A. G. Wilde 2019

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, businesses, or locales is coincidental and is not intended by the author.

  This book is dedicated to that girl who is trying new things.

  Keep on trying.





  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Next in the Series


  Keep In Touch

  If you enjoyed this book…

  About the Author


  This work of fiction is intended for mature audiences only.

  All sexually active characters portrayed in this book are eighteen years of age or older.


  Athena wakes up in hell.

  Well…it’s an alien slave ship, but it might as well be hell because she only has three choices.

  Mate. Become a sex slave. Or be killed.

  Great options.

  Desperate for freedom, a chance for survival is presented in the handsome rogue alien called Xul.

  But Xul is caught up in problems of his own and a mission he cannot afford to let fail—one that could be easily compromised if he dared open his heart.

  That doesn't leave her with many options and it doesn't help that she finds him utterly frustrating...

  ...and strong, hot, irresistible…

  She shouldn’t really be thinking about him like that. Should she?

  Xul is a standalone read that contains delightfully steamy scenes with a guaranteed happily ever after, possessive alpha males, and strong female leads. There is no forced mating between the hero and heroine and no cliffhanger. It is the first book in the Captured by Aliens sci-fi alien romance series.


  Athena and Xul’s story starts off rough with some harsh scenes—but keep on reading. It gets better. I promise <3.


  They say two things happen when you die.

  One. You stop breathing.

  That one was obvious.

  Two. Your soul leaves your body to go to its final resting place.

  Wherever that was.

  As her eyes opened to the dim blue lights above her, Athena knew one thing for sure—her soul must be lost because there was no way this was her final resting place.

  She didn’t mind dying. Dying was a part of having been given the gift of “living.” However, if this was what the afterlife looked like, she needed to have a word with whoever was in charge.

  Eyes opening a little further, she realized the dim blue light wasn’t just emanating from above her head; it surrounded the entire room, yet she could see no light bulbs or any indication as to where the light was coming from.

  “Well, what do you know...Satan has some high-tech shit,” she murmured. Her voice was soft as she spoke and it seemed to disappear into the room as if the walls were padded.

  Groaning as her eyes opened a little further, she tried to lift her neck and a sharp pain shot down her spine.

  Oh yes, she remembered now.

  That sharp pain.

  It was the last thing in her memory, actually.

  The strange sound in the back yard.

  Opening the back door to investigate if her pet dog, Magnet, had gotten himself stuck in the fence again.

  Stepping onto the porch.

  Hearing another sound.

  The sharp pain in the back of her neck.

  The world going black.

  It hadn’t occurred to her that she had any enemies, but the last thought that had left her mind was, “Fuck, I’ve been shot.”

  Yet, now, as she reached her hand to the back of her neck to feel the wound, a chill ran down her spine.

  There was something metal there.

  Cold and metal.

  That was enough to wake her up and Athena’s eyes flew wide open as she grabbed at the thing at the back of her neck.

  It was long and it extended for as far as her hand could stretch. It was fastened somehow, deep into her skin, and the longer she held on to it, the more she could feel the rhythmic pulse echoing through the metal.

  “What the hell?”

  It was only when she tried to get up that she realized her legs were bound to whatever slab she was lying on.

  As she struggled to release herself, the dim lights suddenly changed to amber and she could finally see the room a bit more clearly, though visibility was still low.

  But it wasn’t a room.

  It was a cell.

  And her legs, they were bound by chains.

  But that wasn’t the only alarming thing. Her skin bristled as she realized she was stark naked.

  What in the world?

  A grunt by the cell wall made her turn her head sharply to the presence that suddenly stood there.

  Burning green eyes stared back at her as the cell opened and a beast of a man walked in, his footsteps so heavy she could feel the ground vibrate under his weight.

  He was carrying what she could only surmise was a weapon, a spear-like rod that glinted in the light.

  “Where am I?” Athena asked, her eyes wild. “What are you going to do to me?”

  The man said nothing. Instead, he went and stood by the wall, taking the stance of a guard as he placed the spear in front of him.

  “Where am I?!” She asked again, her voice rising.

  The man said nothing and what she could only describe as a snort of hot air blew from his nostrils.

  As her eyes cleared, Athena gulped.

  She must be dreaming.

  Shaking her head as if that would clear her thoughts, she stared at the man by the wall, her eyes widening with each second that it took her brain to process what she was seeing.

  He was big alright, his muscles well-defined.

  He was wearing nothing but a loincloth that covered, area...and a glowing golden ring that hung from his nose. Not quite the wardrobe she’d have chosen but to each his own.

  From his head grew a long brown mane and piercing through the mane up into the air were his two...Athena’s eyes widened some more...horns?


  Wait...this was no man...

  Judging from those horns, it was the devil himself.

  The mother-freakin-devil.

  So she did end up in hell.

  Well, how about that? Her good-for-nothing mother had been right all along. All those years of calling her the ‘demon-child’ had actually rung true.

  But, before she had time to process what she was seeing fully
, a glowing light entered the room.

  It was a light-blue ring that seemed to hover above the ground. A form of transport, she supposed, because something was riding on top of it.

  Her entire being froze as her brain refused to comprehend what she was seeing.

  If the pain in her neck wasn’t any indication, then the sudden rush of her heartbeat in her ears was enough to tell her one thing: she was alive.

  And if she was alive, this wasn’t hell...but it definitely wasn’t heaven either.

  And maybe, it wasn’t even Earth.

  The world fell black again as she fainted.

  * * *

  The pain in her neck was intense and whatever was prodding her was doing so mercilessly, poking something hard into her ribs and grunting.

  “Do’ li liduk, doraba.”

  Athena’s eyes flew open.

  Amber-lit room.

  Legs chained.

  Tall man-devil-bull thing.

  Other thing hovering on a light-blue ring above the floor.

  She hadn’t been dreaming.

  Struggling to sit upright, she was sharply pushed back down by the butt of the devil’s spear-like weapon.

  “Do’ fahevbekraba mefa.”

  It was speaking. Maybe to her or maybe to the other thing beside it, which was moving towards her, slowly hovering on its light-blue ring.

  She could see it clearer now and it was hideous. Its skin was wrinkly and moist, with some kind of ooze seeping from it. Its two eyes protruded on stalks high above its head and it had some kind of purple fluorescent spots along its back.

  “Stay away from me!” Athena tried to scramble backward but there wasn’t much place for her to go, especially with her legs still chained and whatever was attached to her neck still holding her in place.

  To her horror, the thing rose what looked like some sort of gun and pointed it towards her as it approached.

  “No, don’t! What do you want?!” Athena struggled against the chains but they wouldn’t budge. “Stay away from me!”

  She was shouting at the top of her voice, but as before, the sounds emanating from her mouth seemed to just be soaked up by the room.

  “Tee ed jsued,” the thing said, ooze seeping from its mouth, which suddenly appeared as it spoke.

  It wasn’t listening to her. It didn’t seem to care.

  In those two protruding eyes, she saw not one sliver of emotion.

  This was it.

  She was going to be shot by some glorified slug.

  This was how she was going to die.

  The devil moved over to her in the next instant, grasping her shoulders with his strong hands and rendering her unable to squirm or move away.

  “Let go of me!” She flailed her legs, trying to release herself from his grasp but she couldn’t do it. He was too strong. Much too powerful, and she was very aware that if he wanted to, he could snap her shoulders without even exerting any effort.

  The cool metal of the gun behind her ear was the next thing she felt and, in the next instant, there was a sharp pain that lasted only a second.

  “Translator. Administered,” the slug said, and she was released by the devil, causing her to fall back suddenly.

  Athena blinked wildly, her body still trembling, as she realized she could understand what they were saying.

  “Gender test. Next,” the slug said, moving around to her legs.

  Athena’s eyes widened.

  Gender test? Did that mean they were going to...?

  Oh, hell no.

  The devil moved around to her legs then and Athena tried to wriggle away but the chains held her fast.

  “Open your legs,” the devil said.

  “Like hell I will!” Athena kicked at the chains and struggled, but with the metal tube attached to her neck holding her in place, there wasn’t much she could do.

  She didn’t know where the hell she was but she wasn’t about to just let them do what they wanted.

  If this was how she was going to die, she was not going to make it easy for them. She would not comply.

  A short snort left the devil’s nose and she locked her fiery eyes with his.

  Was that amusement she saw in his green orbs?

  She wasn’t sure.

  What did the devil look like when he was amused?

  “I’m sure it’s female,” he said, his eyes still locked with hers but it seemed as if he was speaking to the slug.

  “The checks. Must be done,” the slug replied. When it wasn’t speaking, it looked as if it had no mouth, but as soon as it started to speak, a thin line would appear on its face and the words would come out.

  It was downright disturbing, but she didn’t have time to think about that because her legs were suddenly being moved.

  Grasping her ankles, the devil forcefully spread her legs, opening her so her nakedness was fully exposed to them.

  He held her legs fast, so she was no longer able to move them, and the slug approached.

  “Don't! Don’t you fucking dare you—you slimy, boneless piece of shit!” Athena snarled at him and the slug paused.

  “I am not. A piece. Of shit,” it said. “I am an Isclit. From the great Iscli—”

  “You could be Captain Fucking America, for all I care. Don’t you put your slimy hands on me!” Athena glared at the slug.

  In the corner of her eye, she saw what looked like a hint of a smile pass over the devil’s face.

  The Isclit looked at her, its eyes still showing no emotion, then from somewhere in its body, what she could only describe as a remote protruded from through a hole that suddenly appeared through its ooze.

  The devil snorted, his gaze narrowing and becoming murderous, as his large hands tightened around her ankles. It was as if he was trying to prevent himself from doing something and it only made Athena more alarmed.

  Whatever that remote was, it wasn’t goo—

  It was immediate, the pain. She couldn’t describe what it was or how it was happening to her, all Athena knew was that her entire body was in excruciating pain. It made her body stiffen and her back arch as it seemed to come from every nerve ending under her skin. Tears sprung in her eyes as her mouth opened and she gasped for air.

  She was dying, but what was killing her?

  The pain seemed to be coming from within her body, not outside of it.

  And then, at the point she felt was the end, the pain suddenly eased and she fell back. Her heart was racing and, as her vision cleared, she noticed the Isclit move its finger off a button on the remote.

  Whatever had just happened to her, it had caused it. It had somehow controlled her pain using the remote.

  “What the hell did you just do to me?!” Athena spoke through gritted teeth.

  “You will. Comply,” the slug said. “Or. You will. Be Punished.”

  Her chest was rising and falling in quick succession now, as her heart was beating as if it wanted to pop out of her chest along with her lungs. She had found herself in sticky situations before, but this was she supposed to escape from this?

  In the next instant, she was spun on her belly, her feet twisting in the chains, and her legs forced underneath her so she was kneeling with her ass in the air.

  “Gender. Test,” the Isclit said and Athena growled.

  The next thing she felt made her scream, not in pain, but from the sheer thought that the thing that touched her privates was some appendage of the Isclit. She knew it was because there was only one being in the room whose body oozed goo and at that moment, she could feel the goo dripping down her legs.

  The appendage felt like a soft, wet hand that had suction. Athena tried to pull herself away, but she was still being held by the devil.

  The wet, oozy appendage covered her fully, feeling between her lips and clit as it spread her folds and moved over every inch of her.

  “Fuck! You sick bastard!”

  Just then, the appendage left her body and she was spun to rest on her back again.
br />   “Gender confirmed. Female,” the Isclit said, turning on its light-blue ring as it began to move toward the cell door.

  “You could have just asked, you pervert!”

  This time she was sure of it; apparently, the devil was amused. But she didn’t have time to think about him. At the moment, he was not the more obnoxious of the two beings holding her captive.

  The Isclit was.

  “You have a remote that can bring pain but no technology to tell the gender of people you kidnap? Not as smart as you think you are,” Athena spoke through gritted teeth.

  As she finished, the Isclit paused his movement and turned to look at her again. Eyes still without emotion, the remote emerged from his body.

  Athena’s eyes widened. She knew what was coming but this time, when the pain hit her, she was ready for it.

  It shot through her body like a raging fire and her blood was the kerosene it fed on. It knocked the wind out of her, causing her to stiffen again as she inhaled deeply.

  With gritted teeth, she glared at the Isclit as the pain threatened to tear her apart from the insides. Her eyes watered and she couldn’t breathe.

  Then the Isclit stopped pushing the button and the pain ceased.

  “You will. Comply,” it said.

  Athena fell back against the slab and a short chuckle left her lips. “I bet you wouldn’t be so bad if I had a bag of salt.”

  The Isclit blinked at her and she realized it didn’t understand what she meant. That was probably for the best.

  If it did understand, it may have decided to push its torture button again and she wasn’t sure she could handle that level of pain in such a short interval.


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