BREAKTHROUGH (Love's Not Easy Series Book 2)

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BREAKTHROUGH (Love's Not Easy Series Book 2) Page 10

by Nicole Rickman

  Aimee text LJ, but instead of texting her back, he called. She tried to talk in a calm voice. He was mad.

  “Aimee, you know church is not my thing. Why would you think that I would want to attend a festival full of Christians?”

  “LJ, I was texting to let you know my plans for the weekend. If you want to go, I would love to have you join me. I am not saying you have to go.”

  “I have already let you go with the ladies from that church for a whole week on a spa trip. You go to church every Sunday, and I say nothing. But, I am drawing the line now; you can’t go this weekend.”

  “Excuse me? You can’t decide that for me.”

  “Aimee, what if I had plans for this weekend? You didn’t consider that.”

  “Tonight is Thursday and you have not said anything, so I assumed you didn’t.”

  “Well, some of my friends are hosting a huge beach blast. I said we would go.”

  “So you can decide what we are doing, but I can’t? Well, news flash, I am not going to a beach blast full of your drunk friends.”

  “Are you too good for us, Aimee?”

  “That is not what I am saying and you know that. I have seen a few of those guys; and, they have no respect for girls, sober or drunk.”

  “I will agree with that, but they are my friends and you need to learn to tolerate them.”

  “I can tolerate them sober.”

  “So you don’t want to go to the party?”

  “No, LJ, I don’t.”

  “OK, so what do you want to do?”

  “I am going to the festival with my friends from church. You can join us or do your own thing, the choice is yours.”

  “Whatever.” He hung up on her.

  Piper and Lexi sat quietly on the sofa. Aimee turned off her phone and walked to the kitchen. They gave her a few minutes, then joined her on the back patio with three glasses of tea and snacks.

  Aimee was staring at the ocean waves. “I think I made a mistake by agreeing to date him.”

  Piper looked at her. “Me too.”

  Aimee laughed. “I thought this was the part where you guys say everyone fights and all that jazz.”

  Piper shook her head. “Not when he tries to come between you and God.”

  Lexi handed Aimee her tea. “Why did you agree to date him anyway?”

  “I don’t know. We had fun when we went out as friends. He made me laugh.”

  “Aimee, when you went shopping, we got a call to come up with a reason to make him leave. Then, you tell us how all he was doing was questioning you about your family business.” Piper took a carrot from the tray.

  Lexi shook her head at Aimee and took a celery stick. “You came back from the Sunday dinner talking about how rude his family was and how you felt out of place.”

  Piper glanced at Aimee. “You fought the entire time at mini golf. He even scared you.”

  Lexi looked at the ocean. “Aimee, you are heading into a relationship just like Aiden and Ava. Don’t get stuck in a mess like that. You are not attracted to LJ. I think that is the real reason behind the no kissing rule you have made.”

  “If the truth be known, I think I said yes so I wouldn’t always be the fifth wheel.”

  “What do you mean?” Lexi was clueless.

  “You two have boyfriends. I am happy for you guys, but I didn’t want you feeling sorry for me and asking me to join you so I wouldn’t be alone.”

  Piper hugged Aimee. “I thought that was why you went to bed early after the cookout. We invite you because we love spending time with you.”

  “I am afraid it is going to be hard to break up with LJ.”

  Lexi stood up. “So we do group dates for a while.”

  Aimee stood up. “I am going to go up to my room, to read my Bible, and pray.”

  Aimee prayed for God to show her what to do. She opened her Bible to 1 Corinthians: 15:33 Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners. It was the same verse Claire shared with her on the plane. LJ was a nonbeliever Aimee should have never agreed to date him. Now, she did not know what to do. All she knew was that she had a new very strong fear of LJ.

  Chapter Eleven

  The turnout for the concert was awesome. Lexi had managed to get backstage passes for the group. That way they could mingle with the performers and see if any would be interested in helping with the ball.

  The second band of the evening was getting ready to start their set. The buzz in the backstage area was that this group was going to be the next big thing in Christian Music. The first group, called Believers, just finished their set and the lead singer announced One Step Closer and the crowd went wild.

  The first song they sang was an A Capella version of Here I Come to Worship. The harmony the guys produced was one of the best Aimee had ever heard. Once the guys finished the song, they went straight to a very uplifting song they wrote themselves. Everywhere you looked, you could see hands raised praising God. Aimee and the others decided they definitely wanted them to sing at the ball.

  It was the fourth and final song of the set for One Step Closer. Aimee was enjoying their performance. Tonight was, by far, one of the best nights she had in a long time. She was focused on the band when a pair of arms wrapped around her.

  She knew the hands. It was too gentle to be LJ. When she turned around, she was looking straight into Aiden’s eyes. She wrapped her arms around him. “I have missed you.”

  Aiden laughed. “Likewise.”

  “How did you know where to find us?”

  “Lexi sent me a text about the festival. I called Colin, we ordered three tickets and here we are.”

  “Why three tickets?”

  Aiden nodded to his right Colin was holding hands with Kelli, the girl he started dating in February. The second he spotted her looking his way, he came over and gave her a hug.

  Aimee whispered. “Real deal?”

  He grinned. “Definitely, the real deal.”

  “I am happy for you.”

  The guys told the girls they left their stuff at the flat. They were moving in tonight. Aimee was so happy and she couldn’t wait to watch a sunrise with Aiden.

  The night was great. One Step Closer agreed to perform at the ball. The concerts ended at midnight. The festival would begin tomorrow at noon. When the group of friends returned to the flat, they were too excited to sleep. Colin announced he had been attending church with Kelli all summer and he was saved a few weeks ago. He had talk to Rev. Mark and Sunday morning he was going to be baptized.

  The next morning, Aimee awoke at five am and headed down the stairs. Aiden was already making a pot of coffee. She could already smell the difference in the coffee brands. She wanted to show him the perfect spot to watch the sunrise. She found it walking the beach her first weekend here.

  He took her hand, and helped her over a few rocks; then, she showed him the spot on the beach. She had already brought a basket with a blanket that she hid behind some rocks. She took out the basket and spread out the blanket. Aiden laughed as he looked in the basket, which also had sunblock, a Bible, and a sun hat in it.

  “I come down here during the day to be alone. No one really comes down to this part of the beach, so I can be here alone, just me and God.”

  Aiden helped her spread out the blanket; then, he handed her the coffee, while he sat beside her. “So, does this mean I can only come here of the morning?”

  She grinned. “You are always welcome. How are things with you and Ava?”

  “We broke up.”

  “Really, when?”

  “The first weekend of summer holiday.”

  “Does she blame me?”

  “No. We agreed we want different things in life. She already has another boyfriend. What is the story with you and LJ?”

  Aimee shifted in her seat she explained to Aiden everything that had happened with her and LJ since she returned to Neahovia. He laughed when she described his family. He frowned when she told them they were now dating. The frow
n never left his face as she told him about their last date mini golfing and Thursday night’s phone call.

  “Aimee, you don’t have to put up with that. He is a jerk and doesn’t deserve you.”

  “I know. I feel stuck.”

  “Take it from someone who was stuck in a bad relationship. The sooner you take care of the problem, the better.”

  “I have prayed about it and, the next time I see him, I am breaking up.”


  Aimee sat and watched the sunrise with Aiden. She had missed this so much. She also realized Lexi was right. She was not attracted to LJ at all. She was attracted to the man who was holding her with care in his arms, watching the sunrise over the ocean.

  Aiden was so disappointed. He wanted to tell Aimee how he felt about her, but right now it was not a good time. He would have to give her space. Let her get over the horrible relationship with LJ.

  Aiden had not went to lease a car for the school year yet, so he rode with Aimee to the festival. She played worship songs in the car on the drive up. They both were quiet for the first few minutes.

  “Is my driving scaring you so much you’re speechless?”

  “No. I was just thinking.”

  “Want to share your thoughts?”

  “It’s nothing, really. How are things with Roseednay Fruits?”

  “Great, now. We have made a few changes with advertising. I haven’t got to visit the farm yet. The orchard is just a small part of Roseednay, it seems we own several orchards and farms. We produce a lot of fruits and vegetables.”

  “So, when are you planning to visit Orchid Orchard?”

  “Now that you are here, soon. I didn’t want to do it with LJ. He doesn’t know anything about my business life. I want to keep it that way.”

  “Well, I am glad you waited for me.”

  Aimee grinned. “You are worth waiting for.”

  The morning festival was featuring artist of what was the Neahovia version of Southern Gospel. A group called Seven Times Around played first. They were so uplifting and, after their set, they agreed to sing at the ball.

  The entire day was so awesome. Aimee felt her spirit lifting after every performer performed their set. The group booked one more act, a female soloist named Rachel Dawn. She was in her mid twenties and sang all genres of Christian Music. She agreed to the ball. The festival ended at nine.

  On the way home, the group decided to stop in at Frank’s for dinner. Aimee and Aiden were the last to arrive. They entered laughing. Aiden had told Aimee a funny joke and she was laughing so hard, she was holding her side and his arm.

  Lexi text that they were seated in the family area of the restaurant. On the way to the family area, they passed a group of a loud crowd of guys. Aimee thought she recognized a few of them from campus.

  Frank had added an old time juke box to the area and Aimee taught a group of girls one of her old group numbers from dance class. After they ate, Aiden put on a slow song and took Aimee by the hand. She felt so at ease in his arms.

  That night, she prayed hard to God. She knew she had to break up with LJ and the feelings she was having for Aiden were growing strong. She could only think of two reasons she could not reveal her feelings. One, was the fact they shared a flat. The second, was that she was scared to ruin their friendship.

  The next morning, everyone went to the church. The worship service message was one about our fear. Rev. Mark started with the verse of Luke 1:37 for with God nothing shall be impossible. He spoke about how we, as humans, let fear of the unknown rule our lives. We will let it build up in us, until it starts to consume our every thoughts.

  He touched on how we are humans with emotions and, from time to time, Satan will try to take over our thoughts by using our emotions. He pointed out how God is not the creator of temptation or fear. 2 Timothy 1:7 - For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

  The last thing he touched on, was how the devil takes that fear and uses it to talk them out of turning to God. Romans 3:23 - For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; he talked about how none of us are worthy of God’s grace and forgiveness, but through the blood of Jesus Christ, He forgives us of the sins we commit.

  At the end of the service, Colin was baptized. As they stood by the baptism pool, Mark spoke about how, almost a year ago, God placed a group of seven friends together. He knew His plans for this group, even when they did not. He placed two Christian girls in that flat and today we are witnessing the third baptism from that flat at our church. He grinned as he told the congregation that he is our third, but the flat’s fourth, because the other girl was baptized elsewhere.

  Aimee and Piper hugged one another. As they looked at Mark and Colin, they both announced. “The praise belongs to God.”

  After the baptism, everyone went to Mark and Tessa’s for dinner. Colin and Kelli were so happy. Everyone was happy. Aimee and Aiden joined Cameron and her boyfriend for a game of corn hole. Actually, they taught it to Aiden.

  It was not long before everyone was playing and a tournament of corn hole was started. Aiden caught on quick, but he and Aimee lost in the final round to Tessa and Mark. Aimee overheard Colin and Aiden talking about purchasing one for the flat.

  They stayed so long at the Andrews’, until it was time to go back to evening service. Aiden joined them again. He listened to the words of God Mark was preaching, he was even taking notes. On the ride home, he told Aimee he had been reading his Bible while on holiday break. He had gone to church with Colin a few times. He also confessed that going to church has helped him understand himself better.

  That night, Aimee prayed for Aiden in so many ways. She prayed for his salvation, his life, and for God to help her with her feelings about him. She had such a good time with him this weekend. She went to bed without thinking once about LJ.

  Chapter Twelve

  Aimee contacted the caregivers over Roseednay Fruits first thing Monday morning, and, told them she wanted to visit there for the weekend before classes resumed next week. He set up a tour on Friday, starting at nine am. She made reservations for four rooms at the hotel they stayed at in the spring.

  She had a meeting with Mr. Myers at ten. She told him about the visit to Mystic Paradise and convinced him to let Jaxson go, to see how they can update the computer hardware at the orchard.

  Once all arrangements were made, she went to what she was using as her office for now in the IT department. She called Jaxson to the office and took out her phone to text Lexi. That was when she realized she had not checked her messages from yesterday. Her phone was still on vibrate from church.

  Jaxson came in and closed the door. “What’s up?”

  “Let me get Lexi on speaker first.”

  Lexi answered on the third ring. “Hey, Aimee.”

  “Hey, I have Jaxson with me.”

  “Hi, honey. How is your day going?”

  “Great, until your friend, my boss, called me to the office.”

  “Oh, you are not in trouble. I want to know if you guys would like to go to Mystic Paradise this weekend. I am going to tour the orchards on Friday and thought it would be a fun way to spend our last week before class.”

  Lexi chimed in. “I have Piper and three of the guys with me. It is a go for us.”

  Jaxson shook his head. “I work Friday.”

  “Well, we can come down when you get off, honey. We will work out something.” Lexi was chipper.

  Aimee grinned. “Actually, I have taken care of that. Jaxson is going with me on the tour as well. He is going to represent the IT department.”

  “Wow. I love my boss, Lexi.”

  “Hey, watch it.”

  Aimee laughed. “I already reserved four rooms for the weekend at the hotel we stayed at in March. Colin, tell Kelli, she is invited.”

  Piper and Lexi started preparing for things for the group to do for fun. Aimee wanted them to go on the tour with them, everyone agreed. Colin was g
oing to invite Kelli to go. Aimee ask him not to let LJ know what they had planned.

  Before Jaxson left, Aimee told him a little about her mom. She told him that when he came over for the cookout tonight, she would fill him in on the rest. The rest of the day, Aimee visited with all the departments.

  Jaxson was listening as they told him about Aimee’s mom’s diaries and the things they found out in the spring. He said his mom’s youngest sister was single during the Radical War and the family had to come up with the money to send her to an aunt in Canada. His grandmother was ok, as long as she lived with his parents.


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